implementation module utilities
import StdEnv, general
Utility routines.
StringToCharList` :: !String !Int !Int -> [Char]
StringToCharList` string 0 index
= []
StringToCharList` string length index
= [string.[index] : StringToCharList` string (dec length) (inc index)]
stringToCharList :: !String -> [Char]
stringToCharList string = StringToCharList` string (size string) 0
charListToString :: ![Char] -> String
charListToString [hd:tl] = toString hd +++ charListToString tl
charListToString [] = ""
revCharListToString :: !Int ![Char] -> String
revCharListToString max_index l
# string = createArray (max_index + 1) '\0'
= fill_string max_index l string
fill_string :: !Int ![Char] !*String -> *String
fill_string n [ char : rest] string
= fill_string (n - 1) rest { string & [n] = char }
fill_string (-1) [] string
= string
revCharListToString [hd:tl] = revCharListToString tl +++ toString hd
revCharListToString [] = ""
isUpperCaseName :: ! String -> Bool
isUpperCaseName id
= ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || c == '_'
c =: id.[0]
isLowerCaseName :: ! String -> Bool
isLowerCaseName id
= 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'
c =: id.[0]
isFunnyIdName :: ! String -> Bool
isFunnyIdName id
= isSpecialChar id.[0]
isSpecialChar :: !Char -> Bool
isSpecialChar '~' = True
isSpecialChar '@' = True
isSpecialChar '#' = True
isSpecialChar '$' = True
isSpecialChar '%' = True
isSpecialChar '^' = True
isSpecialChar '?' = True
isSpecialChar '!' = True
isSpecialChar '+' = True
isSpecialChar '-' = True
isSpecialChar '*' = True
isSpecialChar '<' = True
isSpecialChar '>' = True
isSpecialChar '\\' = True
isSpecialChar '/' = True
isSpecialChar '|' = True
isSpecialChar '&' = True
isSpecialChar '=' = True
isSpecialChar ':' = True
isSpecialChar '.' = True
isSpecialChar c = False
strictMap :: !(.a -> .b) ![.a] -> [.b]
strictMap f [x : xs]
#! head = f x
tail = strictMap f xs
= [head : tail]
strictMap f xs
= []
strictMapAppend :: !(.a -> .b) ![.a] !u:[.b] -> v:[.b], [u <= v]
strictMapAppend f [x : xs] tail
#! x = f x
xs = strictMapAppend f xs tail
= [x : xs]
strictMapAppend f [] tail
= tail
mapAppend :: !(.a -> .b) ![.a] !u:[.b] -> u:[.b]
mapAppend f [x : xs] tail
# x = f x
xs = mapAppend f xs tail
= [x : xs]
mapAppend f [] tail
= tail
mapAppendSt :: !(.a -> .(.b -> (.c,.b))) ![.a] !u:[.c] !.b -> !(!u:[.c],!.b)
mapAppendSt f [x : xs] tail s
# (x, s) = f x s
(xs, s) = mapAppendSt f xs tail s
= ([x : xs], s)
mapAppendSt f [] tail s
= (tail, s)
mapSt :: !(.a -> (.st -> (.c,.st))) ![.a] !.st -> (![.c],!.st)
mapSt f [x : xs] s
# (x, s) = f x s
(xs, s) = mapSt f xs s
= ([x : xs], s)
mapSt f [] s
= ([], s)
app2St :: !(!.(.a -> .(.st -> (.c,.st))),!.(.e -> .(.st -> (.f,.st)))) !(.a,.e) !.st -> (!(.c,.f),!.st)
app2St (f,g) (x,y) s
# (x, s) = f x s
(y, s) = g y s
= ((x,y), s)
// foldl2 :: !(.c -> .(.a -> .(.b -> .c))) !.c ![.a] ![.b] -> .c
foldl2 op r l1 l2
:== foldl2 r l1 l2
foldl2 r [x : xs] [y : ys]
= foldl2 (op r x y) xs ys
foldl2 r [] []
= r
//foldr2 :: !(.a -> .(.b -> .(.c -> .c))) !.c ![.a] ![.b] -> .c
foldr2 op r l1 l2
:== foldr2 r l1 l2
foldr2 r [x : xs] [y : ys]
= op x y (foldr2 r xs ys)
foldr2 r [] []
= r
fold2St op l1 l2 st
:== fold_st2 l1 l2 st
fold_st2 [x : xs] [y : ys] st
= op x y (fold_st2 xs ys st)
fold_st2 [] [] st
= st
fold_st2 [] ys st
= abort ("fold_st2: second argument list contains more elements")
fold_st2 xs [] st
= abort ("fold_st2: first argument list contains more elements")
// foldSt :: !(.a -> .(.st -> .st)) ![.a] !.st -> .st
foldSt op r l :== fold_st r l
fold_st [] st = st
fold_st [a:x] st = fold_st x (op a st)
iFoldSt op fr to st :== i_fold_st fr to st
i_fold_st fr to st
| fr >= to
= st
= i_fold_st (inc fr) to (op fr st)
iterateSt op st :== iterate_st op st
iterate_st op st
# (continue, st) = op (False, st)
| continue
= iterate_st op st
= st
eqMerge :: ![a] ![a] -> [a] | Eq a
eqMerge [a : x] y
| isMember a y
= eqMerge x y
= [a : eqMerge x y]
eqMerge x y
= y
revAppend :: ![a] ![a] -> [a] // Reverse the list using the second argument as accumulator.
revAppend [] acc = acc
revAppend [x : xs] acc = revAppend xs [x : acc]
revMap :: !(.a -> .b) ![.a] !u:[.b] -> u:[.b]
revMap f [] acc = acc
revMap f [x : xs] acc = revMap f xs [f x : acc]
zip2Append :: [.a] [.b] u:[w:(.a,.b)] -> v:[x:(.a,.b)], [w <= x, u <= v]
zip2Append [] [] tail
= tail
zip2Append [x : xs] [y : ys] tail
= [(x,y) : zip2Append xs ys tail]