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authormartijnv2000-09-20 09:50:30 +0000
committermartijnv2000-09-20 09:50:30 +0000
commitb2e56ac8476aa47b9407181c7a8f760898d6593a (patch)
parentadded position information for better error messages (diff)
no message
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@215 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
index 3627c7a..2730e2c 100644
--- a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import syntax, transform, utilities, convertcases
, ci_new_functions :: ![FunctionInfoPtr]
, ci_fun_heap :: !*FunctionHeap
, ci_next_fun_nr :: !Index
+ // data needed to generate coercions
+ , ci_placeholders_and_tc_args :: [(!BoundVar,Ptr VarInfo)]
:: ConversionInput =
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs groups fu
# (groups, (fun_defs, {ci_predef_symb, ci_var_heap, ci_expr_heap, ci_fun_heap, ci_new_functions}))
= convert_groups 0 groups global_type_instances (fun_defs, {
ci_predef_symb = predefined_symbols, ci_var_heap = var_heap, ci_expr_heap = expr_heap,
- ci_new_functions = [], ci_new_variables = [], ci_fun_heap = newHeap, ci_next_fun_nr = nr_of_funs })
+ ci_new_functions = [], ci_new_variables = [], ci_fun_heap = newHeap, ci_next_fun_nr = nr_of_funs, ci_placeholders_and_tc_args = [] })
(groups, new_fun_defs, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, ci_var_heap)
= addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs ci_fun_heap ci_new_functions groups imported_types [] type_heaps ci_var_heap
= (groups, { fundef \\ fundef <- [ fundef \\ fundef <-: fun_defs ] ++ new_fun_defs }, ci_predef_symb, imported_types, imported_conses, ci_var_heap, type_heaps, ci_expr_heap)
@@ -183,7 +186,8 @@ where
# (twoTuple_symb, ci) = getSymbol (GetTupleConsIndex 2) SK_Constructor 2 ci
(let_binds, ci) = createVariables dyn_uni_vars [] ci
(dyn_expr, ci) = convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr dyn_expr ci
- (_,dyn_type_code, ci) = convertTypecode cinp dyn_type_code ci
+ (dyn_type_code,_,_,ci) = convertTypecode cinp dyn_type_code False [] [] ci
+// (_,dyn_type_code, ci) = convertTypecode cinp dyn_type_code ci
= case let_binds of
[] -> (App { app_symb = twoTuple_symb,
app_args = [dyn_expr, dyn_type_code],
@@ -202,102 +206,93 @@ where
convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr expression ci
= abort "unexpected value in convertDynamics: 'convertDynamics.Expression'"
-// FreeVar; fv_info_ptr
//convertTypecode :: !ConversionInput TypeCodeExpression !*ConversionInfo -> (Expression,!*ConversionInfo)
-convertTypecode cinp TCE_Empty ci
- = (True,EE, ci)
-convertTypecode cinp=:{cinp_st_args} (TCE_Var var_info_ptr) ci
- #! cinp_st_args
- = filter (\{fv_info_ptr} -> fv_info_ptr == var_info_ptr) cinp_st_args
- = (isEmpty cinp_st_args,Var {var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
-// MV ..
