diff options
authormartinw2000-06-05 15:04:10 +0000
committermartinw2000-06-05 15:04:10 +0000
commit7db9a3799dfe1c88aee502646e939905b0a79905 (patch)
parentremoved ---> application (diff)
enabled higher order function elimination also for functions (producers)
that are imported git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@149 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
4 files changed, 195 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/StdCompare.dcl b/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
index c4a94e2..5839af4 100644
--- a/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
+++ b/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class (=<) infix 4 a :: !a !a -> CompareValue
instance =< Int, Expression, {# Char}, Ident, [a] | =< a, BasicType //, (Global a) | =< a
-instance =< Type
+instance =< Type, SymbIdent
instance == BasicType, TypeVar, TypeSymbIdent, DefinedSymbol, TypeContext , BasicValue,
FunKind, (Global a) | == a, Priority, Assoc
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 8fdccc5..4ce566e 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -422,8 +422,8 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
:: ConsClasses =
{ cc_size ::!Int
- , cc_args ::![ConsClass] // the lists have the
- , cc_linear_bits ::![Bool] // same length
+ , cc_args ::![ConsClass]
+ , cc_linear_bits ::![Bool]
:: ConsClass :== Int
@@ -548,10 +548,11 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
:: FunctionInfo = FI_Empty | FI_Function !GeneratedFunction
:: Producer = PR_Empty
- | PR_Function !SymbIdent !Index !Int // Int: number of actual arguments in application
+ | PR_Function !SymbIdent !Index
| PR_Class !App ![BoundVar] !Type
// | PR_Constructor !SymbIdent ![Expression]
- | PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Index !Int // Int: number of actual arguments in application
+ | PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Index
+ | PR_Curried !SymbIdent
:: InstanceInfo = II_Empty | II_Node !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !InstanceInfo !InstanceInfo
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 0230f48..ef5834a 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -516,10 +516,11 @@ cNotVarNumber :== -1
:: FunctionInfo = FI_Empty | FI_Function !GeneratedFunction
:: Producer = PR_Empty
- | PR_Function !SymbIdent !Index !Int // Int: number of actual arguments in application (XXX possibly superfluous (already contained in SymbIdent))
+ | PR_Function !SymbIdent !Index
| PR_Class !App ![BoundVar] !Type
// | PR_Constructor !SymbIdent ![Expression]
- | PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Index !Int // Int: number of actual arguments in application (XXX possibly superfluous (already contained in SymbIdent))
+ | PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Index
+ | PR_Curried !SymbIdent
:: InstanceInfo = II_Empty | II_Node !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !InstanceInfo !InstanceInfo
@@ -1276,7 +1277,7 @@ where
instance <<< BoundVar
(<<<) file {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
- = file <<< var_name <<< '<' <<< ptrToInt var_info_ptr <<< ',' <<< ptrToInt var_expr_ptr <<< '>'
+ = file <<< var_name <<< '<' <<< ptrToInt var_info_ptr <<< '>'
instance <<< (Bind a b) | <<< a & <<< b
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 430d145..9a63bcf 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -1199,13 +1199,15 @@ where
= Smaller
= Greater
- compare_constructor_arguments (PR_Function _ index1 _) (PR_Function _ index2 _)
+ compare_constructor_arguments (PR_Function _ index1) (PR_Function _ index2)
= index1 =< index2
- compare_constructor_arguments (PR_GeneratedFunction _ index1 _) (PR_GeneratedFunction _ index2 _)
+ compare_constructor_arguments (PR_GeneratedFunction _ index1) (PR_GeneratedFunction _ index2)
= index1 =< index2
compare_constructor_arguments (PR_Class app1 _ _) (PR_Class app2 _ _)
= app1.app_args =< app2.app_args
- compare_constructor_arguments _ _
+ compare_constructor_arguments (PR_Curried symb_ident1) (PR_Curried symb_ident2)
+ = symb_ident1 =< symb_ident2
+ compare_constructor_arguments PR_Empty PR_Empty
= Equal
cIsANewFunction :== True
@@ -1254,7 +1256,7 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
ti_type_heaps = { ti_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
(new_fun_args, new_arg_types_array, new_result_type, new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, ti_type_heaps, ti_symbol_heap, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap, ti_var_heap)
- = determine_args cc_linear_bits cc_args 0 prods tb_args (st_args_array st_args) st_result (ti_cons_args, tb_rhs) ti_type_heaps
+ = determine_args cc_linear_bits cc_args 0 prods tb_args (st_args_array st_args) st_result (ti_cons_args, tb_rhs, ro) ti_type_heaps
ti_symbol_heap ti_fun_defs ti_fun_heap ti_var_heap
new_arg_types = flatten [ el \\ el<-:new_arg_types_array ]
fun_arity = length new_fun_args
@@ -1283,6 +1285,8 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
ti_next_fun_nr = inc ti_next_fun_nr, ti_new_functions = [fun_def_ptr : ti_new_functions],
ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_type_heaps = type_heaps, ti_cleanup_info = us_cleanup_info, ti_trace=ti_trace }
new_fd = { new_fd_expanding & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = new_fun_args, tb_rhs = new_fun_rhs} }
+// | False--->("generated function", new_fd, '\n', new_fd.fun_type)
+// = undef
= (ti_next_fun_nr, fun_arity, { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti.ti_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function { new_gen_fd & gf_fun_def = new_fd })})
st_args_array :: ![AType] -> .{![AType]}
@@ -1306,7 +1310,7 @@ where
build_var_args [] form_vars act_vars var_heap
= (form_vars, act_vars, var_heap)
- build_var_args [{fv_name=new_name}:new_names] form_vars act_vars var_heap
+ build_var_args [new_name:new_names] form_vars act_vars var_heap
# (info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
form_var = { fv_name = new_name, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = 0, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
act_var = { var_name = new_name, var_info_ptr = info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
@@ -1340,28 +1344,48 @@ where
, writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Dictionary class_app.app_symb class_app.app_args class_type) var_heap
- determine_arg producer {fv_info_ptr,fv_name} prod_index (_,(ti_cons_args, consumer_body_rhs))
+ determine_arg producer {fv_info_ptr,fv_name} prod_index ((linear_bit, _),(ti_cons_args, consumer_body_rhs, ro))
(vars, arg_types, result_type, new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, type_heaps, symbol_heap, fun_defs, fun_heap, var_heap)
- # ((symbol, nr_of_applied_args, fun_def, {cc_args, cc_linear_bits}), fun_defs, fun_heap)
- = from_function_or_generated_function producer ti_cons_args fun_defs fun_heap
- (TransformedBody tb) = fun_def.fun_body
- (form_vars, act_vars, var_heap) = build_var_args (reverse (take nr_of_applied_args tb.tb_args)) vars [] var_heap
- (Yes symbol_type) = fun_def.fun_type
+ # symbol = get_producer_symbol producer
+ (symbol_type, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ = get_producer_type symbol ro fun_defs fun_heap
+ curried = is_curried producer
+ #! size_fun_defs = size fun_defs
+ # ({cc_args, cc_linear_bits}, fun_heap) = calc_cons_args curried symbol ti_cons_args linear_bit size_fun_defs fun_heap
+ nr_of_applied_args = symbol.symb_arity
application_type = build_application_type symbol_type nr_of_applied_args
(arg_type, arg_types) = arg_types![prod_index]
th_vars = createBindingsForUnifiedTypes application_type (hd arg_type) type_heaps.th_vars
(arg_types, type_heaps) = substituteArr { arg_types & [prod_index] = take nr_of_applied_args symbol_type.st_args }
{ type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
(result_type, type_heaps) = substitute result_type type_heaps
- (expr_to_unfold, var_heap)
- = case (nr_of_applied_args==length tb.tb_args) of
- True -> (VI_Body symbol tb (take nr_of_applied_args form_vars), var_heap)
- False -> (VI_Expression (App { app_symb = symbol, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }), var_heap)
+ (opt_body, var_names, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ = case producer of
+ (PR_Curried {symb_arity, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module}})
+ | glob_module <> cIclModIndex
+ // we do not have good names for the formal variables of that function: invent some
+ -> (NoBody, repeatn symb_arity { id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr }, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ // go further with next alternative
+ _
+ # ({fun_body=fun_body=:TransformedBody tb}, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ = get_fun_def symbol.symb_kind fun_defs fun_heap
+ -> (fun_body, take nr_of_applied_args [ fv_name \\ {fv_name}<-tb.tb_args ], fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ (form_vars, act_vars, var_heap)
+ = build_var_args (reverse var_names) vars [] var_heap
+ (expr_to_unfold, var_heap)
+ = case producer of
+ (PR_Curried _)
+ -> (VI_Expression (App { app_symb = symbol, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }), var_heap)
+ _ // function or generated function
+ # (TransformedBody tb) = opt_body
+ -> (VI_Body symbol tb (take nr_of_applied_args form_vars), var_heap)
+ | nr_of_applied_args<>length cc_linear_bits || nr_of_applied_args<>length cc_args
+ = abort "Martin REALLY missed something XXX"
= ( form_vars
, arg_types
, result_type
- , (take nr_of_applied_args cc_linear_bits)++new_linear_bits
- , (take nr_of_applied_args cc_args)++new_cons_args
+ , cc_linear_bits++new_linear_bits
+ , cc_args++new_cons_args
, type_heaps
, symbol_heap
, fun_defs
@@ -1369,25 +1393,84 @@ where
, writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr expr_to_unfold var_heap
- from_function_or_generated_function (PR_Function symbol index nr_of_applied_args) ti_cons_args fun_defs fun_heap
- # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![index]
- = ((symbol, nr_of_applied_args, fun_def, ti_cons_args.[index]), fun_defs, fun_heap)
