implementation module compile
import StdEnv
import frontend
import backendinterface
import CoclSystemDependent
import RWSDebug
:: CoclOptions =
:: {#Char}
, pathName ::
, errorPath
:: {#Char}
, errorMode
:: Int
, outPath
:: {#Char}
, outMode
:: Int
, searchPaths
:: SearchPaths
InitialCoclOptions =
{ moduleName
= ""
, pathName
= ""
, errorPath
= "errors"
, errorMode
= FWriteText
, outPath
= "out"
, outMode
= FWriteText
, searchPaths
= {sp_locations = [], sp_paths = []}
compile :: [{#Char}] *Files -> (!Bool, !*Files)
compile args files
# (args_without_modules,modules,cocl_options) = parseCommandLine args InitialCoclOptions
# heaps = { hp_var_heap = newHeap, hp_expression_heap = newHeap, hp_type_heaps = { th_vars = newHeap, th_attrs = newHeap }}
# (predef_symbols, hash_table) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable
= compile_modules modules 0 cocl_options args_without_modules {} {} predef_symbols hash_table heaps files;
parseCommandLine :: [{#Char}] CoclOptions -> ([{#Char}],[{#Char}],CoclOptions)
parseCommandLine [] options
= ([],[],options)
// JVG: removed hack because the searchPaths list becomes too large when >1 file is compiled
= prependModulePath options
// RWS +++ hack, both module name and file path should be passed to frontEndInterface
prependModulePath options=:{pathName, searchPaths}
= { options
& moduleName = baseName pathName
, searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = [directoryName pathName : searchPaths.sp_paths]}
parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-P", searchPathsString : args] options=:{searchPaths}
// RWS, voor Maarten +++ = parseCommandLine args {options & searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = splitPaths searchPathsString}}
# (args,modules,options) = parseCommandLine args {options & searchPaths.sp_paths = splitPaths searchPathsString}
= ([arg1,searchPathsString:args],modules,options)
parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-RO", outPath : args] options
# (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args {options & outPath = stripQuotes outPath, outMode = FWriteText}
= ([arg1,outPath:args],modules,options)
parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-RAO", outPath : args] options
# (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args {options & outPath = stripQuotes outPath, outMode = FAppendText}
= ([arg1,outPath:args],modules,options)
parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-RE", errorPath : args] options
# (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args {options & errorPath = stripQuotes errorPath, errorMode = FWriteText}
= ([arg1,errorPath:args],modules,options)
parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-RAE", errorPath : args] options
# (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args {options & errorPath = stripQuotes errorPath, errorMode = FAppendText}
= ([arg1,errorPath:args],modules,options)
parseCommandLine [arg : args] options
| arg.[0] == '-'
# (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args options
= ([arg:args],modules,options)
// otherwise
# (args,modules,options) = parseCommandLine args options
= (args,[arg : modules],options);
stripExtension :: {#Char} {#Char} -> {#Char}
stripExtension extension string
| stringSize >= extensionSize && (string % (stringSize-extensionSize, stringSize-1)) == extension
= string % (0, stringSize-extensionSize-1)
// otherwise
= string
= size string
= size extension
stripQuotes :: {#Char} -> {#Char}
stripQuotes string
| stringSize > 1 && string.[0] == '"' && string.[stringSize-1] == '"'
= string % (1, stringSize-2)
// otherwise
= string
= size string
splitPaths :: {#Char} -> [{#Char}]
splitPaths paths
= [path +++ {DirectorySeparator} \\ path <- splitBy PathSeparator paths]
splitBy :: Char {#Char} -> [{#Char}]
splitBy char string
= splitBy` 0 0
splitBy` frm to
| to >= stringSize
= [string % (frm, to-1)]
| string.[to] == char
= [string % (frm, to-1) : splitBy` (to+1) (to+1)]
// otherwise
= splitBy` frm (to+1)
= size string
baseName :: {#Char} -> {#Char}
baseName path
= last (splitBy DirectorySeparator path)
directoryName :: {#Char} -> {#Char}
directoryName path
= foldr (\p ps -> p +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ ps) "" (init (splitBy DirectorySeparator path))
compile_modules [module_:modules] n_compiles cocl_options args_without_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols hash_table heaps files
# cocl_options = prependModulePath {cocl_options & pathName=stripExtension ".icl" (stripQuotes module_)}
// RWS +++ hack, both module name and file path should be passed to frontEndInterface
prependModulePath options=:{pathName, searchPaths}
= { options
& moduleName = baseName pathName
// RWS, voor Maarten +++ , searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = [directoryName pathName : searchPaths.sp_paths]}
