diff options
authorjohnvg2011-04-19 11:37:59 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-04-19 11:37:59 +0000
commitd0ae22e4b794606ef99dc124b8b40a93cc24f9ba (patch)
parentadd instance declarations with a qualified class name (diff)
use unique array select and update instead of replace
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1930 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
11 files changed, 54 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/_aconcat.dcl b/frontend/_aconcat.dcl
index 6fcb387..a5b6e98 100644
--- a/frontend/_aconcat.dcl
+++ b/frontend/_aconcat.dcl
@@ -44,22 +44,18 @@ where
arrayCopy a
:== arrayCopyBegin a1 s
- (s, a1)
- = usize a
+ (s, a1) = usize a
-arrayAndElementsCopy place_holder copy_element_function array
- :== copy place_holder array1 (_createArray n) 0 n
+arrayAndElementsCopy copy_element_function array
+ :== copy array1 (_createArray n) 0 n
- (n, array1)
- = usize array
- copy place_holder array array_copy i n
+ (n, array1) = usize array
+ copy array array_copy i n
| i == n
- = (array_copy, array)
- // otherwise
- # (element, array)
- = replace array i place_holder
+ = (array_copy, array)
+ # (element, array) = array![i]
# (copy_element, element)
= copy_element_function element
- # (place_holder, array)
- = replace array i element
- = copy place_holder array {array_copy & [i] = copy_element} (i+1) n
+ # array = {array & [i] = element}
+ = copy array {array_copy & [i] = copy_element} (i+1) n
diff --git a/frontend/_aconcat.icl b/frontend/_aconcat.icl
index 4bd758f..4dd6a92 100644
--- a/frontend/_aconcat.icl
+++ b/frontend/_aconcat.icl
@@ -43,22 +43,18 @@ where
arrayCopy a
:== arrayCopyBegin a1 s
- (s, a1)
- = usize a
+ (s, a1) = usize a
-arrayAndElementsCopy place_holder copy_element_function array
- :== copy place_holder array1 (_createArray n) 0 n
+arrayAndElementsCopy copy_element_function array
+ :== copy array1 (_createArray n) 0 n
- (n, array1)
- = usize array
- copy place_holder array array_copy i n
+ (n, array1) = usize array
+ copy array array_copy i n
| i == n
- = (array_copy, array)
- // otherwise
- # (element, array)
- = replace array i place_holder
+ = (array_copy, array)
+ # (element, array) = array![i]
# (copy_element, element)
= copy_element_function element
- # (place_holder, array)
- = replace array i element
- = copy place_holder array {array_copy & [i] = copy_element} (i+1) n
+ # array = {array & [i] = element}
+ = copy array {array_copy & [i] = copy_element} (i+1) n
diff --git a/frontend/classify.icl b/frontend/classify.icl
index d7c18bc..25b8837 100644
--- a/frontend/classify.icl
+++ b/frontend/classify.icl
@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ substitute_dep_counts component_members ai_group_counts
build_known :: !*{!RefCounts} -> (!*{*{#Bool}},!*{!RefCounts})
build_known t
- = arrayAndElementsCopy {} (\e->(createArray (size e) False,e)) t
+ = arrayAndElementsCopy (\e->(createArray (size e) False,e)) t
subst_non_zero :: ![(!FunIndex,!ArgIndex)] !FunIndex !ArgIndex !FunIndex !ArgIndex !*{*{#Bool}} !*{!RefCounts}-> *{!RefCounts}
subst_non_zero iter fi ai fm am known rcs
diff --git a/frontend/containers.icl b/frontend/containers.icl
index 6b1cd08..2b2bd8b 100644
--- a/frontend/containers.icl
+++ b/frontend/containers.icl
@@ -387,14 +387,11 @@ ikhInsert :: !Bool !IntKey a !*(IntKeyHashtable a) -> (!Bool, !.IntKeyHashtable
ikhInsert overide int_key value (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
| ikh_rehash_threshold<=ikh_nr_of_entries
= ikhInsert overide int_key value (grow ikh_entries)
- #! hash_value
- = int_key bitand ikh_bitmask
- (tree, ikh_entries)
- = replace ikh_entries hash_value IKT_Leaf
+ #! hash_value = int_key bitand ikh_bitmask
+ (tree, ikh_entries) = ikh_entries![hash_value]
(is_new, tree)
= iktUInsert overide int_key value tree
- ikh_entries
- = { ikh_entries & [hash_value] = tree }
+ ikh_entries = { ikh_entries & [hash_value] = tree }
| is_new