-convertTypecode cinp=:{cinp_st_args} (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) ci
- #! cinp_st_args
- = filter (\{fv_info_ptr} -> fv_info_ptr == var_info_ptr) cinp_st_args
- = (isEmpty cinp_st_args,Var {var_name = v_tc_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
-// .. MV
+ replace all references in a type code expression which refer to an argument i.e. the argument contains a
+ type to their placeholders. Return is a list of (placeholder,argument) list. Each tuple is used later as
+ arguments to the coerce relation. This should be optional
-convertTypecode cinp (TCE_Constructor index typecode_exprs) ci
- # (typecons_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_TypeConsSymbol SK_Constructor 2 ci
- constructor = get_constructor cinp.cinp_glob_type_inst index
- (unify,typecode_exprs, ci) = convertTypecodes cinp typecode_exprs ci
- = ( unify,
- App {app_symb = typecons_symb,
- app_args = [constructor , typecode_exprs],
- app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
-convertTypecode cinp=:{cinp_st_args} (TCE_Selector selections var_info_ptr) ci
- #! cinp_st_args
- = filter (\{fv_info_ptr} -> fv_info_ptr == var_info_ptr) cinp_st_args
- = (isEmpty cinp_st_args,Selection No (Var { var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }) selections, ci)
+// ci_placeholders_and_tc_args
+convertTypecode cinp TCE_Empty replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
+ = (EE,binds,placeholders_and_tc_args,ci)
-//convertTypecodes :: !ConversionInput [TypeCodeExpression] !*ConversionInfo -> (Expression,!*ConversionInfo)
-convertTypecodes _ [] ci
- # (nil_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_NilSymbol SK_Constructor 0 ci
- = ( True,
- App { app_symb = nil_symb,
- app_args = [],
- app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
-convertTypecodes cinp [typecode_expr : typecode_exprs] ci
- # (cons_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_ConsSymbol SK_Constructor 2 ci
- (unify1,expr, ci) = convertTypecode cinp typecode_expr ci
- (unify2,exprs, ci) = convertTypecodes cinp typecode_exprs ci
- = (unify1 && unify2,
- App { app_symb = cons_symb,
- app_args = [expr , exprs],
- app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
+convertTypecode cinp=:{cinp_st_args} (TCE_Var var_info_ptr) replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci=:{ci_placeholders_and_tc_args}
+ | not replace_tc_args
+ = (Var {var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr},binds,placeholders_and_tc_args, ci)
+ // check if tc_arg has already been replaced by a placeholder
+ #! ci_placeholder_and_tc_arg
+ = filter (\(_,tc_args_ptr) -> tc_args_ptr == var_info_ptr) ci_placeholders_and_tc_args
+ | not (isEmpty ci_placeholder_and_tc_arg)
+ = (Var {var_name = v_tc_placeholder_ident, var_info_ptr = (fst (hd ci_placeholder_and_tc_arg)).var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr},binds,placeholders_and_tc_args, ci)
-// MV ..
-//mv_convertTypecode :: !ConversionInput TypeCodeExpression !*ConversionInfo -> (Expression,!*ConversionInfo)
-mv_convertTypecode cinp TCE_Empty ci
- = (EE, ci)
-mv_convertTypecode cinp (TCE_Var var_info_ptr) ci
- = (Var {var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
-mv_convertTypecode cinp (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) ci
- = (Var {var_name = v_tc_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
-mv_convertTypecode cinp (TCE_Constructor index typecode_exprs) ci
- # (typecons_symb, ci) = mv_getSymbol PD_TypeConsSymbol SK_Constructor 2 ci
- constructor = mv_get_constructor cinp.cinp_glob_type_inst index
- (typecode_exprs, ci) = mv_convertTypecodes cinp typecode_exprs ci
+ #! cinp_st_args
+ = filter (\{fv_info_ptr} -> fv_info_ptr == var_info_ptr) cinp_st_args
+ | isEmpty cinp_st_args
+ // type pattern variable is *not* an argument i.e. nothing to replace
+ = (Var {var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr},binds,placeholders_and_tc_args, ci)
+ // type pattern variable is an argument i.e. contains a type code expression
+ #! (placeholder_var, ci)
+ = newVariable v_tc_placeholder VI_Empty ci
+ #! placeholder_fv
+ = varToFreeVar placeholder_var 1
+ #! (place_holder_and_tc_arg,ci)
+ = create_variable v_tc_placeholder_ident placeholder_var.var_info_ptr ci
+ #! ci
+ = { ci &
+ ci_placeholders_and_tc_args = [(placeholder_var /*.var_info_ptr*/,var_info_ptr):ci_placeholders_and_tc_args]
+ , ci_new_variables = [placeholder_fv:ci.ci_new_variables] }
+ = (Var placeholder_var,[place_holder_and_tc_arg:binds],[(placeholder_var.var_info_ptr,var_info_ptr):placeholders_and_tc_args], ci)
+// 1st component of tuple is true iff:
+// 1. The type is a TCE_Var or TCE_TypeTerm
+// 2. It is also a argument of the function
+// Thus a tc argument variable.