// , searchPaths = [directoryName pathName : searchPaths]
# (ok,dcl_modules,functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,predef_symbols,hash_table,heaps,files)
= compileModule cocl_options (args_without_modules++[module_]) dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols hash_table heaps files;
| ok
// # hash_table=remove_module_idents_from_symbol_table 0 dcl_modules hash_table;
/* # hash_table=remove_module_ident_from_symbol_table dcl_modules.[0] hash_table;
remove_module_idents_from_symbol_table module_n dcl_modules hash_table
| module_n==size dcl_modules
= hash_table;
# hash_table = remove_module_ident_from_symbol_table dcl_modules.[module_n] hash_table
= remove_module_idents_from_symbol_table (module_n+1) dcl_modules hash_table
remove_module_ident_from_symbol_table dcl_module hash_table
# module_symbol_pointer = dcl_module.dcl_name.id_info;
# symbol_heap=hash_table.hte_symbol_heap;
# (hte_entry,symbol_heap) = readPtr module_symbol_pointer symbol_heap
# symbol_heap=writePtr module_symbol_pointer {hte_entry & ste_kind=STE_Empty} symbol_heap
= {hash_table & hte_symbol_heap=symbol_heap}
# dcl_modules = {dcl_modules.[module_n] \\ module_n <-[1..size dcl_modules-1]}
# heaps = { hp_var_heap = newHeap, hp_expression_heap = newHeap, hp_type_heaps = { th_vars = newHeap, th_attrs = newHeap }}
# (predef_symbols, hash_table) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable
= compile_modules modules 0 cocl_options args_without_modules {} {} predef_symbols hash_table heaps files;
= compile_modules modules (n_compiles+1) cocl_options args_without_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols hash_table heaps files;
= (ok,files);
compile_modules [] n_compiles cocl_options args_without_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols hash_table heaps files
= (True,files);
compileModule :: CoclOptions [{#Char}] {#DclModule} {#FunDef} *PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable *Heaps *Files -> (!Bool,!{#DclModule},!{#FunDef},!Int,!*PredefinedSymbols,!*HashTable,!*Heaps, !*Files)
compileModule options commandLineArgs dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols hash_table heaps files
# (opened, error, files)
= fopen options.errorPath options.errorMode files
| not opened
= abort ("couldn't open error file \"" +++ options.errorPath +++ "\"\n")
# (opened, out, files)
= fopen options.outPath options.outMode files
| not opened
= abort ("couldn't open out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n")
# (io, files)
= stdio files
// (moduleIdent, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable options.moduleName IC_Module hash_table
# ({boxed_ident=moduleIdent}, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable options.moduleName IC_Module hash_table
# list_inferred_types = if (isMember "-lt" commandLineArgs) (Yes (not (isMember "-lattr" commandLineArgs))) No
# (optionalSyntaxTree,cached_functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out,heaps)
= frontEndInterface FrontEndPhaseAll moduleIdent options.searchPaths dcl_modules functions_and_macros list_inferred_types predef_symbols hash_table files error io out heaps
# unique_copy_of_predef_symbols={predef_symbol\\predef_symbol<-:predef_symbols}
# (closed, files)
= fclose io files
| not closed
= abort ("couldn't close stdio")
# (closed, files)
= fclose out files
| not closed
= abort ("couldn't close out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n")
# var_heap=heaps.hp_var_heap
# (success,dcl_modules,functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,var_heap,error, files)
= case optionalSyntaxTree of
Yes syntaxTree
# dcl_modules=syntaxTree.fe_dcls
# functions_and_macros = syntaxTree.fe_icl.icl_functions
# (success,var_heap,error, files) = backEndInterface outputPath (map appendRedirection commandLineArgs) predef_symbols syntaxTree main_dcl_module_n var_heap error files
-> (success,dcl_modules,functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,var_heap,error, files)
appendRedirection arg
= case arg of
-> "-RAE"
-> "-RAO"
-> arg
-> (False,{},{},0,var_heap,error, files)
// = /* directoryName options.pathName +++ "Clean System Files" +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ */ baseName options.pathName
= baseName options.pathName
# heaps = {heaps & hp_var_heap=var_heap}
# (closed, files)
= fclose error files
| not closed
= abort ("couldn't close error file \"" +++ options.errorPath +++ "\"\n")
| success
# dcl_modules={{dcl_module \\ dcl_module<-:dcl_modules} & [main_dcl_module_n].dcl_conversions=No}
= (success,dcl_modules,cached_functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,unique_copy_of_predef_symbols,hash_table,heaps,files)
= (success,dcl_modules,cached_functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,unique_copy_of_predef_symbols,hash_table,heaps,files)