path: root/frontend/syntax.dcl
blob: d2a47c7b34dfd3c1ec91a44c3dae1207f1df573e (plain) (tree)
























































































































































































definition module syntax

import StdEnv

import scanner, general, typeproperties, Heap
import IndexType
from containers import ::NumberSet
from convertcases import :: LetVarInfo, :: LetExpressionInfo, :: RefCountsInCase, :: SplitsInCase

::	Ident =
	{ 	id_name		:: !String
	,	id_info 	:: !SymbolPtr

instance toString Ident

/*	Each Identifier is equipped with a pointer to a SymbolTableEntry that is
	used for binding the identifier with its definition.

::	SymbolTable			:== Heap SymbolTableEntry
::	SymbolPtr 			:== Ptr SymbolTableEntry

::	SymbolTableEntry = 
	{	ste_kind		:: !STE_Kind
	,	ste_index		:: !Index
	,	ste_def_level	:: !Level
	,	ste_previous	:: SymbolTableEntry

:: FunctionOrMacroIndex = FunctionOrIclMacroIndex !Int | DclMacroIndex /*module_n*/ !Int /*macro_n_in_module*/ !Int;

instance == FunctionOrMacroIndex

::	STE_BoundTypeVariable	= { stv_attribute :: !TypeAttribute, stv_info_ptr :: !TypeVarInfoPtr }

::	STE_Kind	= STE_FunctionOrMacro ![FunctionOrMacroIndex]
				| STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction ![FunctionOrMacroIndex]
				| STE_Type
				| STE_Constructor
				| STE_Selector ![Global Index]
				| STE_Field !Ident
				| STE_Class
				| STE_Member
				| STE_Generic
				| STE_GenericCase
				| STE_GenericDeriveClass
				| STE_Instance
				| STE_Variable !VarInfoPtr
				| STE_TypeVariable !TypeVarInfoPtr
				| STE_TypeAttribute !AttrVarInfoPtr
				| STE_BoundTypeVariable !STE_BoundTypeVariable
				| STE_Imported !STE_Kind !ModuleN
				| STE_DclFunction
				| STE_Module !(Module (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance))
				| STE_ClosedModule
				| STE_ModuleQualifiedImports !SortedQualifiedImports
				| STE_Empty
					/* for creating class dictionaries */
				| STE_DictType !CheckedTypeDef
				| STE_DictCons !ConsDef
				| STE_DictField !SelectorDef
				| STE_Called ![FunctionOrMacroIndex] /* used during macro expansion to indicate that this function is called */
				| STE_ExplImpSymbol !Int
				| STE_ExplImpComponentNrs ![ComponentNrAndIndex]
					/*	stores the numbers of all module components that import the symbol from
						the "actual" dcl module.
				| STE_BelongingSymbol !Int
				| STE_ExplImpSymbolNotImported !ModuleN !STE_Kind
				| STE_ImportedQualified !Declaration !STE_Kind

				| STE_UsedType !ModuleN !STE_Kind
					/* used during binding of types to mark types that have been applied. */
				| STE_UsedQualifiedType !ModuleN !Index !STE_Kind
				| STE_BelongingSymbolExported
				| STE_BelongingSymbolForExportedSymbol
				| STE_TypeExtension

::	ModuleN:==Int;

::	SortedQualifiedImports	= SortedQualifiedImports !Declaration !SortedQualifiedImports !SortedQualifiedImports
							| EmptySortedQualifiedImports

::	Declaration = Declaration !DeclarationRecord

::	DeclarationRecord =
	{	decl_ident	:: !Ident
	,	decl_pos	:: !Position
	,	decl_kind	:: !STE_Kind
	,	decl_index	:: !Index

::	ComponentNrAndIndex =
	{	cai_component_nr	:: !Int
	,	cai_index			:: !Int // points into ExplImpInfos

::	Global object =
	{	glob_object	:: !object
	,	glob_module	:: !Index

::	Module defs = 
	{	mod_ident		:: !Ident
	,	mod_modification_time		:: {#Char}
	,	mod_type		:: !ModuleKind
	, 	mod_imports		:: ![ParsedImport]
	,	mod_imported_objects :: ![ImportedObject]
	,	mod_foreign_exports :: ![ParsedForeignExport]
	,	mod_defs		:: !defs

::	ParsedForeignExport =
	{	pfe_ident	:: !Ident
	,	pfe_line	:: !Int
	,	pfe_file	:: !FileName
	,	pfe_stdcall	:: !Bool

::	ParsedModule	:== Module  [ParsedDefinition]
::	ScannedModule 	:== Module  (CollectedDefinitions (ScannedInstanceAndMembersR FunDef))
::	ModuleKind		= MK_Main | MK_Module | MK_System | MK_None | MK_NoMainDcl

::	FunDefIndex:==Int

::	IclFunctionIndices =
	{	ifi_global_function_indices	:: ![IndexRange]
	,	ifi_local_function_indices	:: !IndexRange
	,	ifi_instance_indices		:: ![IndexRange]
	,	ifi_specials_indices		:: !IndexRange
	,	ifi_gencase_indices			:: ![IndexRange]
	,	ifi_type_function_indices	:: ![IndexRange]