= (is_new, (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold (ikh_nr_of_entries+1) ikh_bitmask ikh_entries))
= (is_new, (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries))
@@ -444,14 +441,11 @@ ikhUSearch :: !IntKey !*(IntKeyHashtable a) -> (!.Optional a, !*IntKeyHashtable
ikhUSearch int_key (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
| size ikh_entries==0
= (No, IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
- # hash_value
- = int_key bitand ikh_bitmask
- (ikt, ikh_entries)
- = replace ikh_entries hash_value IKT_Leaf
+ # hash_value = int_key bitand ikh_bitmask
+ (ikt, ikh_entries) = ikh_entries![hash_value]
(opt_result, ikt)
= iktUSearch int_key ikt
- ikh_entries
- = { ikh_entries & [hash_value] = ikt }
+ ikh_entries = { ikh_entries & [hash_value] = ikt }
= (opt_result, (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries))
iktUInsert :: !Bool !IntKey a !*(IntKeyTree a) -> (!Bool, !.IntKeyTree a)
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.icl b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
index 9e692e8..30a4638 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.icl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ implies a b :== not a || b
markExplImpSymbols :: !Int !*(!*ExplImpInfos,!*SymbolTable) -> (!.[Ident],!(!*ExplImpInfos,!*SymbolTable))
markExplImpSymbols component_nr (expl_imp_info, cs_symbol_table)
- # (expl_imp_info_from_component,expl_imp_info) = replace expl_imp_info component_nr {}
+ # (expl_imp_info_from_component,expl_imp_info) = expl_imp_info![component_nr]
#! nr_of_expl_imp_symbols = size expl_imp_info_from_component
# (new_symbols, expl_imp_info_from_component, cs_symbol_table) = iFoldSt (mark_symbol component_nr) 0 nr_of_expl_imp_symbols ([], expl_imp_info_from_component, cs_symbol_table)
expl_imp_info = {expl_imp_info & [component_nr] = expl_imp_info_from_component}
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
index b937148..b961fa6 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.icl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -284,16 +284,16 @@ frontEndInterface options mod_ident search_paths cached_dcl_modules cached_dcl_m
clear_group_indices_of_macros :: !*{#*{#FunDef}} -> *{#*{#FunDef}}
clear_group_indices_of_macros cached_dcl_macros
- = clear_group_indices1 0 {} cached_dcl_macros
+ = clear_group_indices1 0 cached_dcl_macros
- clear_group_indices1 :: !Int !*{#FunDef} !*{#*{#u:FunDef}} -> *{#*{#FunDef}}
- clear_group_indices1 i dummy cached_dcl_macros
+ clear_group_indices1 :: !Int !*{#*{#u:FunDef}} -> *{#*{#FunDef}}
+ clear_group_indices1 i cached_dcl_macros
| i==size cached_dcl_macros
= cached_dcl_macros
- # (cached_dcl_macros_i,cached_dcl_macros) = replace cached_dcl_macros i dummy
+ # (cached_dcl_macros_i,cached_dcl_macros) = cached_dcl_macros![i]
# cached_dcl_macros_i = clear_group_indices2 0 cached_dcl_macros_i
- # (dummy,cached_dcl_macros) = replace cached_dcl_macros i cached_dcl_macros_i
- = clear_group_indices1 (i+1) dummy cached_dcl_macros
+ # cached_dcl_macros = {cached_dcl_macros & [i]=cached_dcl_macros_i}
+ = clear_group_indices1 (i+1) cached_dcl_macros
clear_group_indices2 j cached_dcl_macros_i
| j==size cached_dcl_macros_i
diff --git a/frontend/generics1.icl b/frontend/generics1.icl
index 8fbd05d..2468b76 100644
--- a/frontend/generics1.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics1.icl
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ where
clear_modules n td_infos
| n == size td_infos
= td_infos
- #! (td_infos1, td_infos) = replace td_infos n {}
+ #! (td_infos1, td_infos) = td_infos![n]
#! td_infos1 = clear_td_infos 0 td_infos1
#! td_infos = {td_infos & [n]=td_infos1}
= clear_modules (inc n) td_infos
diff --git a/frontend/hashtable.icl b/frontend/hashtable.icl
index 0df5802..934bbfc 100644
--- a/frontend/hashtable.icl
+++ b/frontend/hashtable.icl
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ where
putIdentInHashTable :: !String !IdentClass !*HashTable -> (!BoxedIdent, !*HashTable)
