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authorjohnvg2011-09-06 09:46:48 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-09-06 09:46:48 +0000
commit9b0c8596c6b9785285604c081243e24360ddfbfe (patch)
parentremove unused constructor PE_Field of type ParsedExpr (diff)
move mapSt2 and mapY2St from module check to module utilities
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1968 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
3 files changed, 44 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 52ddbb1..17991e4 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -603,28 +603,6 @@ where
= (list_of_specials, next_inst_index, all_instances, type_heaps, predef_symbols, error)
check_instance_specials mod_index fun_type fun_index SP_None next_inst_index all_instances type_heaps predef_symbols error
= (SP_None, next_inst_index, all_instances, type_heaps, predef_symbols,error)
-mapSt2 f l s1 s2 :== map_st2 l s1 s2
- map_st2 [x : xs] s1 s2
- # (x, s1,s2) = f x s1 s2
- (xs, s1,s2) = map_st2 xs s1 s2
- #! s1 = s1
- #! s2 = s2
- = ([x : xs], s1,s2)
- map_st2 [] s1 s2
- = ([], s1,s2)
-mapY2St f l s :== map_y2_st l s
- map_y2_st [x : xs] s
- # (x, y, s) = f x s
- (xs, ys, s) = map_y2_st xs s
- #! s = s
- = ([x : xs], [y : ys], s)
- map_y2_st [] s
- #! s = s
- = ([], [], s)
checkAndCollectTypesOfContextsOfSpecials :: [TypeContext] *PredefinedSymbols *ErrorAdmin -> (![[Type]],!*PredefinedSymbols,!*ErrorAdmin);
checkAndCollectTypesOfContextsOfSpecials type_contexts predef_symbols error
diff --git a/frontend/utilities.dcl b/frontend/utilities.dcl
index 8ffad4f..63d7135 100644
--- a/frontend/utilities.dcl
+++ b/frontend/utilities.dcl
@@ -37,6 +37,28 @@ where
#! s = s
= ([], s)
+mapSt2 f l s1 s2 :== map_st2 l s1 s2
+ map_st2 [x : xs] s1 s2
+ # (x, s1,s2) = f x s1 s2
+ (xs, s1,s2) = map_st2 xs s1 s2
+ #! s1 = s1
+ #! s2 = s2
+ = ([x : xs], s1,s2)
+ map_st2 [] s1 s2
+ = ([], s1,s2)
+mapY2St f l s :== map_y2_st l s
+ map_y2_st [x : xs] s
+ # (x, y, s) = f x s
+ (xs, ys, s) = map_y2_st xs s
+ #! s = s
+ = ([x : xs], [y : ys], s)
+ map_y2_st [] s
+ #! s = s
+ = ([], [], s)
map2St f l1 l2 st :== map2_st l1 l2 st
map2_st [h1:t1] [h2:t2] st
diff --git a/frontend/utilities.icl b/frontend/utilities.icl
index de046af..848c2f7 100644
--- a/frontend/utilities.icl
+++ b/frontend/utilities.icl
@@ -140,6 +140,28 @@ where
#! s = s
= ([], s)
+mapSt2 f l s1 s2 :== map_st2 l s1 s2
+ map_st2 [x : xs] s1 s2
+ # (x, s1,s2) = f x s1 s2
+ (xs, s1,s2) = map_st2 xs s1 s2
+ #! s1 = s1
+ #! s2 = s2
+ = ([x : xs], s1,s2)
+ map_st2 [] s1 s2
+ = ([], s1,s2)
+mapY2St f l s :== map_y2_st l s
+ map_y2_st [x : xs] s
+ # (x, y, s) = f x s
+ (xs, ys, s) = map_y2_st xs s
+ #! s = s
+ = ([x : xs], [y : ys], s)
+ map_y2_st [] s
+ #! s = s
+ = ([], [], s)
map2St f l1 l2 st :== map2_st l1 l2 st
map2_st [h1:t1] [h2:t2] st