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authormartinw2000-03-30 11:13:41 +0000
committermartinw2000-03-30 11:13:41 +0000
commit57bf8cfeff870ea673cd7f8e53dc9cad9bdd6fe8 (patch)
parentbugfixes (diff)
comparision of redundant macro definitions
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@123 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
5 files changed, 66 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 6b3461d..480b3f0 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ where
#! {cons_type={st_arity},cons_priority} = com_cons_defs.[def_index]
# def_index = convertIndex def_index (toInt STE_Constructor) dcl_conversions
= (SK_Constructor { glob_object = def_index, glob_module = mod_index }, st_arity, cons_priority, cIsNotAFunction)
determine_info_of_symbol {ste_kind=STE_Member, ste_index} _ e_input=:{ei_mod_index} e_state e_info=:{ef_member_defs} cs
#! {me_type={st_arity},me_priority} = ef_member_defs.[ste_index]
= (SK_OverloadedFunction { glob_object = ste_index, glob_module = ei_mod_index}, st_arity, me_priority, cIsAFunction, e_state, e_info, cs)
@@ -2630,6 +2630,7 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
(dcl_modules, class_instances, icl_functions, cs_predef_symbols)
= adjust_instance_types_of_array_functions_in_std_array_icl dcl_modules class_instances icl_functions cs_predef_symbols
+ (untransformed_macro_funs_defs, icl_functions) = memcpy {ir_from = nr_of_global_funs, ir_to = first_inst_index } icl_functions
(groups, icl_functions, dcl_modules, var_heap, expr_heap, cs_symbol_table, cs_error)
= partitionateAndLiftFunctions [icl_global_function_range, icl_instances] cIclModIndex icl_functions
dcl_modules var_heap expr_heap cs_symbol_table cs_error
@@ -2642,7 +2643,7 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
heaps = { heaps & hp_var_heap = var_heap, hp_expression_heap = expr_heap, hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}}
(dcl_modules, icl_mod, heaps, cs_error)
- = compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_mod heaps cs_error // MW++
+ = compareDefImp (nr_of_global_funs, untransformed_macro_funs_defs) dcl_modules icl_mod heaps cs_error
= (cs_error.ea_ok, icl_mod, dcl_modules, groups, dcl_icl_conversions, heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error.ea_file)
# icl_common = { icl_common & com_type_defs = e_info.ef_type_defs, com_selector_defs = e_info.ef_selector_defs, com_class_defs = e_info.ef_class_defs,
@@ -2831,6 +2832,11 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
(Yes symbol_type) = inst_def.fun_type
= { instance_defs & [ds_index] = { inst_def & fun_type = Yes (makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict symbol_type ins_offset offset_table) } }
+ memcpy :: !IndexRange !*{# FunDef} -> (!.{FunDef}, !*{# FunDef})
+ memcpy {ir_from, ir_to} fun_defs
+ # new = createArray (ir_to-ir_from) (abort "check.icl: don't make that array strict !")
