diff options
authorjohnvg2011-03-17 15:50:27 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-03-17 15:50:27 +0000
commitd9b7ea361dce153cbe189c5854a06a833c9c9ddb (patch)
parentremove shorthand and iso functions from generic ranges, (diff)
pass generic info only to instances for OBJECT, CONS and FIELD,
call instance functions for OBJECT, CONS and FIELD directly, with generic info git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1881 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
4 files changed, 342 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl b/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
index 8ca5e2f..c0cea8b 100644
--- a/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
+++ b/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
@@ -1162,38 +1162,16 @@ checkExpression free_vars (PE_Generic id=:{id_name,id_info} kind) e_input e_stat
check_generic_expr free_vars entry=:{ste_kind=STE_Empty} id kind e_input e_state e_info cs=:{cs_error}
= (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError id "undefined generic" cs_error })
check_generic_expr free_vars entry id kind e_input e_state e_info cs=:{cs_error}
- = (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError id "not a generic" cs_error })
+ = (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError id "not a generic" cs_error })
check_it free_vars mod_index gen_index id kind e_input e_state=:{es_expr_heap} e_info cs
- #! (app_args, es_expr_heap, cs)
- = case kind of
- KindArrow [KindConst]
- # (generic_info_expr, es_expr_heap, cs) = build_generic_info es_expr_heap cs
- -> ([generic_info_expr], es_expr_heap, cs)
- _
- -> ([], es_expr_heap, cs)
- #! symb_kind = SK_Generic { glob_object = gen_index, glob_module = mod_index} kind
+ #! symb_kind = SK_Generic {glob_object = gen_index, glob_module = mod_index} kind
#! symbol = { symb_ident = id, symb_kind = symb_kind }
#! (new_info_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty es_expr_heap
- #! app = { app_symb = symbol, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }
+ #! app = { app_symb = symbol, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }
#! e_state = { e_state & es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap }
#! cs = { cs & cs_x.x_needed_modules = cs.cs_x.x_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdGeneric }
= (App app, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
- where
- // adds NoGenericInfo argument to each generic call
- build_generic_info es_expr_heap cs=:{cs_predef_symbols}
- #! pds_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_NoGenericInfo]
- #! ({pds_module, pds_def}, cs_predef_symbols) = cs_predef_symbols ! [PD_NoGenericInfo]
- #! (new_info_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty es_expr_heap
- #! app =
- { app_symb =
- { symb_ident = pds_ident
- , symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module=pds_module, glob_object=pds_def}
- }
- , app_args = []
- , app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr
- }
- = (App app, es_expr_heap, {cs & cs_predef_symbols = cs_predef_symbols})
checkExpression free_vars (PE_TypeSignature array_kind expr) e_input e_state e_info cs
# (expr,free_vars,e_state,e_info,cs) = checkExpression free_vars expr e_input e_state e_info cs
diff --git a/frontend/checkgenerics.icl b/frontend/checkgenerics.icl
index ff86927..1615d32 100644
--- a/frontend/checkgenerics.icl
+++ b/frontend/checkgenerics.icl
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ where
# initial_info =
{ gen_classes = createArray 32 []
, gen_var_kinds = []
+ , gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices = createArray 3 {ocf_module = -1,ocf_index = -1,ocf_ident={id_name="",id_info=nilPtr}}
# (gen_info_ptr, hp_generic_heap) = newPtr initial_info hp_generic_heap
= ( {gen_def & gen_info_ptr = gen_info_ptr},
diff --git a/frontend/generics1.icl b/frontend/generics1.icl
index b9aa85b..0c97b31 100644
--- a/frontend/generics1.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics1.icl
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ where
// clear stuff that might have been left over
// from compilation of other icl modules
+clearTypeDefInfos :: !*{#*{#TypeDefInfo}} -> *{#*{#TypeDefInfo}}
clearTypeDefInfos td_infos
= clear_modules 0 td_infos
@@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ where
#! td_infos = {td_infos & [n] = {td_info & tdi_gen_rep = No}}
= clear_td_infos (inc n) td_infos
+clearGenericDefs :: !*{#CommonDefs} !*Heaps -> (!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps)
clearGenericDefs modules heaps
= clear_module 0 modules heaps
@@ -656,7 +658,7 @@ buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_ident, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module
= (type_info_ds, cons_infos, funs_and_groups, modules, heaps, error)
- build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_info_dss {ds_index, ds_ident} heaps
+ build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_info_dss {ds_ident} heaps
# td_name_expr = makeStringExpr td_ident.id_name
# td_arity_expr = makeIntExpr td_arity
# num_conses_expr = makeIntExpr (length alts)
@@ -672,7 +674,7 @@ where
predefs heaps
- # fun = makeFunction ds_ident ds_index group_index [] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos
+ # fun = makeFunction ds_ident group_index [] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos
= (fun, heaps)
build_cons_dsc group_index type_def_info_ds field_dsc_dss cons_info_ds cons_ds (modules, heaps)
@@ -698,7 +700,7 @@ where
predefs heaps
- # fun = makeFunction cons_info_ds.ds_ident cons_info_ds.ds_index group_index [] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos
+ # fun = makeFunction cons_info_ds.ds_ident group_index [] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos
= (fun, (modules, heaps))
make_prio_expr NoPrio heaps
@@ -807,7 +809,7 @@ where
, cons_expr
predefs heaps
- # fun = makeFunction field_dsc_ds.ds_ident field_dsc_ds.ds_index group_index [] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos
+ # fun = makeFunction field_dsc_ds.ds_ident group_index [] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos
= (fun, (modules, heaps))
build_cons_info cons_dsc_ds (funs_and_groups, heaps)
@@ -1221,8 +1223,25 @@ where
, KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]
: subkinds]
#! (st, gs) = foldSt (build_class_if_needed gen_def) kinds (st, gs)
- #! gencase = {gencase & gc_kind = kind}
- = (gencase, st, gs)
+ #! gencase = {gencase & gc_kind = kind}
+ #! type_index = index_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type gencase.gc_type gs.gs_predefs
+ | type_index>=0
+ # ({gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index}) = gencase
+ gen_info_ptr = gen_def.gen_info_ptr
+ fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
+ ocf_index = {ocf_module=module_index,ocf_index=fun_index,ocf_ident=fun_ident}
+ (gen_info,generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr gs.gs_genh
+ gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices = {gi\\gi<-:gen_info.gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices}
+ gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices = {gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices & [type_index]=ocf_index}