+// This forms a special case: instead of an unify, a coerce can be generated
+convertTypecode cinp (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
+ /*
+ ** TCE_Var and TCE_TypeTerm are not equivalent. A TCE_TypeTerm is used for an argument which contains
+ ** a type representation. A TCE_Var is an existential quantified type variable. In previous phases no
+ ** clear distinction is made. It should be possible to generate the proper type code expression for
+ ** these two but it would involve changing a lot of small things.
+ */
+ = convertTypecode cinp (TCE_Var var_info_ptr) replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
+convertTypecode cinp (TCE_Constructor index typecode_exprs) replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
+ # (typecons_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_TypeConsSymbol SK_Constructor 2 ci
+ constructor = get_constructor cinp.cinp_glob_type_inst index
+ (typecode_exprs,binds,placeholders_and_tc_args,ci) = convertTypecodes cinp typecode_exprs replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
= (App {app_symb = typecons_symb,
app_args = [constructor , typecode_exprs],
- app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
+ app_info_ptr = nilPtr},binds,placeholders_and_tc_args,ci)
-mv_convertTypecodes _ [] ci
- = abort "dummy"
-mv_convertTypecode cinp (TCE_Selector selections var_info_ptr) ci
- = (Selection No (Var { var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }) selections, ci)
+convertTypecode cinp (TCE_Selector selections var_info_ptr) replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
+ #! (var,binds,placeholders_and_tc_args,ci)
+ = convertTypecode cinp (TCE_Var var_info_ptr) replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
+ = (Selection No var selections,binds,placeholders_and_tc_args,ci)
-mv_convertTypecodes :: !ConversionInput [TypeCodeExpression] !*ConversionInfo -> (Expression,!*ConversionInfo)
-mv_convertTypecodes _ [] ci
+//convertTypecodes :: !ConversionInput [TypeCodeExpression] !*ConversionInfo -> (Expression,!*ConversionInfo)
+convertTypecodes _ [] replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
# (nil_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_NilSymbol SK_Constructor 0 ci
= (App { app_symb = nil_symb,
app_args = [],
- app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
-mv_convertTypecodes cinp [typecode_expr : typecode_exprs] ci
+ app_info_ptr = nilPtr},binds,placeholders_and_tc_args, ci)
+convertTypecodes cinp [typecode_expr : typecode_exprs] replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
# (cons_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_ConsSymbol SK_Constructor 2 ci
- (expr, ci) = mv_convertTypecode cinp typecode_expr ci
- (exprs, ci) = mv_convertTypecodes cinp typecode_exprs ci
+ # (expr,binds,placeholders_and_tc_args, ci) = convertTypecode cinp typecode_expr replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
+ # (exprs,binds,placeholders_and_tc_args,ci) = convertTypecodes cinp typecode_exprs replace_tc_args binds placeholders_and_tc_args ci
= (App { app_symb = cons_symb,
app_args = [expr , exprs],
- app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
-// Aux
-mv_getSymbol :: Index ((Global Index) -> SymbKind) Int !*PredefinedSymbols -> (SymbIdent, !*PredefinedSymbols)
-mv_getSymbol index symb_kind arity predef_symb
- # ({pds_module, pds_def, pds_ident}, predef_symb) = predef_symb![index]
- symbol = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = symb_kind { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}, symb_arity = arity }
- = (symbol,predef_symb)
-// .. MV
+ app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, binds,placeholders_and_tc_args, ci)
determine_defaults :: (Optional Expression) DefaultExpression !*ConversionInfo -> (Optional Expression, DefaultExpression, !*ConversionInfo)
@@ -306,9 +301,14 @@ determine_defaults :: case_default default_expr varheap -> (this_case_default, n
THEN that is now the default and its reference count must be increased.