::	IclModule  =
	{	icl_name				:: !Ident
	,	icl_functions			:: !.{# FunDef }
	,	icl_function_indices	:: !IclFunctionIndices
	,	icl_common				:: !.CommonDefs
	,	icl_import				:: !{!Declaration}
	,	icl_qualified_imports	:: ![([Declaration], ModuleN, Position)]
	,	icl_imported_objects	:: ![ImportedObject]
	,	icl_foreign_exports		:: ![ForeignExport]
	,	icl_used_module_numbers :: !NumberSet
	,	icl_modification_time	:: !{#Char}

::	DclModule =
	{	dcl_name			:: !Ident
	,	dcl_functions		:: !{# FunType }
	,	dcl_instances		:: !IndexRange
	,	dcl_macros			:: !IndexRange
	,	dcl_specials		:: !IndexRange
	,	dcl_gencases		:: !IndexRange
	,	dcl_type_funs		:: !IndexRange
	,	dcl_common			:: !CommonDefs
	,	dcl_sizes			:: !{# Int}
	,	dcl_dictionary_info	:: !DictionaryInfo
	,	dcl_declared		:: !Declarations
	,	dcl_has_macro_conversions :: !Bool
	,	dcl_module_kind		:: !ModuleKind
	,	dcl_modification_time:: !{#Char}
	,	dcl_imported_module_numbers :: !NumberSet

:: ForeignExport = {fe_fd_index :: !FunDefIndex, fe_stdcall :: !Bool}

::	CopiedDefinitions =
	{	copied_type_defs	:: {#Bool}
	,	copied_class_defs	:: {#Bool}
	,	copied_generic_defs :: {#Bool}

::	Declarations = {
		dcls_import	::!{!Declaration}
	,	dcls_local		::![Declaration]
	,	dcls_local_for_import ::!{!Declaration}

::	DictionaryInfo = { n_dictionary_types :: !Int, n_dictionary_constructors :: !Int, n_dictionary_selectors :: !Int }

::	RhsDefsOfType	= ConsList ![ParsedConstructor]
					| SelectorList !Ident ![ATypeVar] !Bool /*is_boxed_record*/ ![ParsedSelector]
					| TypeSpec !AType
					| NewTypeCons !ParsedConstructor
					| EmptyRhs !BITVECT
					| AbstractTypeSpec !BITVECT !AType
					| ExtensibleConses ![ParsedConstructor]
					| MoreConses !Ident ![ParsedConstructor]

::	CollectedDefinitions instance_kind =
	{	def_types 			:: ![TypeDef TypeRhs]
	,	def_constructors	:: ![ConsDef]
	,	def_selectors		:: ![SelectorDef]
	,	def_macros			:: ![FunDef]
	,	def_macro_indices	:: !IndexRange
	,	def_classes			:: ![ClassDef]
	,	def_members			:: ![MemberDef]
	,	def_funtypes		:: ![FunType]
	,	def_instances		:: ![instance_kind]
	,	def_generics		:: ![GenericDef]
	, 	def_generic_cases 	:: ![GenericCaseDef]

::	CommonDefs =
	{	com_type_defs 		:: !.{# CheckedTypeDef}
	,	com_cons_defs		:: !.{# ConsDef}
	,	com_selector_defs	:: !.{# SelectorDef}
	,	com_class_defs		:: !.{# ClassDef}
	,	com_member_defs		:: !.{# MemberDef}
	,	com_instance_defs	:: !.{# ClassInstance}
	,	com_generic_defs	:: !.{# GenericDef}
	,	com_gencase_defs 	:: !.{# GenericCaseDef}

::	LocalDefs	= LocalParsedDefs [ParsedDefinition]
				| CollectedLocalDefs CollectedLocalDefs

::	IndexRange	= { ir_from :: !Index, ir_to :: !Index }

::	ArrayAndListInstances = {
		ali_array_first_instance_indices :: ![Int],
		ali_list_first_instance_indices :: ![Int],
		ali_tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices :: ![Int],
		ali_instances_range :: !IndexRange

NoIndex		:== -1

::  Level	:== Int
NotALevel 	:==  -1

::	CollectedLocalDefs =
	{	loc_functions	:: !IndexRange
	,	loc_nodes		:: ![NodeDef ParsedExpr]
	,	loc_in_icl_module :: !Bool // False for local functions in macros in dcl modules, otherwise True

::	NodeDef dst =
	{	nd_dst		::!dst,
		nd_alts		::!OptGuardedAlts,
		nd_locals	::!LocalDefs,
		nd_position	::!Position		

