path: root/portToNewSyntax/help.txt
blob: aa70654088a9d530e04a85a9ad75e393a8b11148 (plain) (tree)








        coclPort - a tool to port Clean 1.3 programs to Clean 2.0

Folder contents
	coclPort.exe - a tool to port Clean 1.3 programs to Clean 2.0
	StdEnvPort - a necessary standard environment
	help.txt - this file

Why to use coclPort

	Clean 2.0 is not downward compatible to Clean 1.3.x: Due to changes in the
	syntax there are Clean 1.3.x programs that cannot be compiled with the new
	Clean 2.0 compiler. Fortunately these changes in syntax are rather small.
	The most important syntax modification is concerned with explicit
	import statements (see the documentation about differences between Clean
	1.3 and Clean 2.0 programs).

	Purpose of coclPort is to help you to port Clean 1.3.x programs to
	this new syntax.

What coclPort does

	coclPort is indeed a Clean 2.0 compiler that is modified such that it can
	handle Clean 1.3 import syntax. Therefore it cannot handle 2.0 import syntax.
	To port a 1.3 module
	just compile it with the coclPort compiler. Then for this "original" module
	a copy of that module is written out in which the explicit import
	statements have been adapted to Clean 2.0 syntax. This copy will be written
	into a folder named "PortedModules" which will be a subfolder of the folder
	that contains the original module.

	Due to some other slight changes
	in the language it is possible that your Clean 1.3.x modules will not be accepted
	by coclPort. For instance the "String" type has become a
	basic type (so you can't import it explicitly).
	In that case you have to modify the contents of the original module
	and try again.
	coclPort has some insufficiencies. See section "Insufficiencies".

The preprocessor

	We have built a primitive preprocessor into the Clean 2.0 compiler
	that allows conditional compilation. This enables you to write sources
	that can be compiled with Clean 2.0 and Clean 1.3 regardless of
	the incompatibility of these compiler versions. coclPort will generate
	preprocessor directives, too, e.g consider the following statement:

	    from module_name import ==

	The produced output might look like this:

	    from module_name import ==
	    from module_name import class ==, instance == Int, instance == Real

	The preprocessor is explained in the documentation about differences
	between Clean 1.3 and Clean 2.0.

How to use this program

	You have to tell the CleanIDE that for compiling a module it should
	launch "coclPort.exe" instead "cocl.exe" (BTW "cocl" means "Concurrent
	Clean"). In the CleanIDE select an environment that uses the Clean 2.0
	compiler. Now select "Environment/Edit Current" and select the "tools"
	button. The field at "compiler:" determines where the CleanIDE finds the
	Clean commpiler (cocl.exe). You should be sure that this entry indeed
	refers to the Clean 2.0 compiler and not e.g. to a Clean 1.3 compiler!
	Put the file "coclPort.exe" into the same folder as "cocl.exe"
	and change the entry in the field at "compiler:" from "cocl.exe"
	into "coclPort.exe". Now the CleanIDE will use coclPort as the compiler.

	But coclPort needs another standard environment than cocl. You have to replace
	the path to StdEnv to a path to StdEnvPort. You can set paths with the
	"Environment/Edit Current" or "Project/Project Options" dialog.

	Now simply try to compile your project.


	Certain restrictions are imposed on the source code that should be ported:
	  - For every explicit import statement the "from" token should be the first
	    non white space character in that line. After some white space characters
	    the line should then contain the module name (and not e.g. a comment first).
	    This excludes the following import statements
	      /* comment */ from module_name import f
	      from /* comment */ module_name import f
		    module_name import f
	    An explicit import statement that is outcommented with "//" will work fine,
	    since it will be ignored anyway:
	      // from module_name import f
	  - coclPort has problems when a line within a comment begins
	    with the "from" token this can be mistaken as an explicit import statement
	    by this program. As a consequence in the "ported" version there might appear
	    an explicit import statement within that comment that should appear somewhere
	    else. Example:
	      import aphrotisaica /* And I knew I loved her
	         from that moment on until forever */
	However we think that when something goes wrong with this program it should
	be easy to adjust the ported modules manually after it has been tried to
	compile them. The ported import statements will appear at least _somewhere_
	in the generated sources.