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authorjohnvg2010-02-05 13:37:42 +0000
committerjohnvg2010-02-05 13:37:42 +0000
commit230bf72b9ab3e4c6d572be193680037c64b7bf02 (patch)
parentmake local build_ functions global (diff)
add optimizations for generic bimap,
add bimap instances for standard generic types to compiler git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1764 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
2 files changed, 936 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/generics1.icl b/frontend/generics1.icl
index 4f06d09..fe78dc7 100644
--- a/frontend/generics1.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics1.icl
@@ -24,7 +24,30 @@ import compilerSwitches
fg_fun_index :: !Index,
fg_group_index :: !Index,
fg_funs :: ![FunDef],
- fg_groups :: ![Group]
+ fg_groups :: ![Group],
+ fg_bimap_functions :: !BimapFunctions
+ }
+:: BimapFunctions = {
+ bimap_id_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_fromto_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_tofrom_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_to_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_from_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_arrow_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_arrow_arg_id_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_arrow_res_id_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_from_Bimap_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_PAIR_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_EITHER_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_OBJECT_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_CONS_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent,
+ bimap_FIELD_function :: !FunctionIndexAndIdent
+ }
+:: FunctionIndexAndIdent = {
+ fii_index :: !Index,
+ fii_ident :: Ident
:: *GenericState =
@@ -121,15 +144,15 @@ convertGenerics main_dcl_module_n used_module_numbers modules groups funs td_inf
convert_generics :: !*GenericState -> (![IndexRange], !*GenericState)
convert_generics gs
- #! (iso_range, gs) = buildGenericRepresentations gs
+ #! (iso_range, bimap_functions, gs) = buildGenericRepresentations gs
#! (ok, gs) = gs!gs_error.ea_ok
| not ok = ([], gs)
#! gs = buildClasses gs
#! (ok, gs) = gs!gs_error.ea_ok
| not ok = ([], gs)
- #! (instance_range, gs) = convertGenericCases gs
+ #! (instance_range, gs) = convertGenericCases bimap_functions gs
#! (ok, gs) = gs!gs_error.ea_ok
| not ok = ([], gs)
@@ -183,25 +206,43 @@ where
// generic representation is built for each type argument of
// generic cases of the current module
-buildGenericRepresentations :: !*GenericState -> (!IndexRange, !*GenericState)
+buildGenericRepresentations :: !*GenericState -> (!IndexRange,!BimapFunctions,!*GenericState)
buildGenericRepresentations gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_modules, gs_funs, gs_groups}
#! (size_funs, gs_funs) = usize gs_funs
#! size_groups = size gs_groups
#! ({com_gencase_defs}, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [gs_main_module]
#! gs = { gs & gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_funs = gs_funs, gs_groups = gs_groups }
- funs_and_groups = {fg_fun_index=size_funs, fg_group_index=size_groups, fg_funs=[], fg_groups=[]}
+ # undefined_function_and_ident = {fii_index = -1,fii_ident = undef}
+ bimap_functions = {
+ bimap_id_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_fromto_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_tofrom_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_to_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_from_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_arrow_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_arrow_arg_id_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_arrow_res_id_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_from_Bimap_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_PAIR_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_EITHER_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_OBJECT_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_CONS_function = undefined_function_and_ident,
+ bimap_FIELD_function = undefined_function_and_ident
+ }
+ funs_and_groups = {fg_fun_index=size_funs, fg_group_index=size_groups, fg_funs=[], fg_groups=[],fg_bimap_functions= bimap_functions}
#! (funs_and_groups, gs)
= foldArraySt on_gencase com_gencase_defs (funs_and_groups, gs)
- # {fg_fun_index,fg_funs=new_funs,fg_groups=new_groups} = funs_and_groups
+ # {fg_fun_index,fg_funs=new_funs,fg_groups=new_groups,fg_bimap_functions} = funs_and_groups
# {gs_funs, gs_groups} = gs
#! gs_funs = arrayPlusRevList gs_funs new_funs
#! gs_groups = arrayPlusRevList gs_groups new_groups
#! range = {ir_from = size_funs, ir_to = fg_fun_index}
- = (range, {gs & gs_funs = gs_funs, gs_groups = gs_groups})
+ = (range, fg_bimap_functions, {gs & gs_funs = gs_funs, gs_groups = gs_groups})
on_gencase index
@@ -218,7 +259,7 @@ where
TransformedBody _
// does not need a generic representation
-> (funs_and_groups, gs)
// needs a generic representation
-> case type_def.td_rhs of
@@ -236,7 +277,7 @@ where
#! (gen_type_rep, funs_and_groups, gs)
= buildGenericTypeRep type_def_gi funs_and_groups gs
#! td_info = {td_info & tdi_gen_rep = Yes gen_type_rep}
# {gs_td_infos} = gs
#! gs_td_infos = {gs_td_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = td_info}
@@ -246,7 +287,7 @@ where
on_gencase _ _ st = st
:: ConsInfo = {ci_cons_info :: DefinedSymbol, ci_field_infos :: [DefinedSymbol]}
buildGenericTypeRep :: !GlobalIndex /*type def index*/ !FunsAndGroups !*GenericState -> (!GenericTypeRep,!FunsAndGroups,!*GenericState)
buildGenericTypeRep type_index funs_and_groups
gs=:{gs_modules, gs_predefs, gs_main_module, gs_error, gs_td_infos, gs_exprh, gs_varh, gs_genh, gs_avarh, gs_tvarh}
@@ -293,9 +334,9 @@ buildGenericTypeRep type_index funs_and_groups
convertATypeToGenTypeStruct :: !Ident !Position !PredefinedSymbols !AType (!*Modules, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
- -> (GenTypeStruct, (!*Modules, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+ -> (GenTypeStruct, (!*Modules, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
convertATypeToGenTypeStruct ident pos predefs type st
- = convert type st
+ = convert type st
convert {at_type=TA type_symb args, at_attribute} st
= convert_type_app type_symb at_attribute args st
@@ -303,14 +344,11 @@ where
= convert_type_app type_symb at_attribute args st
convert {at_type=(CV tv) :@: args} st
#! (args, st) = mapSt convert args st
- = (GTSAppVar tv args, st)
+ = (GTSAppVar tv args, st)
convert {at_type=x --> y} st
#! (x, st) = convert x st
#! (y, st) = convert y st
- //= (GTSAppCons (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y], st)
- = (GTSArrow x y, st)
+ = (GTSArrow x y, st)
convert {at_type=TV tv} st
= (GTSVar tv, st)
convert {at_type=TB _} st
@@ -338,10 +376,58 @@ where
#! (args, st) = mapSt convert args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
-> (GTSAppCons kind args, st)
-// the structure type of a genric type can often be simplified
+convert_bimap_AType_to_GenTypeStruct :: !AType !Position !PredefinedSymbols (!*Modules, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (GenTypeStruct, (!*Modules, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
+convert_bimap_AType_to_GenTypeStruct type pos predefs st
+ = convert type st
+ convert {at_type=TA type_symb args, at_attribute} st
+ = convert_type_app type_symb at_attribute args st
+ convert {at_type=TAS type_symb args _, at_attribute} st
+ = convert_type_app type_symb at_attribute args st
+ convert {at_type=(CV tv) :@: args} st
+ #! (args, st) = mapSt convert args st
+ = (GTSAppVar tv args, st)
+ convert {at_type=x --> y} st
+ #! (x, st) = convert x st
+ #! (y, st) = convert y st
+ = (GTSArrow x y, st)
+ convert {at_type=TV tv} st
+ = (GTSVar tv, st)
+ convert {at_type=TB _} st
+ = (GTSAppCons KindConst [], st)
+ convert {at_type=type} (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ # error = reportError predefined_idents.[PD_GenericBimap] pos ("can not build generic representation for this type", type) error
+ = (GTSE, (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ convert_type_app {type_index} attr args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ # (type_def, modules) = modules![type_index.glob_module].com_type_defs.[type_index.glob_object]
+ = case type_def.td_rhs of
+ SynType atype
+ # (expanded_type, th) = expandSynonymType type_def attr args heaps.hp_type_heaps
+ -> convert {at_type = expanded_type, at_attribute = attr}
+ (modules, td_infos, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = th}, error)
+ _
+ #! {pds_module, pds_def} = predefs.[PD_UnboxedArrayType]
