diff options
authorjohnvg2011-03-01 15:31:44 +0000
committerjohnvg2011-03-01 15:31:44 +0000
commit142f3dc6cc3498bd8b135378a1ef4f4c94c2092e (patch)
parentin BEConstructorSymbol store constructor index in symb_arity until BERecordTy... (diff)
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1871 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
-rw-r--r--backend/Windows/Clean System Files/backend_library1
7 files changed, 75 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Windows/Clean System Files/backend_library b/backend/Windows/Clean System Files/backend_library
index 5a95167..9e7fbc5 100644
--- a/backend/Windows/Clean System Files/backend_library
+++ b/backend/Windows/Clean System Files/backend_library
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ BEFunctionSymbol
diff --git a/backend/backend.dcl b/backend/backend.dcl
index 50d9e8e..cfc7b1b 100644
--- a/backend/backend.dcl
+++ b/backend/backend.dcl
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ BEFieldSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
// BESymbolP BEFieldSymbol (int fieldIndex,int moduleIndex);
BETypeSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
// BESymbolP BETypeSymbol (int typeIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BETypeSymbolNoMark :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BETypeSymbolNoMark (int typeIndex,int moduleIndex);
BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
// BESymbolP BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol ();
BEBoolSymbol :: !Bool !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
diff --git a/backend/backend.icl b/backend/backend.icl
index cb25dd1..ef0fe09 100644
--- a/backend/backend.icl
+++ b/backend/backend.icl
@@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ BETypeSymbol a0 a1 a2 = code {
// BESymbolP BETypeSymbol (int typeIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BETypeSymbolNoMark :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BETypeSymbolNoMark a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BETypeSymbolNoMark "II:p:p"
+// BESymbolP BETypeSymbolNoMark (int typeIndex,int moduleIndex);
BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol a0 = code {
ccall BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol ":p:p"
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index bdc39f0..357209f 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ beFieldSymbol fieldIndex moduleIndex
:== beFunction0 (BEFieldSymbol fieldIndex moduleIndex)
beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex
:== beFunction0 (BETypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex)
+beTypeSymbolNoMark typeIndex moduleIndex
+ :== beFunction0 (BETypeSymbolNoMark typeIndex moduleIndex)
beBasicSymbol symbolIndex
:== beFunction0 (BEBasicSymbol symbolIndex)
@@ -792,7 +794,11 @@ defineTypes moduleIndex constructors selectors types
convertTypeLhs :: ModuleIndex Index TypeAttribute [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BEFlatTypeP
convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex attribute args
- = beFlatType (beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex) (convertAttribution attribute) (convertTypeVars args)
+ = be_flat_type (beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex) attribute args
+be_flat_type :: (BEMonad BESymbolP) TypeAttribute [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BEFlatTypeP
+be_flat_type type_symbol attribute args
+ = beFlatType type_symbol (convertAttribution attribute) (convertTypeVars args)
convertTypeVars :: [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BETypeVarListP
convertTypeVars typeVars
@@ -809,25 +815,26 @@ defineType moduleIndex constructors _ typeIndex {td_ident, td_attribute, td_args
# (constructors, be)
= convertConstructors typeIndex td_ident.id_name moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols be
= appBackEnd (BEAlgebraicType flatType constructors) be
-defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields, rt_is_boxed_record}} be
-// | trace_tn constructorDef.cons_ident
+defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields, rt_is_boxed_record}, td_fun_index} be
+ # constructorIndex = rt_constructor.ds_index
+ constructorDef = constructors.[constructorIndex]
# (flatType, be)
- = convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args be
- # (fields, be)
- = convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors rt_fields constructorDef.cons_type.st_args_strictness be
- # (constructorType,be) = constructorTypeFunction be
- # (constructorTypeNode, be)
- = beNormalTypeNode
+ = if (td_fun_index<>NoIndex)
+ (convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args be)
+ // define the record without marking, to prevent code generation for many unused generic dictionaries
+ (be_flat_type (beTypeSymbolNoMark typeIndex moduleIndex) td_attribute td_args be)
+ (fields, be)
+ = convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors rt_fields constructorDef.cons_type.st_args_strictness be
+ (constructorType,be)
+ = constructorTypeFunction constructorDef be
+ (constructorTypeNode, be)
+ = beNormalTypeNode
(beConstructorSymbol moduleIndex constructorIndex)
(convertSymbolTypeArgs constructorType)
- = appBackEnd (BERecordType moduleIndex flatType constructorTypeNode (if rt_is_boxed_record 1 0) fields) be
+ = appBackEnd (BERecordType moduleIndex flatType constructorTypeNode (if rt_is_boxed_record 1 0) fields) be
- constructorIndex
- = rt_constructor.ds_index
- constructorDef
- = constructors.[constructorIndex]
- constructorTypeFunction be0
+ constructorTypeFunction constructorDef be0