- from_function_or_generated_function (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol=:{ symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index} _ nr_of_applied_args)
- ti_cons_args fun_defs fun_heap
- | fun_index < size fun_defs
- # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
- = ((symbol, nr_of_applied_args, fun_def, ti_cons_args.[fun_index]), fun_defs, fun_heap)
- # (FI_Function generated_function, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
- = ((symbol, nr_of_applied_args, generated_function.gf_fun_def, generated_function.gf_cons_args), fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ get_producer_symbol (PR_Curried symbol)
+ = symbol
+ get_producer_symbol (PR_Function symbol _)
+ = symbol
+ get_producer_symbol (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol _)
+ = symbol
+ get_producer_type {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}} ro fun_defs fun_heap
+ | glob_module == cIclModIndex
+ # ({fun_type=Yes symbol_type}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![glob_object]
+ = (symbol_type, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ # {ft_type} = ro.ro_imported_funs.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ = (ft_type, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ get_producer_type {symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr _} ro fun_defs fun_heap
+ # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def={fun_type=Yes symbol_type}}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
+ = (symbol_type, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ calc_cons_args curried {symb_kind, symb_arity} ti_cons_args linear_bit size_fun_defs fun_heap
+ # (opt_cons_classes, fun_heap)
+ = case symb_kind of
+ SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}
+ | glob_module == cIclModIndex && glob_object < size ti_cons_args
+ -> (Yes ti_cons_args.[glob_object], fun_heap)
+ -> (No, fun_heap)
+ SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index
+ | fun_index < size ti_cons_args
+ -> (Yes ti_cons_args.[fun_index], fun_heap)
+ | fun_index < size_fun_defs
+ -> abort "sanity check failed in module trans"
+ # (FI_Function {gf_cons_args}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
+ -> (Yes gf_cons_args, fun_heap)
+ = case opt_cons_classes of
+ Yes cons_classes
+ | curried
+ -> ({ cc_size = symb_arity, cc_args = take symb_arity cons_classes.cc_args,
+ cc_linear_bits = repeatn symb_arity linear_bit}, fun_heap)
+ -> (cons_classes, fun_heap)
+ No
+ -> ({cc_size = symb_arity, cc_args = repeatn symb_arity cPassive,
+ cc_linear_bits = repeatn symb_arity linear_bit}, fun_heap)
- from_function_or_generated_function (PR_Function symbol index nr_of_applied_args) fun_defs fun_heap
- # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![index]
- = ((symbol, nr_of_applied_args, fun_def, ti_cons_args.[index]), fun_defs, fun_heap)
- from_function_or_generated_function (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol=:{ symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr _} _ nr_of_applied_args)
- fun_defs fun_heap
- # (FI_Function generated_function, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
- = ((symbol, nr_of_applied_args, generated_function.gf_fun_def, generated_function.gf_cons_args), fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ get_producer_info (PR_Curried symbol=:{symb_arity, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}}) ti_cons_args
+ linear_bit ro fun_defs fun_heap
+ | glob_module == cIclModIndex
+ cons_classes = { cc_size = symb_arity, cc_args = take symb_arity ti_cons_args.[glob_object].cc_args,
+ cc_linear_bits = repeatn symb_arity linear_bit}
+ = (symbol, symbol_type, cons_classes, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ cons_classes = {cc_size = symb_arity, cc_args = repeatn symb_arity cPassive,
+ cc_linear_bits = repeatn symb_arity linear_bit}
+ = (symbol, ft_type, cons_classes, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ get_producer_info (PR_Curried symbol=:{symb_arity, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index}) ti_cons_args
+ linear_bit ro fun_defs fun_heap
+ = abort "from_function_or_generated_function NYI"
+ get_producer_info (PR_Function symbol index) ti_cons_args _ _ fun_defs fun_heap
+ # ({fun_type=Yes symbol_type}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![index]
+ = (symbol, symbol_type, ti_cons_args.[index], fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ get_producer_info (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol=:{ symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index} _)
+ ti_cons_args _ _ fun_defs fun_heap
+ | fun_index < size ti_cons_args
+ # ({fun_type=Yes symbol_type}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
+ = (symbol, symbol_type, ti_cons_args.[fun_index], fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def={fun_type=Yes symbol_type}, gf_cons_args}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
+ = (symbol, symbol_type, gf_cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ get_fun_def (SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}) fun_defs fun_heap
