implementation module syntax
import StdEnv, compare_constructor // ,RWSDebug
import scanner, general, Heap, typeproperties, utilities, compilerSwitches
:: Ident =
{ id_name :: !String
, id_info :: !SymbolPtr
instance toString Ident
where toString {id_name} = id_name
instance toString (Import from_symbol)
where toString {import_module} = toString import_module
/* Each Identifier is equipped with a pointer to a SymbolTableEntry that is
used for binding the identifier with its definition.
:: SymbolTable :== Heap SymbolTableEntry
:: SymbolPtr :== Ptr SymbolTableEntry
:: SymbolTableEntry =
{ ste_kind :: !STE_Kind
, ste_index :: !Index
, ste_def_level :: !Level
, ste_previous :: SymbolTableEntry
:: FunctionOrMacroIndex = FunctionOrIclMacroIndex !Int | DclMacroIndex /*module_n*/ !Int /*macro_n_in_module*/ !Int;
instance == FunctionOrMacroIndex
(==) (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex f1) (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex f2) = f1==f2
(==) (DclMacroIndex m1 f1) (DclMacroIndex m2 f2) = m1==m2 && f1==f2
(==) _ _ = False
:: STE_BoundTypeVariable = { stv_count :: !Int, stv_attribute :: !TypeAttribute, stv_info_ptr :: !TypeVarInfoPtr }
:: STE_Kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro ![FunctionOrMacroIndex]
| STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction ![FunctionOrMacroIndex]
| STE_Type
| STE_Constructor
| STE_Selector ![Global Index]
| STE_Field !Ident
| STE_Class
| STE_Member
| STE_Generic // AA
| STE_GenericCase // AA
| STE_Instance !Ident // the class (for explicit imports (1.3 syntax only))
| STE_Variable !VarInfoPtr
| STE_TypeVariable !TypeVarInfoPtr
| STE_TypeAttribute !AttrVarInfoPtr
| STE_BoundTypeVariable !STE_BoundTypeVariable
| STE_Imported !STE_Kind !Index
| STE_DclFunction
| STE_Module !(Module (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance IndexRange))
| STE_ClosedModule
| STE_Empty
| STE_DictType !CheckedTypeDef
| STE_DictCons !ConsDef
| STE_DictField !SelectorDef
| STE_Called ![FunctionOrMacroIndex] /* used during macro expansion to indicate that this function is called */
| STE_ExplImpSymbol !Int
| STE_ExplImpComponentNrs ![ComponentNrAndIndex] ![Declaration]
| STE_BelongingSymbol !Int
| STE_UsedType !Index !STE_Kind
| STE_BelongingSymbolExported
| STE_BelongingSymbolForExportedSymbol
:: Declaration = Declaration !DeclarationRecord
:: DeclarationRecord =
{ decl_ident :: !Ident
, decl_pos :: !Position
, decl_kind :: !STE_Kind
, decl_index :: !Index
:: ComponentNrAndIndex =
{ cai_component_nr :: !Int
, cai_index :: !Int
:: Global object =
{ glob_object :: !object
, glob_module :: !Index
:: Module defs =
{ mod_name :: !Ident
, mod_modification_time :: {#Char}
, mod_type :: !ModuleKind
, mod_imports :: ![ParsedImport]
, mod_imported_objects :: ![ImportedObject]
, mod_defs :: !defs
:: ParsedModule :== Module [ParsedDefinition]
:: ScannedModule :== Module (CollectedDefinitions (ParsedInstance FunDef) IndexRange)
:: ModuleKind = MK_Main | MK_Module | MK_System | MK_None | MK_NoMainDcl
:: RhsDefsOfType = ConsList ![ParsedConstructor]
| SelectorList !Ident ![ATypeVar] ![ParsedSelector]
| TypeSpec !AType
| EmptyRhs !BITVECT
| AbstractTypeSpec !BITVECT !AType
:: CollectedDefinitions instance_kind def_macros =
{ def_types :: ![TypeDef TypeRhs]
, def_constructors :: ![ConsDef]
, def_selectors :: ![SelectorDef]
, def_macros :: ![FunDef]
, def_macro_indices :: !IndexRange
, def_classes :: ![ClassDef]
, def_members :: ![MemberDef]
, def_funtypes :: ![FunType]
, def_instances :: ![instance_kind]
, def_generics :: ![GenericDef] // AA
, def_generic_cases :: ![GenericCaseDef] // AA
:: LocalDefs = LocalParsedDefs [ParsedDefinition] | CollectedLocalDefs CollectedLocalDefs
:: IndexRange = { ir_from :: !Index, ir_to :: !Index }
:: ArrayAndListInstances = {
ali_array_first_instance_indices :: ![Int],
ali_list_first_instance_indices :: ![Int],
ali_tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices :: ![Int],
ali_instances_range :: !IndexRange
:: Index :== Int
NoIndex :== -1
:: Level :== Int
NotALevel :== -1
:: CollectedLocalDefs =
{ loc_functions :: !IndexRange
, loc_nodes :: ![NodeDef ParsedExpr]
, loc_in_icl_module :: !Bool // False for local functions in macros in dcl modules, otherwise True
:: NodeDef dst =
{ nd_dst ::!dst,
nd_alts ::!OptGuardedAlts,
nd_locals ::!LocalDefs,
nd_position ::!Position
:: Rhs =
{ rhs_alts :: !OptGuardedAlts
, rhs_locals :: !LocalDefs
cIsAFunction :== True
cIsNotAFunction :== False
:: ParsedDefinition
= PD_Function Position Ident Bool [ParsedExpr] Rhs FunKind
| PD_NodeDef Position ParsedExpr Rhs
| PD_Type ParsedTypeDef
| PD_TypeSpec Position Ident Priority (Optional SymbolType) Specials
| PD_Class ClassDef [ParsedDefinition]
| PD_Instance (ParsedInstance ParsedDefinition)
| PD_Instances [ParsedInstance ParsedDefinition]
| PD_Import [ParsedImport]
| PD_ImportedObjects [ImportedObject]
| PD_Generic GenericDef // AA
| PD_GenericCase GenericCaseDef // AA
| PD_Derive [GenericCaseDef] // AA
| PD_Erroneous
:: StrictnessList = NotStrict | Strict !Int | StrictList !Int StrictnessList
:: FunKind = FK_Function !Bool | FK_Macro | FK_Caf | FK_NodeDefOrFunction | FK_Unknown
cNameNotLocationDependent :== False
cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: ParsedSelector =
{ ps_field_name :: !Ident
, ps_selector_name :: !Ident
, ps_field_annotation :: !Annotation
, ps_field_type :: !AType
, ps_field_var :: !Ident
, ps_field_pos :: !Position
:: ParsedConstructor =
{ pc_cons_name :: !Ident
, pc_cons_arity :: !Int
, pc_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar]
, pc_arg_types :: ![AType]
, pc_args_strictness :: !StrictnessList
, pc_cons_prio :: !Priority
, pc_cons_pos :: !Position
:: ParsedInstance member =
{ pi_class :: !Ident
, pi_ident :: !Ident
, pi_types :: ![Type]
, pi_context :: ![TypeContext]
, pi_pos :: !Position
, pi_members :: ![member]
, pi_specials :: !Specials
:: Specials
= SP_ParsedSubstitutions ![Env Type TypeVar]
| SP_Substitutions ![SpecialSubstitution]
| SP_ContextTypes ![Special]
| SP_FunIndex !Index
| SP_TypeOffset !Int
| SP_None
:: SpecialSubstitution =
{ ss_environ :: !Env Type TypeVar
, ss_context :: ![TypeContext]
, ss_vars :: ![TypeVar]
, ss_attrs :: ![AttributeVar]
:: Special =
{ spec_index :: !Global Index
, spec_types :: ![[Type]]
, spec_vars :: ![TypeVar]
, spec_attrs :: ![AttributeVar]
:: AttrInequality =
{ ai_demanded :: !AttributeVar
, ai_offered :: !AttributeVar
:: DefinedSymbol =
{ ds_ident :: !Ident
, ds_arity :: !Int
, ds_index :: !Index
:: ClassSymbIdent =
{ cs_name :: !Ident
, cs_arity :: !Int
, cs_index :: !Int
:: ClassDef =
{ class_name :: !Ident
, class_arity :: !Int
, class_args :: ![TypeVar]
, class_context :: ![TypeContext]
, class_members :: !{# DefinedSymbol}
, class_dictionary :: !DefinedSymbol
, class_pos :: !Position
, class_cons_vars :: !BITVECT
, class_arg_kinds :: ![TypeKind] // filled in in checkKindCorrectness phase
:: ClassDefInfos :== {# .{! [TypeKind]}}
:: MemberDef =
{ me_symb :: !Ident
, me_class :: !Global Index
, me_offset :: !Index
, me_type :: !SymbolType
, me_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
, me_class_vars :: ![TypeVar]
, me_pos :: !Position
, me_priority :: !Priority
// AA..
