diff options
authorronny1999-12-14 12:51:07 +0000
committerronny1999-12-14 12:51:07 +0000
commit2005e2412ee4843d695bfb6aca94f7b3839891e9 (patch)
parentBug fix: infix pattern constructors (diff)
handle constructor with strict arguments (for Clean 1.3.3)
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@66 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
4 files changed, 67 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/Debug.icl b/frontend/Debug.icl
index 75092ad..1b1ae0a 100644
--- a/frontend/Debug.icl
+++ b/frontend/Debug.icl
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ debugValue show value
debugShow :: DebugShowFunction .a
- = \debugValue -> ShowWrapped (Wrap debugValue) ++ ["\n"]
+ = \debugValue -> showWrapped (wrapNode debugValue) ++ ["\n"]
:: DebugOptionRecord
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ MaxInt
debugShowWithOptions :: [DebugShowOption] -> DebugShowFunction .a
debugShowWithOptions debugOptions
- = \debug -> chop maxChars (ShowWrapped (pruneWrappedNode maxDepth maxBreadth (Wrap debug))) ++ [terminator]
+ = \debug -> chop maxChars (showWrapped (pruneWrappedNode maxDepth maxBreadth (wrapNode debug))) ++ [terminator]
{maxDepth, maxBreadth, maxChars, terminator}
= set debugOptions DebugDefaultOptions
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ MaxCharsString
:== "..."
- :== Wrap ...
+ :== wrapNode ...
- :== Wrap .+.
+ :== wrapNode .+.
pruneWrappedNode :: !Int !Int !WrappedNode -> !WrappedNode
pruneWrappedNode maxDepth maxBreadth value
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ pruneWrappedNode maxDepth maxBreadth value
pruneBasicArray :: !Int !(a b) -> WrappedNode | Array .a & ArrayElem b
pruneBasicArray depth a
| size a > maxBreadth
- = WrappedArray (pruneArray depth {Wrap e \\ e <-: a & i <- [0 .. maxBreadth]})
+ = WrappedArray (pruneArray depth {wrapNode e \\ e <-: a & i <- [0 .. maxBreadth]})
// otherwise
- = WrappedArray {Wrap e \\ e <-: a}
+ = WrappedArray {wrapNode e \\ e <-: a}
chop :: !Int ![{#Char}] -> [{#Char}]
chop _ []
diff --git a/frontend/RWSDebug.icl b/frontend/RWSDebug.icl
index 9d7639d..98c5ed9 100644
--- a/frontend/RWSDebug.icl
+++ b/frontend/RWSDebug.icl
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ implementation module RWSDebug
import Debug
- = debugShowWithOptions [] // [DebugMaxChars 80, DebugMaxDepth 5]
+show x
+ = debugShowWithOptions [DebugMaxChars 80, DebugMaxDepth 5] x
(->>) :: !.a !.b -> .a
(->>) value debugValue
diff --git a/frontend/ShowWrapped.dcl b/frontend/ShowWrapped.dcl
index 3bcc251..1801f91 100644
--- a/frontend/ShowWrapped.dcl
+++ b/frontend/ShowWrapped.dcl
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ definition module ShowWrapped
from Wrap import WrappedNode
-ShowWrapped :: WrappedNode -> [{#Char}] \ No newline at end of file
+showWrapped :: WrappedNode -> [{#Char}] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/ShowWrapped.icl b/frontend/ShowWrapped.icl
index 82b72a1..7254b40 100644
--- a/frontend/ShowWrapped.icl
+++ b/frontend/ShowWrapped.icl
@@ -3,78 +3,90 @@ implementation module ShowWrapped
import StdEnv
import Wrap
-ShowWrapped :: WrappedNode -> [{#Char}]
-ShowWrapped node
- = Show False node
+ :== True
+ :== False
-Show _ (WrappedInt i)
+showWrapped :: WrappedNode -> [{#Char}]
+showWrapped node
+ = show Don`tShowParentheses node
+show :: Bool WrappedNode -> [{#Char}]
+show _ (WrappedInt i)
= [toString i]
-Show _ (WrappedChar c)
+show _ (WrappedChar c)
= ["\'" +++ toString c +++ "\'"]
-Show _ (WrappedBool b)
+show _ (WrappedBool b)
= [toString b]
-Show _ (WrappedReal r)
+show _ (WrappedReal r)
= [toString r]
-Show _ (WrappedFile f)
- = [toString f]
-Show _ (WrappedString s)
+show _ (WrappedFile _)