+ | type_index.glob_module == pds_module && type_index.glob_object == pds_def
+ && (case args of [{at_type=TB _}] -> True; _ -> False)
+ -> (GTSAppCons KindConst [], (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ # {pds_module, pds_def} = predefs.[PD_TypeBimap]
+ | type_index.glob_module == pds_module && type_index.glob_object == pds_def
+ && case args of [_,_] -> True; _ -> False
+ #! ({tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos ! [type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
+ #! kind = if (isEmpty tdi_kinds) KindConst (KindArrow tdi_kinds)
+ #! (args, st) = mapSt convert args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ -> (GTSAppBimap kind args, st)
+ #! ({tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos ! [type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
+ #! kind = if (isEmpty tdi_kinds) KindConst (KindArrow tdi_kinds)
+ #! (args, st) = mapSt convert args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ -> (GTSAppCons kind args, st)
+// the structure type of a generic type can often be simplified
// because bimaps for types not containing generic variables are indentity bimaps
-simplifyStructOfGenType :: ![TypeVar] !GenTypeStruct !*Heaps -> (!GenTypeStruct, !*Heaps)
-simplifyStructOfGenType gvars type heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
+simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct :: ![TypeVar] !GenTypeStruct !*Heaps -> (!GenTypeStruct, !*Heaps)
+simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct gvars type heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
#! th_vars = foldSt mark_type_var gvars th_vars
#! (type, th_vars) = simplify type th_vars
#! th_vars = foldSt clear_type_var gvars th_vars
@@ -352,46 +438,75 @@ where
simplify (GTSAppCons kind=:(KindArrow kinds) args) st
# formal_arity = length kinds
# actual_arity = length args
- # (contains_gen_vars, st) = occurs_list args st
+ # contains_gen_vars = occurs_list args st
+ | formal_arity == actual_arity && not contains_gen_vars
+ = (GTSAppConsBimapKindConst, st)
+ # (args, st) = mapSt simplify args st
+ = (GTSAppCons kind args, st)
+ simplify t=:(GTSAppBimap KindConst []) st
+ = (t, st)
+ simplify (GTSAppBimap kind=:(KindArrow kinds) args) st
+ # formal_arity = length kinds
+ # actual_arity = length args
+ # contains_gen_vars = occurs_list args st
| formal_arity == actual_arity && not contains_gen_vars
= (GTSAppConsBimapKindConst, st)
- | otherwise
# (args, st) = mapSt simplify args st
- =(GTSAppCons kind args, st)
+ = (GTSAppBimap kind args, st)
simplify (GTSArrow x y) st
- # (x, st) = simplify x st
- # (y, st) = simplify y st
- = (GTSArrow x y, st)
+ # contains_gen_vars = occurs2 x y st
+ | not contains_gen_vars
+ = (GTSAppConsBimapKindConst, st)
+ # (x, st) = simplify x st
+ # (y, st) = simplify y st
+ = (GTSArrow x y, st)
simplify (GTSAppVar tv args) st
# (args, st) = mapSt simplify args st
= (GTSAppVar tv args, st)
simplify t=:(GTSVar tv) st
= (t, st)
- simplify t st
- = abort "invalid generic type structure\n"
+ simplify (GTSPair x y) st
+ # (x, st) = simplify x st
+ # (y, st) = simplify y st
+ = (GTSPair x y, st)
+ simplify (GTSEither x y) st
+ # (x, st) = simplify x st
+ # (y, st) = simplify y st
+ = (GTSEither x y, st)
+ simplify (GTSCons cons_info_ds x) st
+ # (x, st) = simplify x st
+ = (GTSCons cons_info_ds x, st)
+ simplify (GTSField field_info_ds x) st
+ # (x, st) = simplify x st
+ = (GTSField field_info_ds x, st)
+ simplify (GTSObject type_info_ds x) st
+ # (x, st) = simplify x st
+ = (GTSObject type_info_ds x, st)
occurs (GTSAppCons _ args) st = occurs_list args st
- occurs (GTSAppVar tv args) st = occurs_list [GTSVar tv: args] st
+ occurs (GTSAppBimap _ args) st = occurs_list args st
+ occurs (GTSAppVar tv args) st = occurs (GTSVar tv) st || occurs_list args st
occurs (GTSVar tv) st = type_var_occurs tv st
- occurs (GTSArrow x y) st = occurs_list [x,y] st
+ occurs (GTSArrow x y) st = occurs2 x y st
+ occurs (GTSPair x y) st = occurs2 x y st
+ occurs (GTSEither x y) st = occurs2 x y st
occurs (GTSCons _ arg) st = occurs arg st
occurs (GTSField _ arg) st = occurs arg st
occurs (GTSObject _ arg) st = occurs arg st
- occurs GTSE st = (False, st)
+ occurs GTSE st = False
- occurs_list [] st = (False, st)
+ occurs2 x y st
+ = occurs x st || occurs y st
+ occurs_list [] st
+ = False
occurs_list [x:xs] st
- # (x, st) = occurs x st
- # (xs, st) = occurs_list xs st
- = (x || xs, st)
+ = occurs x st || occurs_list xs st
type_var_occurs tv th_vars
- # (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr tv.tv_info_ptr th_vars
- = case tv_info of
- TVI_Empty = (False, th_vars)
- TVI_Used = (True, th_vars)
- _ = abort "invalid type var info"
- ---> ("type var is not empty", tv, tv_info)
+ = case sreadPtr tv.tv_info_ptr th_vars of
+ TVI_Empty = False
+ TVI_Used = True
mark_type_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} th_vars
# (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
@@ -422,7 +537,7 @@ where
# type = build_sum_type cons_args
# type = SwitchGenericInfo (GTSObject type_info type) type
= (type, st)
- build_type
+ build_type
{td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor}, td_ident, td_pos}
type_info [{ci_cons_info, ci_field_infos}]
(modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
@@ -454,14 +569,14 @@ where
build_prod_type types
= listToBin build_pair build_unit types
- build_pair x y = GTSAppCons (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x, y]
+ build_pair x y = GTSPair x y
build_unit = GTSAppCons KindConst []
build_sum_type :: [GenTypeStruct] -> GenTypeStruct
build_sum_type types
= listToBin build_either build_void types
- build_either x y = GTSAppCons (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x, y]
+ build_either x y = GTSEither x y
build_void = abort "sanity check: no alternatives in a type\n"
@@ -600,8 +715,8 @@ where
, td_conses_expr
// TODO: module_name_expr
- predefs heaps
+ predefs heaps
# fun = makeFunction ds_ident ds_index group_index [] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos
= (fun, heaps)
@@ -786,15 +901,15 @@ buildConversionIso type_def=:{td_ident, td_pos} from_fun to_fun
main_dcl_module_n predefs funs_and_groups heaps error
#! (from_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_dcl_module_n from_fun [] heaps
#! (to_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_dcl_module_n to_fun [] heaps
- #! (iso_expr, heaps) = build_iso to_expr from_expr heaps
+ #! (iso_expr, heaps) = build_bimap_record to_expr from_expr predefs heaps
#! ident = makeIdent ("iso" +++ td_ident.id_name)
#! (def_sym, funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup ident [] iso_expr No main_dcl_module_n td_pos funs_and_groups
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
//---> ("buildConversionIso", td_ident, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
- build_iso to_expr from_expr heaps
- = buildPredefConsApp PD_ConsBimap [to_expr, from_expr] predefs heaps
+build_bimap_record to_expr from_expr predefs heaps
+ = buildPredefConsApp PD_ConsBimap [to_expr, from_expr] predefs heaps
// conversion from type to generic
buildConversionTo ::
@@ -931,7 +1046,7 @@ buildConversionFrom
| not error.ea_ok
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [] EE No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
- = (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
//---> ("buildConversionFrom failed", td_ident)
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [arg_var] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
@@ -993,7 +1108,7 @@ where
#! (left_def_syms, right_def_syms) = splitAt ((length def_symbols) /2) def_symbols
#! (left_expr, left_var, heaps, error)
= build_sum is_record type_def_mod left_def_syms heaps error
- #! (right_expr, right_var, heaps, error)
+ #! (right_expr, right_var, heaps, error)
= build_sum is_record type_def_mod right_def_syms heaps error
#! (case_expr, var, heaps) =
build_case_either left_var left_expr right_var right_expr predefs heaps
@@ -1014,14 +1129,14 @@ where
build_prod is_record expr [cons_arg_var] heaps
#! (arg_expr, var, heaps) = SwitchGenericInfo
- (case is_record of True -> build_case_field cons_arg_var expr predefs heaps; False -> (expr, cons_arg_var, heaps))
+ (if is_record (build_case_field cons_arg_var expr predefs heaps) (expr, cons_arg_var, heaps))
(expr, cons_arg_var, heaps)
= (arg_expr, var, heaps)
build_prod is_record expr cons_arg_vars heaps
#! (left_vars, right_vars) = splitAt ((length cons_arg_vars) /2) cons_arg_vars
- #! (expr, left_var, heaps) = build_prod is_record expr left_vars heaps
#! (expr, right_var, heaps) = build_prod is_record expr right_vars heaps