+ gen_info = {gen_info & gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices=gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices}
+ generic_heap = writePtr gen_info_ptr gen_info generic_heap
+ gs = {gs & gs_genh=generic_heap}
+ = (gencase, st, gs)
+ = (gencase, st, gs)
build_class_if_needed :: !GenericDef !TypeKind ((![ClassDef], ![MemberDef], !Index, Index), *GenericState)
-> ((![ClassDef], ![MemberDef], !Index, Index), *GenericState)
@@ -1309,8 +1328,7 @@ where
// limitations:
// - context restrictions on generic variables are not allowed
-buildMemberType :: !GenericDef !TypeKind !TypeVar !*GenericState
- -> ( !SymbolType, !*GenericState)
+buildMemberType :: !GenericDef !TypeKind !TypeVar !*GenericState -> ( !SymbolType, !*GenericState)
buildMemberType gen_def=:{gen_ident,gen_pos,gen_type,gen_vars} kind class_var gs=:{gs_predefs}
#! (gen_type, gs) = add_bimap_contexts gen_def gs
@@ -1319,15 +1337,8 @@ buildMemberType gen_def=:{gen_ident,gen_pos,gen_type,gen_vars} kind class_var gs
= buildKindIndexedType gen_type gen_vars kind gen_ident gen_pos th gs.gs_error
#! (member_st, th, gs_error)
- = replace_generic_vars_with_class_var kind_indexed_st gatvs kind th gs_error
- #! (member_st, th)
- = case kind of
- KindArrow [KindConst]
- -> add_generic_info member_st th
- _
- -> (member_st, th)
+ = replace_generic_vars_with_class_var kind_indexed_st gatvs th gs_error
#! th = assertSymbolType member_st th // just paranoied about cleared variables
#! th = assertSymbolType gen_type th
@@ -1372,26 +1383,17 @@ where
=({tc_class = tc_class, tc_types = [TV tv], tc_var = var_info_ptr}, gs_varh)
- replace_generic_vars_with_class_var st atvs kind th error
+ replace_generic_vars_with_class_var st atvs th error
#! th = subst_gvs atvs th
- //---> ("replace_generic_vars_with_class_var called for", atvs, st)
#! (new_st, th) = applySubstInSymbolType st th
= (new_st, th, error)
- //---> ("replace_generic_vars_with_class_var returns", new_st)
subst_gvs atvs th=:{th_vars, th_attrs}
#! tvs = [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- atvs ]
#! avs = [av \\ {atv_attribute=TA_Var av} <- atvs ]
# th_vars = foldSt subst_tv tvs th_vars
- # th_attrs = case kind of
- KindConst -> case avs of
- [av:avs] -> foldSt (subst_av av) avs th_attrs
- [] -> th_attrs
- _ -> th_attrs
// all generic vars get the same uniqueness variable
# th_attrs = case avs of
[av:avs] -> foldSt (subst_av av) avs th_attrs
@@ -1404,18 +1406,6 @@ where
subst_av av {av_info_ptr} th_attrs
= writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr (TA_Var av)) th_attrs
- //---> ("(1) writePtr av_info_ptr", ptrToInt av_info_ptr, av)
- // add an argument for generic info at the beginning
- add_generic_info st=:{st_arity, st_args, st_args_strictness} th=:{th_vars}
- #! {pds_module, pds_def} = gs_predefs.[PD_GenericInfo]
- #! pds_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_GenericInfo]
- #! type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} pds_ident 0
- #! st = {st & st_args = [makeAType (TA type_symb []) TA_Multi : st_args]
- , st_arity = st_arity + 1
- , st_args_strictness = insert_n_lazy_values_at_beginning 1 st_args_strictness
- }
- = (st, {th & th_vars = th_vars})
buildClassAndMember :: Int Int Int TypeKind GenericDef *GenericState -> (ClassDef,MemberDef,*GenericState)
@@ -1504,8 +1494,13 @@ convertGenericCases bimap_functions
#! first_instance_index = size main_module_instances
#! instance_info = (first_instance_index, [])
+ #! (gs_modules, gs_dcl_modules, (fun_info, instance_info, heaps, gs_error))
+ = build_exported_main_instances_in_modules 0 gs_modules gs_dcl_modules (fun_info, instance_info, heaps, gs_error)
+ #! first_main_instance_fun_index = fun_info.fg_fun_index
#! (gs_modules, gs_dcl_modules, (fun_info, instance_info, gs_funs, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error))
- = build_main_instances_in_modules 0 gs_modules gs_dcl_modules (fun_info, instance_info, gs_funs, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error)
+ = build_main_instances_in_main_module gs_main_module gs_modules gs_dcl_modules (fun_info, instance_info, gs_funs, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error)
#! first_shorthand_function_index = fun_info.fg_fun_index
@@ -1516,13 +1511,13 @@ convertGenericCases bimap_functions
#! gs_funs = arrayPlusRevList gs_funs new_funs
#! gs_groups = arrayPlusRevList gs_groups new_groups
- #! (instance_index, new_instances) = instance_info
+ #! (instance_index, new_instances) = instance_info
#! com_instance_defs = arrayPlusRevList main_module_instances new_instances
#! main_common_defs = {main_common_defs & com_instance_defs = com_instance_defs}
#! gs_modules = {gs_modules & [gs_main_module] = main_common_defs}
- #! instance_fun_range = {ir_from=first_fun_index, ir_to=first_shorthand_function_index}
+ #! instance_fun_range = {ir_from=first_main_instance_fun_index, ir_to=first_shorthand_function_index}
# {hp_expression_heap, hp_var_heap, hp_generic_heap, hp_type_heaps={th_vars, th_attrs}} = heaps
# gs = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules
@@ -1539,53 +1534,129 @@ convertGenericCases bimap_functions
= (instance_fun_range, gs)
- build_main_instances_in_modules :: !Index
- !*{#CommonDefs} !*{#DclModule} (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
- -> (!*{#CommonDefs}, *{#DclModule},(FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
- build_main_instances_in_modules module_index modules dcl_modules st
+ build_exported_main_instances_in_modules :: !Index
+ !*{#CommonDefs} !*{#DclModule} !(FunsAndGroups, !(!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!*{#CommonDefs},!*{#DclModule},!(FunsAndGroups, !(!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ build_exported_main_instances_in_modules module_index modules dcl_modules st
| module_index == size modules
= (modules, dcl_modules, st)
- | not (inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules)
- = build_main_instances_in_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
+ | not (inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules) || module_index==gs_main_module
+ = build_exported_main_instances_in_modules (module_index+1) modules dcl_modules st
#! (com_gencase_defs,modules) = modules![module_index].com_gencase_defs
+ | size com_gencase_defs==0
+ = build_exported_main_instances_in_modules (module_index+1) modules dcl_modules st
#! (dcl_functions,dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![module_index].dcl_functions
#! (dcl_functions, modules, st)
- = build_main_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs {x\\x<-:dcl_functions} modules st
+ = build_exported_main_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs {x\\x<-:dcl_functions} modules st
#! dcl_modules = {dcl_modules & [module_index].dcl_functions = dcl_functions}
- = build_main_instances_in_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
+ = build_exported_main_instances_in_modules (module_index+1) modules dcl_modules st
- build_main_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs dcl_functions modules st
- = foldArraySt (build_main_instance module_index) com_gencase_defs (dcl_functions, modules, st)