+ = iFoldSt (\i (dst, src=:{[i]=src_i})->({ dst & [i-ir_from] = src_i }, src)) ir_from ir_to (new, fun_defs)
check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name extension cs=:{cs_needed_modules}
# cs = case cs_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdDynamics of
0 -> cs
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl b/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
index 242bf34..9cfd6ab 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ import syntax, checksupport
// compare definition and implementation module
-compareDefImp :: !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+compareDefImp :: !(!Int, !{FunDef}) !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!.{# DclModule}, !.IclModule,!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin)
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
index 296ab9c..0c36b74 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ import RWSDebug
:: !.ErrorAdmin
, ec_tc_state
:: !.TypesCorrespondState
+ , ec_untransformed
+ :: !(!Int, !{ FunDef })
:: ExpressionsCorrespondMonad
@@ -82,9 +84,9 @@ class CorrespondenceNumber a where
initial_hwn hwn_heap = { hwn_heap = hwn_heap, hwn_number = 0 }
-compareDefImp :: !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+compareDefImp :: !(!Int, !{FunDef}) !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!.{# DclModule}, !.IclModule,!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin)
-compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
+compareDefImp untransformed dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
# (main_dcl_module, dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![cIclModIndex]
= case main_dcl_module.dcl_conversions of
No -> (dcl_modules, icl_module, heaps, error_admin)
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
com_selector_defs=icl_com_selector_defs, com_class_defs=icl_com_class_defs,
com_member_defs=icl_com_member_defs, com_instance_defs = icl_com_instance_defs }
= icl_common
- (icl_type_defs, icl_com_type_defs) = copy icl_com_type_defs
+ (icl_type_defs, icl_com_type_defs) = memcpy icl_com_type_defs
= { tc_type_vars = initial_hwn th_vars
, tc_attr_vars = initial_hwn th_attrs
@@ -125,11 +127,10 @@ compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
(icl_com_instance_defs, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareWithConversions conversion_table.[cInstanceDefs]
dcl_common.com_instance_defs icl_com_instance_defs tc_state error_admin
-/* XXX macro comparision doesn't work yet
(icl_functions, hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, tc_state, error_admin)
- = compareMacrosWithConversion conversion_table.[cMacroDefs] dcl_macros
+ = compareMacrosWithConversion conversion_table.[cMacroDefs] dcl_macros untransformed
icl_functions hp_var_heap hp_expression_heap tc_state error_admin
(icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareFunctionTypesWithConversions conversion_table.[cFunctionDefs]
dcl_functions icl_functions tc_state error_admin
@@ -145,17 +146,11 @@ compareDefImp dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
-> ( tc_dcl_modules, { icl_module & icl_common = icl_common, icl_functions = icl_functions },
heaps, error_admin )
- copy original
+ memcpy :: !*{#CheckedTypeDef} -> (!.{CheckedTypeDef}, !.{#CheckedTypeDef})
+ memcpy original
#! size = size original
# new = createArray size (abort "don't make that array strict !")
- = memcpy size new original
- memcpy :: !Int !*{CheckedTypeDef} !*{#CheckedTypeDef} -> (!.{CheckedTypeDef}, !.{#CheckedTypeDef})
- memcpy 0 dst src
- = (dst, src)
- memcpy i dst src
- # i1 = i-1
- (src_i1, src) = src![i1]
- = memcpy i1 { dst & [i1] = src_i1 } src
+ = iFoldSt (\i (dst, src=:{[i]=src_i}) -> ({ dst & [i] = src_i }, src)) 0 size (new, original)
compareWithConversions conversions dclDefs iclDefs tc_state error_admin
= iFoldSt (compareWithConversion conversions dclDefs) 0 (size conversions) (iclDefs, tc_state, error_admin)
@@ -164,7 +159,10 @@ compareWithConversion :: !w:(a x:Int) !.(b c) !Int !(!u:(d c), !*TypesCorrespond
-> (!v:(d c), !.TypesCorrespondState, !.ErrorAdmin)