+ #! (expr, left_var, heaps) = build_prod is_record expr left_vars heaps
#! (case_expr, var, heaps) = build_case_pair left_var right_var expr predefs heaps
= (case_expr, var, heaps)
@@ -1109,7 +1224,7 @@ buildClasses gs=:{gs_modules, gs_main_module}
= build_modules 0 ([], [], num_classes, num_members) {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
// obtain common definitions again because com_gencase_defs are updated
- #! (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [gs_main_module]
+ #! (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [gs_main_module]
# common_defs =
{ common_defs
& com_class_defs = arrayPlusRevList com_class_defs classes
@@ -1448,8 +1563,8 @@ where
// Convert generic cases
-convertGenericCases :: !*GenericState -> (!IndexRange, !*GenericState)
+convertGenericCases :: !BimapFunctions !*GenericState -> (!IndexRange, !*GenericState)
+convertGenericCases bimap_functions
gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_used_modules, gs_predefs, gs_funs, gs_groups, gs_modules, gs_dcl_modules, gs_td_infos,
gs_avarh, gs_tvarh, gs_varh, gs_genh, gs_exprh,
@@ -1463,14 +1578,14 @@ convertGenericCases
#! (first_fun_index, gs_funs) = usize gs_funs
#! first_group_index = size gs_groups
- #! fun_info = {fg_fun_index=first_fun_index, fg_group_index=first_group_index, fg_funs=[], fg_groups=[]}
+ #! fun_info = {fg_fun_index=first_fun_index, fg_group_index=first_group_index, fg_funs=[], fg_groups=[], fg_bimap_functions=bimap_functions}
#! (main_common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [gs_main_module]
#! main_module_instances = main_common_defs.com_instance_defs
#! first_instance_index = size main_module_instances
#! instance_info = (first_instance_index, [])
#! (gs_modules, gs_dcl_modules, (fun_info, instance_info, gs_funs, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error))
= convert_modules 0 gs_modules gs_dcl_modules (fun_info, instance_info, gs_funs, gs_td_infos, heaps, gs_error)
@@ -1560,7 +1675,7 @@ where
#! (dcl_functions, heaps)
= update_dcl_function fun_index gencase fun_type dcl_functions heaps
- #! (fun_info, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ #! (fun_info, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
= update_icl_function_if_needed
fun_index gencase fun_type
@@ -1773,8 +1888,8 @@ where
#! fun_defs = {fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun}
-> (funs_and_groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
GeneratedBody // derived case
- #! (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- = buildGenericCaseBody gs_main_module gencase st gs_predefs td_infos modules heaps error
+ #! (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ = buildGenericCaseBody gs_main_module gencase st gs_predefs funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
# {fg_group_index,fg_groups} = funs_and_groups
#! fun = makeFunction fun_ident fun_index fg_group_index tb_args tb_rhs (Yes st) gs_main_module gc_pos
#! fun_defs = {fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun}
@@ -1841,25 +1956,17 @@ where
fresh_symbol_type st heaps=:{hp_type_heaps}
# (fresh_st, hp_type_heaps) = freshSymbolType st hp_type_heaps
= (fresh_st, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps})
buildGenericCaseBody ::
!Index // current icl module
!SymbolType // type of the instance function
- !*TypeDefInfos
- !*{#CommonDefs}
- !*Heaps
- !*ErrorAdmin
- -> ( !FunctionBody
- , !*TypeDefInfos
- , !*{#CommonDefs}
- , !*Heaps
- , !*ErrorAdmin
- )
-buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic, gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_ident,type_index}} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
- // get all the data we need
+ !FunsAndGroups !*TypeDefInfos !*{#CommonDefs} !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!FunctionBody,
+ !FunsAndGroups, !*TypeDefInfos,!*{#CommonDefs},!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic, gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_ident,type_index}} st predefs
+ funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
#! (gen_def, modules)
= modules ! [gc_generic.gi_module].com_generic_defs.[gc_generic.gi_index]
#! (td_info=:{tdi_gen_rep}, td_infos)
@@ -1881,16 +1988,16 @@ buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic, gc_typ
# (generic_info_var, heaps) = build_generic_info_arg heaps
#! arg_vars = SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_var:arg_vars] arg_vars
- #! (adaptor_expr, (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
- = build_adaptor_expr gc gen_def gen_type_rep (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- #! (specialized_expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
- = build_specialized_expr gc gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs (td_infos, heaps, error)
+ #! (adaptor_expr, funs_and_groups, modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ = build_adaptor_expr gc gen_def gen_type_rep funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
+ #! (specialized_expr, funs_and_groups, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ = build_specialized_expr gc gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
#! body_expr
= build_body_expr adaptor_expr specialized_expr original_arg_exprs
- = (TransformedBody {tb_args=arg_vars, tb_rhs=body_expr}, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ = (TransformedBody {tb_args=arg_vars, tb_rhs=body_expr}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
build_generic_info_arg heaps=:{hp_var_heap}
@@ -1912,29 +2019,28 @@ where
// adaptor that converts a function for the generic representation into a
// function for the type itself
- build_adaptor_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso} (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ build_adaptor_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso} funs_and_groups modules td_infos heaps error
#! (var_kinds, heaps) = get_var_kinds gen_info_ptr heaps
#! non_gen_var_kinds = drop (length gen_vars) var_kinds
#! non_gen_vars = gen_type.st_vars -- gen_vars
#! (gen_env, heaps)
= build_gen_env gtr_iso gen_vars heaps
- #! (non_gen_env, heaps)
- = build_non_gen_env non_gen_vars non_gen_var_kinds heaps
+ #! (non_gen_env, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = build_non_gen_env non_gen_vars non_gen_var_kinds funs_and_groups heaps
#! spec_env = gen_env ++ non_gen_env
#! curried_gen_type = curry_symbol_type gen_type
- #! (struct_gen_type, (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)) = convertATypeToGenTypeStruct
- bimap_ident gc_pos predefs curried_gen_type (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- #! (struct_gen_type, heaps) = simplifyStructOfGenType gen_vars struct_gen_type heaps
- #! (bimap_expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
- = specializeGeneric {gi_module=bimap_module,gi_index=bimap_index} struct_gen_type spec_env bimap_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
+ #! (struct_gen_type, (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ = convert_bimap_AType_to_GenTypeStruct curried_gen_type gc_pos predefs (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ #! (struct_gen_type, heaps) = simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct gen_vars struct_gen_type heaps
- #! adaptor_expr
- = buildRecordSelectionExpr bimap_expr PD_map_from 1 predefs
- = (adaptor_expr, (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
+ #! (adaptor_expr, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = specialize_generic_from_bimap {gi_module=bimap_module,gi_index=bimap_index} struct_gen_type spec_env bimap_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs
+ funs_and_groups heaps error
+ = (adaptor_expr, funs_and_groups, modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
{pds_module = bimap_module, pds_def=bimap_index} = predefs.[PD_GenericBimap]
bimap_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_GenericBimap]
@@ -1953,39 +2059,49 @@ where
build_iso_expr gen_var heaps
#! (expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index gtr_iso [] heaps
= ((gen_var, expr), heaps)
- build_non_gen_env :: ![TypeVar] ![TypeKind] !*Heaps -> (![(!TypeVar, !Expression)], !*Heaps)
- build_non_gen_env non_gen_vars kinds heaps
- = zipWithSt build_bimap_expr non_gen_vars kinds heaps
+ build_non_gen_env :: ![TypeVar] ![TypeKind] FunsAndGroups !*Heaps -> (![(!TypeVar, !Expression)], !FunsAndGroups, !*Heaps)
+ build_non_gen_env non_gen_vars kinds funs_and_groups heaps
+ = zipWithSt2 build_bimap_expr non_gen_vars kinds funs_and_groups heaps
// build application of generic bimap for a specific kind
- build_bimap_expr non_gen_var KindConst heaps
- #! (expr, heaps) = buildPredefFunApp PD_bimapId [] predefs heaps