+ build_exported_main_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs dcl_functions modules st
+ = foldArraySt (build_exported_main_instance module_index) com_gencase_defs (dcl_functions, modules, st)
+ build_exported_main_instance :: !Index !GenericCaseDef
+ (!*{#FunType} ,!*Modules, !(FunsAndGroups, !(!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ -> (!*{#FunType} ,!*Modules, !(FunsAndGroups, !(!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ build_exported_main_instance module_index
+ gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_generic, gc_pos, gc_type, gc_type_cons, gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index}
+ (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, heaps, error))
+ #! (class_info, (modules, heaps)) = get_class_for_kind gc_generic gc_kind (modules, heaps)
+ #! ({class_members}, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_class_defs.[class_info.gci_class]
+ #! (member_def, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_member_defs.[class_members.[0].ds_index]
- build_main_instance :: !Index !GenericCaseDef
- (!*{#FunType} ,!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
- -> (!*{#FunType} ,!*Modules, (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
- build_main_instance module_index
- gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_generic, gc_pos, gc_type, gc_type_cons, gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index}
- (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
- #! (class_info, (modules, heaps)) = get_class_for_kind gc_generic gc_kind (modules, heaps)
- #! ({class_members}, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_class_defs.[class_info.gci_class]
- #! (member_def, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_member_defs.[class_members.[0].ds_index]
+ #! has_generic_info = is_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type gc_type gs_predefs
+ #! ins_type = {it_vars = instance_vars_from_type_cons gc_type_cons, it_types = [gc_type], it_attr_vars = [], it_context = []}
+ #! (fun_type, heaps, error)
+ = determine_type_of_member_instance member_def ins_type heaps error
- # it_vars = case gc_type_cons of
- TypeConsVar tv -> [tv]
- _ -> []
- #! ins_type = {it_vars = it_vars, it_types = [gc_type], it_attr_vars = [], it_context = []}
- #! (fun_type, heaps, error)
- = determine_type_of_member_instance member_def ins_type heaps error
+ #! fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
+ | not has_generic_info
+ #! (dcl_functions, heaps)
+ = update_dcl_function fun_index fun_ident fun_type dcl_functions heaps
+ # class_instance_member = {cim_ident=fun_ident,cim_arity=module_index,cim_index= -1-fun_index}
+ #! ins_info = build_class_instance class_info.gci_class gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind class_instance_member ins_type ins_info
+ = (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, heaps, error))
+ # (fun_type_with_generic_info,type_heaps)
+ = add_generic_info_to_type fun_type gs_predefs heaps.hp_type_heaps
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps=type_heaps}
+ #! (dcl_functions, heaps)
+ = update_dcl_function fun_index fun_ident fun_type_with_generic_info dcl_functions heaps
+ #! ({ds_ident,ds_arity,ds_index}, fun_info, heaps)
+ = build_instance_member_with_generic_info module_index gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind fun_ident fun_index fun_type gs_predefs fun_info heaps
+ # class_instance_member = {cim_ident=ds_ident,cim_arity=ds_arity,cim_index=ds_index}
+ #! ins_info = build_class_instance class_info.gci_class gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind class_instance_member ins_type ins_info
+ = (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, heaps, error))
+ build_main_instances_in_main_module :: !Index
+ !*{#CommonDefs} !*{#DclModule} !(FunsAndGroups, !(!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!*{#CommonDefs},!*{#DclModule},!(FunsAndGroups, !(!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ build_main_instances_in_main_module gs_main_module modules dcl_modules st
+ #! (com_gencase_defs,modules) = modules![gs_main_module].com_gencase_defs
+ | size com_gencase_defs==0
+ = (modules,dcl_modules,st)
+ #! (dcl_functions,dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![gs_main_module].dcl_functions
+ #! (dcl_functions, modules, st)
+ = foldArraySt (build_main_instance gs_main_module) com_gencase_defs ({x\\x<-:dcl_functions}, modules, st)
+ #! dcl_modules = {dcl_modules & [gs_main_module].dcl_functions = dcl_functions}
+ = (modules,dcl_modules,st)
+ where
+ build_main_instance :: !Index !GenericCaseDef
+ (!*{#FunType}, !*Modules, !(FunsAndGroups, !(!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ -> (!*{#FunType}, !*Modules, !(FunsAndGroups, !(!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ build_main_instance module_index
+ gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_generic, gc_pos, gc_type, gc_type_cons, gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index}
+ (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ #! (class_info, (modules, heaps)) = get_class_for_kind gc_generic gc_kind (modules, heaps)
+ #! ({class_members}, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_class_defs.[class_info.gci_class]
+ #! (member_def, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_member_defs.[class_members.[0].ds_index]
+ #! ins_type = {it_vars = instance_vars_from_type_cons gc_type_cons, it_types = [gc_type], it_attr_vars = [], it_context = []}
+ #! has_generic_info = is_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type gc_type gs_predefs
+ #! (fun_type, heaps, error)
+ = determine_type_of_member_instance member_def ins_type heaps error
+ #! fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
+ | not has_generic_info
+ #! (dcl_functions, heaps)
+ = update_dcl_function fun_index fun_ident fun_type dcl_functions heaps
+ #! (fun_info, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ = update_icl_function fun_index fun_ident gencase fun_type has_generic_info
+ fun_info fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
+ # class_instance_member = {cim_ident=fun_ident,cim_arity=module_index,cim_index= -1-fun_index}
+ #! ins_info = build_class_instance class_info.gci_class gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind class_instance_member ins_type ins_info
+ = (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
- # fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
+ # (fun_type_with_generic_info,type_heaps)
+ = add_generic_info_to_type fun_type gs_predefs heaps.hp_type_heaps
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps=type_heaps}
- #! (dcl_functions, heaps)
- = update_dcl_function fun_index fun_ident fun_type dcl_functions heaps
+ #! (dcl_functions, heaps)
+ = update_dcl_function fun_index fun_ident fun_type_with_generic_info dcl_functions heaps
- #! (fun_info, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- = update_icl_function_if_needed module_index fun_index fun_ident gencase fun_type
- fun_info fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
+ #! (fun_info, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ = update_icl_function fun_index fun_ident gencase fun_type_with_generic_info has_generic_info