:: GenericDef =
{ gen_name :: !Ident // the generics name in IC_Class
, gen_member_name :: !Ident // the generics name in IC_Member
, gen_pos :: !Position
, gen_type :: !SymbolType // Generic type (st_vars include generic type vars)
, gen_vars :: ![TypeVar] // Generic type variables
, gen_info_ptr :: !GenericInfoPtr
:: GenericClassInfo =
{ gci_kind :: !TypeKind // the kind
, gci_module :: !Index // filled with main_module_index
, gci_class :: !Index // class_index in the main module
, gci_member :: !Index // the class member index
:: GenericClassInfos :== {[GenericClassInfo]}
:: GenericInfo =
{ gen_classes :: !GenericClassInfos
, gen_cases :: ![GlobalIndex]
, gen_var_kinds :: ![TypeKind] // kinds of all st_vars of the gen_type
, gen_star_case :: !GlobalIndex // general case for kind-star types
:: GenericInfoPtr :== Ptr GenericInfo
:: GenericHeap :== Heap GenericInfo
:: TypeCons
= TypeConsSymb TypeSymbIdent
| TypeConsBasic BasicType
| TypeConsArrow
| TypeConsVar TypeVar
:: GenericCaseDef =
{ gc_name :: !Ident // name in IC_GenricInstance namespace
, gc_gname :: !Ident // name in IC_Generic namespace
, gc_generic :: !GlobalIndex // index of the generic
, gc_arity :: !Int // number of value arguments
, gc_pos :: !Position // position in the source file
, gc_type :: !Type // the type argument
, gc_type_cons :: !TypeCons // type constructor of the type argument
, gc_body :: !GenericCaseBody // the body function or NoIndex
, gc_kind :: !TypeKind // kind of the instance type
:: GenericCaseBody
= GCB_None
| GCB_FunIndex !Index
| GCB_FunDef !FunDef
| GCB_ParsedBody ![ParsedExpr] !Rhs
:: GenericType =
{ gt_type :: !SymbolType
, gt_vars :: ![TypeVar] // generic arguments
, gt_arity :: !Int // number of generic arguments
getGenericClassForKind :: !GenericDef !TypeKind -> (!Bool, DefinedSymbol)
getGenericClassForKind {gen_classes} kind
= get_class gen_classes kind
get_class [] kind
= (False, undef)
get_class [{gci_kind, gci_class}:gcis] kind
| gci_kind == kind = (True, gci_class)
| otherwise = get_class gcis kind
addGenericKind :: !GenericDef !TypeKind -> !GenericDef
addGenericKind generic_def=:{gen_name, gen_classes} kind
#(ok, _) = getGenericClassForKind generic_def kind
| ok = generic_def
# class_ds =
{ ds_ident = {id_name = gen_name.id_name +++ ":" +++ toString kind, id_info = nilPtr}
, ds_index = NoIndex
, ds_arity = 1
= {generic_def & gen_classes = [{gci_kind = kind, gci_class = class_ds}:gen_classes]}
// ..AA
:: InstanceType =
{ it_vars :: [TypeVar]
, it_types :: ![Type]
, it_attr_vars :: [AttributeVar]
, it_context :: ![TypeContext]
:: ClassInstance =
{ ins_class :: !Global DefinedSymbol
, ins_ident :: !Ident
, ins_type :: !InstanceType
, ins_members :: !{# DefinedSymbol}
, ins_specials :: !Specials
, ins_pos :: !Position
:: Import from_symbol =
{ import_module :: !Ident
, import_symbols :: ![from_symbol]
, import_file_position:: !Position // for error messages
:: ParsedImport :== Import ImportDeclaration
:: ImportedIdent =
{ ii_ident :: !Ident
, ii_extended :: !Bool
:: ImportDeclaration = ID_Function !ImportedIdent
| ID_Class !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent])
| ID_Type !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent])
| ID_Record !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent])
| ID_Instance !ImportedIdent !Ident !(![Type],![TypeContext])
| ID_OldSyntax ![Ident]
cIsImportedLibrary :== True
cIsImportedObject :== False
:: ImportedObject =
{ io_is_library :: !Bool
, io_name :: !{#Char}
:: RecordType =
{ rt_constructor :: !DefinedSymbol
, rt_fields :: !{# FieldSymbol}
:: FieldSymbol =
{ fs_name :: !Ident
, fs_var :: !Ident
, fs_index :: !Index
:: TypeRhs = AlgType ![DefinedSymbol]
| SynType !AType
| RecordType !RecordType
| AbstractType !BITVECT
| AbstractSynType !BITVECT !AType
| UnknownType
:: ParsedTypeDef :== TypeDef RhsDefsOfType
:: CheckedTypeDef :== TypeDef TypeRhs
cAllBitsClear :== 0
cIsHyperStrict :== 1
cIsNonCoercible :== 2
cIsAnalysed :== 4
cIsAbstractType :== 8
:: GlobalIndex =
{ gi_module ::!Int
, gi_index ::!Int
NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
instance == GlobalIndex
(==) gi1 gi2 = gi1.gi_module == gi2.gi_module && gi1.gi_index == gi2.gi_index
:: TypeDef type_rhs =
{ td_name :: !Ident
, td_index :: !Int
, td_arity :: !Int
, td_args :: ![ATypeVar]
, td_attrs :: ![AttributeVar]
, td_context :: ![TypeContext]
, td_rhs :: !type_rhs
, td_attribute :: !TypeAttribute
, td_pos :: !Position
, td_used_types :: ![GlobalIndex]
:: FunType =
{ ft_symb :: !Ident
, ft_arity :: !Int
, ft_priority :: !Priority
, ft_type :: !SymbolType
, ft_pos :: !Position
, ft_specials :: !Specials
, ft_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
:: FreeVar =
{ fv_def_level :: !Level
, fv_name :: !Ident
, fv_info_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
, fv_count :: !Int
:: ModuleIndex:==Index;
:: DclFunctionIndex:==Index;
:: FunCall = FunCall !Index !Level | MacroCall !ModuleIndex !Index Level | DclFunCall !ModuleIndex !DclFunctionIndex;
/* Sjaak 19-3-2001 ... */
FI_IsMacroFun :== 1 // whether the function is a local function of a macro
FI_HasTypeSpec :== 2 // whether the function has u user defined type
:: FunInfo =
{ fi_calls :: ![FunCall]
, fi_group_index :: !Index
, fi_def_level :: !Level
, fi_free_vars :: ![FreeVar]
, fi_local_vars :: ![FreeVar]
, fi_dynamics :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
, fi_properties :: !BITVECT
/* ... Sjaak 19-3-2001 */
:: ParsedBody =
{ pb_args :: ![ParsedExpr]
, pb_rhs :: !Rhs
, pb_position :: !Position
:: CheckedBody =
{ cb_args :: ![FreeVar]
, cb_rhs :: ![CheckedAlternative]
:: CheckedAlternative =
{ ca_rhs :: !Expression
, ca_position :: !Position // the position is NoPos iff the position information for this
} // alternative is already stored in a case alternative
// (in ap_position, bp_position or dp_position)
:: TransformedBody =
{ tb_args :: ![FreeVar]
, tb_rhs :: !Expression
:: FunctionBody = ParsedBody ![ParsedBody]
| CheckedBody !CheckedBody
/* The next three constructors are used during macro expansion (module transform) */
| PartitioningMacro
| PartitioningFunction !CheckedBody !Int
| RhsMacroBody !CheckedBody
/* macro expansion the transforms a CheckedBody into a TransformedBody */
| TransformedBody !TransformedBody
| Expanding ![FreeVar] // the parameters of the newly generated function
| BackendBody ![BackendBody]
| GeneratedBody // the body will be generated automatically - for generics
| NoBody
:: BackendBody =
{ bb_args :: ![FunctionPattern]
, bb_rhs :: !Expression
:: FunDef =
{ fun_symb :: !Ident
, fun_arity :: !Int
, fun_priority :: !Priority
, fun_body :: !FunctionBody
, fun_type :: !Optional SymbolType
, fun_pos :: !Position
, fun_kind :: !FunKind
, fun_lifted :: !Int
, fun_info :: !FunInfo
cIsAGlobalVar :== True
cIsALocalVar :== False
:: ConsClasses =
{ cc_size ::!Int
, cc_args ::![ConsClass]
, cc_linear_bits ::![Bool]
, cc_producer ::!ProdClass
:: ConsClass :== Int
:: ProdClass :== Bool
pIsSafe :== True
:: ImportedConstructors :== [Global Index]
:: ImportedFunctions :== [Global Index]
:: ImportedTypes :== {#{# CheckedTypeDef}}
:: OptionalVariable :== Optional (Bind Ident VarInfoPtr)
:: AuxiliaryPattern
= AP_Algebraic !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Index [AuxiliaryPattern] OptionalVariable
| AP_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr OptionalVariable
| AP_Basic !BasicValue OptionalVariable
| AP_Dynamic !AuxiliaryPattern !DynamicType !OptionalVariable
| AP_Constant !AP_Kind !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Priority
| AP_WildCard !OptionalVariable
| AP_Empty !Ident
:: AP_Kind = APK_Constructor !Index | APK_Macro !Bool // is_dcl_macro
:: VarInfo = VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) | VI_FAType ![ATypeVar] !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) |
VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
VI_Expression !Expression | VI_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr | VI_LiftedVariable !VarInfoPtr |
VI_Count !Int /* the reference count of a variable */ !Bool /* true if the variable is global, false otherwise */ |
VI_AccVar !ConsClass !ArgumentPosition /* used during fusion to determine accumulating parameters of functions */ |
VI_Alias !BoundVar /* used for resolving aliases just before type checking (in transform) */ |
/* used during elimination and lifting of cases */
VI_FreeVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int !AType | VI_BoundVar !AType | VI_LocalVar |
VI_ClassVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int | /* to hold dictionary variables during overloading */
VI_ForwardClassVar !VarInfoPtr | /* to hold the dictionary variable generated during overloading */
VI_Forward !BoundVar | VI_LetVar !LetVarInfo | VI_LetExpression !LetExpressionInfo | VI_CaseVar !VarInfoPtr |
VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | /* it is assumed that this alternative is _only_ used in module comparedefimp */
VI_SequenceNumber !Int | VI_AliasSequenceNumber !BoundVar |
VI_Used | /* for indicating that an imported function has been used */
VI_PropagationType !SymbolType | /* for storing the type with propagation environment of an imported function */
VI_ExpandedType !SymbolType | /* for storing the (expanded) type of an imported function */
VI_Record ![AuxiliaryPattern] |
VI_Pattern !AuxiliaryPattern |
VI_Default !Int | VI_Indirection !Int | /* used during conversion of dynamics; the Int indiacted the refenrence count */
VI_Body !SymbIdent !TransformedBody ![FreeVar] | /* used during fusion */
VI_Dictionary !SymbIdent ![Expression] !Type | /* used during fusion */
VI_Extended !ExtendedVarInfo !VarInfo |
VI_Defined /* for marking type code variables during overloading */ | VI_LocallyDefined |
// MdM
VI_CPSLocalExprVar !Int /* MdM - the index of the variable as generated by the theorem prover */
// ... MdM
| VI_Labelled_Empty {#Char} // RWS debugging
| VI_LocalLetVar // RWS, mark Let vars during case transformation
:: ExtendedVarInfo = EVI_VarType !AType
:: ArgumentPosition :== Int
:: VarInfoPtr :== Ptr VarInfo
:: LetVarInfo =
{ lvi_count :: !Int
, lvi_depth :: !Int
, lvi_new :: !Bool
, lvi_var :: !Ident
, lvi_expression :: !Expression
, lvi_previous :: ![PreviousLetVarInfo]
:: PreviousLetVarInfo =
{ plvi_count :: !Int
, plvi_depth :: !Int
, plvi_new :: !Bool
:: LetExpressionStatus = LES_Untouched | LES_Moved | LES_Updated !Expression
:: LetExpressionInfo =
{ lei_count :: !Int
, lei_depth :: !Int
, lei_var :: !FreeVar
, lei_expression :: !Expression
, lei_status :: !LetExpressionStatus
, lei_type :: !AType
cNotVarNumber :== -1
:: BoundVar =
{ var_name :: !Ident
, var_info_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
, var_expr_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr
:: TypeSymbIdent =
{ type_name :: !Ident
, type_arity :: !Int
, type_index :: !Global Index
, type_prop :: !TypeSymbProperties
:: TypeSymbProperties =
{ tsp_sign :: !SignClassification
, tsp_propagation :: !PropClassification
, tsp_coercible :: !Bool
:: SymbKind = SK_Unknown
| SK_Function !(Global Index)
| SK_IclMacro !Index
| SK_LocalMacroFunction !Index
| SK_DclMacro !(Global Index)
| SK_LocalDclMacroFunction !(Global Index)
| SK_OverloadedFunction !(Global Index)
| SK_GeneratedFunction !FunctionInfoPtr !Index
| SK_Constructor !(Global Index)
| SK_Generic !(Global Index) !TypeKind
| SK_TypeCode
// MW2 moved some type definitions
/* Some auxiliary type definitions used during fusion. Actually, these definitions
should have beengiven in seperate module. Unfortunately, Clean's module system
forbids cyclic dependencies between def modules.