ELSE it keeps this default
nested_case_default = IF this case has no default
- THEN the deault_expr remains default in the nested cases.
+ THEN the default_expr remains default in the nested cases.
ELSE nested cases get this default. This is semantically already the case, so nothing has to be changed.
+// the case itself has no default but it has a surrounding default
determine_defaults No default_expr=:(Yes (var=:{var_info_ptr}, indirection_var_list)) ci=:{ci_var_heap}
#! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr ci_var_heap
# (expression, ci) = toExpression default_expr {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ where
-> (Env Expression FreeVar, Expression, *ConversionInfo)
convert_dynamic_pattern cinp bound_vars this_default pattern_number opened_dynamic result_type last_default
[{ dp_var, dp_type_patterns_vars, dp_type_code, dp_rhs } : patterns] ci
- # /*** The last case may noy have a default ***/
+ # /*** The last case may not have a default ***/
ind_var = getIndirectionVar this_default
@@ -371,20 +371,46 @@ where
/*** convert the elements of this pattern ***/
(a_ij_binds, ci) = createVariables dp_type_patterns_vars [] ci
- (unify,type_code, ci) = convertTypecode cinp dp_type_code ci
+// (unify,type_code, ci) = convertTypecode cinp dp_type_code ci
+ (type_code,a_ij_binds ,_, ci) = convertTypecode cinp dp_type_code True /* should be changed to True for type dependent functions */ a_ij_binds [] ci
+ # (ci_placeholders_and_tc_args,ci)
+ = ci!ci_placeholders_and_tc_args;
+ // // foldSt :: !(.a -> .(.st -> .st)) ![.a] !.st -> .st
+ # bound_vars
+ = foldl (\bound_vars (place_holder,_) -> addToBoundVars place_holder empty_attributed_type bound_vars) bound_vars ci_placeholders_and_tc_args
+ // walks through the patterns within one alternative
(dp_rhs, ci) = convertDynamics cinp bound_vars this_default dp_rhs ci
- /*** recursively convert the other patterns ***/
+ /*** recursively convert the other patterns in the other alternatives ***/
(binds, ci) = convert_other_patterns cinp bound_vars this_default pattern_number opened_dynamic result_type last_default patterns ci
+ // coercions ..
+ # (bound_vars,dp_rhs,ci)
+ = case (isEmpty ci_placeholders_and_tc_args) of
+ True
+ -> (bound_vars,dp_rhs,ci)
+ False
+ #! (bound_vars,new_dp_rhs,ci)
+ = gen_type_coercions result_type bound_vars this_default pattern_number 0 dp_rhs ci
+ -> (bound_vars,new_dp_rhs,ci)
+ // .. coercions
/*** generate the expression ***/
- (unify_symb, ci) = getSymbol (if unify PD_unify PD_unify /*PD_coerce*/) SK_Function 2 ci
+ (unify_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_unify SK_Function 2 ci
(twotuple, ci) = getTupleSymbol 2 ci
(let_info_ptr, ci) = let_ptr ci
(case_info_ptr, ci) = case_ptr ci
(default_expr, ci) = toExpression this_default ci
+ // was coercions
(unify_result_var, ci) = newVariable "result" VI_Empty ci
unify_result_fv = varToFreeVar unify_result_var 1
(unify_bool_var, ci) = newVariable "unify_bool" VI_Empty ci
@@ -407,8 +433,12 @@ where
case_info_ptr = case_info_ptr,
case_default_pos= NoPos }, // MW4++
let_info_ptr = let_info_ptr }
= (a_ij_binds ++ binds, let_expr, { ci & ci_new_variables = [unify_result_fv, unify_bool_fv : ci.ci_new_variables]})
bind_indirection_var var=:{var_info_ptr} unify_result_var twotuple ci=:{ci_var_heap,ci_new_variables}
