path: root/sucl/basic.icl
blob: e6beaa01a70fcb237f684cd8106acc9b54a70e9f (plain) (tree)



































implementation module basic

// $Id$


Basic definitions


Basic types and functions.


import StdEnv




//:: Optional t = Absent | Present t
// Now using Optional type from cocl's general module
from general import Optional,No,Yes,--->

instance == (Optional a) | == a
 where (==) No No = True
       (==) (Yes x1) (Yes x2) = x1==x2
       (==) _ _ = False

// Adjust a function for a single argument

adjust :: !arg res (arg->res) !arg -> res | == arg
adjust a r f x
    | x==a = r
           = f x

// Claim a list of nodes from a heap
claim :: ![.param] u:[.cell] -> ([.cell],v:[.cell]), [u<=v]

claim [] heap = ([],heap)
claim [pnode:pnodes] [snode:heap]
=   ([snode:snodes],heap`)
    where (snodes,heap`) = claim pnodes heap
claim pnodes emptyheap = abort "claim: out of heap" // Just in case. Should be used with an infinite heap.

/* Depthfirst collects results of a function (called process), applied to a
given  list  of  inputs  and  other  inputs which are generated from the
results recursively, and so on.  Duplicates are removed. */

depthfirst :: (res->.[elem]) (elem->res) !.[elem] -> .[res] | == elem
depthfirst generate process xs
= snd (collect xs ([],[]))
  where collect [] seenrest = seenrest
        collect [x:xs] seenrest
          | isMember x seen
            = collect xs seenrest
        = (seen``,[y:rest``])
          where (seen`,rest``) = collect (generate y) ([x:seen],rest`)
                (seen``,rest`) = collect xs           (   seen`,rest)
                y = process x
                (seen,rest) = seenrest

// `Disjoint xs ys' checks whether xs and ys are disjoint.

disjoint :: .[elem] !.[elem] -> Bool | == elem
disjoint xs ys = not (or (map (flip isMember xs) ys))

eqlen :: ![.elem1] ![.elem2] -> .Bool
eqlen [x:xs] [y:ys] = eqlen xs ys
eqlen [] [] = True
eqlen xs ys = False

// Extend a function using the elements of a mapping
extendfn :: [(src,dst)] (src->dst) src -> dst | == src
extendfn mapping f x = foldmap id (f x) mapping x

// `Foldlm' is a combination of foldl and map.
foldlm :: ((.collect,.elem) -> (.collect,.elem`)) !(.collect,![.elem]) -> (.collect,[.elem`])
foldlm f (l,[]) = (l,[])
foldlm f (l,[m:ms])
=   (l``,[m`:ms`])
    where (l`,m`) = f (l,m)
          (l``,ms`) = foldlm f (l`,ms)

foldlr :: (.elem -> .((.lrinfo,.rlinfo) -> (.lrinfo,.rlinfo))) !(.lrinfo,.rlinfo) ![.elem] -> (.lrinfo,.rlinfo)
foldlr f lr []
    = lr
foldlr f lr [x:xs]
    = (l``,r``)
      where (l``,r`) = foldlr f (l`,r) xs
            (l`,r``) = f x (l,r`)
            (l,r) = lr

foldmap :: (x:res -> w:res`) w:res` -> u:(![(arg,x:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res`)) | == arg, [v u <= w, v <= x]
foldmap f d
= foldr foldmap` (const d)
  where foldmap` xy g v
        = if (x==v) (f y) (g v)
          where (x,y) = xy

foldoptional :: .res .(.t -> .res) !(Optional .t) -> .res
foldoptional no yes No = no
foldoptional no yes (Yes x) = yes x

force :: !.a .b -> .b
force x y = y

forget :: val -> .(![.(val,res)] -> .[(val,res)]) | == val
forget x = filter (neq x o fst)
neq x y = x <> y

inccounter :: a (a->b) a -> b | == a & +,one b
inccounter m f n = if (n==m) (f n+one) (f n)

indent :: .String -> .([.String] -> .[String])
indent first = map2 (+++) [first:repeat (createArray (size first) ' ')]

map2 :: (.a -> .(.b -> .c)) ![.a] [.b] -> [.c]
map2 f [x:xs] [y:ys] = [f x y:map2 f xs ys]
map2 f _ _ = []