::	Rhs =
	{	rhs_alts	:: !OptGuardedAlts
	,	rhs_locals	:: !LocalDefs

cIsAFunction	:== True
cIsNotAFunction :== False

::	ParsedDefinition 
	=	PD_Function Position Ident Bool [ParsedExpr] Rhs FunKind
	|	PD_NodeDef Position ParsedExpr Rhs
	|	PD_Type ParsedTypeDef
	|	PD_TypeSpec Position Ident Priority (Optional SymbolType) FunSpecials
	|	PD_Class ClassDef [ParsedDefinition]
	|	PD_Instance ParsedInstanceAndMembers
	|	PD_Instances [ParsedInstanceAndMembers]
	|	PD_Import [ParsedImport]
	|	PD_ImportedObjects [ImportedObject]
	|	PD_ForeignExport !Ident !{#Char} !Int !Bool /* if stdcall */
	|	PD_Generic GenericDef
	| 	PD_GenericCase GenericCaseDef Ident
	|	PD_Derive [GenericCaseDef]
	|	PD_Erroneous

::	FunKind = FK_Function !Bool | FK_Macro | FK_Caf | FK_NodeDefOrFunction | FK_Unknown

::	StrictnessList = NotStrict | Strict !Int | StrictList !Int StrictnessList

cNameNotLocationDependent :== False
cNameLocationDependent :== True

::	ParsedSelector =
	{	ps_field_ident		:: !Ident
	,	ps_selector_ident	:: !Ident
	,	ps_field_annotation	:: !Annotation
	,	ps_field_type		:: !AType
	,	ps_field_var		:: !Ident
	,	ps_field_pos		:: !Position

::	ParsedConstructor =
	{	pc_cons_ident 	:: !Ident
	,	pc_cons_arity	:: !Int
	,	pc_exi_vars		:: ![ATypeVar]
	,	pc_arg_types	:: ![AType]
	,	pc_args_strictness	:: !StrictnessList
	,	pc_context		:: ![TypeContext]
	,	pc_cons_prio	:: !Priority
	,	pc_cons_pos		:: !Position

::	ParsedInstance =
	{	pi_class 	:: !IdentOrQualifiedIdent
	,	pi_ident	:: !Ident
	,	pi_types	:: ![Type]
	,	pi_context	:: ![TypeContext]
	,	pi_pos		:: !Position
	,	pi_specials	:: !Specials

::	ParsedInstanceAndMembers =
	{	pim_pi 		:: !ParsedInstance
	,	pim_members	:: ![ParsedDefinition]

::	ScannedInstanceAndMembersR icl_member =
	{	sim_pi 				:: !ParsedInstance
	,	sim_members			:: ![icl_member]	// for .icl
	,	sim_member_types	:: ![FunType]	// for .dcl

::	IdentOrQualifiedIdent
	= Ident !Ident
	| QualifiedIdent /*module*/!Ident !String

	Objects of type Specials are used to specify specialized instances of overloaded functions.
	These can only occur in definition modules. After parsing the SP_ParsedSubstitutions alternative
	is used to indicate the specific instantiation. The SP_Substitutions alternative is used to deduce
	the type of the specialized version. Finally the SP_ContextTypes alternative is set and used during 
	the typing to check whether this instance has been used. The auxiliary FSP_FunIndex alternative is used
	to store the index of the function that has been specialized.

::	Specials
	= SP_ParsedSubstitutions 	![Env Type TypeVar]
	| SP_Substitutions 		 	![SpecialSubstitution]
	| SP_ContextTypes			![Special]
	| SP_TypeOffset				!Int					// index in SP_Substitutions for specialized instance
	| SP_None

::	FunSpecials
	= FSP_ParsedSubstitutions 	![Env Type TypeVar]
	| FSP_Substitutions			![SpecialSubstitution]
	| FSP_ContextTypes			![Special]
	| FSP_FunIndex				!Index
	| FSP_None

::	SpecialSubstitution =
	{	ss_environ	:: !Env Type TypeVar
	,	ss_context	:: ![TypeContext]
	,	ss_vars		:: ![TypeVar]
	,	ss_attrs	:: ![AttributeVar]

::	Special =
	{	spec_index	:: !Global Index
	,	spec_types	:: ![[Type]]
	,	spec_vars	:: ![TypeVar]
	, 	spec_attrs	:: ![AttributeVar]

::	AttrInequality =
	{	ai_demanded :: !AttributeVar
	,	ai_offered	:: !AttributeVar

::	DefinedSymbol = 
	{	ds_ident		:: !Ident
	,	ds_arity		:: !Int
	,	ds_index		:: !Index

::	ClassDef =
 	{	class_ident			:: !Ident
	,	class_arity			:: !Int
	,	class_args			:: ![TypeVar]
	,	class_context		:: ![TypeContext]
	,	class_members		:: !{# DefinedSymbol}
	,	class_dictionary	:: !DefinedSymbol
	,	class_pos			:: !Position
	,	class_cons_vars		:: !BITVECT

::	ClassDefInfos :== {# .{! [TypeKind]}}

::	MemberDef =
	{	me_ident		:: !Ident
	,	me_class		:: !Global Index
	,	me_offset		:: !Index
	,	me_type			:: !SymbolType
	,	me_type_ptr		:: !VarInfoPtr
	,	me_class_vars	:: ![TypeVar]
	,	me_pos			:: !Position
	,	me_priority 	:: !Priority