:: FunctionHeap :== Heap FunctionInfo
:: FunctionInfoPtr :== Ptr FunctionInfo
:: FunctionInfo = FI_Empty | FI_Function !GeneratedFunction
:: Producer = PR_Empty
| PR_Function !SymbIdent !Int !Index
| PR_Class !App ![(BoundVar, Type)] !Type
| PR_Constructor !SymbIdent !Int ![Expression]
| PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Int !Index
| PR_Curried !SymbIdent !Int
| PR_Unused
:: InstanceInfo = II_Empty | II_Node !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !InstanceInfo !InstanceInfo
:: GeneratedFunction =
{ gf_fun_def :: !FunDef
, gf_instance_info :: !InstanceInfo
, gf_cons_args :: !ConsClasses
, gf_fun_index :: !Index
/* ... main type definitions continued .... */
:: ExpressionHeap :== Heap ExprInfo
:: ExprInfoPtr :== Ptr ExprInfo
:: TempLocalVar :== Int
:: DynamicPtr :== ExprInfoPtr
:: ExprInfo = EI_Empty
/* For handling overloading */
| EI_Overloaded !OverloadedCall /* initial, set by the type checker */
| EI_Instance !(Global DefinedSymbol) ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
| EI_Selection ![Selection] !VarInfoPtr ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
| EI_Context ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
/* For handling dynamics */
| EI_UnmarkedDynamic !(Optional DynamicType) ![DynamicPtr]
| EI_Dynamic !(Optional DynamicType) ![DynamicPtr]
| EI_DynamicType !DynamicType ![DynamicPtr]
/* Auxiliary, was EI_DynamicType before checking */
| EI_DynamicTypeWithVars ![TypeVar] !DynamicType ![DynamicPtr]
/* Auxiliary, used during type checking */
| EI_TempDynamicType !(Optional DynamicType) ![DynamicPtr] !AType ![TypeContext] !ExprInfoPtr !SymbIdent
| EI_TempDynamicPattern ![TypeVar] !DynamicType ![DynamicPtr] ![TempLocalVar] !AType ![TypeContext] !ExprInfoPtr !SymbIdent
| EI_TypeOfDynamic ![VarInfoPtr] !TypeCodeExpression /* Final */
| EI_TypeOfDynamicPattern ![VarInfoPtr] !TypeCodeExpression /* Final */
| EI_TypeCode !TypeCodeExpression
| EI_TypeCodes ![TypeCodeExpression]
| EI_Attribute !Int
/* EI_FreeVariables is uded to store the (free) variables occurring in the case expression */
// | EI_FreeVariables ![UnboundVariable] !ExprInfo
/* EI_ClassTypes is used to store the instance types of a class These type are used during fusion to generate proper types for
the fusion result (i.e. the resulting function after elimination of dictionaries) */
| EI_DictionaryType !Type
| EI_CaseType !CaseType
| EI_LetType ![AType]
| EI_CaseTypeAndRefCounts !CaseType !RefCountsInCase
| EI_CaseTypeAndSplits !CaseType !SplitsInCase
| EI_LetTypeAndRefCounts ![AType] ![Int]
/* for converting case into function patterns the following auxiliary constuctors are used */
| EI_Default !Expression !AType !ExprInfoPtr
| EI_DefaultFunction !SymbIdent ![Expression]
| EI_Extended !ExtendedExprInfo !ExprInfo
:: ExtendedExprInfo
= EEI_ActiveCase !ActiveCaseInfo
:: ActiveCaseInfo =
{ aci_params :: ![FreeVar]
, aci_opt_unfolder :: !(Optional SymbIdent)
, aci_free_vars :: !Optional [BoundVar]
, aci_linearity_of_patterns :: ![[Bool]]
:: RefCountsInCase =
{ rcc_all_variables :: ![CountedVariable]
, rcc_default_variables :: ![CountedVariable]
, rcc_pattern_variables :: ![[CountedVariable]]
:: CountedVariable =
{ cv_variable :: !VarInfoPtr
, cv_count :: !Int
:: SplitCase =
{ sc_alt_nr :: CaseAltNr // the number of the alternative, before which
// the case should be split
, sc_call :: Optional Expression // call to the function that was introduced for
// this split case
:: NextAlt =
{ na_case :: ExprInfoPtr // the case_info_ptr of the case
, na_alt_nr :: CaseAltNr // the number of the alternative
:: CaseAltNr :== Int // the sequence number of the alternative (zero based), the
// default alternative is indicated by the number of the last
// alternative + 1
:: SplitsInCase =
{ sic_next_alt :: Optional NextAlt // the alternative of an outer default, to which
// control should pass
, sic_splits :: [SplitCase] // the positions where this case should be split
OverloadedCall contains (type) information about functions that are overloaded. This structure is built during type checking
and used after (standard) unification to insert the proper instances of the corresponding functions.
:: OverloadedCall =
{ oc_symbol :: !SymbIdent
, oc_context :: ![TypeContext]
, oc_specials :: ![Special]
CaseType contains the type information needed to type the corresponding case construct:
ct_pattern_type : the type of the pattern
ct_result_type : the type of the result (of each pattern)
ct_cons_types : the types of the arguments of each pattern constructor
:: CaseType =
{ ct_pattern_type :: !AType
, ct_result_type :: !AType
, ct_cons_types :: ![[AType]]
:: SymbIdent =
{ symb_name :: !Ident
, symb_kind :: !SymbKind
:: ConsDef =
{ cons_symb :: !Ident
, cons_type :: !SymbolType
, cons_arg_vars :: ![[ATypeVar]]
, cons_priority :: !Priority
, cons_index :: !Index
, cons_type_index :: !Index
, cons_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar]
// , cons_exi_attrs :: ![AttributeVar]
, cons_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
, cons_pos :: !Position
:: SelectorDef =
{ sd_symb :: !Ident
, sd_field :: !Ident
, sd_type :: !SymbolType
, sd_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar]
// , sd_exi_attrs :: ![AttributeVar]
, sd_field_nr :: !Int
, sd_type_index :: !Int
, sd_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
, sd_pos :: !Position
:: SymbolType =
{ st_vars :: ![TypeVar]
, st_args :: ![AType]
, st_args_strictness :: !StrictnessList
, st_arity :: !Int
, st_result :: !AType
, st_context :: ![TypeContext]
, st_attr_vars :: ![AttributeVar]
, st_attr_env :: ![AttrInequality]
:: TypeContext =
{ tc_class :: !TCClass
, tc_types :: ![Type]
, tc_var :: !VarInfoPtr
//AA: class in a type context is either normal class or a generic class
:: TCClass = TCClass !(Global DefinedSymbol) // Normal class
| TCGeneric !GenericTypeContext // Generic class
:: GenericTypeContext =
{ gtc_generic :: !(Global DefinedSymbol)
, gtc_kind :: !TypeKind
, gtc_class :: !(Global DefinedSymbol) // generated class
, gtc_dictionary:: !(Global DefinedSymbol) // HACK: dictionary different from the one contained in the class
:: AType =
{ at_attribute :: !TypeAttribute
, at_type :: !Type
:: TempAttrId :== Int
:: TempVarId :== Int
:: Type = TA !TypeSymbIdent ![AType]
| TAS !TypeSymbIdent ![AType] !StrictnessList
| (-->) infixr 9 !AType !AType
| TArrow /* (->) */
| TArrow1 !AType /* ((->) a) */
| (:@:) infixl 9 !ConsVariable ![AType]
| TB !BasicType
| TFA [ATypeVar] Type
| GTV !TypeVar
| TV !TypeVar
| TempV !TempVarId /* Auxiliary, used during type checking */
| TQV TypeVar
| TempQV !TempVarId /* Auxiliary, used during type checking */
| TLifted !TypeVar /* Auxiliary, used during type checking of lifted arguments */
| TE
:: ConsVariable = CV !TypeVar
| TempCV !TempVarId
| TempQCV !TempVarId
:: DynamicType =
{ dt_uni_vars :: ![ATypeVar]
, dt_global_vars :: ![TypeVar]
, dt_type :: !AType
:: KindHeap :== Heap KindInfo
:: KindInfoPtr :== Ptr KindInfo
:: KindInfo = KI_Var !KindInfoPtr
| KI_Arrow !KindInfo !KindInfo
| KI_Const
| KI_ConsVar
| KI_VarBind !KindInfoPtr
| KI_NormVar !Int
:: TypeVarInfo = TVI_Empty
| TVI_Type !Type
| TVI_TypeVar !TypeVarInfoPtr // Sjaak: to collect universally quantified type variables
| TVI_Forward !TempVarId | TVI_TypeKind !KindInfoPtr
| TVI_SignClass !Index !SignClassification !TypeVarInfo | TVI_PropClass !Index !PropClassification !TypeVarInfo
| TVI_Attribute TypeAttribute
| TVI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int /* auxiliary used in module comparedefimp */
| TVI_AType !AType /* auxiliary used in module comparedefimp */
| TVI_Used /* to administer that this variable is encountered (in checkOpenTypes) */
| TVI_TypeCode !TypeCodeExpression
| TVI_CPSLocalTypeVar !Int /* MdM - the index of the variable as generated by the theorem prover */
| TVI_Kinds ![TypeKind] // AA: used to collect kinds during checking
| TVI_Kind !TypeKind
| TVI_ConsInstance !DefinedSymbol //AA: generic cons instance function
| TVI_Normalized !Int /* MV - position of type variable in its definition */
| TVI_Expr !Expression /* AA: Expression corresponding to the type var during generic specialization */
:: TypeVarInfoPtr :== Ptr TypeVarInfo
:: TypeVarHeap :== Heap TypeVarInfo
:: AttrVarInfo = AVI_Empty
| AVI_Attr !TypeAttribute
| AVI_AttrVar !AttrVarInfoPtr // Sjaak: to collect universally quantified attribute variables
| AVI_Forward !TempAttrId
| AVI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int /* auxiliary used in module comparedefimp */
| AVI_Used
| AVI_Count !Int /* auxiliary used in module typesupport */
| AVI_SequenceNumber !Int // RWS
| AVI_Collected // RWS
:: AttrVarInfoPtr :== Ptr AttrVarInfo
:: AttrVarHeap :== Heap AttrVarInfo
:: TypeHeaps =
{ th_vars :: ! .TypeVarHeap
, th_attrs :: ! .AttrVarHeap
:: TypeVar =
{ tv_name :: !Ident
, tv_info_ptr :: !TypeVarInfoPtr
:: ATypeVar =
{ atv_attribute :: !TypeAttribute
, atv_variable :: !TypeVar
:: TypeAttribute = TA_Unique | TA_Multi | TA_Var !AttributeVar | TA_RootVar AttributeVar | TA_TempVar !Int // | TA_TempExVar !Int
| TA_Anonymous | TA_None
| TA_List !Int !TypeAttribute | TA_Locked !TypeAttribute
| TA_MultiOfPropagatingConsVar
:: AttributeVar =
{ av_name :: !Ident
, av_info_ptr :: !AttrVarInfoPtr
:: Annotation = AN_Strict | AN_None
:: BasicType = BT_Int | BT_Char | BT_Real | BT_Bool | BT_Dynamic
| BT_File | BT_World
| BT_String !Type /* the internal string type synonym only used to type string denotations */
:: BasicValue = BVI !String | BVInt !Int |BVC !String | BVB !Bool | BVR !String | BVS !String
:: TypeKind = KindVar !KindInfoPtr | KindConst | KindArrow ![TypeKind] | KindCycle | KindError
:: PatternVar =
{ pv_var :: !FreeVar
, pv_arg_nr :: !Int
:: Occurrence =
{ occ_ref_count :: !ReferenceCount
, occ_bind :: !OccurrenceBinding
, occ_pattern_vars :: ![[PatternVar]]
, occ_observing :: !Bool
, occ_previous :: ![ReferenceCount]
:: ReferenceCount = RC_Used !RC_Used | RC_Unused
:: SelectiveUse =
{ su_field :: !Int
, su_multiply :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
, su_uniquely :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
:: RC_Used =
{ rcu_multiply :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
, rcu_selectively :: ![SelectiveUse]
, rcu_uniquely :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
:: CountedFreeVar =
{ cfv_var :: !FreeVar
, cfv_is_let :: !Bool
, cfv_count :: !ReferenceCount
:: OccurrenceBinding = OB_Empty
| OB_OpenLet FreeVar (Optional RefMarkResult)
| OB_LockedLet OccurrenceBinding
:: RefMarkResult :== ([CountedFreeVar], [FreeVar])
:: TypeDefInfo =
{ tdi_kinds :: ![TypeKind]
, tdi_properties :: !BITVECT
, tdi_group :: ![GlobalIndex]
, tdi_group_nr :: !Int
, tdi_group_vars :: ![Int]
, tdi_cons_vars :: ![Int]
, tdi_index_in_group :: !Index
, tdi_classification :: !TypeClassification
, tdi_mark :: !Bool //AA
, tdi_gen_rep :: !Optional GenericTypeRep //AA
// AA..