// `Identifiers' is the list of all identifiers
identifiers :: [String]
identifiers =: map toString (tl (kleene ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']))

// `Intersect xs ys' is the intersection of list `ys' with list `xs'.
intersect :: ![elem] [elem] -> .[elem] | == elem
intersect []     _  = []
intersect [y:ys] xs = elim (cons y o intersect ys) (intersect ys xs) y xs

// Elim removes a given element from a list.
// There are two continuations, one for failure and one for success.
elim :: .(v:[elem] -> .res) .res elem u:[elem] -> .res | == elem, [u <= v]
elim found notfound y []
=   notfound
elim found notfound y [x:xs]
| x==y
=   found xs
=   elim (found o cons x) notfound y xs

// Cons prepends an element to a list
cons :: .elem u:[.elem] -> v:[.elem], [u <= v]
cons x xs = [x:xs]

// `Join x xss' is the join of the list of lists `xss', separated by `x'.
join :: a ![.[a]] -> .[a]
join sep [] = []
join sep [x:xs] = x++flatten (map (cons sep) xs)

/* `Kleene xs' determines the kleene closure of the list `xs'  of  symbols,
   i.e.   all strings over that list in standard order.  The implementation
   is designed for maximum sharing.
kleene :: !.[symbol] -> .[[symbol]]
kleene [] = [[]]
kleene symbols
=   flatten (iterate prefix [[]])
    where prefix strings
          =   flatten (map appendstrings symbols)
              where appendstrings symbol = map (cons symbol) strings

// Lazy variant of the predefined abort function
error :: .String -> .a
error message = abort message

// Determine the string representation of a list
listToString :: [a] -> String | toString a
listToString xs = showlist toString xs

lookup :: u:([(arg,w:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res)) | == arg, [v u <= w]
lookup = foldmap id (abort "lookup: not found")

pairwith :: .(arg -> .res) arg -> (arg,.res)
pairwith f x = (x,f x)

plookup :: .(arg -> String) ![(arg,.res)] arg -> .res | == arg
plookup showa tbl a = foldmap id (abort (showa a+++": not found")) tbl a

power :: !Int (.t -> .t) -> .(.t -> .t)
power n f
| n <= 0
=   id
=   f o power (n-1) f

printoptional :: .(.t -> String) !(Optional .t) -> String
printoptional printa  No     = ""
printoptional printa (Yes a) = printa a

proc :: .((w:elem -> .(.res -> .res)) -> v:(![w:elem] -> u:(.res -> .res))), [u <= v, u <= w]
proc = flip o foldr

mapfst :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.a,.c) -> (.b,.c)), [u <= v]
mapfst f = app2 (f,id)

mapfst3 :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.a,.c,.d) -> (.b,.c,.d)), [u <= v]
mapfst3 f = app3 (f,id,id)

maphd :: .(.a -> .a) !u:[.a] -> v:[.a], [u <= v]
maphd f []     = []
maphd f [x:xs] = [f x:xs]

mapoptional :: .(.a -> .b) !(Optional .a) -> Optional .b
mapoptional f No      = No
mapoptional f (Yes x) = Yes (f x)

mappair :: .(.a -> .b) .(.c -> .d) !(.a,.c) -> (.b,.d)
mappair f g (x,y) = (f x,g y)

mapsnd :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.c,.a) -> (.c,.b)), [u <= v]
mapsnd f = app2 (id,f)

mapsnd3 :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.c,.a,.d) -> (.c,.b,.d)), [u <= v]
mapsnd3 f = app3 (id,f,id)

maptl :: .(x:[.a] -> u:[.a]) !w:[.a] -> v:[.a], [u <= v, w <= x]
maptl f []     = []
maptl f [x:xs] = [x:f xs]

maptriple :: x:(.a -> .b) w:(.c -> .d) v:(.e -> .f) -> u:((.a,.c,.e) -> (.b,.d,.f)), [u <= v, u <= w, u <= x]
maptriple f g h = app3 (f,g,h)