:: GenericDef = 
	{	gen_ident		:: !Ident		// the generics name in IC_Generic
	,	gen_member_ident	:: !Ident	// the generics name in IC_Expression
	, 	gen_pos			:: !Position
	,	gen_type		:: !SymbolType	// Generic type (st_vars include generic type vars)
	,	gen_vars		:: ![TypeVar]	// Generic type variables
	,	gen_deps		:: ![GenericDependency]	   // Generic function dependencies
	,	gen_info_ptr	:: !GenericInfoPtr

:: GenericDependency =
	{	gd_ident		:: !IdentOrQualifiedIdent
	, 	gd_index		:: !GlobalIndex
	, 	gd_vars			:: ![TypeVar]
	,	gd_nums			:: ![Int] // Mapping from dependency variable to generic type variable

instance == GenericDependency

:: GenericClassInfo = 
	{	gci_kind	:: !TypeKind	// the kind
	,	gci_module 	:: !Index		// filled with main_module_index
	,	gci_class	:: !Index		// class_index in the main module
	,	gci_member	:: !Index 		// the class member index 
:: GenericClassInfos :== {[GenericClassInfo]}

:: GenericInfo = 
	{	gen_classes		:: !GenericClassInfos
	,	gen_var_kinds	:: ![TypeKind]  	// kinds of all st_vars of the gen_type
	,	gen_rep_conses	:: !{!GenericRepresentationConstructor}

::	GenericRepresentationConstructor =
	{	grc_module	:: !Int
	,	grc_index	:: !GenericCaseBody // GCB_FunIndex, GCB_FunAndMacroIndex or GCB_None
	,	grc_local_fun_index :: !Int
	,	grc_ident	:: !Ident
	,	grc_generic_info :: !Int
	,	grc_generic_instance_deps :: !GenericInstanceDependencies
	,	grc_optional_fun_type :: !Optional SymbolType

:: GenericInfoPtr :== Ptr GenericInfo	
:: GenericHeap :== Heap GenericInfo

:: TypeCons 
	= TypeConsSymb TypeSymbIdent 
	| TypeConsBasic BasicType 
	| TypeConsArrow
	| TypeConsVar TypeVar 

:: GenericCaseDef =
	{	gc_pos			:: !Position			// position in the source file
	,	gc_type			:: !Type				// the instance type
	,   gc_type_cons	:: !TypeCons			// type constructor of the type argument
	,	gc_gcf			:: !GenericCaseFunctions

::	GenericCaseFunctions
	= GCF !Ident !GCF
	| GCFS ![!GCF!]
	| GCFC !Ident !Ident	// IC_GenericDeriveClass IC_Class

::	GCF = {
		gcf_gident	:: !Ident,	  			// name in IC_Generic namespace
		gcf_generic	:: !GlobalIndex,		// index of the generic
		gcf_arity	:: !Int,				// arity of the function
		gcf_generic_info :: !Int,			// 0 = no, -1 = all, generic info for CONS, OBJECT, RECORD or FIELD
		gcf_body	:: !GenericCaseBody,	// the body function or NoIndex
		gcf_kind	:: !TypeKind,			// kind of the instance type
		gcf_generic_instance_deps :: !GenericInstanceDependencies

:: GenericCaseBody 
	= GCB_None 									// to be generated
	| GCB_FunIndex !Index
	| GCB_FunAndMacroIndex !Index !Index
	| GCB_MacroIndex !Index
	| GCB_FunDef !FunDef
	| GCB_ParsedBody ![ParsedExpr] !Rhs

::	GenericInstanceDependencies
	= AllGenericInstanceDependencies
	| GenericInstanceDependencies !Int /*n_deps*/ !Int /*deps*/
	| GenericInstanceUsedArgs !Int /*n_deps*/ !Int /*deps*/

::	InstanceType =
	{	it_vars			:: [TypeVar]
	,	it_types		:: ![Type]
	,	it_attr_vars	:: [AttributeVar]
	,	it_context		:: ![TypeContext]

::	ClassInstance =
 	{	ins_class_index	:: !GlobalIndex
	,	ins_class_ident	:: !ClassIdent
	,	ins_ident		:: !Ident
	,	ins_type		:: !InstanceType
	,	ins_member_types :: ![FunType]	// for .dcl
	,	ins_members		:: !{#ClassInstanceMember}
	,	ins_specials	:: !Specials
	,	ins_pos			:: !Position

::	ClassIdent =
	{	ci_ident		:: !IdentOrQualifiedIdent
	,	ci_arity		:: !Int

::	ClassInstanceMember = 
	{	cim_ident		:: !Ident
	,	cim_arity		:: !Int		// module number if cim_index<0
	,	cim_index		:: !Index	// or -1-index

::	Import =
	{	import_module		:: !Ident
	,	import_symbols		:: !ImportSymbols [ImportDeclaration]
	,	import_file_position:: !Position	// for error messages
	,	import_qualified	:: !ImportQualified

::	ImportSymbols import_declarations
	= ImportSymbolsAll
	| ImportSymbolsOnly !import_declarations