// type structure is used to specialize a generic to a type
:: GenTypeStruct
= GTSAppCons TypeKind [GenTypeStruct]
| GTSAppVar TypeVar [GenTypeStruct]
| GTSVar TypeVar
| GTSCons DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
| GTSField DefinedSymbol GenTypeStruct
:: GenericTypeRep =
{ gtr_type :: GenTypeStruct //AType // generic structure type
, gtr_iso :: DefinedSymbol // the conversion isomorphism
// ..AA
:: TypeDefInfos :== {# .{# TypeDefInfo}}
:: OptGuardedAlts = GuardedAlts ![GuardedExpr] !(Optional ExprWithLocalDefs)
| UnGuardedExpr !ExprWithLocalDefs
:: GuardedExpr =
{ alt_nodes :: ![NodeDefWithLocals]
, alt_guard :: !ParsedExpr
, alt_expr :: !OptGuardedAlts
, alt_ident :: !Ident
, alt_position:: !Position
:: ExprWithLocalDefs =
{ ewl_nodes :: ![NodeDefWithLocals]
, ewl_expr :: !ParsedExpr
, ewl_locals :: !LocalDefs
, ewl_position:: !Position
:: NodeDefWithLocals =
{ ndwl_strict :: !Bool
, ndwl_def :: !Bind ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
, ndwl_locals :: !LocalDefs
, ndwl_position :: !Position
:: CaseAlt =
{ calt_pattern :: !ParsedExpr
, calt_rhs :: !Rhs
:: LocalDef :== ParsedDefinition
:: ParsedSelectorKind
= ParsedNormalSelector // .
| ParsedUniqueSelector // !
!Bool // is result element unique?
:: ParsedExpr = PE_List ![ParsedExpr]
| PE_Ident !Ident
| PE_Basic !BasicValue
| PE_Bound !BoundExpr
| PE_Lambda !Ident ![ParsedExpr] !ParsedExpr !Position
| PE_Tuple ![ParsedExpr]
| PE_Record !ParsedExpr !(Optional Ident) ![FieldAssignment]
| PE_ArrayPattern ![ElemAssignment]
| PE_UpdateComprehension !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier]
| PE_ArrayDenot ![ParsedExpr]
| PE_Selection !ParsedSelectorKind !ParsedExpr ![ParsedSelection]
| PE_Update !ParsedExpr [ParsedSelection] ParsedExpr
| PE_Case !Ident !ParsedExpr [CaseAlt]
| PE_If !Ident !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr
| PE_Let !Bool !LocalDefs !ParsedExpr
| PE_ListCompr /*predef_cons_index:*/ !Int /*predef_nil_index:*/ !Int !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier]
| PE_ArrayCompr !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier]
| PE_Sequ Sequence
| PE_WildCard
| PE_Field !ParsedExpr !(Global FieldSymbol) /* Auxiliary, used during checking */
| PE_ABC_Code ![String] !Bool
| PE_Any_Code !(CodeBinding Ident) !(CodeBinding Ident) ![String]
| PE_DynamicPattern !ParsedExpr !DynamicType
| PE_Dynamic !ParsedExpr !(Optional DynamicType)
| PE_Generic !Ident !TypeKind /* AA: For generics, kind indexed identifier */
| PE_Empty
:: ParsedSelection = PS_Record !Ident !(Optional Ident)
| PS_Array !ParsedExpr
| PS_Erroneous
:: GeneratorKind = IsListGenerator | IsOverloadedListGenerator | IsArrayGenerator
:: LineAndColumn = {lc_line :: !Int, lc_column :: !Int}
:: Generator =
{ gen_kind :: !GeneratorKind
, gen_pattern :: !ParsedExpr
, gen_expr :: !ParsedExpr
, gen_position :: !LineAndColumn
:: Qualifier =
{ qual_generators :: ![Generator]
, qual_filter :: !Optional ParsedExpr
, qual_position :: !LineAndColumn
, qual_filename :: !FileName
:: Sequence = SQ_FromThen ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
| SQ_FromThenTo ParsedExpr ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
| SQ_From ParsedExpr
| SQ_FromTo ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
:: BoundExpr :== Bind ParsedExpr Ident
:: FieldAssignment :== Bind ParsedExpr Ident
:: ElemAssignment :== Bind ParsedExpr [ParsedExpr]
//:: NodeDef :== Bind ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
cIsStrict :== True
cIsNotStrict :== False
:: SelectorKind
= NormalSelector
| NormalSelectorUniqueElementResult
| UniqueSelector // !
:: Expression = Var !BoundVar
| App !App
| (@) infixl 9 !Expression ![Expression]
| Let !Let
| Case !Case
| Selection !SelectorKind !Expression ![Selection]
| Update !Expression ![Selection] Expression
| RecordUpdate !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression ![Bind Expression (Global FieldSymbol)]
| TupleSelect !DefinedSymbol !Int !Expression
| BasicExpr !BasicValue
| WildCard
| Conditional !Conditional
| AnyCodeExpr !(CodeBinding BoundVar) !(CodeBinding FreeVar) ![String]
| ABCCodeExpr ![String] !Bool
| MatchExpr !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression
| FreeVar FreeVar
| Constant !SymbIdent !Int !Priority !Bool /* auxiliary clause used during checking */
| ClassVariable !VarInfoPtr /* auxiliary clause used during overloading */
| DynamicExpr !DynamicExpr
// | TypeCase !TypeCase
| TypeCodeExpression !TypeCodeExpression
| EE
| NoBind ExprInfoPtr /* auxiliary, to store fields that are not specified in a record expression */
| FailExpr !Ident // only allowed on (case) root positions
:: CodeBinding variable :== Env String variable
:: App =
{ app_symb :: !SymbIdent
, app_args :: ![Expression]
, app_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr
:: Case =
{ case_expr :: !Expression
, case_guards :: !CasePatterns
, case_default :: !Optional Expression
, case_ident :: !Optional Ident
, case_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr
// RWS ...