+ fun_info fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
- #! ins_info = build_exported_class_instance class_info.gci_class gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind fun_ident fun_index module_index ins_type ins_info
+ #! ({ds_ident,ds_arity,ds_index}, fun_info, heaps)
+ = build_instance_member_with_generic_info module_index gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind fun_ident fun_index fun_type gs_predefs fun_info heaps
+ # class_instance_member = {cim_ident=ds_ident,cim_arity=ds_arity,cim_index=ds_index}
+ #! ins_info = build_class_instance class_info.gci_class gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind class_instance_member ins_type ins_info
+ = (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
- = (dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ instance_vars_from_type_cons (TypeConsVar tv)
+ = [tv]
+ instance_vars_from_type_cons _
+ = []
build_shorthand_instances_in_modules :: !Index
!*{#CommonDefs} !*{#DclModule} (FunsAndGroups, (!Index, ![ClassInstance]), !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -1594,11 +1665,11 @@ where
| module_index == size modules
= (modules, dcl_modules, st)
| not (inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules)
- = build_shorthand_instances_in_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
+ = build_shorthand_instances_in_modules (module_index+1) modules dcl_modules st
#! (com_gencase_defs,modules) = modules![module_index].com_gencase_defs
#! (modules, st)
= build_shorthand_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs modules st
- = build_shorthand_instances_in_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
+ = build_shorthand_instances_in_modules (module_index+1) modules dcl_modules st
build_shorthand_instances_in_module module_index com_gencase_defs modules st
= foldArraySt (build_shorthand_instances module_index) com_gencase_defs (modules, st)
@@ -1609,7 +1680,7 @@ where
build_shorthand_instances module_index gencase=:{gc_kind=KindConst} st
= st
build_shorthand_instances module_index
- gencase=:{gc_kind=KindArrow kinds,gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index,gc_type,gc_type_cons,gc_generic,gc_ident,gc_pos}
+ gencase=:{gc_kind=gc_kind=:KindArrow kinds,gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index,gc_type,gc_type_cons,gc_generic,gc_ident,gc_pos}
= foldSt build_shorthand_instance [1 .. length kinds] st
@@ -1626,19 +1697,19 @@ where
= mapSt (get_class_for_kind gc_generic) consumed_kinds (modules, heaps)
#! ({class_members}, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_class_defs.[class_info.gci_class]
#! (member_def, modules) = modules![class_info.gci_module].com_member_defs.[class_members.[0].ds_index]
- #! (ins_type, heaps)
+ #! (ins_type, heaps)
= build_instance_type gc_type arg_class_infos heaps
#! (fun_type, heaps, error)
= determine_type_of_member_instance member_def ins_type heaps error
# fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_type_cons
- #! (memfun_ds, fun_info, heaps)
- = build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind gencase fun_index fun_ident fun_type arg_class_infos fun_info heaps
- #! ins_info
- = build_class_instance this_kind class_info.gci_class gencase memfun_ds ins_type ins_info
+ #! has_generic_info = is_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type gc_type gs_predefs
+ #! (memfun_ds, fun_info, heaps)
+ = build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind gc_generic has_generic_info fun_index fun_ident gc_pos fun_type arg_class_infos fun_info heaps
+ #! ins_info = build_shorthand_class_instance this_kind class_info.gci_class gc_ident gc_pos memfun_ds ins_type ins_info
= (modules, (fun_info, ins_info, heaps, error))
build_instance_type type class_infos heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars},hp_var_heap}
@@ -1690,9 +1761,10 @@ where
= (type_context, hp_var_heap)
- build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind {gc_generic, gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_pos} fun_index fun_ident st class_infos fun_info heaps
- # function_has_generic_info_arg = case this_kind of KindArrow [KindConst] -> True ; _ -> False
- #! arg_var_names = ["x" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..st.st_arity-(if function_has_generic_info_arg 1 0)]]
+ build_shorthand_instance_member :: Int TypeKind GlobalIndex Bool Int Ident Position SymbolType [GenericClassInfo] !FunsAndGroups !*Heaps
+ -> (!DefinedSymbol,!FunsAndGroups,!*Heaps)
+ build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind gc_generic has_generic_info fun_index fun_ident gc_pos st class_infos fun_info heaps
+ #! arg_var_names = ["x" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..st.st_arity]]
#! (arg_var_exprs, arg_vars, heaps) = buildVarExprs arg_var_names heaps
#! (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty heaps.hp_expression_heap
@@ -1702,23 +1774,11 @@ where
# (gen_exprs, heaps) = mapSt (build_generic_app gc_generic gc_ident) class_infos heaps
#! arg_exprs = gen_exprs ++ arg_var_exprs
- # (arg_vars,heaps)
- = case function_has_generic_info_arg of
- True
- #! (fv_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty heaps.hp_var_heap
- #! fv = {fv_count = 0, fv_ident = makeIdent "geninfo", fv_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel}
- -> ([fv : arg_vars], {heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
- False
- -> (arg_vars, heaps)
# (body_expr, heaps)
- = case gc_kind of
- KindArrow [KindConst]
- # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] gs_predefs heaps
- -> buildFunApp2 module_index fun_index fun_ident [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] heaps
- _
- -> buildFunApp2 module_index fun_index fun_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = if has_generic_info
+ (let (generic_info_expr, heaps2) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] gs_predefs heaps
+ in buildFunApp2 module_index fun_index fun_ident [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] heaps2)
+ (buildFunApp2 module_index fun_index fun_ident arg_exprs heaps)
#! (st, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type st heaps
@@ -1727,15 +1787,12 @@ where
= (fun_ds, fun_info, heaps)
- build_generic_app {gi_module, gi_index} gc_ident {gci_kind=gci_kind=:KindArrow [KindConst]} heaps
- # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] gs_predefs heaps
- = buildGenericApp gi_module gi_index gc_ident gci_kind [generic_info_expr] heaps
build_generic_app {gi_module, gi_index} gc_ident {gci_kind} heaps
= buildGenericApp gi_module gi_index gc_ident gci_kind [] heaps
- build_class_instance this_kind class_index gencase {ds_ident,ds_arity,ds_index} ins_type (ins_index, instances)
- # {gc_pos, gc_ident, gc_kind} = gencase
- #! class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_ident.id_name this_kind
+ build_shorthand_class_instance :: TypeKind Int Ident Position DefinedSymbol InstanceType !(!Int,![ClassInstance]) -> (!Int,![ClassInstance])
+ build_shorthand_class_instance this_kind class_index gc_ident gc_pos {ds_ident,ds_arity,ds_index} ins_type (ins_index, instances)