::	ImportQualified = NotQualified | Qualified

instance toString Import, AttributeVar, TypeAttribute, Annotation

::	ParsedImport		:== Import

::	ImportDeclaration	= ID_Function !Ident
						| ID_Class !Ident !(Optional [Ident])
						| ID_Type !Ident !(Optional [Ident])
						| ID_Record !Ident !(Optional [Ident])
						| ID_Instance !Ident !Ident !(![Type],![TypeContext])
						| ID_Generic !Ident !Ident

cIsImportedLibrary :== True
cIsImportedObject :== False

:: ImportedObject =
	{	io_is_library :: !Bool
	,	io_name    :: !{#Char}

::	RecordType =
	{	rt_constructor	:: !DefinedSymbol
	,	rt_fields		:: !{# FieldSymbol}
	,	rt_is_boxed_record :: !Bool

::	FieldSymbol =
	{	fs_ident		:: !Ident
	,	fs_var			:: !Ident
	,	fs_index		:: !Index

::	TypeRhs	= AlgType ![DefinedSymbol]
			| SynType !AType
			| RecordType !RecordType
			| NewType !DefinedSymbol
			| AbstractType !BITVECT
			| AbstractSynType !BITVECT !AType
			| ExtensibleAlgType ![DefinedSymbol]
			| AlgConses ![DefinedSymbol] !GlobalIndex
			| UncheckedAlgConses !Ident ![DefinedSymbol]
			| UnknownType

::	ParsedTypeDef	:== TypeDef RhsDefsOfType
::	CheckedTypeDef	:== TypeDef TypeRhs

cAllBitsClear			:== 0
cIsHyperStrict			:== 1
cIsNonCoercible			:== 2
cIsAnalysed				:== 4

::	GlobalIndex =
	{	gi_module	::!Int
	,	gi_index	::!Int
NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}	

::	TypeDef type_rhs =
	{	td_ident		:: !Ident
	,	td_index		:: !Int
	,	td_arity		:: !Int
	,	td_args			:: ![ATypeVar]
	,	td_attrs		:: ![AttributeVar]
	,	td_rhs			:: !type_rhs
	,	td_attribute	:: !TypeAttribute
	,	td_pos			:: !Position
	,	td_used_types	:: ![GlobalIndex]
	,	td_fun_index	:: !Index

::	TypeDefInfo =
	{	tdi_kinds			:: ![TypeKind]
	,	tdi_properties		:: !BITVECT
	,	tdi_group			:: ![GlobalIndex]
	,	tdi_group_nr		:: !Int
	,	tdi_group_vars		:: ![Int]
	,	tdi_cons_vars		:: ![Int]
	,	tdi_index_in_group	:: !Index
	,	tdi_classification	:: !TypeClassification
	,	tdi_gen_rep 		:: !Optional GenericTypeRep

// type structure is used to specialize a generic to a type
:: GenTypeStruct 
	= GTSAppCons TypeKind [GenTypeStruct]
	| GTSAppVar TypeVar [GenTypeStruct] 
	| GTSVar TypeVar
 	| GTSCons !DefinedSymbol !GlobalIndex !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !GenTypeStruct
 	| GTSRecord !DefinedSymbol !GlobalIndex !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !GenTypeStruct
 	| GTSField !DefinedSymbol !GlobalIndex !DefinedSymbol !GenTypeStruct
 	| GTSObject !DefinedSymbol !GlobalIndex !DefinedSymbol !GenTypeStruct
	// the following constructors are used for optimizing bimaps
	| GTSPair !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct
	| GTSEither !GenTypeStruct !GenTypeStruct
	| GTSUnit
	| GTSArrow GenTypeStruct GenTypeStruct
 	| GTSAppConsBimapKindConst
	| GTSAppBimap TypeKind [GenTypeStruct]
	| GTSAppConsSimpleType !GlobalIndex !TypeKind ![GenTypeStruct]

:: GenericTypeRep = 
	{ gtr_type :: GenTypeStruct		// generic structure type
	, gtr_iso  :: !DefinedSymbol	// the conversion isomorphism
	, gtr_to   :: !DefinedSymbol
	, gtr_from :: !DefinedSymbol

::	TypeDefInfos :== {# .{# TypeDefInfo}}

::	FunType =
	{	ft_ident		:: !Ident
	,	ft_arity		:: !Int
	,	ft_priority		:: !Priority
	,	ft_type			:: !SymbolType
	,	ft_pos			:: !Position
	,	ft_specials		:: !FunSpecials
	,	ft_type_ptr		:: !VarInfoPtr

::	FreeVar =
	{	fv_def_level	:: !Level
	,	fv_ident		:: !Ident
	,	fv_info_ptr		:: !VarInfoPtr
	,	fv_count		:: !Int

::	ModuleIndex:==Index;
::	DclFunctionIndex:==Index;

::	FunCall	= FunCall !Index !Level
			| MacroCall !ModuleIndex !Index Level
			| DclFunCall !ModuleIndex !DclFunctionIndex
			| GeneratedFunCall !Index !FunctionInfoPtr;

FI_IsMacroFun	:== 1			// whether the function is a local function of a macro
FI_HasTypeSpec	:== 2			// whether the function has u user defined type
FI_IsNonRecursive :== 4			// used in trans.icl and partition.icl
FI_IsUnboxedListOfRecordsConsOrNil :== 8
FI_MemberInstanceRequiresTypeInDefMod :== 16
FI_GenericFun :== 32
FI_Unused :== 64				// used in module trans
FI_UnusedUsed :== 128			// used in module trans