, case_explicit :: !Bool
// ... RWS
, case_default_pos:: !Position
:: Let =
{ let_strict_binds :: ![LetBind]
, let_lazy_binds :: ![LetBind]
, let_expr :: !Expression
, let_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr
, let_expr_position :: !Position
:: LetBind =
{ lb_dst :: !FreeVar
, lb_src :: !Expression
, lb_position :: !Position
:: DynamicExpr =
{ dyn_expr :: !Expression
, dyn_opt_type :: !Optional DynamicType
, dyn_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr
// , dyn_uni_vars :: ![VarInfoPtr] /* filled after type checking */
, dyn_type_code :: !TypeCodeExpression /* filled after type checking */
:: CasePatterns= AlgebraicPatterns !(Global Index) ![AlgebraicPattern]
| BasicPatterns !BasicType [BasicPattern]
| DynamicPatterns [DynamicPattern] /* auxiliary */
| OverloadedListPatterns !OverloadedListType !Expression ![AlgebraicPattern]
| NoPattern /* auxiliary */
:: OverloadedListType = UnboxedList !(Global Index) !Index !Index !Index // list_type_symbol StdStrictLists module index, decons_u index, nil_u index
| UnboxedTailStrictList !(Global Index) !Index !Index !Index // list_type_symbol StdStrictLists module index, decons_uts index, nil_uts index
| OverloadedList !(Global Index) !Index !Index !Index // list_type_symbol StdStrictLists module index, decons index, nil index
:: Selection = RecordSelection !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Int
| ArraySelection !(Global DefinedSymbol) !ExprInfoPtr !Expression
| DictionarySelection !BoundVar ![Selection] !ExprInfoPtr !Expression
:: TypeCodeExpression = TCE_Empty
| TCE_Var !VarInfoPtr
| TCE_TypeTerm !VarInfoPtr
| TCE_Constructor !Index ![TypeCodeExpression]
| TCE_Selector ![Selection] !VarInfoPtr
| TCE_UniType ![VarInfoPtr] !TypeCodeExpression
:: GlobalTCType = GTT_Basic !BasicType | GTT_Constructor !TypeSymbIdent !String !Bool | GTT_Function
:: FunctionPattern = FP_Basic !BasicValue !(Optional FreeVar)
| FP_Algebraic !(Global DefinedSymbol) ![FunctionPattern] !(Optional FreeVar)
| FP_Variable !FreeVar
| FP_Dynamic ![VarInfoPtr] !FreeVar !TypeCodeExpression !(Optional FreeVar)
| FP_Empty
:: AlgebraicPattern =
{ ap_symbol :: !(Global DefinedSymbol)
, ap_vars :: ![FreeVar]
, ap_expr :: !Expression
, ap_position :: !Position
:: BasicPattern =
{ bp_value :: !BasicValue
, bp_expr :: !Expression
, bp_position :: !Position
:: TypeCase =
{ type_case_dynamic :: !Expression
, type_case_patterns :: ![DynamicPattern]
, type_case_default :: !Optional Expression
, type_case_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr
:: DynamicPattern =
{ dp_var :: !FreeVar
, dp_type :: !ExprInfoPtr
, dp_type_patterns_vars :: ![VarInfoPtr] /* filled after type checking */
, dp_type_code :: !TypeCodeExpression /* filled after type checking */
, dp_rhs :: !Expression
, dp_position :: !Position
:: Conditional =
{ if_cond :: !Expression
, if_then :: !Expression
, if_else :: !Optional Expression
error handling
:: Position = FunPos FileName LineNr FunctName
| LinePos FileName LineNr
| PreDefPos Ident
| NoPos
:: CoercionPosition
= CP_Expression !Expression
| CP_FunArg !Ident !Int // Function symbol, argument position (>=1)
| CP_LiftedFunArg !Ident !Ident // Function symbol, lifted argument ident
:: IdentPos =
{ ip_ident :: !Ident
, ip_line :: !Int
, ip_file :: !FileName
:: FileName :== String
:: FunctName :== String
:: LineNr :== Int
cNotALineNumber :== -1
/* Used for hashing identifiers */
class needs_brackets a :: a -> Bool
instance == BoundVar
(==) varid1 varid2
= varid1.var_name == varid2.var_name
instance == Ident
(==) id1 id2
= id1.id_info == id2.id_info
instance needs_brackets AType
needs_brackets {at_type}
= needs_brackets at_type
instance needs_brackets Type
needs_brackets (TA {type_arity} _)
= type_arity > 0
needs_brackets (TAS {type_arity} _ _)
= type_arity > 0
needs_brackets (_ --> _)
= True
needs_brackets (_ :@: _)
= True
needs_brackets (TArrow1 _)
= True
/* needs_brackets (TFA _ _)
= True
*/ needs_brackets _
= False
instance needs_brackets Expression
needs_brackets (App {app_args})
= not (isEmpty app_args)
needs_brackets (_ @ _)
= True
needs_brackets (Let _)
= True
needs_brackets (Case _)
= True
needs_brackets (Selection _ _ _)
= True
needs_brackets _
= False
instance needs_brackets a
needs_brackets _ = False
instance toString BasicType where
toString BT_Int = "Int"
toString BT_Char = "Char"
toString BT_Real = "Real"
toString BT_Bool = "Bool"
toString (BT_String _) = "String"
toString BT_Dynamic = "Dynamic"
toString BT_File = "File"
toString BT_World = "World"
instance <<< BasicType
(<<<) file bt = file <<< toString bt
instance <<< TypeVar
// (<<<) file varid = file <<< varid.tv_name
(<<<) file varid = file <<< varid.tv_name <<< "<" <<< varid.tv_info_ptr <<< ">"
instance <<< AttributeVar
(<<<) file {av_name,av_info_ptr} = file <<< av_name <<< "[" <<< av_info_ptr <<< "]"
// (<<<) file {av_name,av_info_ptr} = file <<< av_name
instance toString AttributeVar
toString {av_name,av_info_ptr} = toString av_name + "[" + toString (ptrToInt av_info_ptr) + "]"
// toString {av_name,av_info_ptr} = toString av_name
instance <<< AType
(<<<) file {at_attribute,at_type}
= file <<< at_attribute <<< at_type
instance <<< TypeCons
(<<<) file (TypeConsSymb name) = file <<< name
(<<<) file (TypeConsBasic basic_type) = file <<< basic_type
(<<<) file TypeConsArrow = file <<< "(->)"
(<<<) file (TypeConsVar tv) = file <<< tv
instance <<< TypeAttribute
(<<<) file ta
= file <<< toString ta
instance toString TypeAttribute
toString (TA_Unique)
= "*"
toString (TA_TempVar tav_number)
= "u" + toString tav_number + ":"
toString (TA_Var avar)
= toString avar + ":"
toString (TA_RootVar avar)
= toString avar + ":"
toString (TA_Anonymous)
= "."
toString TA_None
= ""
toString TA_Multi
= "o "
toString TA_MultiOfPropagatingConsVar
= "@@ "
toString (TA_List _ _)
= "??? "
toString TA_PA_BUG
= PA_BUG "(E)" (abort "toString TA_PA_BUG")
instance <<< Annotation
(<<<) file an = file <<< toString an
instance toString Annotation
toString AN_Strict = "!"
toString _ = ""
instance <<< ATypeVar
(<<<) file {atv_attribute,atv_variable}
= file <<< atv_attribute <<< atv_variable
instance <<< ConsVariable
(<<<) file (CV tv)
= file <<< tv
(<<<) file (TempCV tv)
= file <<< "v" <<< tv <<< ' '
(<<<) file (TempQCV tv)
= file <<< "E." <<< tv <<< ' '
instance <<< StrictnessList
(<<<) file (NotStrict)
= file <<< 0
(<<<) file (Strict s)
= file <<< s
(<<<) file (StrictList s l)
= file <<< s <<< ' ' <<< l
instance <<< Type
(<<<) file (TV varid)
= file <<< varid
(<<<) file (TempV tv_number)
= file <<< 'v' <<< tv_number <<< ' '
(<<<) file (TA consid types)
= file <<< consid <<< " " <<< types
(<<<) file (TAS consid types strictness)
= file <<< consid <<< ' ' <<< strictness <<< ' ' <<< types
(<<<) file (arg_type --> res_type)
= file <<< arg_type <<< " -> " <<< res_type
(<<<) file TArrow
= file <<< "(->)"
(<<<) file (TArrow1 t)
= file <<< "(->) " <<< t
(<<<) file (type :@: types)
= file <<< type <<< " @" <<< types
(<<<) file (TB tb)
= file <<< tb
(<<<) file (TFA vars types)
= file <<< "A." <<< vars <<< ':' <<< types
(<<<) file (TQV varid)
= file <<< "E." <<< varid
(<<<) file (TempQV tv_number)
= file <<< "E." <<< tv_number <<< ' '
(<<<) file TE
= file <<< "### EMPTY ###"
instance <<< [a] | <<< , needs_brackets a
(<<<) file [] = file
(<<<) file [x:xs]
| needs_brackets x
= file <<< " (" <<< x <<< ')' <<< xs
= file <<< ' ' <<< x <<< xs
instance <<< SymbolType
(<<<) file st=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars}
| st.st_arity == 0
= write_inequalities st.st_attr_env (write_contexts st.st_context (file <<< '[' <<< st_vars <<< ',' <<< st_attr_vars <<< ']' <<< st.st_args_strictness <<< ' ' <<< st.st_result))
= write_inequalities st.st_attr_env (write_contexts st.st_context (file <<< '[' <<< st_vars <<< ',' <<< st_attr_vars <<< ']' <<< st.st_args_strictness <<< ' ' <<< st.st_args <<< " -> " <<< st.st_result))
write_contexts [] file
= file
write_contexts [tc : tcs] file
= write_contexts2 tcs (file <<< " | " <<< tc)
write_contexts2 [] file
= file
write_contexts2 [tc : tcs] file
= write_contexts2 tcs (file <<< " & " <<< tc)
instance <<< AttrInequality
(<<<) file {ai_demanded,ai_offered}
= file <<< ai_offered <<< " <= " <<< ai_demanded
write_inequalities [] file
= file
write_inequalities [ineq:ineqs] file
= write_remaining_inequalities ineqs (file <<< ',' <<< ineq)
write_remaining_inequalities [] file
= file
write_remaining_inequalities [ineq:ineqs] file
= write_remaining_inequalities ineqs (file <<< ' ' <<< ineq)
instance <<< TypeContext
(<<<) file co = file <<< co.tc_class <<< " " <<< co.tc_types <<< " <" <<< co.tc_var <<< '>'
instance <<< TCClass
(<<<) file (TCClass glob) = file <<< glob
(<<<) file (TCGeneric {gtc_generic,gtc_kind}) = file <<< gtc_generic <<< gtc_kind
instance toString TCClass
toString (TCClass clazz) = clazz.glob_object.ds_ident.id_name
toString (TCGeneric {gtc_generic,gtc_kind}) = gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident.id_name +++ toString gtc_kind
instance <<< SymbIdent
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index }
= file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_index }
= file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[lm]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index }
= file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[g]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalDclMacroFunction symb_index }
= file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[ldm]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index }
= file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[o]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb
= file <<< symb.symb_name
instance <<< TypeSymbIdent
(<<<) file symb = file <<< symb.type_name <<< '.' <<< symb.type_index
instance <<< ClassSymbIdent
(<<<) file symb = file <<< symb.cs_name
instance <<< BoundVar
(<<<) file {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
= file <<< var_name <<< "<I" <<< var_info_ptr <<< ", E" <<< var_expr_ptr <<< '>'
instance <<< (Bind a b) | <<< a & <<< b
(<<<) file {bind_src,bind_dst} = file <<< bind_dst <<< " = " <<< bind_src
instance <<< AlgebraicPattern
//(<<<) file g = file <<< g.ap_symbol <<< g.ap_vars <<< " -> " <<< g.ap_expr
(<<<) file g = file <<< '\n' <<< g.ap_symbol <<< g.ap_vars <<< "\n\t-> " <<< g.ap_expr
instance <<< BasicPattern
//(<<<) file g = file <<< g.bp_value <<< " -> " <<< g.bp_expr
(<<<) file g = file <<< '\n' <<< g.bp_value <<< "\n\t-> " <<< g.bp_expr
instance <<< CasePatterns
(<<<) file (BasicPatterns type patterns) = file <<< " " <<<patterns
(<<<) file (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) = file <<< patterns
(<<<) file (DynamicPatterns patterns) = file <<< patterns
(<<<) file (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns) = file <<< decons_expr <<< " " <<< patterns
(<<<) file NoPattern = file
instance <<< CheckedAlternative
(<<<) file {ca_rhs} = file <<< ca_rhs
instance <<< Qualifier
(<<<) file {qual_generators,qual_filter = Yes qual_filter} = file <<< qual_generators <<< "| " <<< qual_filter
(<<<) file {qual_generators,qual_filter = No} = file <<< qual_generators
instance <<< Generator
(<<<) file {gen_kind,gen_pattern,gen_expr}
= file <<< gen_pattern <<< (gen_kind_to_string gen_kind) <<< gen_expr
gen_kind_to_string IsListGenerator = "<-"
gen_kind_to_string IsOverloadedListGenerator = "<|-"
gen_kind_to_string IsArrayGenerator = "<-:"
instance <<< BasicValue
(<<<) file (BVI int) = file <<< int
(<<<) file (BVInt int) = file <<< int
(<<<) file (BVC char) = file <<< char
(<<<) file (BVB bool) = file <<< bool
(<<<) file (BVR real) = file <<< real
(<<<) file (BVS string) = file <<< string
instance <<< Sequence
(<<<) file (SQ_From expr) = file <<< expr
(<<<) file (SQ_FromTo from_expr to_expr) = file <<< from_expr <<< ".." <<< to_expr
(<<<) file (SQ_FromThen from_expr then_expr) = file <<< from_expr <<< ',' <<< then_expr <<< ".."