- = ((non_gen_var, expr), heaps)
- build_bimap_expr non_gen_var kind heaps
+ build_bimap_expr non_gen_var KindConst funs_and_groups heaps
+ # (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = ((non_gen_var, expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ build_bimap_expr non_gen_var kind funs_and_groups heaps
# (generic_info_expr, heaps) = build_generic_info_expr heaps
#! (expr, heaps)
= buildGenericApp bimap_module bimap_index bimap_ident kind (SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_expr] []) heaps
- = ((non_gen_var, expr), heaps)
+ = ((non_gen_var, expr), funs_and_groups, heaps)
build_generic_info_expr heaps
= buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
// generic function specialzied to the generic representation of the type
- build_specialized_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic} gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs state
- #! spec_env = [(atv_variable, expr) \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args & expr <- generated_arg_exprs]
- = specializeGeneric gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs state
+ build_specialized_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic} gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs funs_and_groups td_infos heaps error
+ #! spec_env = [(atv_variable, expr) \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args & expr <- generated_arg_exprs]
+ # generic_bimap = predefs.[PD_GenericBimap]
+ | gc_generic.gi_module==generic_bimap.pds_module && gc_generic.gi_index==generic_bimap.pds_def
+ // can probably make special version of simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct that doesn't simplify if a var occurs, because all vars are passed
+ # (gtr_type, heaps) = simplify_bimap_GenTypeStruct [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args] gtr_type heaps
+ # (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps,error)
+ = specialize_generic_bimap gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps error
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,td_infos,heaps,error)
+ # (expr,td_infos,heaps,error) = specializeGeneric gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs td_infos heaps error
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,td_infos,heaps,error)
// the body expression
build_body_expr adaptor_expr specialized_expr []
= adaptor_expr @ [specialized_expr]
build_body_expr adaptor_expr specialized_expr original_arg_exprs
= (adaptor_expr @ [specialized_expr]) @ original_arg_exprs
-//buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos, gc_generic, gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_index}} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
-buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
+buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos} st predefs funs_and_groups td_infos modules heaps error
# error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos "cannot specialize to this type" error
- = (TransformedBody {tb_args=[], tb_rhs=EE}, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
+ = (TransformedBody {tb_args=[], tb_rhs=EE}, funs_and_groups, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
// convert generic type contexts into normal type contexts
@@ -2181,31 +2297,19 @@ specializeGeneric ::
!Position // of generic case
!Index // main_module index
- (!*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+ !*TypeDefInfos !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!Expression,
- !(!*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
-specializeGeneric gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos main_module_index predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
+ !*TypeDefInfos,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+specializeGeneric gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos main_module_index predefs td_infos heaps error
#! heaps = set_tvs spec_env heaps
#! (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
= specialize type (td_infos, heaps, error)
#! heaps = clear_tvs spec_env heaps
- = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+ = (expr, td_infos, heaps, error)
- set_tvs spec_env heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
- #! th_vars = foldSt write_tv spec_env th_vars
- with write_tv ({tv_info_ptr}, expr) th_vars
- = writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Expr expr) th_vars
- = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
- clear_tvs spec_env heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
- #! th_vars = foldSt write_tv spec_env th_vars
- with write_tv ({tv_info_ptr}, _) th_vars
- = writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty th_vars
- = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
specialize (GTSAppCons kind arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
- = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs st
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs st
specialize (GTSAppVar tv arg_types) st
#! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
#! (expr, st) = specialize_type_var tv st
@@ -2213,36 +2317,38 @@ where
specialize (GTSVar tv) st
= specialize_type_var tv st
specialize (GTSArrow x y) st
- #! (x, st) = specialize x st
- #! (y, st) = specialize y st
- = build_generic_app (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] st
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ = build_generic_app (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident predefs st
+ specialize (GTSPair x y) st
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ = build_generic_app (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident predefs st
+ specialize (GTSEither x y) st
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ = build_generic_app (KindArrow [KindConst, KindConst]) [x,y] gen_index gen_ident predefs st
specialize (GTSCons cons_info_ds arg_type) st
# (arg_expr, (td_infos, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
#! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index cons_info_ds [] heaps
- #! (expr, heaps) = buildGenericApp
+ #! (expr, heaps) = buildGenericApp
gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident
(KindArrow [KindConst]) [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
= (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSField field_info_ds arg_type) st
# (arg_expr, (td_infos, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
- #! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index field_info_ds [] heaps
- #! (expr, heaps) = buildGenericApp
+ #! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index field_info_ds [] heaps
+ #! (expr, heaps) = buildGenericApp
gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident
(KindArrow [KindConst]) [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
= (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
specialize (GTSObject type_info_ds arg_type) st
# (arg_expr, (td_infos, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
- #! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index type_info_ds [] heaps
+ #! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index type_info_ds [] heaps
#! (expr, heaps) = buildGenericApp
gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident
(KindArrow [KindConst]) [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
= (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
- specialize GTSAppConsBimapKindConst (td_infos, heaps, error)
- # (expr, heaps) = buildPredefFunApp PD_bimapId [] predefs heaps
- = (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
specialize type (td_infos, heaps, error)
#! error = reportError gen_ident gen_pos "cannot specialize " error
= (EE, (td_infos, heaps, error))
@@ -2251,15 +2357,660 @@ where
#! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= (expr, (td_infos, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}, error))
- build_generic_app kind arg_exprs (td_infos, heaps, error)
- # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
- # arg_exprs = SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] arg_exprs
- #! (expr, heaps)
+ build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
+ # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
+ # arg_exprs = SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] arg_exprs
+ #! (expr, heaps)
= buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
= (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
+specialize_generic_bimap ::
+ !GlobalIndex // generic index
+ !GenTypeStruct // type to specialize to
+ ![(TypeVar, Expression)] // specialization environment
+ !Ident // generic/generic case
+ !Position // of generic case
