diff options
authorjohnvg2013-05-27 09:12:09 +0000
committerjohnvg2013-05-27 09:12:09 +0000
commit4198087327b14e171f9f0691ebaf57125fa771bd (patch)
parentcall reset_free_var_heap_pointers before expandCheckedAlternative in expandMa... (diff)
fix the file name for .tcl files of modules with a hierarchical module name
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@2242 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/main/compile.icl b/main/compile.icl
index e064874..fc9ac46 100644
--- a/main/compile.icl
+++ b/main/compile.icl
@@ -30,26 +30,61 @@ splitBy char string
= size string
+make_clean_system_files_dir_and_file_name :: !{#Char} -> (!{#Char},!{#Char})
+make_clean_system_files_dir_and_file_name dir_and_module_name
+ # last_dir_separator_i = find_last_dir_separator_i dir_and_module_name
+ # last_dot_i = find_last_dot_i last_dir_separator_i dir_and_module_name
+ | last_dot_i<0
+ = ("Clean System Files",dir_and_module_name)
+ # module_name = dir_and_module_name % (last_dot_i+1,size dir_and_module_name-1)
+ | last_dir_separator_i<0
+ # subdir_name = {let c=dir_and_module_name.[i] in if (c=='.') DirectorySeparator c \\ i<-[0..last_dot_i-1] }
+ = (subdir_name +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ "Clean System Files", module_name)
+ # dir = dir_and_module_name % (0,last_dir_separator_i)
+ | last_dot_i==last_dir_separator_i
+ = (dir +++ "Clean System Files", module_name)
+ # subdir_name = {let c=dir_and_module_name.[i] in if (c=='.') DirectorySeparator c \\ i<-[last_dir_separator_i+1..last_dot_i-1] }
+ = (dir +++ subdir_name +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ "Clean System Files", module_name)
+ find_last_dir_separator_i s
+ = find_last_dir_separator_i s (size s-1)
+ where
+ find_last_dir_separator_i s i
+ | i>=0 && s.[i]<>DirectorySeparator
+ = find_last_dir_separator_i s (i-1)
+ = i
+ find_last_dot_i last_dir_separator_i s
+ = find_last_dot_i s (size s-1)
+ where
+ find_last_dot_i s i
+ | i>last_dir_separator_i && s.[i]<>'.'
+ = find_last_dot_i s (i-1)
+ = i
openTclFile :: !String !String !*File !*Files -> (!Bool, !Optional .File, !*File, !*Files)
-openTclFile mod_name mod_path error files
- # csf_path
- = mod_path +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ "Clean System Files"
- # tcl_path
- = csf_path +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ mod_name +++ ".tcl"
+openTclFile mod_dir mod_name error files
+ = open_file_in_clean_system_files_folder mod_dir mod_name ".tcl" FWriteData error files
+open_file_in_clean_system_files_folder :: !String !String !String !Int !*File !*Files -> (!Bool, !Optional .File, !*File, !*Files)
+open_file_in_clean_system_files_folder mod_dir mod_name file_extension file_mode error files
+ # icl_mod_pathname = mod_dir +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ mod_name;
+ # (csf_directory_path,file_name) = make_clean_system_files_dir_and_file_name icl_mod_pathname
+ # file_path = csf_directory_path +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ file_name +++ file_extension
# (opened, tcl_file, files)
- = fopen tcl_path FWriteData files
+ = fopen file_path file_mode files
| opened
= (True, Yes tcl_file, error, files)
// try again after creating Clean System Files folder
# (ok, files)
- = ensureCleanSystemFilesExists csf_path files
+ = ensureCleanSystemFilesExists csf_directory_path files
| not ok
- # error = fwrites ("can't create folder \"" +++ csf_path +++"\"\n") error
+ # error = fwrites ("can't create folder \"" +++ csf_directory_path +++"\"\n") error
= (False, No, error, files)
# (opened, tcl_file, files)
- = fopen tcl_path FWriteData files
+ = fopen file_path file_mode files
| not opened
- # error = fwrites ("couldn't open file \"" +++ tcl_path +++ "\"\n") error
+ # error = fwrites ("couldn't open file \"" +++ file_path +++ "\"\n") error
= (False, No, error, files)
= (True, Yes tcl_file, error, files)
@@ -243,14 +278,17 @@ compileModule options backendArgs cache=:{dcl_modules,functions_and_macros,prede
| not opened
= abort ("couldn't open out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n")
# (opt_file_dir_time,files) = fopenInSearchPaths options.moduleName ".icl" options.searchPaths FReadData fmodificationtime files
- # (opt_file_dir_time, optional_tcl_opened, tcl_file, error, files)
- = case opt_file_dir_time of
- Yes (_,mod_path,_)
+ # (opt_file_dir_time, mbModPath) =
+ case opt_file_dir_time of
+ Yes (_,mod_path,_) = (opt_file_dir_time, Yes mod_path)
+ No = (opt_file_dir_time, No)
+ # (optional_tcl_opened, tcl_file, error, files)
+ = case mbModPath of
+ Yes mod_path
| options.compile_for_dynamics
- # (optional_tcl_opened, tcl_file, error, files) = openTclFile options.moduleName mod_path error files
- -> (opt_file_dir_time, optional_tcl_opened, tcl_file, error, files)
+ -> openTclFile mod_path options.moduleName error files
- -> (opt_file_dir_time, True,No,error,files)
+ -> (True,No,error,files)
| not optional_tcl_opened
# (closed, files) = fclose out files
| not closed
@@ -270,7 +308,6 @@ compileModule options backendArgs cache=:{dcl_modules,functions_and_macros,prede
- ,feo_dump_core=options.dump_core
} moduleIdent options.searchPaths dcl_modules functions_and_macros list_inferred_types predef_symbols hash_table fmodificationtime files error io out tcl_file heaps