+ = ["File"]
+show _ (WrappedString s)
= ["\"" +++ s +++ "\""]
-Show _ (WrappedIntArray a)
- = ShowBasicArray a
-Show _ (WrappedBoolArray a)
- = ShowBasicArray a
-Show _ (WrappedRealArray a)
- = ShowBasicArray a
-Show _ (WrappedFileArray a)
- = ShowBasicArray a
-Show _ (WrappedArray a)
- = ["{" : flatten (Separate [", "] [Show False el \\ el <-: a])] ++ ["}"]
-Show _ (WrappedRecord descriptor args)
- = ["{" : flatten (Separate [" "] [[ShowDescriptor descriptor] : [Show True arg \\ arg <-: args]])] ++ ["}"]
-Show _ (WrappedOther WrappedDescriptorCons args)
+show _ (WrappedIntArray a)
+ = showBasicArray a
+show _ (WrappedBoolArray a)
+ = showBasicArray a
+show _ (WrappedRealArray a)
+ = showBasicArray a
+show _ (WrappedFileArray a)
+ = showBasicArray a
+show _ (WrappedArray a)
+ = ["{" : flatten (separate [", "] [show Don`tShowParentheses el \\ el <-: a])] ++ ["}"]
+show _ (WrappedRecord descriptor args)
+ = ["{" : flatten (separate [" "] [[showDescriptor descriptor] : [show ShowParentheses arg \\ arg <-: args]])] ++ ["}"]
+show _ (WrappedOther WrappedDescriptorCons args)
| size args == 2
- = ["[" : flatten [Show False args.[0] : ShowTail args.[1]]] ++ ["]"]
+ = ["[" : flatten [show Don`tShowParentheses args.[0] : showTail args.[1]]] ++ ["]"]
- ShowTail (WrappedOther WrappedDescriptorCons args)
+ showTail :: WrappedNode -> [[{#Char}]]
+ showTail (WrappedOther WrappedDescriptorCons args)
| size args == 2
- = [[", "], Show False args.[0] : ShowTail args.[1]]
- ShowTail (WrappedOther WrappedDescriptorNil args)
+ = [[", "], show Don`tShowParentheses args.[0] : showTail args.[1]]
+ showTail (WrappedOther WrappedDescriptorNil args)
| size args == 0
= []
- ShowTail graph // abnormal list
- = [[" : " : Show False graph]]
-Show _ (WrappedOther WrappedDescriptorTuple args)
- = ["(" : flatten (Separate [", "] [Show False arg \\ arg <-: args])] ++ [")"]
-Show pars (WrappedOther descriptor args)
- | pars && size args > 0
+ showTail node // abnormal list
+ = [[" : " : show Don`tShowParentheses node]]
+show _ (WrappedOther WrappedDescriptorTuple args)
+ = ["(" : flatten (separate [", "] [show Don`tShowParentheses arg \\ arg <-: args])] ++ [")"]
+show parentheses (WrappedOther descriptor args)
+ | parentheses && size args > 0
= ["(" : application] ++ [")"]
// otherwise
= application
- = flatten (Separate [" "] [[ShowDescriptor descriptor] : [Show True arg \\ arg <-: args]])
+ = flatten (separate [" "] [[showDescriptor descriptor] : [show ShowParentheses arg \\ arg <-: args]])
-ShowDescriptor (WrappedDescriptorOther id)
+showDescriptor :: WrappedDescriptor -> {#Char}
+showDescriptor (WrappedDescriptorOther id)
= toString id
-ShowDescriptor WrappedDescriptorNil
+showDescriptor WrappedDescriptorNil
= "[]"
-ShowDescriptor WrappedDescriptorCons
+showDescriptor WrappedDescriptorCons
= "[:]"
-ShowDescriptor WrappedDescriptorTuple
+showDescriptor WrappedDescriptorTuple
= "(..)"
-ShowBasicArray a
- = ["{" : Separate ", " [toString el \\ el <-: a]] ++ ["}"]
-ShowWrappedArray a
- = ["{" : flatten (Separate [", "] [Show False el \\ el <-: a])] ++ ["}"]
+showBasicArray :: {#a} -> [{#Char}] | toString, ArrayElem a
+showBasicArray a
+ = ["{" : separate ", " [toString el \\ el <-: a]] ++ ["}"]
+showWrappedArray :: {WrappedNode} -> [{#Char}]
+showWrappedArray a
+ = ["{" : flatten (separate [", "] [show Don`tShowParentheses el \\ el <-: a])] ++ ["}"]
-Separate :: a [a] -> [a]
-Separate separator [a : t=:[b : _]]
- = [a, separator : Separate separator t]
-Separate _ l
+separate :: a [a] -> [a]
+separate separator [a : t=:[b : _]]
+ = [a, separator : separate separator t]
+separate _ l
= l
instance toString File
+ toString :: File -> {#Char}
toString _
= "File"