+ #! class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_ident.id_name this_kind
#! class_ds = {ds_index = class_index, ds_arity=1, ds_ident=class_ident}
#! ins =
{ ins_class = {glob_module=gs_main_module, glob_object=class_ds}
@@ -1745,7 +1802,7 @@ where
, ins_specials = SP_None
, ins_pos = gc_pos
- = (inc ins_index, [ins:instances])
+ = (ins_index+1, [ins:instances])
get_class_for_kind :: !GlobalIndex !TypeKind !(!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps) -> (!GenericClassInfo,!(!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps))
get_class_for_kind {gi_module, gi_index} kind (modules,heaps=:{hp_generic_heap})
@@ -1777,74 +1834,134 @@ where
= (dcl_functions, heaps)
= (dcl_functions, heaps)
- update_icl_function_if_needed module_index fun_index fun_ident gencase fun_type funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
- | module_index == gs_main_module // current module
- = update_icl_function fun_index fun_ident gencase fun_type funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
- = (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- update_icl_function :: !Index !Ident !GenericCaseDef !SymbolType
+ update_icl_function :: !Index !Ident !GenericCaseDef !SymbolType !Bool
!FunsAndGroups !*{#FunDef} !*TypeDefInfos !*{#CommonDefs} !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!FunsAndGroups,!*{#FunDef},!*TypeDefInfos,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
- update_icl_function fun_index fun_ident gencase=:{gc_ident,gc_type_cons,gc_kind,gc_pos} st funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
+ update_icl_function fun_index fun_ident gencase=:{gc_ident,gc_type_cons,gc_kind,gc_pos} st has_generic_info funs_and_groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
#! (st, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type st heaps
#! (fun=:{fun_body, fun_arity}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
= case fun_body of
TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs} // user defined case
- -> case gc_kind of
- KindArrow [KindConst]
- | fun_arity<>st.st_arity
- # error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos ("incorrect arity " +++ toString (fun_arity-1)
- +++ ", expected " +++ toString (st.st_arity-1)) error
- -> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- #! fun = {fun & fun_ident = fun_ident, fun_type = Yes st}
- #! fun_defs = {fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun}
- -> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- _
- # fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = tl tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs}
- | fun_arity-1<>st.st_arity
- # error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos ("incorrect arity " +++ toString (fun_arity-1)
- +++ ", expected " +++ toString st.st_arity) error
- -> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- #! fun = {fun & fun_ident = fun_ident, fun_body = fun_body, fun_type = Yes st}
- #! fun_defs = {fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun}
- -> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ | has_generic_info
+ | fun_arity<>st.st_arity
+ # error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos ("incorrect arity " +++ toString (fun_arity-1)
+ +++ ", expected " +++ toString (st.st_arity-1)) error
+ -> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ #! fun = {fun & fun_ident = fun_ident, fun_type = Yes st}
+ #! fun_defs = {fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun}
+ -> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ # fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = tl tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs}
+ | fun_arity-1<>st.st_arity
+ # error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos ("incorrect arity " +++ toString (fun_arity-1)
+ +++ ", expected " +++ toString st.st_arity) error
+ -> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ #! fun = {fun & fun_ident = fun_ident, fun_body = fun_body, fun_type = Yes st}
+ #! fun_defs = {fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun}
+ -> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
GeneratedBody // derived case
#! (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- = buildGenericCaseBody gs_main_module gencase st gs_predefs funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
+ = buildGenericCaseBody gs_main_module gencase has_generic_info st gs_predefs funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
# {fg_group_index,fg_groups} = funs_and_groups
- #! fun = makeFunction fun_ident fun_index fg_group_index tb_args tb_rhs (Yes st) gs_main_module gc_pos
+ #! fun = makeFunction fun_ident fg_group_index tb_args tb_rhs (Yes st) gs_main_module gc_pos
#! fun_defs = {fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun}
# group = {group_members=[fun_index]}
funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_group_index=fg_group_index+1,fg_groups=[group:fg_groups]}
-> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- build_exported_class_instance class_index gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind fun_ident fun_index fun_module_index ins_type (ins_index, instances)
+ build_class_instance :: Int Ident Position TypeKind ClassInstanceMember InstanceType !(!Int,![ClassInstance]) -> (!Int,![ClassInstance])
+ build_class_instance class_index gc_ident gc_pos gc_kind class_instance_member ins_type (ins_index, instances)
# class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_ident.id_name gc_kind
# class_ds = {ds_index = class_index, ds_arity=1, ds_ident=class_ident}
- #! ins =
+ #! ins =
{ ins_class = {glob_module=gs_main_module, glob_object=class_ds}
, ins_ident = class_ident
, ins_type = ins_type
- , ins_members = {{cim_ident=fun_ident,cim_arity=fun_module_index,cim_index= -1-fun_index}}
+ , ins_members = {class_instance_member}
, ins_specials = SP_None
, ins_pos = gc_pos
- = (inc ins_index, [ins:instances])
+ = (ins_index+1, [ins:instances])
+ // Creates a function that just calls the generic case function, but with an extra NoGenericInfo argument
+ build_instance_member_with_generic_info module_index gc_ident gc_pos gcf_kind fun_ident fun_index st predefs fun_info heaps
+ #! arg_var_names = ["x" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..st.st_arity]]
+ #! (arg_var_exprs, arg_vars, heaps) = buildVarExprs arg_var_names heaps
+ # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
+ # arg_var_exprs = [generic_info_expr:arg_var_exprs]
+ #! (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty heaps.hp_expression_heap
+ #! heaps = {heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
+ #! expr = App
+ { app_symb =
+ { symb_ident=fun_ident
+ , symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module=module_index, glob_object=fun_index}
+ }
+ , app_args = arg_var_exprs
+ , app_info_ptr = expr_info_ptr
+ }
+ #! (st, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type st heaps
+ #! memfun_name = genericIdentToMemberIdent gc_ident.id_name gcf_kind
+ #! (fun_ds, fun_info)
+ = buildFunAndGroup memfun_name arg_vars expr (Yes st) gs_main_module gc_pos fun_info
+ = (fun_ds, fun_info, heaps)
fresh_symbol_type :: !SymbolType !*Heaps -> (!SymbolType, !*Heaps)
fresh_symbol_type st heaps=:{hp_type_heaps}