+ !Index // main_module index
+ !PredefinedSymbols
+ !FunsAndGroups !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!Expression,
+ !FunsAndGroups,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+specialize_generic_bimap gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps error
+ #! heaps = set_tvs spec_env heaps
+ #! (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ #! heaps = clear_tvs spec_env heaps
+ = (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ specialize (GTSAppCons KindConst []) (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr ,(funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSAppCons kind arg_types) st
+ #! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs st
+ specialize (GTSAppVar tv arg_types) st
+ #! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
+ #! (expr, st) = specialize_type_var tv st
+ = (expr @ arg_exprs, st)
+ specialize (GTSVar tv) st
+ = specialize_type_var tv st
+ specialize (GTSArrow x y) st
+ | is_bimap_id x
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_arrow_arg_id_expression [y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ | is_bimap_id y
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSPair x y) st
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_PAIR_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSEither x y) st
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_EITHER_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSCons cons_info_ds arg_type) st
+ # (arg_expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_CONS_expression [arg_expr] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSField field_info_ds arg_type) st
+ # (arg_expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_FIELD_expression [arg_expr] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSObject type_info_ds arg_type) st
+ # (arg_expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize arg_type st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_OBJECT_expression [arg_expr] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize GTSAppConsBimapKindConst (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr ,(funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ #! error = reportError gen_ident gen_pos "cannot specialize " error
+ = (EE, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_type_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}, error))
+ build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
+ # arg_exprs = SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] arg_exprs
+ #! (expr, heaps)
+ = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+is_bimap_id (GTSAppCons KindConst []) = True
+is_bimap_id GTSAppConsBimapKindConst = True
+is_bimap_id _ = False
+specialize_generic_from_bimap ::
+ !GlobalIndex // generic index
+ !GenTypeStruct // type to specialize to
+ ![(TypeVar, Expression)] // specialization environment
+ !Ident // generic/generic case
+ !Position // of generic case
+ !Index // main_module index
+ !PredefinedSymbols
+ !FunsAndGroups !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!Expression,
+ !FunsAndGroups,!*Heaps,!*ErrorAdmin)
+specialize_generic_from_bimap gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps error
+ #! heaps = set_tvs spec_env heaps
+ #! (adaptor_expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ = specialize_from type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # heaps = clear_tvs spec_env heaps
+ = (adaptor_expr, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSAppCons KindConst []) y) st
+ = specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow GTSAppConsBimapKindConst y) st
+ = specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow x (GTSAppCons KindConst [])) st
+ = specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow x GTSAppConsBimapKindConst) st
+ = specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr=xp}) (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr=yp})) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ # (TVI_Expr x_expr, th_vars) = readPtr xp th_vars
+ (TVI_Expr y_expr, th_vars) = readPtr yp th_vars
+ heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ | is_bimap_id_expression x_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ # y = build_map_from_expr y_expr predefs
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_arg_id_expression [y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ | is_bimap_id_expression y_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ # x = build_map_to_expr x_expr predefs
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ # x = build_map_to_expr x_expr predefs
+ y = build_map_from_expr y_expr predefs
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr}) y) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ | is_bimap_id_expression expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ # st = (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
+ # x = build_map_to_expr expr predefs
+ (y, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize_from y (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow x (GTSVar {tv_info_ptr})) (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ # heaps = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ | is_bimap_id_expression expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ # st = (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ = specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
+ # y = build_map_from_expr expr predefs
+ (x, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)) = specialize_to x (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from (GTSArrow x y) st
+ = specialize_from_arrow x y st
+ specialize_from type=:(GTSAppBimap (KindArrow [KindConst,KindConst]) [arg1,arg2]) st
+ # (arg1,st) = specialize arg1 st
+ (arg2,st) = specialize arg2 st
+ (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_Bimap_expression [arg1,arg2] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ #! (bimap_expr, st)
+ = specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # adaptor_expr = build_map_from_expr bimap_expr predefs
+ = (adaptor_expr, st)
+ specialize_from_arrow x y st
+ #! (x, st) = specialize_to x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize_from y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from_arrow_arg_id y st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize_from y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_arg_id_expression [y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_from_arrow_res_id x st
+ #! (x, st) = specialize_to x st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_from_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_to type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ #! (bimap_expr, st)
+ = specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # adaptor_expr = build_map_to_expr bimap_expr predefs
+ = (adaptor_expr, st)
+ specialize (GTSAppCons KindConst []) (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr ,(funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSAppCons kind arg_types) st
+ #! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, heaps)
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSAppBimap kind arg_types) st
+ #! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, heaps)
+ = build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize (GTSAppVar tv arg_types) st
+ #! (arg_exprs, st) = mapSt specialize arg_types st
+ #! (expr, st) = specialize_type_var tv st
+ = (expr @ arg_exprs, st)
+ specialize (GTSVar tv) st
+ = specialize_type_var tv st
+ specialize (GTSArrow x y) st
+ | is_bimap_id x
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_arrow_arg_id_expression [y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ | is_bimap_id y
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_arrow_res_id_expression [x] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ #! (x, st) = specialize x st
+ #! (y, st) = specialize y st
+ # (funs_and_groups, heaps, error) = st
+ (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_arrow_expression [x,y] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize GTSAppConsBimapKindConst (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ # (expr, funs_and_groups, heaps)
+ = bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ = (expr ,(funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize type (funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
+ #! error = reportError gen_ident gen_pos "cannot specialize " error
+ = (EE, (funs_and_groups, heaps, error))
+ specialize_type_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (funs_and_groups, heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=th=:{th_vars}}, error)