(<<<) file (SQ_FromThenTo from_expr then_expr to_expr) = file <<< from_expr <<< ',' <<< then_expr <<< ".." <<< to_expr
instance <<< Expression
(<<<) file (Var ident) = file <<< ident
(<<<) file (App {app_symb, app_args, app_info_ptr})
= case app_symb.symb_kind of
SK_Generic _ kind
-> file <<< app_symb <<< kind <<< ' ' <<< app_args
_ -> file <<< app_symb <<< ' ' <<< app_args
(<<<) file (f_exp @ a_exp) = file <<< '(' <<< f_exp <<< ") @ (" <<< a_exp <<< ')'
(<<<) file (Let {let_info_ptr, let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr})
= write_binds "" (write_binds "!" (file <<< "let" <<< '\n') let_strict_binds) let_lazy_binds <<< "in\n" <<< let_expr
write_binds x file []
= file
write_binds x file [bind : binds]
= write_binds x (file <<< x <<< " " <<< bind) binds
(<<<) file (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default=No})
//= file <<< "case " <<< case_expr <<< " of\n" <<< case_guards
= file <<< "case " <<< case_expr <<< " of" <<< case_guards
(<<<) file (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default= Yes def_expr})
//= file <<< "case " <<< case_expr <<< " of\n" <<< case_guards <<< "\n\t->" <<< def_expr
= file <<< "case " <<< case_expr <<< " of" <<< case_guards <<< "\n\t->" <<< def_expr
(<<<) file (BasicExpr basic_value) = file <<< basic_value
(<<<) file (Conditional {if_cond,if_then,if_else}) =
else_part (file <<< "IF " <<< if_cond <<< "\nTHEN\n" <<< if_then) if_else
else_part file No = file <<< '\n'
else_part file (Yes else) = file <<< "\nELSE\n" <<< else <<< '\n'
/* (<<<) file (Conditional {if_cond = {con_positive,con_expression},if_then,if_else}) =
else_part (file <<< (if con_positive "IF " "IFNOT ") <<< con_expression <<< "\nTHEN\n" <<< if_then) if_else
else_part file No = file <<< '\n'
else_part file (Yes else) = file <<< "\nELSE\n" <<< else <<< '\n'
(<<<) file (Selection selector_kind expr selectors) = file <<< expr <<< selector_kind <<< selectors
(<<<) file (Update expr1 selections expr2) = file <<< '{' <<< expr1 <<< " & " <<< selections <<< " = " <<< expr2 <<< '}'
(<<<) file (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) = file <<< '{' <<< cons_symbol <<< ' ' <<< expression <<< " & " <<< expressions <<< '}'
(<<<) file (TupleSelect field field_nr expr) = file <<< expr <<<'.' <<< field_nr
// (<<<) file (Lambda vars expr) = file <<< '\\' <<< vars <<< " -> " <<< expr
(<<<) file WildCard = file <<< '_'
(<<<) file (MatchExpr cons expr) = file <<< cons <<< " =: " <<< expr
(<<<) file EE = file <<< "** E **"
(<<<) file (NoBind _) = file <<< "** NB **"
(<<<) file (DynamicExpr {dyn_expr,dyn_type_code}) = file <<< "dynamic " <<< dyn_expr <<< " :: " <<< dyn_type_code
// (<<<) file (DynamicExpr {dyn_expr,dyn_uni_vars,dyn_type_code}) = writeVarPtrs (file <<< "dynamic " <<< dyn_expr <<< " :: dyn_uni_vars") dyn_uni_vars <<< "dyn_type_code=" <<< dyn_type_code
// (<<<) file (TypeCase type_case) = file <<< type_case
(<<<) file (TypeCodeExpression type_code) = file <<< type_code
(<<<) file (Constant symb _ _ _) = file <<< "** Constant **" <<< symb
(<<<) file (ABCCodeExpr code_sequence do_inline) = file <<< (if do_inline "code inline\n" "code\n") <<< code_sequence
(<<<) file (AnyCodeExpr input output code_sequence) = file <<< "code\n" <<< input <<< "\n" <<< output <<< "\n" <<< code_sequence
(<<<) file (FreeVar {fv_name}) = file <<< fv_name
(<<<) file (ClassVariable info_ptr) = file <<< "ClassVariable " <<< info_ptr
(<<<) file (FailExpr _) = file <<< "** FAIL **"
(<<<) file expr = abort ("<<< (Expression) [line 1290]" )//<<- expr)
instance <<< LetBind
(<<<) file {lb_dst, lb_src}
= file <<< lb_dst <<< " = " <<< lb_src <<< "\n"
instance <<< TypeCase
(<<<) file {type_case_dynamic,type_case_patterns,type_case_default}
= file <<< "typecase " <<< type_case_dynamic <<< "of\n" <<<
type_case_patterns <<< type_case_default
instance <<< DynamicPattern
(<<<) file {dp_type_patterns_vars,dp_var,dp_rhs,dp_type_code}
= writeVarPtrs (file <<< dp_var <<< " :: ") dp_type_patterns_vars <<< dp_type_code <<< " = " <<< dp_rhs
writeVarPtrs file []
= file
writeVarPtrs file vars
= write_var_ptrs (file <<< '<') vars <<< '>'
write_var_ptrs file [var]
= file <<< var
write_var_ptrs file [var : vars]
= write_var_ptrs (file <<< var <<< '.') vars
instance <<< TypeCodeExpression
(<<<) file TCE_Empty
= file
(<<<) file (TCE_Var info_ptr)
= file <<< "TCE_Var " <<< info_ptr
(<<<) file (TCE_TypeTerm info_ptr)
= file <<< "TCE_TypeTerm " <<< info_ptr
(<<<) file (TCE_Constructor index exprs)
= file <<< "TCE_Constructor " <<< index <<< ' ' <<< exprs
(<<<) file (TCE_Selector selectors info_ptr)
= file <<< "TCE_Selector " <<< selectors <<< "VAR " <<< info_ptr
(<<<) file (TCE_UniType vars type_code)
= file <<< "TCE_UniType " <<< vars <<< " " <<< type_code
instance <<< (Ptr a)
(<<<) file ptr
= file <<< ptrToInt ptr
instance <<< SelectorKind
(<<<) file NormalSelector = file <<< "."
(<<<) file NormalSelectorUniqueElementResult = file <<< "!*"
(<<<) file UniqueSelector = file <<< "!"
instance <<< Selection
(<<<) file (RecordSelection selector _) = file <<< selector
(<<<) file (ArraySelection {glob_object={ds_index}} _ index_expr) = file <<< '<' <<< ds_index <<< '>' <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']'
(<<<) file (DictionarySelection var selections _ index_expr) = file <<< '(' <<< var <<< '.' <<< selections <<< ')' <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']'
instance <<< LocalDefs
(<<<) file (LocalParsedDefs defs) = file <<< defs
(<<<) file (CollectedLocalDefs defs) = file <<< defs
instance <<< (NodeDef dst) | <<< dst
(<<<) file {nd_dst,nd_alts,nd_locals} = file <<< nd_dst <<< nd_alts <<< nd_locals
instance <<< CollectedLocalDefs
(<<<) file {loc_functions,loc_nodes}
= file <<< loc_functions <<< loc_nodes
(<<<) file {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def_classes,def_members,def_instances}
= file <<< def_types <<< def_constructors <<< def_selectors <<< def_macros <<< def_classes <<< def_members <<< def_instances
instance <<< ParsedExpr
(<<<) file (PE_List exprs) = file <<< exprs
(<<<) file (PE_Tuple args) = file <<< '(' <<< args <<< ')'
(<<<) file (PE_Basic basic_value) = file <<< basic_value
(<<<) file (PE_Selection selector_kind expr selectors) = file <<< expr <<< selector_kind <<< selectors
(<<<) file (PE_Update expr1 selections expr2) = file <<< '{' <<< expr1 <<< " & " <<< selections <<< " = " <<< expr2 <<< '}'
(<<<) file (PE_Record PE_Empty _ fields) = file <<< '{' <<< fields <<< '}'
(<<<) file (PE_Record rec _ fields) = file <<< '{' <<< rec <<< " & " <<< fields <<< '}'
(<<<) file (PE_ListCompr _ _ expr quals) = file <<< '[' <<< expr <<< " \\ " <<< quals <<< ']'
(<<<) file (PE_ArrayCompr expr quals) = file <<< '{' <<< expr <<< " \\ " <<< quals <<< '}'
(<<<) file (PE_Sequ seq) = file <<< '[' <<< seq <<< ']'
(<<<) file PE_Empty = file <<< "** E **"
(<<<) file (PE_Ident symb) = file <<< symb
(<<<) file PE_WildCard = file <<< '_'
(<<<) file (PE_Lambda _ exprs expr _) = file <<< '\\' <<< exprs <<< " -> " <<< expr
(<<<) file (PE_Bound bind) = file <<< bind
(<<<) file (PE_Case _ expr alts) = file <<< "case " <<< expr <<< " of\n" <<< alts
(<<<) file (PE_Let _ defs expr) = file <<< "let " <<< defs <<< " in\n" <<< expr
(<<<) file (PE_DynamicPattern expr type) = file <<< expr <<< "::" <<< type
(<<<) file (PE_Dynamic expr maybetype)
= case maybetype of
Yes type
-> file <<< "dynamic " <<< expr <<< "::" <<< type
-> file <<< "dynamic " <<< expr
(<<<) file _ = file <<< "some expression"
instance <<< ParsedSelectorKind
(<<<) file ParsedNormalSelector = file <<< "."
(<<<) file (ParsedUniqueSelector False) = file <<< "!"