::	FunInfo =
	{	fi_calls			:: ![FunCall]
	,	fi_group_index		:: !Index
	,	fi_def_level		:: !Level
	,	fi_free_vars		:: ![FreeVar]
	,	fi_local_vars		:: ![FreeVar]
	,	fi_dynamics			:: ![ExprInfoPtr]
	,	fi_properties		:: !BITVECT

::	ParsedBody =
	{	pb_args		:: ![ParsedExpr]
	,	pb_rhs		:: !Rhs
	,	pb_position	:: !Position

::	CheckedBody =
	{	cb_args		:: ![FreeVar]
	,	cb_rhs		:: ![CheckedAlternative]

::	CheckedAlternative =
	{	ca_rhs		:: !Expression
	,	ca_position	:: !Position	// the position is NoPos iff the position information for this
	}								// alternative is already stored in a case alternative
									// (in ap_position, bp_position or dp_position)

::	TransformedBody =
	{	tb_args			:: ![FreeVar]
	,	tb_rhs			:: !Expression

::	FunctionBody	= ParsedBody ![ParsedBody]
					| CheckedBody !CheckedBody
	/* The next three constructors are used during macro expansion (module transform) */
					| PartitioningMacro
					| PartitioningFunction !CheckedBody !Int
					| RhsMacroBody !CheckedBody
	/* macro expansion transforms a CheckedBody into a TransformedBody */
					| TransformedBody !TransformedBody
					| Expanding ![FreeVar] // the parameters of the newly generated function
					| GeneratedBody // the body will be generated automatically - for generics
					| NoBody

::	FunDef =
	{	fun_ident		:: !Ident
	,	fun_arity		:: !Int
	,	fun_priority	:: !Priority
	,	fun_body		:: !FunctionBody
	,	fun_type		:: !Optional SymbolType
	,	fun_pos			:: !Position
	,	fun_kind		:: !FunKind
	,	fun_lifted		:: !Int
	,	fun_info		:: !FunInfo

cIsAGlobalVar	:== True
cIsALocalVar	:== False

::	ConsClasses =
	{	cc_size			::!Int
	,	cc_args			::![ConsClass]
	,	cc_linear_bits	::![#Bool!]
	,	cc_producer		::!ProdClass

::	ConsClass	:== Int

::	ProdClass	:== Bool

pIsSafe			:== True

::	ImportedConstructors	:== [Global Index]
::	ImportedFunctions		:== [Global Index]
::	ImportedTypes			:== {#{# CheckedTypeDef}}

::	OptionalVariable :== Optional (Bind Ident VarInfoPtr)

:: 	AuxiliaryPattern
		= AP_Algebraic !(Global DefinedSymbol) !GlobalIndex ![AuxiliaryPattern] !OptionalVariable
		| AP_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr OptionalVariable
		| AP_Basic !BasicValue OptionalVariable
		| AP_NewType !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Index AuxiliaryPattern OptionalVariable
		| AP_Dynamic !AuxiliaryPattern !DynamicType !OptionalVariable
		| AP_Constant !AP_Kind !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Priority
		| AP_WildCard !OptionalVariable
		| AP_Empty

:: AP_Kind = APK_Constructor !GlobalIndex | APK_NewTypeConstructor !Index | APK_Macro !Bool // is_dcl_macro

::	VI_TypeInfo	= VITI_Empty
				| VITI_Coercion		CoercionPosition
				| VITI_PatternType	[AType] /*module*/!Index /*constructor*/!Index VI_TypeInfo

//::	VarInfo  =	VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) | VI_FAType ![ATypeVar] !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) |
::	VarInfo  =	VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType !VI_TypeInfo |
				VI_FAType ![ATypeVar] !AType !VI_TypeInfo |
				VI_FATypeC ![ATypeVar] !AType ![TypeContext] !VI_TypeInfo | VI_FPC |
				VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
				VI_Expression !Expression | VI_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr | VI_LiftedVariable !VarInfoPtr |
				VI_Count !Int /* the reference count of a variable */ !Bool /* true if the variable is global, false otherwise */ |
				VI_AccVar !ConsClass !ArgumentPosition /* used during fusion to determine accumulating parameters of functions */ |
				VI_Alias !BoundVar /* used for resolving aliases just before type checking (in transform) */ |
				 /* used during elimination and lifting of cases */
				VI_RefFromTupleSel0 !Int |
				VI_RefFromArrayUpdate !Int ![Selection] |
				VI_RefFromArrayUpdateToTupleSelector2 !Int ![Selection] !VarInfoPtr |
				VI_RefFromArrayUpdateOfTupleElem2 !Int ![Selection] |
				VI_FreeVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int !AType | VI_BoundVar !AType | VI_LocalVar |
				VI_ClassVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int | /* to hold dictionary variables during overloading */
				VI_EmptyConstructorClassVar |
				VI_ForwardClassVar !VarInfoPtr | /* to hold the dictionary variable generated during overloading */
				VI_Forward !BoundVar | VI_LetVar !LetVarInfo | VI_LetExpression !LetExpressionInfo |
				VI_CaseOrStrictLetVar !VarInfoPtr | VI_StrictLetVar |
				VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | /* it is assumed that this alternative is _only_ used in module comparedefimp */
				VI_SequenceNumber !Int | VI_AliasSequenceNumber !BoundVar |
				VI_Used | /* for indicating that an imported function has been used */
				VI_PropagationType !SymbolType | /* for storing the type with propagation environment of an imported function */
				VI_ExpandedType !SymbolType | /* for storing the (expanded) type of an imported function */
				VI_Record ![AuxiliaryPattern] |
				VI_Pattern !AuxiliaryPattern |
				VI_TypeCodeVariable !TypeCodeVariableInfo |
				VI_DynamicValueAlias !BoundVar |
				VI_Body !SymbIdent !TransformedBody ![FreeVar] ![TypeVar] ![TypeVar] | /* used during fusion */
				VI_ExpressionOrBody !Expression !SymbIdent !TransformedBody ![FreeVar] ![TypeVar] ![TypeVar] | /* used during fusion */
				VI_Dictionary !SymbIdent ![Expression] !Type | /* used during fusion */
				VI_Extended !ExtendedVarInfo !VarInfo |
// MdM
				VI_CPSExprVar !CheatCompiler /* a pointer to a variable in CleanProverSystem is stored here, using a cast */
// ... MdM
				| VI_Labelled_Empty !{#Char} // RWS debugging
				| VI_LocalLetVar // RWS, mark Let vars during case transformation