putIdentInHashTable name ident_class {hte_symbol_heap,hte_entries,hte_mark}
# hash_val = hashValue name
- (entries,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries hash_val HTE_Empty
+ (entries,hte_entries) = hte_entries![hash_val]
(ident, hte_symbol_heap, entries) = insert name ident_class hte_mark hte_symbol_heap entries
hte_entries = {hte_entries & [hash_val]=entries}
= (ident, { hte_symbol_heap = hte_symbol_heap, hte_entries = hte_entries,hte_mark=hte_mark })
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ where
putQualifiedIdentInHashTable :: !String !BoxedIdent !IdentClass !*HashTable -> (!BoxedIdent, !*HashTable)
putQualifiedIdentInHashTable module_name ident ident_class {hte_symbol_heap,hte_entries,hte_mark}
# hash_val = hashValue module_name
- (entries,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries hash_val HTE_Empty
+ (entries,hte_entries) = hte_entries![hash_val]
(ident, hte_symbol_heap, entries) = insert module_name ident ident_class (IC_Module NoQualifiedIdents) hte_mark hte_symbol_heap entries
- hte_entries = update hte_entries hash_val entries
+ hte_entries = {hte_entries & [hash_val]=entries}
= (ident, { hte_symbol_heap = hte_symbol_heap, hte_entries = hte_entries,hte_mark=hte_mark })
insert :: !String !BoxedIdent !IdentClass !IdentClass !Int !*SymbolTable *HashTableEntry -> (!BoxedIdent, !*SymbolTable, !*HashTableEntry)
@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ where
putPredefinedIdentInHashTable :: !Ident !IdentClass !*HashTable -> *HashTable
putPredefinedIdentInHashTable predefined_ident=:{id_name} ident_class {hte_symbol_heap,hte_entries,hte_mark}
# hash_val = hashValue id_name
- (entries,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries hash_val HTE_Empty
+ (entries,hte_entries) = hte_entries![hash_val]
(hte_symbol_heap, entries) = insert id_name ident_class hte_mark hte_symbol_heap entries
- hte_entries = update hte_entries hash_val entries
+ hte_entries = {hte_entries & [hash_val]=entries}
= { hte_symbol_heap = hte_symbol_heap, hte_entries = hte_entries,hte_mark=hte_mark }
insert :: !String !IdentClass !Int !*SymbolTable *HashTableEntry -> (!*SymbolTable, !*HashTableEntry)
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ where
get_qualified_idents_from_hash_table :: !Ident !*HashTable -> (!QualifiedIdents,!*HashTable)
get_qualified_idents_from_hash_table module_ident=:{id_name} hash_table=:{hte_entries}
# hash_val = hashValue id_name
- (entries,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries hash_val HTE_Empty
+ (entries,hte_entries) = hte_entries![hash_val]
(qualified_idents, entries) = find_qualified_idents id_name (IC_Module NoQualifiedIdents) entries
- hte_entries = update hte_entries hash_val entries
+ hte_entries = {hte_entries & [hash_val] = entries}
= (qualified_idents, {hash_table & hte_entries = hte_entries})
find_qualified_idents :: !String !IdentClass *HashTableEntry -> (!QualifiedIdents, !*HashTableEntry)
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ remove_icl_symbols_from_hash_table hash_table=:{hte_entries}
remove_icl_symbols_from_array i hte_entries
| i<size hte_entries
- # (entries,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries i HTE_Empty
+ # (entries,hte_entries) = hte_entries![i]
# (_,entries) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree entries
- # hte_entries = update hte_entries i entries
+ # hte_entries = {hte_entries & [i] = entries}
= remove_icl_symbols_from_array (i+1) hte_entries
= hte_entries
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.dcl b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
index 22664a5..841c844 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ accCoercionTree f i coercion_trees
:== acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
- # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = replace coercion_trees i CT_Empty
+ # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = coercion_trees![i]