(<<<) file (ParsedUniqueSelector True) = file <<< "!*"
instance <<< ParsedSelection
(<<<) file (PS_Record selector _) = file <<< selector
(<<<) file (PS_Array index_expr) = file <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']'
(<<<) file PS_Erroneous = file <<< "Erroneous selector" // PK
instance <<< CaseAlt
(<<<) file {calt_pattern,calt_rhs} = file <<< calt_pattern <<< " -> " <<< calt_rhs
instance <<< ParsedBody
(<<<) file {pb_args,pb_rhs} = file <<< pb_args <<< " = " <<< pb_rhs
instance <<< BackendBody
(<<<) file {bb_args,bb_rhs} = file <<< bb_args <<< " = " <<< bb_rhs
instance <<< FunctionPattern
(<<<) file (FP_Basic val (Yes var))
= file <<< var <<< "=:" <<< val
(<<<) file (FP_Basic val No)
= file <<< val
(<<<) file (FP_Algebraic constructor vars (Yes var))
= file <<< var <<< "=:" <<< constructor <<< vars
(<<<) file (FP_Algebraic constructor vars No)
= file <<< constructor <<< vars
(<<<) file (FP_Variable var) = file <<< var
(<<<) file (FP_Dynamic vars var type_code _)
= writeVarPtrs (file <<< var <<< " :: ") vars <<< type_code
(<<<) file (FP_Empty) = file <<< '_'
instance <<< FunKind
(<<<) file (FK_Function False) = file <<< "FK_Function"
(<<<) file (FK_Function True) = file <<< "Lambda"
(<<<) file FK_NodeDefOrFunction = file <<< "FK_NodeDefOrFunction"
(<<<) file FK_Macro = file <<< "FK_Macro"
(<<<) file FK_Caf = file <<< "FK_Caf"
(<<<) file FK_Unknown = file <<< "FK_Unknown"
instance <<< FunType
(<<<) file {ft_symb,ft_type} = file <<< ft_symb <<< "::" <<< ft_type
instance <<< FunDef
(<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=ParsedBody bodies} = file <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< ' ' <<< bodies
(<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=CheckedBody {cb_args,cb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}} = file <<< fun_symb <<< '.'
<<< "C " <<< cb_args <<< " = " <<< cb_rhs <<< '\n'
// <<< '.' <<< fi_def_level <<< ' ' <<< '[' <<< fi_free_vars <<< ']' <<< cb_args <<< " = " <<< cb_rhs
(<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_local_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}}
= file <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< "T "
// <<< '[' <<< fi_free_vars <<< "] [" <<< fi_local_vars <<< ']'
<<< tb_args <<< '[' <<< fi_calls <<< ']' <<< "\n\t= " <<< tb_rhs <<< '\n'
// <<< '.' <<< fi_def_level <<< ' ' <<< '[' <<< fi_free_vars <<< ']' <<< tb_args <<< " = " <<< tb_rhs
(<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=BackendBody body,fun_type=Yes type} = file // <<< type <<< '\n'
<<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< body <<< '\n'
(<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=Yes type} = file // <<< type <<< '\n'
<<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< "Array function\n"
(<<<) file {fun_symb} = file <<< fun_symb <<< "???" <<< '\n'
instance <<< FunctionBody
(<<<) file (ParsedBody bodies) = file <<< bodies
(<<<) file (CheckedBody {cb_args,cb_rhs}) = file <<< "C " <<< cb_args <<< " = " <<< cb_rhs <<< '\n'
(<<<) file (TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}) = file <<< "T " <<< tb_args <<< " = " <<< tb_rhs <<< '\n'
(<<<) file (BackendBody body) = file <<< body <<< '\n'
(<<<) file (Expanding vars) = file <<< "E " <<< vars
(<<<) file GeneratedBody = file <<< "Generic function\n"
(<<<) file NoBody = file <<< "Array function\n"
instance <<< FunCall
(<<<) file (FunCall fc_index fc_level)
= file <<< fc_index <<< '.' <<< fc_level
(<<<) file (MacroCall module_index fc_index fc_level)
= file <<< "MacroCall "<<< module_index <<<" "<<<fc_index <<< '.' <<< fc_level
(<<<) file (DclFunCall module_index fc_index)
= file <<< "DclFunCall "<<< module_index <<<" "<<<fc_index
instance <<< FreeVar
(<<<) file {fv_name,fv_info_ptr,fv_count} = file <<< fv_name <<< '.' <<< fv_count <<< '<' <<< fv_info_ptr <<< '>'
instance <<< DynamicType
(<<<) file {dt_uni_vars,dt_type}
| isEmpty dt_uni_vars
= file <<< "DynamicType" <<< dt_type
= file <<< "DynamicType" <<< "A." <<< dt_uni_vars <<< ":" <<< dt_type
instance <<< SignClassification
(<<<) file {sc_pos_vect,sc_neg_vect} = write_signs file sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect 0
write_signs file sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect index
| sc_pos_vect == 0 && sc_neg_vect == 0
= file
# index_bit = (1 << index)
| sc_pos_vect bitand index_bit == 0
| sc_neg_vect bitand index_bit == 0
= write_signs (file <<< 'O') sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect (inc index)
= write_signs (file <<< '-') sc_pos_vect (sc_neg_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (inc index)
| sc_neg_vect bitand index_bit == 0
= write_signs (file <<< '+') (sc_pos_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) sc_neg_vect (inc index)
= write_signs (file <<< 'T') (sc_pos_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (sc_neg_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (inc index)
instance toString TypeKind
toString (KindVar _) = "**"
toString KindConst = "*"
toString (KindArrow args) = "{" +++ (to_string args) +++ "->*}"
to_string [] = "??????"
to_string [k] = toString k
to_string [k:ks] = (toString k) +++ "->" +++ (to_string ks)
instance <<< TypeKind
(<<<) file kind = file <<< (toString kind)
instance == TypeKind
(==) KindConst KindConst = True
(==) (KindArrow xs) (KindArrow ys) = xs == ys
(==) _ _ = False
instance toString KindInfo
toString (KI_Var ptr) = "*" +++ toString (ptrToInt ptr)
toString (KI_Const) = "*"
toString (KI_Arrow kind1 kind2) = withBrackets kind1 (toString kind1) +++ " -> " +++ toString kind2
withBrackets (KI_Arrow _ _) kind_str = "(" +++ kind_str +++ ")"
withBrackets _ kind_str = kind_str
instance <<< TypeDefInfo
(<<<) file {tdi_group,tdi_group_vars,tdi_cons_vars}
// = file <<< '[' <<< tdi_group <<< '=' <<< tdi_group_vars <<< '=' <<< tdi_cons_vars <<< ']'
= file <<< '[' <<< tdi_group_vars <<< '=' <<< tdi_cons_vars <<< ']'
instance <<< DefinedSymbol
(<<<) file {ds_ident}
= file <<< ds_ident
instance <<< (TypeDef a) | <<< a
(<<<) file {td_name, td_args, td_rhs}
= file <<< ":: " <<< td_name <<< ' ' <<< td_args <<< td_rhs
instance <<< TypeRhs
(<<<) file (SynType type)
= file <<< " :== " <<< type
(<<<) file (AlgType data)
= file <<< " = " <<< data
(<<<) file (RecordType record)
= file <<< " = " <<< '{' <<< record <<< '}'
(<<<) file _
= file
instance <<< RecordType
(<<<) file {rt_fields} = iFoldSt (\index file -> file <<< rt_fields.[index]) 0 (size rt_fields) file
instance <<< FieldSymbol
(<<<) file {fs_name} = file <<< fs_name
write_data_defs file []
= file
write_data_defs file [d:ds]
= write_data_defs (file <<< d <<< '\n') ds
instance <<< GenericClassInfo
(<<<) file {gci_kind, gci_class} = file <<< gci_kind <<< ":" <<< gci_class
instance <<< InstanceType
(<<<) file it = write_contexts it.it_context (file <<< it.it_types)
instance <<< RhsDefsOfType
(<<<) file (ConsList cons_defs) = file <<< cons_defs
(<<<) file (SelectorList _ _ sel_defs) = file <<< sel_defs
(<<<) file (TypeSpec type) = file <<< type
(<<<) file _ = file
instance <<< ParsedConstructor
(<<<) file {pc_cons_name,pc_arg_types} = file <<< pc_cons_name <<< pc_arg_types
instance <<< ParsedSelector
(<<<) file {ps_field_name,ps_field_type} = file <<< ps_field_name <<< ps_field_type
instance <<< ModuleKind
(<<<) file kind = file
instance <<< ConsDef
(<<<) file {cons_symb,cons_type} = file <<< cons_symb <<< " :: " <<< cons_type
instance <<< SelectorDef
(<<<) file {sd_symb} = file <<< sd_symb
instance <<< ClassDef
(<<<) file {class_name} = file <<< class_name
instance <<< ClassInstance
(<<<) file {ins_class,ins_type} = file <<< ins_class <<< " :: " <<< ins_type
instance <<< (Optional a) | <<< a
(<<<) file (Yes x) = file <<< x
(<<<) file No = file
instance <<< (Module a) | <<< a
(<<<) file {mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs} = file <<< mod_type <<< mod_name <<< mod_defs
instance <<< (CollectedDefinitions a b) | <<< a & <<< b
(<<<) file {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def_classes,def_members,def_instances}
= file
instance <<< ParsedDefinition
(<<<) file (PD_Function _ name _ exprs rhs _ ) = file <<< name <<< exprs <<< " = " <<< rhs
(<<<) file (PD_NodeDef _ pattern rhs) = file <<< pattern <<< " =: " <<< rhs
(<<<) file (PD_TypeSpec _ name prio st sp) = file <<< name <<< st
(<<<) file (PD_Type td) = file <<< td
(<<<) file (PD_Generic {gen_name}) = file <<< "generic " <<< gen_name
(<<<) file (PD_GenericCase {gc_name,gc_type_cons}) = file <<< gc_name <<< "{|" <<< gc_type_cons <<< "|}"
(<<<) file _ = file
instance <<< Rhs
(<<<) file {rhs_alts,rhs_locals} = file <<< rhs_alts <<< rhs_locals <<< '\n'
instance <<< OptGuardedAlts
(<<<) file (GuardedAlts guarded_exprs def_expr) = file <<< guarded_exprs <<< def_expr
(<<<) file (UnGuardedExpr unguarded_expr) = file <<< unguarded_expr
instance <<< ExprWithLocalDefs
(<<<) file {ewl_expr,ewl_locals} = file <<< ewl_expr <<< ewl_locals
instance <<< GuardedExpr
(<<<) file {alt_nodes,alt_guard,alt_expr} = file <<< '|' <<< alt_guard <<< alt_expr
instance <<< IndexRange
(<<<) file {ir_from,ir_to}
| ir_from == ir_to
= file
= file <<< ir_from <<< "---" <<< ir_to
instance <<< Ident
// (<<<) file {id_name,id_index} = file <<< id_name <<< '.' <<< id_index
(<<<) file {id_name} = file <<< id_name
instance <<< (Global a) | <<< a
(<<<) file {glob_object,glob_module} = file <<< glob_object <<< "M:" <<< glob_module
instance <<< Position
(<<<) file (FunPos file_name line func) = file <<< '[' <<< file_name <<< ',' <<< line <<< ',' <<< func <<< ']'
(<<<) file (LinePos file_name line) = file <<< '[' <<< file_name <<< ',' <<< line <<< ']'
(<<<) file _ = file
instance <<< TypeVarInfo