# (VI_Indirection ref_count, ci_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ci_var_heap
| ref_count > 0
@@ -416,17 +446,21 @@ where
= ([{ bind_src = TupleSelect twotuple 1 (Var unify_result_var), bind_dst = ind_fv }],
{ ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap, ci_new_variables = [ ind_fv : ci_new_variables ]})
= ([], {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap})
add_x_i_bind bind_src bind_dst=:{fv_count} binds
| fv_count > 0
= [ { bind_src = bind_src, bind_dst = bind_dst } : binds ]
= binds
+ // other alternatives
convert_other_patterns :: ConversionInput BoundVariables DefaultExpression Int OpenedDynamic AType !(Optional Expression) ![DynamicPattern] !*ConversionInfo
-> (Env Expression FreeVar, *ConversionInfo)
convert_other_patterns _ _ _ _ _ _ No [] ci
+ // no default and no alternatives left
= ([], ci)
convert_other_patterns cinp bound_vars this_default _ _ result_type (Yes last_default_expr) [] ci
+ // default without alternatives left
# c_i = getVariable this_default
(c_bind, ci) = generateBinding cinp bound_vars c_i last_default_expr result_type ci
= ([c_bind], ci)
@@ -439,6 +473,120 @@ where
c_i = getVariable this_default
(c_bind, ci) = generateBinding cinp bound_vars c_i expr result_type ci
= ([c_bind : binds], ci)
+ /*
+ # (ind_i, ci) = newVariable ("ind_"+++toString (pattern_number)) (VI_Indirection 0) ci
+ (c_inc_i, ci) = newVariable ("c_"+++toString (inc pattern_number)) (VI_Default 0) ci
+ new_default = newDefault c_inc_i ind_i
+ bound_vars = addToBoundVars ind_i empty_attributed_type (addToBoundVars c_inc_i result_type bound_vars)
+ (binds, expr, ci) = convert_dynamic_pattern cinp bound_vars new_default (inc pattern_number) opened_dynamic result_type last_default patterns ci
+ c_i = getVariable this_default
+ (c_bind, ci) = generateBinding cinp bound_vars c_i expr result_type ci
+ = ([c_bind : binds], ci)
+ */
+bind_indirection_var var=:{var_info_ptr} unify_result_var twotuple ci=:{ci_var_heap,ci_new_variables}
+ # (VI_Indirection ref_count, ci_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ci_var_heap
+ | ref_count > 0
+ # ind_fv = varToFreeVar var ref_count
+ = ([{ bind_src = TupleSelect twotuple 1 (Var unify_result_var), bind_dst = ind_fv }],
+ { ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap, ci_new_variables = [ ind_fv : ci_new_variables ]})
+ = ([], {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap})
+gen_type_coercions result_type bound_vars _ pattern_n coercion_n dp_rhs ci=:{ci_placeholders_and_tc_args=[]}
+ // there no more type coercions to carry out
+ = (bound_vars,dp_rhs,ci)
+gen_type_coercions result_type bound_vars this_default pattern_n coercion_n dp_rhs ci=:{ci_placeholders_and_tc_args=[({var_info_ptr=a_ij},a_ij_tc):rest]}
+ # let_binds
+ = []
+ // extra
+ # a_ij_var = {var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = a_ij, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+ # a_ij_tc_var = {var_name = a_aij_tc_var_name, var_info_ptr = a_ij_tc, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+ // indirections
+ # (ind_i, ci) = newVariable ("ind_!"+++toString pattern_n +++ "_" +++ toString coercion_n) (VI_Indirection 1) ci
+ (c_inc_i, ci) = newVariable ("c_!"+++toString pattern_n +++ "_" +++ toString (inc coercion_n)) (VI_Default 0) ci
+ new_default = newDefault c_inc_i ind_i
+ #
+ (coerce_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_coerce SK_Function 2 ci