+ #! (TVI_Expr expr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ = (expr, (funs_and_groups, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}}, error))
+ build_generic_app kind arg_exprs gen_index gen_ident predefs heaps
+ # (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] predefs heaps
+ # arg_exprs = SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] arg_exprs
+ #! (expr, heaps)
+ = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr, heaps)
+is_bimap_id_expression (App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function fun_glob},app_args=[]}) main_module_index {fg_bimap_functions={bimap_id_function={fii_index}}}
+ = fii_index>=0 && fun_glob.glob_module==main_module_index && fun_glob.glob_object==fii_index
+set_tvs spec_env heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
+ #! th_vars = foldSt write_tv spec_env th_vars
+ with write_tv ({tv_info_ptr}, expr) th_vars
+ = writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Expr expr) th_vars
+ = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
+clear_tvs spec_env heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
+ #! th_vars = foldSt write_tv spec_env th_vars
+ with write_tv ({tv_info_ptr}, _) th_vars
+ = writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty th_vars
+ = {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
+build_bimap_with_calls map_id_index map_id_ident to_args from_args main_module_index predefs heaps
+ # (map_to_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index map_id_index map_id_ident to_args heaps
+ (map_from_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index map_id_index map_id_ident from_args heaps
+ = build_bimap_record map_to_expr map_from_expr predefs heaps
+build_var_with_bimap_selectors var_name predefs heaps
+ # (bimap_var_expr,arg_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr var_name heaps
+ to_arg_expr = build_map_to_expr bimap_var_expr predefs
+ from_arg_expr = build_map_from_expr bimap_var_expr predefs
+ = (to_arg_expr,from_arg_expr,arg_var,heaps)
+bimap_fromto_function main_module_index funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_fromto_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ = (fii_index,fii_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ // bimap/fromto from to f x = from (f (to x))
+ # bimap_fromto_ident = makeIdent "bimap/fromto"
+ (from_expr,from_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "from" heaps
+ (to_expr,to_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "to" heaps
+ (f_expr,f_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "f" heaps
+ (x_expr,x_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ args = [from_var,to_var,f_var,x_var]
+ rhs_expr = from_expr @ [f_expr @ [to_expr @ [x_expr]]]
+ (bimap_fromto_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_fromto_ident args rhs_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_fromto_function={fii_index=bimap_fromto_index,fii_ident=bimap_fromto_ident}}
+ = (bimap_fromto_index,bimap_fromto_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_tofrom_function main_module_index funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_tofrom_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ = (fii_index,fii_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ // bimap/tofrom to from f x = from (f (to x))
+ # bimap_tofrom_ident = makeIdent "bimap/tofrom"
+ (from_expr,from_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "from" heaps
+ (to_expr,to_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "to" heaps
+ (f_expr,f_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "f" heaps
+ (x_expr,x_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ args = [to_var,from_var,f_var,x_var]
+ rhs_expr = from_expr @ [f_expr @ [to_expr @ [x_expr]]]
+ (bimap_tofrom_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_tofrom_ident args rhs_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_tofrom_function={fii_index=bimap_tofrom_index,fii_ident=bimap_tofrom_ident}}
+ = (bimap_tofrom_index,bimap_tofrom_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_to_function main_module_index funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_to_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ = (fii_index,fii_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ // bimap/from to f x = f (to x)
+ # bimap_to_ident = makeIdent "bimap/to"
+ (to_expr,to_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "to" heaps
+ (f_expr,f_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "f" heaps
+ (x_expr,x_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ args = [to_var,f_var,x_var]
+ rhs_expr = f_expr @ [to_expr @ [x_expr]]
+ (bimap_to_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_to_ident args rhs_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_to_function={fii_index=bimap_to_index,fii_ident=bimap_to_ident}}
+ = (bimap_to_index,bimap_to_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_from_function main_module_index funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_from_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ = (fii_index,fii_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ // bimap/from from f x = from (f x)
+ # bimap_from_ident = makeIdent "bimap/from"
+ (from_expr,from_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "from" heaps
+ (f_expr,f_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "f" heaps
+ (x_expr,x_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ args = [from_var,f_var,x_var]
+ rhs_expr = from_expr @ [f_expr @ [x_expr]]
+ (bimap_from_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_from_ident args rhs_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_from_function={fii_index=bimap_from_index,fii_ident=bimap_from_ident}}
+ = (bimap_from_index,bimap_from_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_id_expression main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_id_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident [] heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ // bimap/id x = x
+ # bimap_id_ident = makeIdent "bimap/id"
+ (arg_expr, arg_var, heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ (bimap_id_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_id_ident [arg_var] arg_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ // bimap/c = {map_to = bimap/id, map_from = bimap/id}
+ bimap_c_ident = makeIdent "bimap/c"
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls bimap_id_index bimap_id_ident [] [] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ (bimap_c_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_c_ident [] bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_id_function={fii_index=bimap_c_index,fii_ident=bimap_c_ident}}
+ (bimap_c_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_c_index bimap_c_ident [] heaps
+ = (bimap_c_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_arrow_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_arrow_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ # (bimap_tofrom_index,bimap_tofrom_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ = bimap_tofrom_function main_module_index funs_and_groups heaps
+ // bimap/arrow args res
+ // = {map_to = bimap/tofrom arg.map_from res.map_to, map_from = bimap/tofrom arg.map_to res.map_to}
+ bimap_arrow_ident = makeIdent "bimap/arrow"
+ (to_arg_expr,from_arg_expr,arg_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "arg" predefs heaps
+ (to_res_expr,from_res_expr,res_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "res" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls bimap_tofrom_index bimap_tofrom_ident [from_arg_expr,to_res_expr] [to_arg_expr,from_res_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [arg_var,res_var]
+ (bimap_arrow_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_arrow_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_arrow_function={fii_index=bimap_arrow_index,fii_ident=bimap_arrow_ident}}
+ (bimap_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_arrow_index bimap_arrow_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_arrow_arg_id_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_arrow_arg_id_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ # (bimap_from_index,bimap_from_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ = bimap_from_function main_module_index funs_and_groups heaps
+ // bimap/arrow_arg_id res
+ // = {map_to = bimap/from res.map_to, map_from = bimap/from res.map_from }
+ bimap_arrow_arg_id_ident = makeIdent "bimap/arrow_arg_id"