+ | glob_module<>cIclModIndex
+ = abort "sanity check 2 failed in module trans"
+ # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![glob_object]
+ = (fun_def, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ get_fun_def (SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr _) fun_defs fun_heap
+ # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}, fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
+ = (gf_fun_def, fun_defs, fun_heap)
+ is_curried (PR_Curried _) = True
+ is_curried _ = False
substituteArr :: !*{![AType]} !*TypeHeaps -> (!.{![AType]}, !.TypeHeaps)
// apply substitute on every array element
substituteArr arg_types type_heaps
@@ -1400,12 +1483,14 @@ where
= ({ arg_types & [i] = arg_type }, type_heaps)
build_application_type :: !SymbolType !Int -> AType
- build_application_type symbol_type=:{st_arity, st_result, st_args} nr_of_applied_args
- | st_arity==nr_of_applied_args
+ build_application_type symbol_type=:{st_arity, st_context, st_result, st_args} nr_of_applied_args
+ # nr_context_args = length st_context
+ | st_arity+nr_context_args==nr_of_applied_args
= st_result
-// XXX ask Sjaak, whether this is correct
+ | nr_of_applied_args<nr_context_args
+ = abort "sanity check nr 234 failed in module trans"
= foldr (\atype1 atype2->{at_attribute=TA_None, at_annotation=AN_None, at_type=atype1-->atype2})
- st_result (drop nr_of_applied_args st_args)
+ st_result (drop (nr_of_applied_args-nr_context_args) st_args)
bind_class_types (TA _ context_types) (TA _ instance_types) type_heaps=:{th_vars}
# th_vars = bind_context_types context_types instance_types th_vars
@@ -1453,10 +1538,12 @@ where
= current_max
max_group_index_of_producer (PR_Class {app_args} _ _) current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
= max_group_index_of_members app_args current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
- max_group_index_of_producer (PR_Function _ fun_index _) current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
+ max_group_index_of_producer (PR_Curried _) current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
+ = current_max
+ max_group_index_of_producer (PR_Function _ fun_index) current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
= max fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index current_max
- max_group_index_of_producer (PR_GeneratedFunction { symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index} _ _)
+ max_group_index_of_producer (PR_GeneratedFunction { symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index} _)
current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
| fun_index < size fun_defs
# {fun_info} = fun_defs.[fun_index]
@@ -1659,7 +1746,7 @@ transformFunctionApplication fun_def instances cc=:{cc_size, cc_args, cc_linear_
(app_symb, app_args, extra_args) = complete_application app_symb fun_arity new_args extra_args
= (build_application { app & app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args } extra_args, ti)
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_index, gf_fun_def}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- app_symb = { app_symb & symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr gf_fun_index, symb_arity = length new_args}
+ app_symb = { app_symb & symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr gf_fun_index, symb_arity = length new_args}
(app_symb, app_args, extra_args) = complete_application app_symb gf_fun_def.fun_arity new_args extra_args
= (build_application { app & app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args } extra_args, {ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap })
= (build_application { app & app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args } extra_args, ti)
@@ -1771,107 +1858,78 @@ determineProducer _ _ app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor _}, app
# (app_args, (new_vars, ti_var_heap)) = renewVariables app_args ([], ti.ti_var_heap)
(new_args, ti_var_heap) = mapAppendSt retrieve_old_var new_vars new_args ti_var_heap
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Class { app & app_args = app_args } new_vars type}, new_args, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap })
+ where
retrieve_old_var {var_info_ptr} var_heap
# (var_info, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
(VI_Forward var) = var_info
= (Var var, writeVarInfo var_info_ptr VI_Empty (writeVarInfo var.var_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap))
-determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module, glob_object }}, app_args} _
+determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module, glob_object }, symb_arity}, app_args} _
new_args prod_index producers ro ti
+ # (fun_arity, is_overloaded, ti) = get_fun_arity glob_module glob_object ro ti
+ | is_overloaded // XXX this restriction (producers must not be overloaded) is just temporary
+ = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
+ | symb_arity<>fun_arity
+ | is_applied_to_macro_fun
+ = ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
+ = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
#! max_index = size ti.ti_cons_args
| glob_module <> cIclModIndex || glob_object >= max_index /* Sjaak, to skip array functions */
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
- # (fun_def, ti_fun_defs) = (ti.ti_fun_defs)![glob_object]
+ # ({fun_body}, ti_fun_defs) = (ti.ti_fun_defs)![glob_object]
ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs=ti_fun_defs }
- nr_of_app_args = length app_args
- = determineFunAppProducer fun_def nr_of_app_args (PR_Function symb glob_object nr_of_app_args)
- is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app new_args prod_index producers ti
+ (TransformedBody {tb_rhs}) = fun_body
+ is_good_producer = SwitchFusion (linear_bit && is_sexy_body tb_rhs) False
+ | is_good_producer
+ = ({ producers & [prod_index] = (PR_Function symb glob_object)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
+ = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
get_fun_arity glob_module glob_object ro ti
| glob_module <> cIclModIndex
- = (ro.ro_imported_funs.[glob_module].[glob_object].ft_arity, ti)
- # ({fun_arity}, ti_fun_defs) = (ti.ti_fun_defs)![glob_object]
- = (fun_arity, { ti & ti_fun_defs=ti_fun_defs })
-determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{ symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index}, app_args} _
+ # {st_arity, st_context} = ro.ro_imported_funs.[glob_module].[glob_object].ft_type
+ nr_dictionaries = length st_context
+ = (st_arity+nr_dictionaries, nr_dictionaries>0, ti)
+ // crazy: for imported functions you have to add ft_arity and length st_context, but for unimported
+ // functions fun_arity alone is sufficient
+ # ({fun_symb, fun_arity, fun_type=Yes {st_context}}, ti_fun_defs) = (ti.ti_fun_defs)![glob_object]
+ = (fun_arity, (length st_context)>0, { ti & ti_fun_defs=ti_fun_defs })
+determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{ symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr fun_index, symb_arity}, app_args} _
new_args prod_index producers ro ti
- # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti.ti_fun_heap
+ # (FI_Function {gf_fun_def={fun_body, fun_arity, fun_type=Yes symbol_type}}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti.ti_fun_heap
ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap=ti_fun_heap }
- nr_of_app_args = length app_args
- = determineFunAppProducer gf_fun_def nr_of_app_args (PR_GeneratedFunction symb fun_index nr_of_app_args)
- is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app new_args prod_index producers ti
+ is_overloaded = length symbol_type.st_context>0
+ | is_overloaded // XXX this restriction (producers must not be overloaded) is just temporary
+ = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
+ | symb_arity<>fun_arity
+ | is_applied_to_macro_fun
+ = ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
+ = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
+ # is_good_producer
+ = case fun_body of
+ Expanding _
+ -> False
+ (TransformedBody {tb_rhs})
+ -> SwitchFusion (linear_bit && is_sexy_body tb_rhs) False
+ | is_good_producer
+ = ({ producers & [prod_index] = (PR_GeneratedFunction symb fun_index)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
+ = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
// XXX determineProducer {app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor glob_index}, app_args} new_args prod_index producers ti
// = ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Constructor symb app_args}, new_args, ti)
// XXX */
determineProducer _ _ app _ new_args _ producers _ ti
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
-determineFunAppProducer {fun_body, fun_arity} nr_of_app_args new_producer
- is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_args} new_args prod_index producers ti
- # is_curried = fun_arity<>nr_of_app_args
- is_expanding = case fun_body of
- Expanding _
- -> True
- _ -> False
- is_good_producer = not is_expanding
- && (implies is_curried is_applied_to_macro_fun)
- && (implies (not is_curried) (SwitchFusion (linear_bit && is_sexy_body tb_rhs) False))
- // curried applications may be fused with non linear consumers in functions local to a macro
- | is_good_producer
- = ({ producers & [prod_index] = new_producer}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
- where
- (TransformedBody {tb_rhs}) = fun_body
- // when two function bodies have fusion with each other this only leads into satisfaction if one body
- // fulfills the following sexyness property
- is_sexy_body (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) = False
- is_sexy_body (ABCCodeExpr _ _) = False
- is_sexy_body (Let {let_strict_binds}) = isEmpty let_strict_binds
- // currently a producer's body must not be a let with strict bindings. The code sharing elimination algorithm assumes that
- // all strict let bindings are on the top level expression (see "convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns"). This assumption
- // could otherwise be violated during fusion.
