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authorzweije2001-10-08 14:34:48 +0000
committerzweije2001-10-08 14:34:48 +0000
commitcaf375abc6019f1d29be7112cbb0edbecd67b698 (patch)
parentThis commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r837, (diff)
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r839,
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@840 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/cli.icl b/sucl/cli.icl
index c86daac..9ced531 100644
--- a/sucl/cli.icl
+++ b/sucl/cli.icl
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Abstype implementation.
> stripexports :: [char] -> cli -> cli
-:: Cli = CliAlias (Module SuclSymbol SuclVariable SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable)
+:: Cli = CliAlias (SuclSymbol->String) (Module SuclSymbol SuclVariable SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable)
> cli == module symbol node typesymbol typenode
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ Abstype implementation.
exports :: Cli -> [SuclSymbol]
-exports (CliAlias m) = m.exportedsymbols
+exports (CliAlias ss m) = m.exportedsymbols
// Determine the arity of a core clean symbol
arity :: Cli SuclSymbol -> Int
-arity (CliAlias m) sym
+arity (CliAlias ss m) sym
= extendfn m.arities (length o arguments o (extendfn m.typerules (coretyperule--->"coreclean.coretyperule begins from cli.arity"))) sym
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ arity (CliAlias m) sym
typerule :: Cli SuclSymbol -> Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable
-typerule (CliAlias m) sym
+typerule (CliAlias ss m) sym
= maxtyperule m.typerules sym
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ typerule (CliAlias m) sym
clistrategy :: Cli ((Graph SuclSymbol SuclVariable) SuclVariable var -> Bool) -> Strategy SuclSymbol var SuclVariable answer | == var
-clistrategy (CliAlias {arities=as,typeconstructors=tcs,typerules=ts,rules=rs}) matchable
- = ( checkarity (extendfn as (typearity o maxtyperule ts)) // Checks curried occurrences and strict arguments
+clistrategy (CliAlias showsymbol {arities=as,typeconstructors=tcs,typerules=ts,rules=rs}) matchable
+ = ( checkarity getarity // Checks curried occurrences and strict arguments
o checklaws cleanlaws // Checks for special (hard coded) rules (+x0=x /y1=y ...)
o checkrules matchable (foldmap id [] rs) // Checks normal rewrite rules
o checkimport islocal // Checks for delta symbols
@@ -172,6 +172,9 @@ clistrategy (CliAlias {arities=as,typeconstructors=tcs,typerules=ts,rules=rs}) m
where islocal rsym=:(SuclUser (SK_Function _)) = isMember rsym (map fst rs) // User-defined function symbols can be imported, so they're known if we have a list of rules for them
islocal _ = True // Symbols in the language core (the rest) are always completely known
// This includes lifted case symbols; we lifted them ourselves, after all
+ getarity sym
+ = (arity <--- ("cli.clistrategy.getarity ends with "+++toString arity)) ---> ("cli.clistrategy.getarity begins for "+++showsymbol sym)
+ where arity = extendfn as (typearity o (maxtyperule--->"cli.clistrategy.getarity uses maxtyperule") ts) sym
typearity :: (Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable) -> Int
typearity ti = length (arguments ti)
@@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ maxstricts defs sym = extendfn defs corestricts sym
complete :: Cli -> [SuclSymbol] -> Bool
-complete (CliAlias m) = mkclicomplete m.typeconstructors (maxtyperule m.typerules)
+complete (CliAlias ss m) = mkclicomplete m.typeconstructors (maxtyperule m.typerules)
> showcli = printcli
@@ -328,16 +331,19 @@ Compiling clean parts into module information...
mkcli ::
+ (SuclSymbol->String)
[(SuclSymbol,Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable)]
+ [(SuclSymbol,Int)]
[(SuclTypeSymbol,[(SuclSymbol,(Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool]))])]
[(SuclSymbol,(Int,[Rule SuclSymbol SuclVariable]))]
-> Cli
-mkcli typerules stricts exports constrs bodies
+mkcli showsymbol typerules stricts exports imports constrs bodies
= CliAlias
- { arities = map (mapsnd fst) bodies
+ showsymbol
+ { arities = map (mapsnd fst) bodies++imports
, typeconstructors = map (mapsnd (map fst)) constrs
, exportedsymbols = exports
, typerules = typerules++flatten ((map (map (mapsnd fst) o snd)) constrs)
@@ -346,10 +352,12 @@ mkcli typerules stricts exports constrs bodies
instance <<< Cli
-where (<<<) file (CliAlias m)
- = file <<< "=== Arities ===" <<< nl
- writeList m.arities
- <<< "=== Type Rules ===" <<< nl
- writeList m.typerules
- <<< "=== Rules ===" <<< nl
- writeList m.rules
+where (<<<) file (CliAlias showsymbol m)
+ # file = file <<< "=== Arities ===" <<< nl
+ # file = printlist (showpair showsymbol toString) "" m.arities file
+ # file = file <<< "=== Type Rules ===" <<< nl
+ # file = printlist (showpair showsymbol toString) "" m.typerules file
+ # file = file <<< "=== Rules ===" <<< nl
+ # file = printlist (showpair showsymbol (showlist showrule`)) "" m.rules file
+ = file
+ where showrule` rule = showruleanch showsymbol toString (map (const False) (arguments rule)) rule []