(x, coercion_tree) = f coercion_tree
= (x, {coercion_trees & [i]=coercion_tree})
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ appCoercionTree f i coercion_trees
:== acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
- # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = replace coercion_trees i CT_Empty
+ # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = coercion_trees![i]
= {coercion_trees & [i] = f coercion_tree}
class performOnTypeVars a :: !(TypeAttribute TypeVar .st -> .st) !a !.st -> .st
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index b7e713e..3bd5cdd 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ accCoercionTree f i coercion_trees
:== acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
- # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = replace coercion_trees i CT_Empty
+ # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = coercion_trees![i]
(x, coercion_tree) = f coercion_tree
= (x, {coercion_trees & [i]=coercion_tree})
@@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@ appCoercionTree f i coercion_trees
:== acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees
- # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = replace coercion_trees i CT_Empty
+ # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = coercion_trees![i]
= {coercion_trees & [i] = f coercion_tree}
flattenCoercionTree :: !u:CoercionTree -> (![Int], !u:CoercionTree)
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index c830086..9114daf 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ where
= combine_coercion_trees group_index attrs partition merged_tree coer_offered coer_demanded
combine_coercion_trees group_index [ ] partition merged_tree coer_offered coer_demanded
= (merged_tree, coer_demanded)
rebuild_tree :: !Index !AttributePartition !*CoercionTree !*CoercionTree -> *CoercionTree
rebuild_tree group_index partition (CT_Node attr left right) tree
@@ -669,13 +668,13 @@ coerceAttributes off_attr dem_attr _ coercions
newInequality :: !Int !Int !*Coercions -> *Coercions
newInequality off_attr dem_attr coercions=:{coer_demanded, coer_offered}
- # (dem_coercions, coer_demanded) = replace coer_demanded off_attr CT_Empty
+ # (dem_coercions, coer_demanded) = coer_demanded![off_attr]
(succ, dem_coercions) = insert dem_attr dem_coercions
- coer_demanded = { coer_demanded & [off_attr] = dem_coercions }
+ coer_demanded = {coer_demanded & [off_attr] = dem_coercions}
| succ
- # (off_coercions, coer_offered) = replace coer_offered dem_attr CT_Empty
+ # (off_coercions, coer_offered) = coer_offered![dem_attr]
(succ, off_coercions) = insert off_attr off_coercions
- coer_offered = { coer_offered & [dem_attr] = off_coercions }
+ coer_offered = {coer_offered & [dem_attr] = off_coercions}
= {coer_demanded = coer_demanded, coer_offered = coer_offered}
= {coer_demanded = coer_demanded, coer_offered = coer_offered}
@@ -716,9 +715,8 @@ makeUnique :: !Int !*Coercions -> *Coercions
makeUnique attr {coer_demanded, coer_offered}
# (off_coercions, coer_offered) = replace coer_offered attr CT_Empty
coer_demanded = { coer_demanded & [attr] = CT_Unique }
- = make_unique off_coercions {coer_offered = coer_offered, coer_demanded = coer_demanded}// ---> ("makeUnique :", attr)
+ = make_unique off_coercions {coer_offered = coer_offered, coer_demanded = coer_demanded}
- // JVG added type:
make_unique :: !CoercionTree !*Coercions -> *Coercions;
make_unique (CT_Node this_attr ct_less ct_greater) coercions
# coercions = makeUnique this_attr coercions
@@ -989,7 +987,7 @@ copyCoercions coercions=:{coer_demanded, coer_offered}
= ({coercions & coer_demanded = coer_demanded, coer_offered = coer_offered}, {coercions & coer_demanded = coer_demanded_copy, coer_offered = coer_offered_copy})
copy_coercion_trees trees
- = arrayAndElementsCopy CT_Empty copy_coercion_tree trees
+ = arrayAndElementsCopy copy_coercion_tree trees
copy_coercion_tree (CT_Node attr left right)
# (copy_left, left) = copy_coercion_tree left