# (fresh_st, hp_type_heaps) = freshSymbolType st hp_type_heaps
= (fresh_st, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps})
+// add an argument for generic info at the beginning
+add_generic_info_to_type :: !SymbolType !{#PredefinedSymbol} !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType,!*TypeHeaps)
+add_generic_info_to_type st=:{st_arity, st_args, st_args_strictness} predefs th=:{th_vars}
+ #! {pds_module, pds_def} = predefs.[PD_GenericInfo]
+ #! pds_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_GenericInfo]
+ #! type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} pds_ident 0
+ #! st = {st & st_args = [makeAType (TA type_symb []) TA_Multi : st_args]
+ , st_arity = st_arity + 1
+ , st_args_strictness = insert_n_lazy_values_at_beginning 1 st_args_strictness
+ }
+ = (st, {th & th_vars = th_vars})
+index_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type :: !Type !{#PredefinedSymbol} -> Int
+index_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type (TA {type_index={glob_module,glob_object}} []) predefs
+ # {pds_module,pds_def} = predefs.[PD_TypeOBJECT]
+ | glob_module==pds_module && pds_def==glob_object
+ = 0
+ # {pds_module,pds_def} = predefs.[PD_TypeCONS]
+ | glob_module==pds_module && pds_def==glob_object
+ = 1
+ # {pds_module,pds_def} = predefs.[PD_TypeFIELD]
+ | glob_module==pds_module && pds_def==glob_object
+ = 2
+ = -1
+index_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type _ predefs
+ = -1
+is_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type :: !Type !{#PredefinedSymbol} -> Bool
+is_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type (TA {type_index={glob_module,glob_object}} []) predefs
+ # {pds_module,pds_def} = predefs.[PD_TypeOBJECT]
+ | glob_module==pds_module && pds_def==glob_object
+ = True
+ # {pds_module,pds_def} = predefs.[PD_TypeCONS]
+ | glob_module==pds_module && pds_def==glob_object
+ = True
+ # {pds_module,pds_def} = predefs.[PD_TypeFIELD]
+ | glob_module==pds_module && pds_def==glob_object
+ = True
+ = False
+is_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_type _ predefs
+ = False
buildGenericCaseBody ::
!Index // current icl module
- !GenericCaseDef
+ !GenericCaseDef !Bool
!SymbolType // type of the instance function
!FunsAndGroups !*TypeDefInfos !*{#CommonDefs} !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!FunctionBody,
!FunsAndGroups, !*TypeDefInfos,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
-buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_ident,type_index},gc_kind,gc_generic} st predefs
+buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_ident,type_index},gc_kind,gc_generic} has_generic_info st predefs
funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
#! (gen_def, modules) = modules![gc_generic.gi_module].com_generic_defs.[gc_generic.gi_index]
#! (td_info=:{tdi_gen_rep}, td_infos) = td_infos![type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
@@ -1857,19 +1974,19 @@ buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_iden
= build_arg_vars gen_def td_args heaps
# (arg_vars,heaps)
- = case gc_kind of
- KindArrow [KindConst]
+ = case has_generic_info of
+ True
# (generic_info_var, heaps) = build_generic_info_arg heaps
#! arg_vars = [generic_info_var:arg_vars]
-> (arg_vars,heaps)
- _
+ False
-> (arg_vars,heaps)
#! (optional_adaptor_expr, adapted_arg_exprs, original_arg_exprs, funs_and_groups, modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
= build_adaptor_expr gc gen_def gen_type_rep original_arg_exprs funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
#! (specialized_expr, funs_and_groups, td_infos, heaps, error)
- = build_specialized_expr gc gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
+ = build_specialized_expr gc gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs gen_def.gen_info_ptr funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
# body_expr = build_body_expr optional_adaptor_expr specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs original_arg_exprs
= (TransformedBody {tb_args=arg_vars, tb_rhs=body_expr}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
@@ -1893,7 +2010,7 @@ where
// adaptor that converts a function for the generic representation into a
// function for the type itself
- build_adaptor_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso,gtr_to,gtr_from} original_arg_exprs funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
+ build_adaptor_expr {gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso,gtr_to,gtr_from} original_arg_exprs funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
#! (var_kinds, heaps) = get_var_kinds gen_info_ptr heaps
#! non_gen_var_kinds = drop (length gen_vars) var_kinds
@@ -1943,21 +2060,15 @@ where
# (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
= bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
= ((non_gen_var, TVI_Expr expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
- build_bimap_expr non_gen_var kind=:(KindArrow [KindConst]) funs_and_groups heaps
- # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = build_generic_info_expr heaps
- #! (expr, heaps)
- = buildGenericApp bimap_module bimap_index bimap_ident kind [generic_info_expr] heaps
- = ((non_gen_var, TVI_Expr expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
build_bimap_expr non_gen_var kind funs_and_groups heaps
#! (expr, heaps)
= buildGenericApp bimap_module bimap_index bimap_ident kind [] heaps
= ((non_gen_var, TVI_Expr expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
- build_generic_info_expr heaps
- = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
// generic function specialzied to the generic representation of the type
- build_specialized_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic} gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
+ build_specialized_expr :: GenericCaseDef GenTypeStruct [ATypeVar] [Expression] GenericInfoPtr !FunsAndGroups !*TypeDefInfos !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!Expression,!FunsAndGroups,!*TypeDefInfos,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+ build_specialized_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic} gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs gen_info_ptr funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
#! spec_env = [(atv_variable, TVI_Expr expr) \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args & expr <- generated_arg_exprs]
# generic_bimap = predefs.[PD_GenericBimap]
| gc_generic.gi_module==generic_bimap.pds_module && gc_generic.gi_index==generic_bimap.pds_def
@@ -1968,7 +2079,12 @@ where
# (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps,error)
= specialize_generic_bimap gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps error
= (expr,funs_and_groups,td_infos,heaps,error)
- # (expr,td_infos,heaps,error) = specializeGeneric gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs td_infos heaps error
+ # ({gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices},generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr heaps.hp_generic_heap
+ heaps = {heaps & hp_generic_heap=generic_heap}
+ # (expr,td_infos,heaps,error)
+ = specializeGeneric gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices main_module_index td_infos heaps error