= let (cons_type,be) = read_from_var_heap constructorDef.cons_type_ptr be0 in
(case cons_type of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
@@ -860,42 +867,36 @@ convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructorDefs {ds_index}
= let (cons_type,be) = read_from_var_heap constructorDef.cons_type_ptr be0 in
(case cons_type of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> (expandedType,be) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_ident.id_name, ds_index, expandedType)
+ -> (expandedType,be)
- -> (constructorDef.cons_type,be)) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_ident.id_name, ds_index, constructorDef.cons_type)
+ -> (constructorDef.cons_type,be))
-foldrAi function result array
- :== foldrA 0
+foldrAi function result array :== foldrA 0
- arraySize
- = size array
foldrA index
- | index == arraySize
- = result
- // otherwise
- = function index array.[index] (foldrA (index+1))
+ | index == size array
+ = result
+ = function index array.[index] (foldrA (index+1))
-//convertSelectors :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} {#FieldSymbol} -> BEMonad BEFieldListP
convertSelectors :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} {#FieldSymbol} StrictnessList -> BEMonad BEFieldListP
convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors symbols strictness
- = foldrAi (\i -> (beFields o convertSelector moduleIndex selectors (arg_is_strict i strictness))) beNoFields symbols
-convertSelector :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} Bool FieldSymbol -> BEMonad BEFieldListP
-convertSelector moduleIndex selectorDefs is_strict {fs_index}
- = \be0 -> let (selectorType,be) = selectorTypeFunction be0 in
- ( appBackEnd (BEDeclareField fs_index moduleIndex selectorDef.sd_ident.id_name)
- o` beField fs_index moduleIndex (convertAnnotAndTypeNode (if is_strict AN_Strict AN_None) (selectorType.st_result))) be
- where
- selectorDef
- = selectorDefs.[fs_index]
- selectorTypeFunction be0
- = let (sd_type,be) = read_from_var_heap selectorDef.sd_type_ptr be0 in
- (case sd_type of
- VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> (expandedType,be)
+ = foldrAi (\i -> beFields o convertSelector moduleIndex selectors (arg_is_strict i strictness)) beNoFields symbols
+ convertSelector :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} Bool FieldSymbol -> BEMonad BEFieldListP
+ convertSelector moduleIndex selectorDefs is_strict {fs_index}
+ = \be0 -> let selectorDef = selectorDefs.[fs_index]
+ (field_type,be) = selectorTypeFunction selectorDef be0 in
+ ( appBackEnd (BEDeclareField fs_index moduleIndex selectorDef.sd_ident.id_name)
+ o` beField fs_index moduleIndex (convertAnnotAndTypeNode (if is_strict AN_Strict AN_None) field_type)) be
+ where
+ selectorTypeFunction :: !SelectorDef !*BackEndState -> *(!AType,!*BackEndState)
+ selectorTypeFunction {sd_type_ptr,sd_type} be
+ # (sd_type_in_ptr,be) = read_from_var_heap sd_type_ptr be
+ = case sd_type_in_ptr of
+ VI_ExpandedType {st_result}
+ -> (st_result,be)
- -> (selectorDef.sd_type,be))
+ -> (sd_type.st_result,be)
declareDynamicTemp :: PredefinedSymbols -> BackEnder
declareDynamicTemp predefs
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.c
index 5de268d..2fd911e 100644
--- a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.c
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.c
@@ -1017,6 +1017,11 @@ BETypeSymbol (int typeIndex, int moduleIndex)
return (typeSymbol);
} /* BETypeSymbol */
+BESymbolP BETypeSymbolNoMark (int typeIndex, int moduleIndex)
+ return gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex].bem_types [typeIndex];
BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol (void)
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.h
index 0a25481..4a17ac6 100644
--- a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.h
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.h
@@ -217,6 +217,9 @@ Clean (BEConstructorSymbol :: Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
BESymbolP BEFieldSymbol (int fieldIndex, int moduleIndex);
Clean (BEFieldSymbol :: Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BETypeSymbolNoMark (int typeIndex, int moduleIndex);
+Clean (BETypeSymbolNoMark :: Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
BESymbolP BETypeSymbol (int typeIndex, int moduleIndex);
Clean (BETypeSymbol :: Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.c
index c9e53cf..3350563 100644
--- a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.c
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.c
@@ -1318,6 +1318,19 @@ void GenerateCodeForConstructorsAndRecords (Symbol symbols)
ConstructorList constructor;
constructor = def->sdef_type->type_constructors;
+ if (!(def->sdef_isused || def->sdef_exported || (def->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK | SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK | SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)))){
+ for_l (fields,constructor->cl_fields,fl_next){
+ SymbDef field_def;
+ field_def=fields->fl_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (field_def->sdef_isused || field_def->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK | SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK | SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fields==NULL)
+ continue;
+ }
DetermineSizeOfState (def->sdef_record_state, &asize, &bsize);
GenRecordDescriptor (def);
@@ -1327,7 +1340,7 @@ void GenerateCodeForConstructorsAndRecords (Symbol symbols)
for_l (fields,constructor->cl_fields,fl_next)
GenLazyFieldSelectorEntry (fields->fl_symbol->symb_def,def->sdef_record_state, asize, bsize);
- }
+ }