| Array .b & getIdentPos , select_u , t_corresponds , uselect_u c & Array .d & Array .a, [u <= v, w <= x];
compareWithConversion conversions dclDefs dclIndex (iclDefs, tc_state, error_admin)
- # (iclDef, iclDefs) = iclDefs![conversions.[dclIndex]]
+ # icl_index = conversions.[dclIndex]
+ | icl_index==dclIndex
+ = (iclDefs, tc_state, error_admin)
+ # (iclDef, iclDefs) = iclDefs![icl_index]
(corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds dclDefs.[dclIndex] iclDef tc_state
| corresponds
= (iclDefs, tc_state, error_admin)
@@ -208,12 +206,13 @@ generate_error message iclDef iclDefs tc_state error_admin
error_admin = checkError ident_pos.ip_ident message error_admin
= (iclDefs, tc_state, popErrorAdmin error_admin)
-compareMacrosWithConversion conversions macro_range icl_functions var_heap expr_heap tc_state error_admin
+compareMacrosWithConversion conversions macro_range untransformed icl_functions var_heap expr_heap tc_state error_admin
#! nr_of_functions = size icl_functions
# correspondences = createArray nr_of_functions cNoCorrespondence
ec_state = { ec_correspondences = correspondences, ec_var_heap = initial_hwn var_heap,
ec_expr_heap = expr_heap, ec_icl_functions = icl_functions,
- ec_error_admin = error_admin, ec_tc_state = tc_state }
+ ec_error_admin = error_admin, ec_tc_state = tc_state,
+ ec_untransformed = untransformed }
ec_state = iFoldSt (compareMacroWithConversion conversions macro_range.ir_from) macro_range.ir_from macro_range.ir_to
{ec_icl_functions, ec_var_heap, ec_expr_heap, ec_error_admin, ec_tc_state} = ec_state
@@ -224,15 +223,32 @@ compareMacroWithConversion conversions ir_from dclIndex ec_state
compareTwoMacroFuns :: !.Int !.Int !*ExpressionsCorrespondState -> .ExpressionsCorrespondState;
compareTwoMacroFuns dclIndex iclIndex
- ec_state=:{ec_correspondences, ec_icl_functions, ec_error_admin}
+ ec_state=:{ec_correspondences, ec_icl_functions, ec_untransformed}
+ | dclIndex==iclIndex
+ = ec_state
# (dcl_function, ec_icl_functions) = ec_icl_functions![dclIndex]
(icl_function, ec_icl_functions) = ec_icl_functions![iclIndex]
ec_correspondences = { ec_correspondences & [dclIndex]=iclIndex, [iclIndex]=dclIndex }
+ ec_state = { ec_state & ec_correspondences = ec_correspondences, ec_icl_functions = ec_icl_functions }
+ need_to_be_compared
+ = case (dcl_function.fun_body, icl_function.fun_body) of
+ (TransformedBody _, CheckedBody _)
+ // the macro definition in the icl module is not used, so we don't need to compare
+ -> False
+ _ -> True
+ | not need_to_be_compared
+ = ec_state
+ # adjusted_icl_function
+ = case (dcl_function.fun_body, icl_function.fun_body) of
+ (CheckedBody _, TransformedBody _)
+ // the macro definition in the icl module is has been transformed but not the dcl
+ // module's definition: use the untransformed icl original for comparision
+ # (offset, untransformed_icl_functions) = ec_untransformed
+ -> untransformed_icl_functions.[iclIndex-offset]
+ _ -> icl_function
ident_pos = getIdentPos dcl_function
- ec_error_admin = pushErrorAdmin ident_pos ec_error_admin
- ec_state = { ec_state & ec_correspondences = ec_correspondences,
- ec_icl_functions = ec_icl_functions, ec_error_admin = ec_error_admin }
- ec_state = e_corresponds dcl_function icl_function ec_state
+ ec_error_admin = pushErrorAdmin ident_pos ec_state.ec_error_admin
+ ec_state = e_corresponds dcl_function adjusted_icl_function { ec_state & ec_error_admin = ec_error_admin }
= { ec_state & ec_error_admin = popErrorAdmin ec_state.ec_error_admin }
instance getIdentPos (TypeDef a) where
@@ -266,7 +282,9 @@ instance getIdentPos FunDef where
instance CorrespondenceNumber VarInfo where
toCorrespondenceNumber (VI_CorrespondenceNumber number)
= CorrespondenceNumber number
- toCorrespondenceNumber VI_Empty
+ toCorrespondenceNumber _
+ // VarInfoPtrs are not initialized in this module. This doesnt harm because VI_CorrespondenceNumber should
+ // not be used outside this module
= Unbound
fromCorrespondenceNumber number
@@ -350,12 +368,6 @@ instance t_corresponds (TypeDef TypeRhs) where
= t_corresponds_TypeDef dclDef iclDef
t_corresponds_TypeDef dclDef iclDef tc_state
- // sanity check ...