= (expr,funs_and_groups,td_infos,heaps,error)
// the body expression
@@ -1989,7 +2105,7 @@ where
build_body_expr (Yes adaptor_expr) specialized_expr adapted_arg_exprs original_arg_exprs
= (adaptor_expr @ [specialized_expr @ adapted_arg_exprs]) @ original_arg_exprs
-buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos} st predefs funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
+buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos} has_generic_info st predefs funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
# error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos "cannot specialize to this type" error
= (TransformedBody {tb_args=[], tb_rhs=EE}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
@@ -2048,9 +2164,8 @@ where
# (modules, dcl_modules, st) = convert_module module_index modules dcl_modules st
= convert_modules (inc module_index) modules dcl_modules st
- convert_module ::
- !Index !*Modules !*DclModules (!*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
- -> (!*Modules, !*DclModules, (!*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ convert_module :: !Index !*Modules !*DclModules (!*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!*Modules,!*DclModules,(!*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
convert_module module_index modules dcl_modules st
| inNumberSet module_index gs_used_modules
#! (common_defs, modules) = modules ! [module_index]
@@ -2059,14 +2174,8 @@ where
#! (common_defs, modules, st) = convert_common_defs common_defs modules st
#! (dcl_common, modules, st) = convert_common_defs dcl_common modules st
#! (dcl_functions, modules, st) = convert_dcl_functions {x\\x<-:dcl_functions} modules st
- # dcl_modules =
- { dcl_modules & [module_index] =
- { dcl_module
- & dcl_functions = dcl_functions
- , dcl_common = dcl_common
- }
- }
+ # dcl_modules = {dcl_modules & [module_index] = {dcl_module & dcl_functions = dcl_functions, dcl_common = dcl_common}}
# modules = {modules & [module_index] = common_defs}
= (modules, dcl_modules, st)
| otherwise
@@ -2080,7 +2189,7 @@ where
# (com_instance_defs, (modules, heaps, error))
= updateArraySt convert_instance {x\\x<-:com_instance_defs} st
- # common_defs = { common_defs
+ # common_defs = { common_defs
& com_class_defs = com_class_defs
, com_member_defs = com_member_defs
, com_instance_defs = com_instance_defs
@@ -2163,12 +2272,12 @@ specializeGeneric ::
![(TypeVar, TypeVarInfo)] // specialization environment
!Ident // generic/generic case
!Position // of generic case
!Index // main_module index
- !PredefinedSymbols
!*TypeDefInfos !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!Expression,
-specializeGeneric gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos main_module_index predefs td_infos heaps error
+specializeGeneric gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices main_module_index td_infos heaps error
#! heaps = set_tvs spec_env heaps
#! (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
= specialize type (td_infos, heaps, error)
@@ -2177,7 +2286,7 @@ specializeGeneric gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos main_module_index pr
specialize (GTSAppCons kind arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
- = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs st
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident st
specialize (GTSAppVar tv arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
#! (expr, st) = specialize_type_var tv st
@@ -2187,33 +2296,51 @@ where
specialize (GTSArrow x y) st
#! (x, st) = specialize x st
#! (y, st) = specialize y st
- = build_generic_app_no_info (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident predefs st
+ = build_generic_app (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident st
specialize (GTSPair x y) st
#! (x, st) = specialize x st
#! (y, st) = specialize y st
- = build_generic_app_no_info (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident predefs st
+ = build_generic_app (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident st
specialize (GTSEither x y) st
#! (x, st) = specialize x st
#! (y, st) = specialize y st
- = build_generic_app_no_info (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident predefs st
+ = build_generic_app (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident st
specialize (GTSCons cons_info_ds arg_type) st
# (arg_expr, (td_infos, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
- #! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index cons_info_ds [] heaps
- #! (expr, heaps)
- = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident (KindArrow [KindConst]) [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
- = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+ #! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index cons_info_ds [] heaps
+ # gen_CONS_index = gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices.[1]
+ | gen_CONS_index.ocf_module>=0
+ #! (expr, heaps)
+ = buildFunApp2 gen_CONS_index.ocf_module gen_CONS_index.ocf_index gen_CONS_index.ocf_ident [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
+ = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+ // no instance for CONS, report error here ?
+ #! (expr, heaps)
+ = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident (KindArrow [KindConst]) [arg_expr] heaps
+ = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSField field_info_ds arg_type) st
# (arg_expr, (td_infos, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
#! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index field_info_ds [] heaps
- #! (expr, heaps)
- = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident (KindArrow [KindConst]) [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
- = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+ # gen_FIELD_index = gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices.[2]
+ | gen_FIELD_index.ocf_module>=0
+ #! (expr, heaps)
+ = buildFunApp2 gen_FIELD_index.ocf_module gen_FIELD_index.ocf_index gen_FIELD_index.ocf_ident [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
+ = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+ // no instance for FIELD, report error here ?
+ #! (expr, heaps)
+ = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident (KindArrow [KindConst]) [arg_expr] heaps
+ = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSObject type_info_ds arg_type) st
# (arg_expr, (td_infos, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
#! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index type_info_ds [] heaps
- #! (expr, heaps)
- = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident (KindArrow [KindConst]) [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
- = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+ # gen_OBJECT_index = gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices.[0]
+ | gen_OBJECT_index.ocf_module>=0
+ #! (expr, heaps)
+ = buildFunApp2 gen_OBJECT_index.ocf_module gen_OBJECT_index.ocf_index gen_OBJECT_index.ocf_ident [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
+ = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+ // no instance for OBJECT, report error here ?