// String representation of line terminator
nl :: String
nl =: "\n"

partition :: (a -> b) (a -> .c) -> .(!.[a] -> [(b,[.c])]) | == b
partition f g
=   h
    where h [] = []
          h [x:xs]
          =   [((r,[g x:ins])):h outs]
              where ins = [g x\\x<-xs|f x==r]
                    outs = [x\\x<-xs|f x<>r]
                    r = f x

relimg :: ![(a,.b)] a -> [.b] | == a
relimg rel x` = [y\\(x,y)<-rel|x==x`]

remap :: a b [.(a,b)] -> .[(a,b)] | == a
remap x y xys = [(x,y):forget x xys]

// A variant of foldl that is strict in its accumulator
sfoldl :: (.a -> .(.b -> .a)) !.a [.b] -> .a
sfoldl f a xxs
#! a = a
= case xxs
  of [] -> a
     [x:xs] -> sfoldl f (f a x) xs

shorter :: ![.a] [.b] -> .Bool
shorter []     yys    = False
shorter [x:xs] []     = True
shorter [x:xs] [y:ys] = shorter xs ys

showbool :: .(!.Bool -> a) | fromBool a
showbool = fromBool

showlist :: (.elem -> .String) ![.elem] -> String
showlist showa xs
= "["+++inner xs+++"]"
  where inner [] = ""
        inner [x:xs] = showa x+++continue xs
        continue [] = ""
        continue [x:xs] = ","+++showa x+++continue xs

showoptional :: .(.a -> .String) !(Optional .a) -> String
showoptional showa No      = "No"
showoptional showa (Yes a) = "(Yes "+++showa a+++")"

showpair :: !.(.a -> .String) !.(.b -> .String) !(.a,.b) -> String
showpair showa showb (a,b) = "("+++showa a+++","+++showb b+++")"

showstring :: .(!.String -> a) | fromString a
showstring = fromString

showtriple :: !.(.a -> .String) !.(.b -> .String) !.(.c -> .String) !(.a,.b,.c) -> String
showtriple showa showb showc (a,b,c) = "("+++showa a+++","+++showb b+++","+++showc c+++")"

split :: a -> .(.[a] -> [.[a]]) | == a
split sep
=   uncurry cons o spl
    where spl [] = ([],[])
          spl [x:xs]
          | x==sep
          =   ([],[ys:yss])
          =   ([x:ys],yss)
              where (ys,yss) = spl xs

// `Stub modulename functionname message' aborts with a explanatory message
stub :: .String .String .String -> .a
stub modulename functionname message
= abort (modulename+++": "+++functionname+++": "+++message)

superset :: .[a] -> .(.[a] -> Bool) | == a
superset set = isEmpty o ((--) set)

zipwith :: (.a .b->.c) ![.a] [.b] -> [.c]
zipwith f xs ys = [f x y \\ x<-xs & y<-ys]

// Strict version of --->, which evaluates its lhs first
(<---) infix :: !.a !b -> .a | <<< b
(<---) value message = value ---> message

($) infixr :: !.a .b -> .b
($) x y = y

// List subtraction (lazier than removeMembers)
(--) infixl :: !.[elem] .[elem] -> .[elem] | == elem
(--) []     ys = []
(--) [x:xs] ys = f maybeeqs
                 where (noteqs,maybeeqs) = span ((<>)x) ys
                       f []     = [x:xs--noteqs]    // x wasn't in ys
                       f [y:ys] = xs--(noteqs++ys)  // x==y

(writeList) infixl :: !*File [a] -> .File | <<< a
(writeList) file [] = file
(writeList) file [x:xs]
= file <<< x <<< nl writeList xs

printlist :: (elem->String) String [elem] *File -> .File
printlist showelem indent [] file
= file
printlist showelem indent [x:xs] file
= printlist showelem indent xs (file <<< indent <<< showelem x <<< nl)