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definition module history
// $Id$
from graph import Graph
from general import Optional
from StdOverloaded import ==
// A history relates node-ids in the subject graph to patterns
:: History sym var
:== [HistoryAssociation sym var]
// An association between a node-id in the subject graph and a history pattern
:: HistoryAssociation sym var
:== ( var // Attachment point in the subject graph where the history pattern is "housed"
, HistoryPattern sym var // The pattern in the history
// A pattern in the history, specifying the most general subject graph (footprint) for a reduction sequence
:: HistoryPattern sym var
= Closed sym [HistoryPattern sym var] // Indicates a closed node-id in the subject graph (created by a (partial) match)
| OpenHist // Indicates an open node-id in the subject graph (created by instantiation)
| Extensible (Link var) // Indicates a link to an untouched node-id in the subject graph, where this pattern can be extended
// A link in a graph, indicated by its source node-id and the argument number
// The root of a graph can be indicated by the No constructor
:: Link var
:== Optional (var,Int)
// Check the current subject graph in the history
:: (History sym var) // Complete history against which to check
[var] // Node-ids for which to include history patterns
(Graph sym var) // Current subject graph
var // Current application point of strategy
-> [HistoryPattern sym var] // Matching history patterns
| == sym
& == var