+ (twotuple, ci) = getTupleSymbol 2 ci
+ (let_info_ptr, ci) = let_ptr ci
+ (case_info_ptr, ci) = case_ptr ci
+ (coerce_result_var, ci) = newVariable "result" VI_Empty ci
+ coerce_result_fv = varToFreeVar coerce_result_var 1
+ (coerce_bool_var, ci) = newVariable "coerce_bool" VI_Empty ci
+ coerce_bool_fv = varToFreeVar coerce_bool_var 1
+ # (let_binds, ci) = bind_indirection_var ind_i coerce_result_var twotuple ci
+newDefault :: BoundVar IndirectionVar -> DefaultExpression
+newDefault variable indirection_var = Yes (variable, [indirection_var])
+getVariable :: DefaultExpression -> BoundVar
+getVariable (Yes (variable, _)) = variable
+getVariable No = abort "unexpected value in convertDynamics: 'getVariable'"
+getIndirectionVar (Yes (_, [ind_var:_])) = ind_var
+getIndirectionVar No = abort "unexpected value in convertDynamics: 'getIndirectionVar'"
+toExpression :: DefaultExpression !*ConversionInfo -> (Optional Expression, !*ConversionInfo)
+ ind_i_fv = varToFreeVar ind_i 1
+ c_inc_i_fv = varToFreeVar c_inc_i 1
+ ci = { ci & ci_new_variables = [ c_inc_i_fv,ind_i_fv : ci.ci_new_variables ] }
+ # bound_vars
+ = (addToBoundVars ind_i empty_attributed_type (addToBoundVars c_inc_i result_type bound_vars))
+ # (default_expr, ci)
+ = MYtoExpression (newDefault (getVariable this_default) ind_i) ci // this_default ci
+ // extra
+ # (bound_vars,new_dp_rhs,ci)
+ = gen_type_coercions result_type bound_vars new_default pattern_n (inc coercion_n) dp_rhs { ci & ci_placeholders_and_tc_args = rest }
+ # let_expr
+ = Let {
+ let_strict_binds = []
+ , let_lazy_binds = [{ bind_src = App { app_symb = coerce_symb, app_args = [Var a_ij_var, Var a_ij_tc_var], app_info_ptr = nilPtr },
+ bind_dst = coerce_result_fv }
+ ,
+ { bind_src = TupleSelect twotuple 0 (Var coerce_result_var),
+ bind_dst = coerce_bool_fv } : let_binds
+ ],
+ let_expr =
+ Case { case_expr = Var coerce_bool_var,
+// MW was: case_guards = BasicPatterns BT_Bool [{bp_value = BVB True, bp_expr = dp_rhs}],
+ case_guards = BasicPatterns BT_Bool [{bp_value = BVB True, bp_expr = EE /*new_dp_rhs*/, bp_position = NoPos }],
+ case_default = default_expr,
+ case_ident = No,
+ case_info_ptr = case_info_ptr,
+ case_default_pos= NoPos } // MW4++
+ , let_info_ptr = let_info_ptr
+ }
+ // dp_rhs
+ = (bound_vars,let_expr,{ ci & ci_new_variables = [coerce_result_fv, coerce_bool_fv : ci.ci_new_variables]}) //let_expr,ci)
+ // { ci & ci_new_variables = [unify_result_fv, unify_bool_fv : ci.ci_new_variables]})
generateBinding :: !ConversionInput BoundVariables BoundVar Expression AType !*ConversionInfo -> *(Bind Expression FreeVar, *ConversionInfo)
generateBinding cinp bound_vars var bind_expr result_type ci
@@ -495,19 +643,19 @@ generateBinding cinp bound_vars var bind_expr result_type ci
createVariables :: [VarInfoPtr] !(Env Expression FreeVar) !*ConversionInfo -> (!Env Expression FreeVar, !*ConversionInfo)
createVariables var_info_ptrs binds ci
- = mapAppendSt create_variable var_info_ptrs binds ci
- create_variable :: VarInfoPtr !*ConversionInfo -> (Bind Expression FreeVar, !*ConversionInfo)
- create_variable var_info_ptr ci
- # (placeholder_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_variablePlaceholder SK_Constructor 3 ci
- cyclic_var = {var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
- cyclic_fv = varToFreeVar cyclic_var 1