+ (to_res_expr,from_res_expr,res_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "res" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls bimap_from_index bimap_from_ident [to_res_expr] [from_res_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [res_var]
+ (bimap_arrow_arg_id_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_arrow_arg_id_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_arrow_arg_id_function={fii_index=bimap_arrow_arg_id_index,fii_ident=bimap_arrow_arg_id_ident}}
+ (bimap_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_arrow_arg_id_index bimap_arrow_arg_id_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_arrow_res_id_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_arrow_res_id_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ # (bimap_to_index,bimap_to_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ = bimap_to_function main_module_index funs_and_groups heaps
+ // bimap/arrow_res_id arg
+ // = {map_to = bimap/to arg.map_from, map_from = bimap/to arg.map_to }
+ bimap_arrow_res_id_ident = makeIdent "bimap/arrow_res_id"
+ (to_arg_expr,from_arg_expr,arg_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "arg" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls bimap_to_index bimap_to_ident [from_arg_expr] [to_arg_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [arg_var]
+ (bimap_arrow_res_id_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_arrow_res_id_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_arrow_res_id_function={fii_index=bimap_arrow_res_id_index,fii_ident=bimap_arrow_res_id_ident}}
+ (bimap_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_arrow_res_id_index bimap_arrow_res_id_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_from_Bimap_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_from_Bimap_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ # (bimap_fromto_index,bimap_fromto_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ = bimap_fromto_function main_module_index funs_and_groups heaps
+ // bimap/from_Bimap arg res f
+ // = {map_to = bimap/fromto res.map_from arg.map_to f.map_to, map_from = bimap/fromto arg.map_from res.map_to f.map_from}
+ bimap_from_Bimap_ident = makeIdent "bimap/from_Bimap"
+ (to_arg_expr,from_arg_expr,arg_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "arg" predefs heaps
+ (to_res_expr,from_res_expr,res_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "res" predefs heaps
+ (to_f_expr,from_f_expr,f_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "f" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls bimap_fromto_index bimap_fromto_ident
+ [from_res_expr,to_arg_expr,to_f_expr] [from_arg_expr,to_res_expr,from_f_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [arg_var,res_var,f_var]
+ (bimap_from_Bimap_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_from_Bimap_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_from_Bimap_function={fii_index=bimap_from_Bimap_index,fii_ident=bimap_from_Bimap_ident}}
+ (bimap_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_from_Bimap_index bimap_from_Bimap_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_PAIR_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_PAIR_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ /*
+ bimap/PAIR x y
+ = {map_to = map/PAIR x.map_to y.map_to, map_from = map/PAIR x.map_from y.map_from}
+ where
+ map/PAIR fx fy (PAIR x y) = PAIR (fx x) (fy y)
+ */
+ # map_PAIR_ident = makeIdent "map/PAIR"
+ (fx_expr,fx_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "fx" heaps
+ (fy_expr,fy_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "fy" heaps
+ (x_expr,x_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ (y_expr,y_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "y" heaps
+ (object_expr,heaps) = build_pair (fx_expr @ [x_expr]) (fy_expr @ [y_expr]) predefs heaps
+ (case_expr,c_var,heaps) = build_case_pair x_var y_var object_expr predefs heaps
+ args = [fx_var,fy_var,c_var]
+ (map_PAIR_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 map_PAIR_ident args case_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ bimap_PAIR_ident = makeIdent "bimap/PAIR"
+ (to_x_expr,from_x_expr,x_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "x" predefs heaps
+ (to_y_expr,from_y_expr,y_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "y" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls map_PAIR_index map_PAIR_ident [to_x_expr,to_y_expr] [from_x_expr,from_y_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [x_var,y_var]
+ (bimap_PAIR_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_PAIR_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_PAIR_function={fii_index=bimap_PAIR_index,fii_ident=bimap_PAIR_ident}}
+ (bimap_PAIR_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_PAIR_index bimap_PAIR_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_PAIR_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_EITHER_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_EITHER_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ /*
+ bimap/EITHER l r
+ = {map_to = map/EITHER l.map_to r.map_to, map_from = map/EITHER l.map_from r.map_from}
+ where
+ map/EITHER lf rf (LEFT l) = LEFT (lf l)
+ map/EITHER lf rf (RIGHT r) = RIGHT (rf r)
+ */
+ # map_EITHER_ident = makeIdent "map/EITHER"
+ (lf_expr,lf_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "lf" heaps
+ (rf_expr,rf_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "rf" heaps
+ (l_expr,l_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "l" heaps
+ (r_expr,r_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "r" heaps
+ (left_expr,heaps) = build_left (lf_expr @ [l_expr]) predefs heaps
+ (right_expr,heaps) = build_right (rf_expr @ [r_expr]) predefs heaps
+ (case_expr,c_var,heaps) = build_case_either l_var left_expr r_var right_expr predefs heaps
+ args = [lf_var,rf_var,c_var]
+ (map_EITHER_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 map_EITHER_ident args case_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ bimap_EITHER_ident = makeIdent "bimap/EITHER"
+ (to_l_expr,from_l_expr,l_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "l" predefs heaps
+ (to_r_expr,from_r_expr,r_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "r" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls map_EITHER_index map_EITHER_ident [to_l_expr,to_r_expr] [from_l_expr,from_r_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [l_var,r_var]
+ (bimap_EITHER_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_EITHER_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_EITHER_function={fii_index=bimap_EITHER_index,fii_ident=bimap_EITHER_ident}}
+ (bimap_EITHER_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_EITHER_index bimap_EITHER_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_EITHER_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_OBJECT_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_OBJECT_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ /*
+ bimap/OBJECT arg
+ = {map_to = map/OBJECT arg.map_to, map_from = map/OBJECT arg.map_from}
+ where
+ map/OBJECT f (OBJECT x) = OBJECT (f x)
+ */
+ # map_OBJECT_ident = makeIdent "map/OBJECT"
+ (f_expr,f_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "f" heaps
+ (x_expr,x_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ (object_expr,heaps) = build_object (f_expr @ [x_expr]) predefs heaps
+ (case_expr,c_var,heaps) = build_case_object x_var object_expr predefs heaps
+ args = [f_var,c_var]
+ (map_OBJECT_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 map_OBJECT_ident args case_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ bimap_OBJECT_ident = makeIdent "bimap/OBJECT"
+ (to_arg_expr,from_arg_expr,arg_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "arg" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls map_OBJECT_index map_OBJECT_ident [to_arg_expr] [from_arg_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [arg_var]
+ (bimap_OBJECT_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_OBJECT_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_OBJECT_function={fii_index=bimap_OBJECT_index,fii_ident=bimap_OBJECT_ident}}
+ (bimap_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_OBJECT_index bimap_OBJECT_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_CONS_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_CONS_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ /*
+ bimap/CONS arg
+ = {map_to = map/CONS arg.map_to, map_from = map/CONS arg.map_from}
+ where
+ map/CONS f (CONS x) = CONS (f x)
+ */
+ # map_CONS_ident = makeIdent "map/CONS"
+ (f_expr,f_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "f" heaps
+ (x_expr,x_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ (cons_expr,heaps) = build_cons (f_expr @ [x_expr]) predefs heaps