(<<<) file TVI_Empty = file <<< "TVI_Empty"
(<<<) file (TVI_Type _) = file <<< "TVI_Type"
(<<<) file (TVI_TypeVar ptr) = file <<< (ptrToInt ptr)
(<<<) file (TVI_Forward _) = file <<< "TVI_Forward"
(<<<) file (TVI_SignClass _ _ _) = file <<< "TVI_SignClass"
(<<<) file (TVI_Attribute ta) = file <<< "TVI_Attribute " <<< ta
(<<<) file (TVI_CorrespondenceNumber n) = file <<< "TVI_CorrespondenceNumber " <<< n
(<<<) file (TVI_AType at) = file <<< "TVI_AType " <<< at
(<<<) file TVI_Used = file <<< "TVI_Used"
(<<<) file (TVI_TypeCode _) = file <<< "TVI_TypeCode"
(<<<) file (TVI_CPSLocalTypeVar _) = file <<< "TVI_CPSLocalTypeVar"
(<<<) file (TVI_Kinds _) = file <<< "TVI_Kinds"
(<<<) file (TVI_PropClass _ _ _) = file <<< "TVI_PropClass"
(<<<) file (TVI_TypeKind kind_info_ptr) = file <<< "TVI_TypeKind " <<< (ptrToInt kind_info_ptr)
(<<<) file (TVI_Kind kind) = file <<< "TVI_Kind" <<< kind
(<<<) file (TVI_Expr expr) = file <<< "TVI_Expr " <<< expr
instance <<< AttrVarInfo
(<<<) file AVI_Empty = file <<< "AVI_Empty"
(<<<) file (AVI_Attr attr) = file <<< "AVI_Attr " <<< attr
(<<<) file (AVI_AttrVar av_info_ptr) = file <<< "AVI_AttrVar " <<< ptrToInt av_info_ptr
(<<<) file (AVI_Forward temp_attr_id) = file <<< "AVI_Forward " <<< temp_attr_id
(<<<) file (AVI_CorrespondenceNumber n) = file <<< "AVI_CorrespondenceNumber " <<< n
(<<<) file AVI_Used = file <<< "AVI_Used"
(<<<) file (AVI_Count n) = file <<< "AVI_Count " <<< n
(<<<) file (AVI_SequenceNumber n) = file <<< "AVI_SequenceNumber " <<< n
(<<<) file AVI_Collected = file <<< "AVI_Collected"
instance <<< (Import from_symbol) | <<< from_symbol
(<<<) file {import_module, import_symbols}
= file <<< "import " <<< import_module <<< import_symbols
instance <<< ImportDeclaration
(<<<) file (ID_Function ident) = file <<< ident
(<<<) file (ID_Class ident optIdents) = file <<< "class " <<< ident <<< optIdents
(<<<) file (ID_Type ident optIdents) = file <<< ":: " <<< ident <<< optIdents
(<<<) file (ID_Record ident optIdents) = file <<< ident <<< " { " <<< optIdents <<< " } "
(<<<) file (ID_Instance i1 i2 tup) = file <<< "instance " <<< i1 <<< i2 <<< tup // !ImportedIdent !Ident !(![Type],![TypeContext])
instance <<< CoercionPosition
(<<<) file (CP_FunArg fun_name arg_nr)
= file <<< "argument " <<< arg_nr <<< " of " <<< readable fun_name
(<<<) file (CP_LiftedFunArg fun_name arg_name)
= file <<< "lifted argument " <<< arg_name <<< " of " <<< readable fun_name
(<<<) file (CP_Expression expression) = show_expression file expression
show_expression file (Var {var_name})
= file <<< var_name
show_expression file (FreeVar {fv_name})
= file <<< fv_name
show_expression file (App {app_symb={symb_name}, app_args})
| symb_name.id_name=="_dummyForStrictAlias"
= show_expression file (hd app_args)
= file <<< readable symb_name
show_expression file (fun @ fun_args)
= show_expression file fun
show_expression file (Case {case_ident=No})
= file <<< "(case ... )"
show_expression file (Selection _ expr selectors)
= file <<< "selection"
show_expression file (Update expr1 selectors expr2)
= file <<< "update"
show_expression file (TupleSelect {ds_arity} elem_nr expr)
= file <<< "argument " <<< (elem_nr + 1) <<< " of " <<< ds_arity <<< "-tuple"
show_expression file (BasicExpr bv)
= file <<< bv
show_expression file (MatchExpr _ expr)
= file <<< "match expression"
show_expression file _
= file
instance <<< Declaration
(<<<) file (Declaration { decl_ident, decl_kind })
= file <<< decl_ident <<< '<' <<< decl_ident.id_info <<< '>' <<< '(' <<< decl_kind <<< ')'
instance <<< STE_Kind
(<<<) file
(STE_FunctionOrMacro _)
= file <<< "STE_FunctionOrMacro"
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_Type"
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_Constructor"
(<<<) file
(STE_Selector _)
= file <<< "STE_Selector"
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_Class"
// AA..
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_Generic"
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_GenericCase"
// ..AA
(<<<) file
(STE_Field _)
= file <<< "STE_Field"
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_Member"
(<<<) file
(STE_Instance _)
= file <<< "STE_Instance"
(<<<) file
(STE_Variable _)
= file <<< "STE_Variable"
(<<<) file
(STE_TypeVariable _)
= file <<< "STE_TypeVariable"
(<<<) file
(STE_TypeAttribute _)
= file <<< "STE_TypeAttribute"
(<<<) file
(STE_BoundTypeVariable _)
= file <<< "STE_BoundTypeVariable"
(<<<) file
(STE_Imported a b)
= file <<< "STE_Imported (" <<< a <<< ")" <<< b
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_DclFunction"
(<<<) file
(STE_Module _)
= file <<< "STE_Module"
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_ClosedModule"
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_Empty"
(<<<) file
= file <<< "STE_???"
readable :: !Ident -> String // somewhat hacky
readable {id_name}
| size id_name>0 && id_name.[0]=='_'
| id_name=="_Cons" || id_name=="_Nil"
= "list constructor"
| id_name=="_!Cons" || id_name=="_!Nil"
= "! list constructor"
| id_name=="_#Cons" || id_name=="_#Nil"
= "# list constructor"
| id_name=="_Cons!" || id_name=="_Nil!"
= "list constructor !"
| id_name=="_!Cons!" || id_name=="_!Nil!"
= "! list constructor !"
| id_name=="_#Cons!" || id_name=="_#Nil!"
= "# list constructor !"
= id_name%(1, size id_name-1)
= id_name
instance <<< ImportedIdent
(<<<) file {ii_ident, ii_extended} = file <<< ii_ident <<< ' ' <<< ii_extended
instance == ModuleKind
(==) mk1 mk2 = equal_constructor mk1 mk2
instance == TypeAttribute
(==) attr1 attr2 = equal_constructor attr1 attr2
instance == Annotation
(==) a1 a2 = equal_constructor a1 a2
instance == OverloadedListType
(==) a1 a2 = equal_constructor a1 a2
EmptySymbolTableEntry :== EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF.boxed_symbol_table_entry
::BoxedSymbolTableEntry = {boxed_symbol_table_entry::!SymbolTableEntry}
EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF :: BoxedSymbolTableEntry
EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF =: {boxed_symbol_table_entry = { ste_kind = STE_Empty, ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = abort_empty_SymbolTableEntry } }
abort_empty_SymbolTableEntry :: a
abort_empty_SymbolTableEntry = abort "empty SymbolTableEntry"
cNotAGroupNumber :== -1
EmptyTypeDefInfo :== { tdi_kinds = [], tdi_properties = cAllBitsClear, tdi_group = [], tdi_group_vars = [], tdi_cons_vars = [],
tdi_classification = EmptyTypeClassification, tdi_group_nr = cNotAGroupNumber, tdi_index_in_group = NoIndex, tdi_mark=False, tdi_gen_rep = No }
MakeTypeVar name :== { tv_name = name, tv_info_ptr = nilPtr }
MakeVar name :== { var_name = name, var_info_ptr = nilPtr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
MakeAttributedType type :== { at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = type }
MakeAttributedTypeVar type_var :== { atv_attribute = TA_None, atv_variable = type_var }
EmptyFunInfo :== { fi_calls = [], fi_group_index = NoIndex, fi_def_level = NotALevel,
fi_free_vars = [], fi_local_vars = [], fi_dynamics = [], fi_properties=0 }
BottomSignClass :== { sc_pos_vect = 0, sc_neg_vect = 0 }
PostiveSignClass :== { sc_pos_vect = bitnot 0, sc_neg_vect = 0 }
NoPropClass :== 0
PropClass :== bitnot 0
newTypeSymbIdentCAF :: TypeSymbIdent;
newTypeSymbIdentCAF =: MakeTypeSymbIdentMacro { glob_object = NoIndex, glob_module = NoIndex } {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr} 0
MakeNewTypeSymbIdent name arity
:== {newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_name=name, type_arity=arity }
MakeTypeSymbIdent type_index name arity
:== { newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index }
MakeTypeSymbIdentMacro type_index name arity
:== { type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index,
type_prop = { tsp_sign = BottomSignClass, tsp_propagation = NoPropClass, tsp_coercible = True }}
ParsedSelectorToSelectorDef sd_type_index ps :==
{ sd_symb = ps.ps_selector_name, sd_field_nr = NoIndex, sd_pos = ps.ps_field_pos, sd_type_index = sd_type_index,
sd_exi_vars = [], sd_type_ptr = nilPtr, sd_field = ps.ps_field_name,
sd_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = [], st_args_strictness=NotStrict, st_result = ps.ps_field_type, st_arity = 0, st_context = [],
st_attr_env = [], st_attr_vars = [] }}
ParsedConstructorToConsDef pc :==
{ cons_symb = pc.pc_cons_name, cons_pos = pc.pc_cons_pos, cons_priority = pc.pc_cons_prio, cons_index = NoIndex, cons_type_index = NoIndex,
cons_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = pc.pc_arg_types, st_args_strictness=pc.pc_args_strictness, st_result = MakeAttributedType TE,
st_arity = pc.pc_cons_arity, st_context = [], st_attr_env = [], st_attr_vars = []},
cons_exi_vars = pc.pc_exi_vars, cons_type_ptr = nilPtr, cons_arg_vars = [] }
ParsedInstanceToClassInstance pi members :==
{ ins_class = {glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol pi.pi_class NoIndex (length pi.pi_types), glob_module = NoIndex}, ins_ident = pi.pi_ident,
ins_type = { it_vars = [], it_types = pi.pi_types, it_attr_vars = [],
it_context = pi.pi_context },
ins_members = members, ins_specials = pi.pi_specials, ins_pos = pi.pi_pos}
MakeTypeDef name lhs rhs attr contexts pos :==
{ td_name = name, td_index = -1, td_arity = length lhs, td_args = lhs, td_attrs = [], td_attribute = attr, td_context = contexts,
td_pos = pos, td_rhs = rhs, td_used_types = [] }
MakeDefinedSymbol ident index arity :== { ds_ident = ident, ds_arity = arity, ds_index = index }
MakeNewFunctionType name arity prio type pos specials var_ptr
:== { ft_symb = name, ft_arity = arity, ft_priority = prio, ft_type = type, ft_pos = pos, ft_specials = specials, ft_type_ptr = var_ptr }
backslash :== '\\'