- | dclDef.td_arity <> length dclDef.td_args
- = undef <<- "t_corresponds (TypeDef): dclDef.td_arity <> length dclDef.td_args"
- | iclDef.td_arity <> length iclDef.td_args
- = undef <<- "t_corresponds (TypeDef): iclDef.td_arity <> length iclDef.td_args"
- // ... sanity check
# tc_state = { tc_state & tc_visited_syn_types.[dclDef.td_index] = True }
tc_state = init_attr_vars dclDef.td_attrs tc_state
tc_state = init_attr_vars iclDef.td_attrs tc_state
@@ -548,17 +560,8 @@ instance t_corresponds Type where
= t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
t_corresponds (GTV dclDef) (GTV iclDef)
= t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- = type_var_bindings_correspond dclDef iclDef
- where
- type_var_bindings_correspond (TV {tv_info_ptr}) icl_type tc_state
- #! tvi = sreadPtr tv_info_ptr tc_state.tc_type_vars.hwn_heap
- = case tvi of
- TVI_Type dcl_type
- -> t_corresponds dcl_type icl_type tc_state
- _ -> (True, tc_state)
- type_var_bindings_correspond _ _ tc_state
- = (False, tc_state)
+ t_corresponds _ _
+ = return False
instance t_corresponds ConsVariable where
t_corresponds (CV dclVar) (CV iclVar)
@@ -700,12 +703,15 @@ instance e_corresponds DefinedSymbol where
= equal2 dclDef.ds_ident iclDef.ds_ident
instance e_corresponds FunDef where
+ // both bodies are either CheckedBodies or TransformedBodies
e_corresponds dclDef iclDef
- = e_corresponds (fromBody dclDef.fun_body) (fromBody iclDef.fun_body)
+// | False--->("compare", dclDef, iclDef)
+// = undef
+ = e_corresponds (from_body dclDef.fun_body) (from_body iclDef.fun_body)
- fromBody (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}) = (tb_args, [tb_rhs])
- fromBody (CheckedBody {cb_args, cb_rhs}) = (cb_args, cb_rhs)
+ from_body (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}) = (tb_args, [tb_rhs])
+ from_body (CheckedBody {cb_args, cb_rhs}) = (cb_args, cb_rhs)
instance e_corresponds TransformedBody where
e_corresponds dclDef iclDef
= e_corresponds dclDef.tb_args iclDef.tb_args
@@ -767,6 +773,8 @@ instance e_corresponds Expression where
= e_corresponds dcl icl
e_corresponds (TypeCodeExpression dcl) (TypeCodeExpression icl)
= e_corresponds dcl icl
+ e_corresponds EE EE
+ = do_nothing
e_corresponds _ _
= give_error ""
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 816ffce..f48ef89 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -450,7 +450,8 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
VI_ClassVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int | /* to hold dictionary variables during overloading */
VI_ForwardClassVar !VarInfoPtr | /* to hold the dictionary variable generated during overloading */
VI_Forward !BoundVar | VI_LetVar !LetVarInfo | VI_LetExpression !LetExpressionInfo | VI_CaseVar !VarInfoPtr |
- VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | VI_SequenceNumber !Int |
+ VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | /* it is assumed that this alternative is _only_ used in module comparedefimp */
+ VI_SequenceNumber !Int |
VI_Used | /* for indicating that an imported function has been used */
VI_PropagationType !SymbolType | /* for storing the type with propagation environment of an imported function */
VI_ExpandedType !SymbolType | /* for storing the (expanded) type of an imported function */
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 548f3fd..51d1fab 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -427,7 +427,8 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
VI_ClassVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int | /* to hold dictionary variables during overloading */
VI_ForwardClassVar !VarInfoPtr | /* to hold the dictionary variable generated during overloading */
VI_Forward !BoundVar | VI_LetVar !LetVarInfo | VI_LetExpression !LetExpressionInfo | VI_CaseVar !VarInfoPtr |
- VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | VI_SequenceNumber !Int |
+ VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | /* it is assumed that this alternative is _only_ used in module comparedefimp */
+ VI_SequenceNumber !Int |
VI_Used | /* for indicating that an imported function has been used */
VI_PropagationType !SymbolType | /* for storing the type with propagation environment of an imported function */
VI_ExpandedType !SymbolType | /* for storing the (expanded) type of an imported function */