diff options
authorjohnvg2001-12-11 12:57:25 +0000
committerjohnvg2001-12-11 12:57:25 +0000
commit02a6a248ff49fcd2ceec1e46eb70d34f8be9870a (patch)
parentremoved type from BasicExpr (diff)
heap module with smaller pointers.
read and write functions do not check whether the pointer belongs to the heap passed as argument. git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@921 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
2 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/unsafe_heap.dcl b/frontend/unsafe_heap.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d8db97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/unsafe_heap.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+definition module unsafe_heap
+import StdClass
+:: Heap v = {heap::!.HeapN v}
+:: HeapN v
+:: Ptr v = {pointer::!.(PtrN v)};
+:: PtrN v = Ptr !v;
+newHeap :: .Heap v
+nilPtr :: Ptr v
+isNilPtr :: !(Ptr v) -> Bool
+newPtr :: !v !*(Heap v) -> (!.Ptr v,!.Heap v)
+readPtr :: !(Ptr v) !u:(Heap v) -> (!v,!u:Heap v)
+writePtr :: !(Ptr v) !v !*(Heap v) -> .Heap v
+sreadPtr :: !(Ptr v) !(Heap v) -> v
+allocPtr :: Ptr v;
+initPtr :: !(Ptr v) !v !*(Heap v) !*World -> (!.Heap v,!*World);
+ptrToInt :: !(Ptr w) -> Int
+(<:=) infixl
+(<:=) heap ptr_and_val :== writePtr ptr val heap
+ (ptr, val) = ptr_and_val
+instance == (Ptr a)
diff --git a/frontend/unsafe_heap.icl b/frontend/unsafe_heap.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e90fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/unsafe_heap.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+implementation module unsafe_heap;
+import StdOverloaded,StdMisc;
+:: Heap v = {heap::!.(HeapN v)};
+:: HeapN v = Heap !Int;
+:: Ptr v = {pointer::!.(PtrN v)};
+:: PtrN v = Ptr !v;
+newHeap :: .Heap v;
+newHeap = {heap=Heap 0};
+newPtr :: !v !*(Heap v) -> (!.Ptr v,!.Heap v);
+newPtr v h = code {
+ build_r e_unsafe_heap_kPtr 1 0 0 0
+ update_a 0 1
+ pop_a 1
+nilPtr :: Ptr v;
+nilPtr =: make_nilPtr;
+make_nilPtr :: Ptr v;
+make_nilPtr = code {
+ build _Nil 0 _hnf
+ build_r e_unsafe_heap_kPtr 1 0 0 0
+ update_a 0 1
+ pop_a 1
+isNilPtr :: !(Ptr v) -> Bool;
+isNilPtr p = code {
+ repl_args 1 1
+ eq_desc _Nil 0 0
+ pop_a 1
+allocPtr :: Ptr v;
+allocPtr = code {
+ build _Cons 0 _hnf
+ build_r e_unsafe_heap_kPtr 1 0 0 0
+ update_a 0 1
+ pop_a 1
+initPtr :: !(Ptr v) !v !*(Heap v) !*World -> (!.Heap v,!*World);
+initPtr p v h w
+ = code {
+ push_args 0 1 1
+ eq_desc _Cons 0 0
+ pop_a 1
+ jmp_false init_pointer_error
+ push_a 2
+ fill1_r e_unsafe_heap_kPtr 1 0 1 01
+.keep 0 2
+ pop_a 2
+.d 2 0
+ rtn
+ pop_a 3
+ print "initPtr: Pointer already initialized"
+ halt
+readPtr :: !(Ptr v) !u:(Heap v) -> (!v,!u:Heap v);
+readPtr p h = code {
+ repl_r_args_a 1 0 1 1
+ };
+sreadPtr :: !(Ptr v) !(Heap v) -> v;
+sreadPtr p h = code {
+ repl_r_args_a 1 0 1 1
+ update_a 0 1
+ pop_a 1
+writePtr :: !(Ptr v) !v !*(Heap v) -> .Heap v;
+writePtr p v h
+ = code {
+ push_a 1
+ fill1_r e_unsafe_heap_kPtr 1 0 1 01
+.keep 0 2
+ pop_a 2
+(<:=) infixl;
+(<:=) heap ptr_and_val :== writePtr ptr val heap ;
+ (ptr, val) = ptr_and_val;
+ptrToInt :: !(Ptr v) -> Int;
+ptrToInt p
+ | isNilPtr p
+ = 0;
+ = ptrToInt2 p;
+ptrToInt2 :: !(Ptr v) -> Int;
+ptrToInt2 p = code {
+ push_a_b 0
+ pop_a 1
+ build _Nil 0 _hnf
+ push_a_b 0
+ pop_a 1
+ push_b 1
+ eqI
+ jmp_false not_nil
+ pop_b 1
+ pushI 0
+.d 0 1 b
+ rtn
+.d 0 1 b
+ rtn
+instance == (Ptr a)
+{ (==) p1 p2 = code {
+ push_a_b 1
+ push_a_b 0
+ pop_a 2
+ eqI
+ }