+ (case_expr,c_var,heaps) = build_case_cons x_var cons_expr predefs heaps
+ args = [f_var,c_var]
+ (map_CONS_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 map_CONS_ident args case_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ bimap_CONS_ident = makeIdent "bimap/CONS"
+ (to_arg_expr,from_arg_expr,arg_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "arg" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls map_CONS_index map_CONS_ident [to_arg_expr] [from_arg_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [arg_var]
+ (bimap_CONS_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_CONS_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_CONS_function={fii_index=bimap_CONS_index,fii_ident=bimap_CONS_ident}}
+ (bimap_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_CONS_index bimap_CONS_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_FIELD_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups=:{fg_bimap_functions={bimap_FIELD_function={fii_index,fii_ident}}} heaps
+ | fii_index>=0
+ # (expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index fii_index fii_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ /*
+ bimap/FIELD arg
+ = {map_to = map/FIELD arg.map_to, map_from = map/FIELD arg.map_from}
+ where
+ map/FIELD f (FIELD x) = FIELD (f x)
+ */
+ # map_FIELD_ident = makeIdent "map/FIELD"
+ (f_expr,f_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "f" heaps
+ (x_expr,x_var,heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
+ (field_expr,heaps) = build_field (f_expr @ [x_expr]) predefs heaps
+ (case_expr,c_var,heaps) = build_case_field x_var field_expr predefs heaps
+ args = [f_var,c_var]
+ (map_FIELD_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 map_FIELD_ident args case_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ bimap_FIELD_ident = makeIdent "bimap/FIELD"
+ (to_arg_expr,from_arg_expr,arg_var,heaps) = build_var_with_bimap_selectors "arg" predefs heaps
+ (bimap_expr,heaps) = build_bimap_with_calls map_FIELD_index map_FIELD_ident [to_arg_expr] [from_arg_expr] main_module_index predefs heaps
+ args = [arg_var]
+ (bimap_FIELD_index,funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup2 bimap_FIELD_ident args bimap_expr main_module_index funs_and_groups
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_bimap_functions.bimap_FIELD_function={fii_index=bimap_FIELD_index,fii_ident=bimap_FIELD_ident}}
+ (bimap_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_FIELD_index bimap_FIELD_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_from_arrow_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ # (bimap_fromto_index,bimap_fromto_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ = bimap_tofrom_function main_module_index funs_and_groups heaps
+ # (bimap_from_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_fromto_index bimap_fromto_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_from_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_from_arrow_res_id_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ # (bimap_to_index,bimap_to_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ = bimap_to_function main_module_index funs_and_groups heaps
+ # (bimap_from_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_to_index bimap_to_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_from_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+bimap_from_arrow_arg_id_expression arg_exprs main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups heaps
+ # (bimap_from_index,bimap_from_ident,funs_and_groups,heaps)
+ = bimap_from_function main_module_index funs_and_groups heaps
+ # (bimap_from_arrow_expr,heaps) = buildFunApp2 main_module_index bimap_from_index bimap_from_ident arg_exprs heaps
+ = (bimap_from_arrow_expr,funs_and_groups,heaps)
// kind indexing of generic types
@@ -2385,7 +3136,7 @@ where
//---> ("build_arg returns", fresh_gatvs, curry_st)
postfix = toString arg_num
subst_gatv atv=:{atv_attribute, atv_variable} th=:{th_attrs, th_vars}
# (tv, th_vars) = subst_gtv atv_variable th_vars
# (attr, th_attrs) = subst_attr atv_attribute th_attrs
@@ -3176,6 +3927,13 @@ buildFunAndGroup
# def_sym = {ds_ident=ident, ds_arity=fun.fun_arity, ds_index=fg_fun_index}
funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_fun_index=fg_fun_index+1, fg_group_index=fg_group_index+1, fg_funs=[fun:fg_funs], fg_groups=[group:fg_groups]}
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
+buildFunAndGroup2 :: !Ident ![FreeVar] !Expression !Index !FunsAndGroups -> (!Index, !FunsAndGroups)
+buildFunAndGroup2 ident arg_vars body_expr main_dcl_module_n funs_and_groups=:{fg_fun_index,fg_group_index,fg_funs,fg_groups}
+ # fun = makeFunction ident fg_fun_index fg_group_index arg_vars body_expr No main_dcl_module_n NoPos
+ group = {group_members = [fg_fun_index]}
+ funs_and_groups = {funs_and_groups & fg_fun_index=fg_fun_index+1, fg_group_index=fg_group_index+1, fg_funs=[fun:fg_funs], fg_groups=[group:fg_groups]}
+ = (fg_fun_index, funs_and_groups)
// Expr Helpers
@@ -3220,9 +3978,12 @@ buildConsApp cons_mod {ds_ident, ds_index, ds_arity} arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expres
# heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap }
= (expr, heaps)
-buildFunApp :: !Index !DefinedSymbol ![Expression] !*Heaps
- -> (!Expression, !*Heaps)
-buildFunApp fun_mod {ds_ident, ds_index} arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
+buildFunApp :: !Index !DefinedSymbol ![Expression] !*Heaps -> (!Expression, !*Heaps)
+buildFunApp fun_mod {ds_ident, ds_index} arg_exprs heaps
+ = buildFunApp2 fun_mod ds_index ds_ident arg_exprs heaps
+buildFunApp2 :: !Index !Index !Ident ![Expression] !*Heaps -> (!Expression, !*Heaps)
+buildFunApp2 fun_mod ds_index ds_ident arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
# fun_glob = {glob_module = fun_mod, glob_object = ds_index}
# expr = App {
@@ -3239,12 +4000,7 @@ buildPredefFunApp :: !Int [Expression] !PredefinedSymbols !*Heaps
-> (!Expression, !*Heaps)
buildPredefFunApp predef_index args predefs heaps
# {pds_module, pds_def} = predefs.[predef_index]
- # fun_ds =
- { ds_index = pds_def
- , ds_ident = predefined_idents.[predef_index]
- , ds_arity = 0 // not used
- }
- = buildFunApp pds_module fun_ds args heaps
+ = buildFunApp2 pds_module pds_def predefined_idents.[predef_index] args heaps
buildGenericApp :: !Index !Index !Ident !TypeKind ![Expression] !*Heaps
-> (!Expression, !*Heaps)
@@ -3309,6 +4065,12 @@ buildCaseExpr case_arg case_alts heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
= (expr, heaps)
+build_map_from_expr bimap_expr predefs
+ = buildRecordSelectionExpr bimap_expr PD_map_from 1 predefs
+build_map_to_expr bimap_expr predefs
+ = buildRecordSelectionExpr bimap_expr PD_map_to 0 predefs
buildRecordSelectionExpr :: !Expression !Index !Int !PredefinedSymbols -> Expression
buildRecordSelectionExpr record_expr predef_field field_n predefs
# {pds_module, pds_def} = predefs . [predef_field]
@@ -3559,6 +4321,16 @@ where
# (zs, st) = zipWithSt xs ys st
= ([z:zs], st)
+zipWithSt2 f l1 l2 st1 st2
+ :== zipWithSt2 l1 l2 st1 st2
+ zipWithSt2 [] [] st1 st2
+ = ([], st1, st2)
+ zipWithSt2 [x:xs] [y:ys] st1 st2
+ # (z, st1, st2) = f x y st1 st2
+ # (zs, st1, st2) = zipWithSt2 xs ys st1 st2
+ = ([z:zs], st1, st2)
mapSdSt f l sd s :== map_sd_st l s
map_sd_st [x : xs] s
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index b182073..a73ab4d 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -530,24 +530,25 @@ NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
, tdi_gen_rep :: !Optional GenericTypeRep
-// AA..
// type structure is used to specialize a generic to a type
:: GenTypeStruct
= GTSAppCons TypeKind [GenTypeStruct]
| GTSAppVar TypeVar [GenTypeStruct]
| GTSVar TypeVar
- | GTSArrow GenTypeStruct GenTypeStruct // needed for simplifying bimaps
- | GTSAppConsBimapKindConst // needed for simplifying bimaps
| GTSCons DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
| GTSField DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
| GTSObject DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
+ | GTSArrow GenTypeStruct GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSAppConsBimapKindConst // for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSAppBimap TypeKind [GenTypeStruct] // for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSPair !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
+ | GTSEither !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct // for optimizing bimaps
:: GenericTypeRep =
{ gtr_type :: GenTypeStruct // generic structure type
, gtr_iso :: DefinedSymbol // the conversion isomorphism
-// ..AA
:: TypeDefInfos :== {# .{# TypeDefInfo}}