- // -> Here is place for optimisation: Either the fusion algorithm or the code sharing elimination algorithm could be
- // extended to generate new functions when a strict let ends up during fusion in a non top level position (MW)
- is_sexy_body _ = True
+// when two function bodies have fusion with each other this only leads into satisfaction if one body
+// fulfills the following sexyness property
+is_sexy_body (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) = False
+is_sexy_body (ABCCodeExpr _ _) = False
+is_sexy_body (Let {let_strict_binds}) = isEmpty let_strict_binds
+ // currently a producer's body must not be a let with strict bindings. The code sharing elimination algorithm assumes that
+ // all strict let bindings are on the top level expression (see "convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns"). This assumption
+ // could otherwise be violated during fusion.
+ // -> Here is place for optimisation: Either the fusion algorithm or the code sharing elimination algorithm could be
+ // extended to generate new functions when a strict let ends up during fusion in a non top level position (MW)
+is_sexy_body _ = True
- verify_class_members [ App {app_symb, app_args} : mems]
- = verify_class_members app_args && verify_class_members mems
- verify_class_members [ _ : mems]
- = False
- verify_class_members []
- = True
- verify_function fun_nr act_arity ti=:{ti_fun_defs,ti_new_functions}
- | fun_nr < size ti_fun_defs
- #! fd = ti_fun_defs.[fun_nr]
- = (True, ti)
- = (verify_new_function fun_nr act_arity ti_new_functions, ti)
- where
- verify_new_function fun_nr act_arity [{nf_fun_def={fun_index,fun_arity}}:new_functions]
- | fun_nr == fun_index
- = True
- = verify_new_function fun_nr act_arity new_functions
- verify_new_function fun_nr _ []
- = False
- verify_function fun_nr act_arity ti=:{ti_fun_defs,ti_new_functions}
- | fun_nr < size ti_fun_defs
- #! fd = ti_fun_defs.[fun_nr]
- = (fd.fun_arity > act_arity, ti)
- = (verify_new_function fun_nr act_arity ti_new_functions, ti)
- where
- verify_new_function fun_nr act_arity [{nf_fun_def={fun_index,fun_arity}}:new_functions]
- | fun_nr == fun_index
- = fun_arity > act_arity
- = verify_new_function fun_nr act_arity new_functions
- verify_new_function fun_nr _ []
- = False ---> fun_nr
containsProducer prod_index producers
| prod_index == 0
@@ -2393,12 +2451,13 @@ where
// XXX
instance <<< Producer
- (<<<) file (PR_Function symbol index _)
- = file <<< "F" <<< symbol.symb_name
- (<<<) file (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol index _)
- = file <<< "G" <<< symbol.symb_name <<< index
+ (<<<) file (PR_Function symbol index)
+ = file <<< "(F)" <<< symbol.symb_name
+ (<<<) file (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol index)
+ = file <<< "(G)" <<< symbol.symb_name <<< index
(<<<) file PR_Empty = file <<< 'E'
- (<<<) file (PR_Class _ _ _) = file <<< 'C'
+ (<<<) file (PR_Class _ _ _) = file <<< "(Class)"
+ (<<<) file (PR_Curried {symb_name}) = file <<< "(Curried)" <<< symb_name
(<<<) file _ = file
instance <<< FunCall