+ #! (expr, heaps)
+ = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident (KindArrow [KindConst]) [arg_expr] heaps
+ = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
specialize type (td_infos, heaps, error)
#! error = reportError gen_ident gen_pos "cannot specialize " error
= (EE, (td_infos, heaps, error))
@@ -2228,16 +2355,7 @@ where
# (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index iso_ds [] heaps
-> (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
- build_generic_app kind=:(KindArrow [KindConst]) arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
- # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
- # arg_exprs = [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs]
- #! (expr, heaps)
- = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
- = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
- build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
- = build_generic_app_no_info kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
- build_generic_app_no_info kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
+ build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident (td_infos, heaps, error)
#! (expr, heaps)
= buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
= (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
@@ -2266,7 +2384,7 @@ where
= (expr ,(funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSAppCons kind arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
- = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs st
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident st
specialize (GTSAppVar tv arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
#! (expr, st) = specialize_type_var tv st
@@ -2339,13 +2457,7 @@ where
# (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index iso_ds [] heaps
-> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- build_generic_app kind=:(KindArrow [KindConst]) arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
- # arg_exprs = [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs]
- #! (expr, heaps)
- = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
- = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
#! (expr, heaps)
= buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
@@ -2510,13 +2622,13 @@ where
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
# (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
(expr, heaps)
- = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSAppBimap kind arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
# (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
(expr, heaps)
- = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident heaps
= (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSAppVar tv arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
@@ -2561,11 +2673,7 @@ where
# (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index iso_ds [] heaps
-> (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
- build_generic_app kind=:(KindArrow [KindConst]) arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
- # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
- # arg_exprs = [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs]
- = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
- build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
+ build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident heaps
= buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
is_bimap_id_expression (TVI_Expr (App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function fun_glob},app_args=[]})) main_module_index {fg_bimap_functions={bimap_id_function={fii_index}}}
@@ -3515,9 +3623,7 @@ where
#! atype = makeAType (arg --> res) (TA_Var av)
= (atype, [av:avs], inc av_num, th_attrs)
// write empty value in the variable heaps
clearType t th
= foldType clear_type clear_atype t th
@@ -3772,7 +3878,6 @@ where
#! th_attrs = foldSt (\{av_info_ptr} h->writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_Empty h) avs th_attrs
= {th & th_attrs = th_attrs}
expandSynonymType :: !CheckedTypeDef !TypeAttribute ![AType] !*TypeHeaps -> (!Type, !*TypeHeaps)
expandSynonymType {td_rhs=SynType {at_type}, td_args, td_attribute} ta_attr ta_args th
#! th_attrs = bind_attribute td_attribute ta_attr th.th_attrs
@@ -3802,16 +3907,12 @@ expandSynonymType td ta_attr ta_args th = abort "expanding not a synonym type\n"
// Function Helpers
-makeFunction :: !Ident !Index !Index ![FreeVar] !Expression !(Optional SymbolType) !Index !Position
- -> FunDef
-makeFunction ident fun_index group_index arg_vars body_expr opt_sym_type main_dcl_module_n fun_pos
+makeFunction :: !Ident !Index ![FreeVar] !Expression !(Optional SymbolType) !Index !Position -> FunDef
+makeFunction ident group_index arg_vars body_expr opt_sym_type main_dcl_module_n fun_pos
#! (arg_vars, local_vars, free_vars) = collectVars body_expr arg_vars
| not (isEmpty free_vars)
- = abort "makeFunction: free_vars is not empty\n"
- #! fun_def =
- { fun_ident = ident
+ = abort "makeFunction: free_vars is not empty\n"
+ = { fun_ident = ident
, fun_arity = length arg_vars
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = arg_vars, tb_rhs = body_expr }
@@ -3829,14 +3930,12 @@ makeFunction ident fun_index group_index arg_vars body_expr opt_sym_type main_dc
, fi_properties = 0
- = fun_def
- //---> ("makeFunction", ident, fun_index, main_dcl_module_n, fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls)
buildFunAndGroup :: !Ident ![FreeVar] !Expression !(Optional SymbolType) !Index !Position !FunsAndGroups -> (!DefinedSymbol, FunsAndGroups)
ident arg_vars body_expr opt_sym_type main_dcl_module_n fun_pos
- # fun = makeFunction ident fg_fun_index fg_group_index arg_vars body_expr opt_sym_type main_dcl_module_n fun_pos
+ # fun = makeFunction ident fg_group_index arg_vars body_expr opt_sym_type main_dcl_module_n fun_pos
# group = {group_members = [fg_fun_index]}
# def_sym = {ds_ident=ident, ds_arity=fun.fun_arity, ds_index=fg_fun_index}
funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_fun_index=fg_fun_index+1, fg_group_index=fg_group_index+1, fg_funs=[fun:fg_funs], fg_groups=[group:fg_groups]}
@@ -3844,16 +3943,14 @@ buildFunAndGroup
buildFunAndGroup2 :: !Ident ![FreeVar] !Expression !Index !FunsAndGroups -> (!Index, !FunsAndGroups)
buildFunAndGroup2 ident arg_vars body_expr main_dcl_module_n funs_and_groups=:{fg_fun_index,fg_group_index,fg_funs,fg_groups}
- # fun = makeFunction ident fg_fun_index fg_group_index arg_vars body_expr No main_dcl_module_n NoPos
+ # fun = makeFunction ident fg_group_index arg_vars body_expr No main_dcl_module_n NoPos
group = {group_members = [fg_fun_index]}
funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_fun_index=fg_fun_index+1, fg_group_index=fg_group_index+1, fg_funs=[fun:fg_funs], fg_groups=[group:fg_groups]}
= (fg_fun_index, funs_and_groups)
// Expr Helpers
// Primitive expressions
makeIntExpr :: Int -> Expression
makeIntExpr value = BasicExpr (BVI (toString value))
@@ -3996,9 +4093,7 @@ buildRecordSelectionExpr record_expr predef_field field_n predefs
glob_object = {ds_ident = pds_ident, ds_index = pds_def, ds_arity = 1}}
= Selection NormalSelector record_expr [RecordSelection selector field_n]
// variables
// build a new variable and an expression associated with it
buildVarExpr ::
@@ -4023,10 +4118,8 @@ buildVarExprs [x:xs] heaps
# (y, z, heaps) = buildVarExpr x heaps
# (ys, zs, heaps) = buildVarExprs xs heaps
= ([y:ys], [z:zs], heaps)
// recursion over expressions
// fold expression applies a function to each node of an expression
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 39af652..22aedd1 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -392,7 +392,15 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: GenericInfo =
{ gen_classes :: !GenericClassInfos
, gen_var_kinds :: ![TypeKind] // kinds of all st_vars of the gen_type
+ , gen_OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_indices :: !{#OBJECT_CONS_FIELD_index}
+ { ocf_module :: !Int
+ , ocf_index :: !Int
+ , ocf_ident :: !Ident
+ }
:: GenericInfoPtr :== Ptr GenericInfo
:: GenericHeap :== Heap GenericInfo
@@ -550,7 +558,7 @@ NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
| GTSAppBimap TypeKind [GenTypeStruct] // for optimizing bimaps
| GTSPair !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
| GTSEither !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
:: GenericTypeRep =
{ gtr_type :: GenTypeStruct // generic structure type
, gtr_iso :: !DefinedSymbol // the conversion isomorphism