- = ({ bind_src = App { app_symb = placeholder_symb,
- app_args = [Var cyclic_var, Var cyclic_var],
- app_info_ptr = nilPtr },
- bind_dst = varToFreeVar cyclic_var 1
- },
- { ci & ci_new_variables = [ cyclic_fv : ci.ci_new_variables ]})
+ = mapAppendSt (create_variable a_ij_var_name) var_info_ptrs binds ci
+create_variable :: !Ident VarInfoPtr !*ConversionInfo -> (Bind Expression FreeVar, !*ConversionInfo)
+create_variable var_name var_info_ptr ci
+ # (placeholder_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_variablePlaceholder SK_Constructor 3 ci
+ cyclic_var = {var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+ cyclic_fv = varToFreeVar cyclic_var 1
+ = ({ bind_src = App { app_symb = placeholder_symb,
+ app_args = [Var cyclic_var, Var cyclic_var],
+ app_info_ptr = nilPtr },
+ bind_dst = varToFreeVar cyclic_var 1
+ },
+ { ci & ci_new_variables = [ cyclic_fv : ci.ci_new_variables ]})
@@ -528,9 +676,37 @@ getVariable No = abort "unexpected value in convertDynamics: 'getVariable'"
getIndirectionVar (Yes (_, [ind_var:_])) = ind_var
getIndirectionVar No = abort "unexpected value in convertDynamics: 'getIndirectionVar'"
+MYtoExpression :: DefaultExpression !*ConversionInfo -> (Optional Expression, !*ConversionInfo)
+MYtoExpression No ci = (No, ci)
+MYtoExpression (Yes (variable, indirection_var_list)) ci
+ | length indirection_var_list <> 1
+ = abort "toExpression: meerdere indirectie variables"
+ # (expression, ci) = toExpression2 variable indirection_var_list ci
+ = (Yes expression, ci)
+ toExpression2 variable [] ci = (Var variable, ci)
+ toExpression2 variable [indirection_var] ci
+ # (undo_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_undo_indirections SK_Function 2 ci
+ = (App { app_symb = undo_symb,
+ app_args = [Var variable, Var indirection_var],
+ app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, ci)
+ toExpression2 variable [indirection_var : indirection_vars] ci
+ # (expression, ci) = toExpression2 variable indirection_vars ci
+ (undo_symb, ci) = getSymbol PD_undo_indirections SK_Function 2 ci
+ // ci_var_heap = ci.ci_var_heap //adjust_ref_count indirection_var ci.ci_var_heap
+ = (App { app_symb = undo_symb,
+ app_args = [expression, Var indirection_var],
+ app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, /*{ ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap }*/ ci)
toExpression :: DefaultExpression !*ConversionInfo -> (Optional Expression, !*ConversionInfo)
toExpression No ci = (No, ci)
toExpression (Yes (variable, indirection_var_list)) ci
+ | length indirection_var_list <> 1
+ = abort "toExpression: meerdere indirectie variables"
# (expression, ci) = toExpression2 variable indirection_var_list ci
= (Yes expression, ci)
@@ -614,6 +790,10 @@ getConstructor index arity ci=:{ci_predef_symb}
a_ij_var_name :== { id_name = "a_ij", id_info = nilPtr }
v_tc_name :== { id_name = "convertDynamicsvTC", id_info = nilPtr }
+v_tc_placeholder_ident :== { id_name = v_tc_placeholder, id_info = nilPtr }
+v_tc_placeholder :== "tc_placeholder"
+a_aij_tc_var_name :== { id_name = "a_ij_tc", id_info = nilPtr }
case_ptr :: !*ConversionInfo -> (ExprInfoPtr, !*ConversionInfo)
case_ptr ci=:{ci_expr_heap}
@@ -632,7 +812,6 @@ empty_attributed_type :: AType
empty_attributed_type = { at_attribute = TA_Multi, at_annotation = AN_None, at_type = TE }
isNo :: (Optional a) -> Bool
isNo (Yes _) = False
isNo No = True