::	TypeCodeVariableInfo
	= TCI_TypeVar !Expression
	| TCI_TypePatternVar !Expression
	| TCI_SelectionsTypePatternVar ![(Expression,[Selection])]

::	ExtendedVarInfo = EVI_VarType !AType

::	ArgumentPosition :== Int

::	VarHeap :== Heap VarInfo
::	VarInfoPtr	:== Ptr VarInfo

cNotVarNumber :== -1

::	BoundVar = 
	{	var_ident		:: !Ident
	,	var_info_ptr	:: !VarInfoPtr
	,	var_expr_ptr	:: !ExprInfoPtr

::	TypeSymbIdent =
	{	type_ident		:: !Ident
	,	type_arity		:: !Int
	,	type_index		:: !Global Index
	,	type_prop		:: !TypeSymbProperties

::	TypeSymbProperties =
	{	tsp_sign		:: !SignClassification
	,	tsp_propagation	:: !PropClassification
	,	tsp_coercible	:: !Bool

::	SymbKind	= SK_Unknown
				| SK_Function !(Global Index)
				| SK_IclMacro !Index
				| SK_LocalMacroFunction !Index
				| SK_DclMacro !(Global Index)
				| SK_LocalDclMacroFunction !(Global Index)
				| SK_OverloadedFunction !(Global Index)
				| SK_GeneratedFunction !FunctionInfoPtr !Index
				| SK_Constructor !(Global Index)
				| SK_NewTypeConstructor !GlobalIndex
				| SK_Generic !(Global Index) !TypeKind
				| SK_TypeCode
				| SK_OverloadedConstructor !(Global Index)
				| SK_TFACVar !ExprInfoPtr
				| SK_VarContexts !(VarContexts TypeContext)
				| SK_TypeCodeAndContexts !(VarContexts TypeContext)

/*	Some auxiliary type definitions used during fusion. Actually, these definitions
	should have been given in seperate module. Unfortunately, Clean's module system
	forbids cyclic dependencies between def modules.

::	FunctionHeap 	:== Heap FunctionInfo

::	FunctionInfoPtr	:== Ptr FunctionInfo

::	FunctionInfo	= FI_Empty | FI_Function !GeneratedFunction

::	Producer	= PR_Empty
				| PR_Function !SymbIdent !Int !Index
				| PR_Class !App ![(BoundVar, Type)] !Type
				| PR_Constructor !SymbIdent !Int ![Expression]
				| PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Int !Index
				| PR_Curried !SymbIdent !Int
				| PR_Unused
				| PR_CurriedFunction !SymbIdent !Int !Index
				| PR_String !{#Char}
				| PR_Int !Int
				| PR_Equal !Int
				| PR_EqualRemove !Int

::	InstanceInfo = II_Empty | II_Node !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !InstanceInfo !InstanceInfo

::	GeneratedFunction = 
	{	gf_fun_def			:: !FunDef
	,	gf_instance_info	:: !InstanceInfo
	,	gf_cons_args		:: !ConsClasses
	,	gf_fun_index		:: !Index
/*	... main type definitions continued .... */

::	ExpressionHeap 	:== Heap ExprInfo

::	ExprInfoPtr		:== Ptr ExprInfo

::	TempLocalVar	:== Int

::	DynamicPtr		:== ExprInfoPtr

::	ExprInfo		= EI_Empty

		/* For handling overloading */

					| EI_Overloaded !OverloadedCall 						/* initial, set by the type checker */
					| EI_OverloadedWithVarContexts !OverloadedCallWithVarContexts /* initial, set by the type checker */
					| EI_Instance 	!(Global DefinedSymbol) ![Expression]	/* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */ 
					| EI_Selection 	![Selection] !VarInfoPtr ![Expression]	/* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
					| EI_Context 	![Expression]							/* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
					| EI_ContextWithVarContexts ![Expression] !(VarContexts DictionaryAndClassType) /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
					| EI_FPContext	![Expression] !ExprInfoPtr				/* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */

		/* For handling dynamics */

					| EI_UnmarkedDynamic 		!(Optional DynamicType) ![DynamicPtr]	// in expression
					| EI_Dynamic 				!(Optional DynamicType) ![DynamicPtr]	// in expression
					| EI_DynamicType			!DynamicType ![DynamicPtr]				// in pattern

		/* Auxiliary, was EI_DynamicType before checking */

					| EI_DynamicTypeWithVars	![TypeVar] !DynamicType ![DynamicPtr]				

		/* Auxiliary, used during type checking */

					| EI_TempDynamicType 		!(Optional DynamicType) ![DynamicPtr] !AType ![TypeContext] ![TypeContext] !ExprInfoPtr !SymbIdent
					| EI_TempDynamicPattern 	![TypeVar] !DynamicType ![DynamicPtr] ![TempLocalVar] !AType ![TypeContext] !ExprInfoPtr !SymbIdent

					| EI_TypeOfDynamic 			!TypeCodeExpression						/* Final */
					| EI_TypeOfDynamicPattern 	![VarInfoPtr] !TypeCodeExpression !Bool	/* Final */
					| EI_TypeOfDynamicWithContexts !TypeCodeExpression !(VarContexts DictionaryAndClassType)

					| EI_TypeCode 		!TypeCodeExpression
					| EI_TypeCodes 		![TypeCodeExpression]
					| EI_TypeCodesWithContexts ![TypeCodeExpression] !(VarContexts DictionaryAndClassType)

					| EI_Attribute !Int

		/* EI_DictionaryType is used to store the instance type of a class. This type is used during fusion to generate proper types for 
		   the fusion result (i.e. the resulting function after elimination of dictionaries) */

					| EI_DictionaryType !Type
					| EI_CaseType !CaseType
					| EI_LetType ![AType]
					| EI_CaseTypeWithContexts !CaseType ![(DefinedSymbol,[TypeContext])]
					| EI_CaseTypeAndRefCounts !CaseType !RefCountsInCase
					| EI_CaseTypeAndSplits !CaseType !SplitsInCase
					| EI_LetTypeAndRefCounts ![AType] ![Int]

		/* for converting case into function patterns the following auxiliary constuctors are used */

					| EI_Default !Expression !AType !ExprInfoPtr
					| EI_DefaultFunction !SymbIdent ![Expression]
					| EI_Extended !ExtendedExprInfo !ExprInfo

::	ExtendedExprInfo
					= EEI_ActiveCase !ActiveCaseInfo

::	ActiveCaseInfo =
	{	aci_params					:: ![FreeVar]
	,	aci_opt_unfolder			:: !(Optional SymbIdent)
	,	aci_free_vars				:: !Optional [BoundVar]
	,	aci_linearity_of_patterns	:: ![![#Bool!]!]
	,	aci_safe					:: !Bool

	OverloadedCall contains (type) information about functions that are overloaded. This structure is built during type checking
	and used after (standard) unification to insert the proper instances of the corresponding functions.

::	OverloadedCall = 
	{	oc_symbol	:: !SymbIdent
	,	oc_context	:: ![TypeContext]
	,	oc_specials	:: ![Special]

::	OverloadedCallWithVarContexts = 
	{	ocvc_symbol       :: !SymbIdent
	,	ocvc_context      :: ![TypeContext]
	,	ocvc_var_contexts :: !VarContexts TypeContext

::	DictionaryAndClassType =
	{	dc_var			:: !VarInfoPtr
	,	dc_class_type	:: !AType

::	VarContexts type_contexts
	= VarContext !Int /*arg_n*/ ![type_contexts] !AType !(VarContexts type_contexts)
	| NoVarContexts

	CaseType contains the type information needed to type the corresponding case construct:
		ct_pattern_type : the type of the pattern
		ct_result_type  : the type of the result (of each pattern)
		ct_cons_types   : the types of the arguments of each pattern constructor

::	CaseType =
	{	ct_pattern_type	:: !AType
	,	ct_result_type	:: !AType
	,	ct_cons_types 	:: ![[AType]]
::	SymbIdent =
	{	symb_ident		:: !Ident
	,	symb_kind		:: !SymbKind

::	ConsDef =
	{	cons_ident			:: !Ident
	,	cons_type			:: !SymbolType
	,	cons_priority		:: !Priority
	,	cons_number			:: !Index // -2 for newtype constructor, -3 for added constructor
	,	cons_type_index		:: !Index
	,	cons_exi_vars		:: ![ATypeVar]
	,	cons_type_ptr		:: !VarInfoPtr
	,	cons_pos			:: !Position

::	SelectorDef =
	{	sd_ident		:: !Ident
	,	sd_field		:: !Ident
	,	sd_type			:: !SymbolType
	,	sd_exi_vars		:: ![ATypeVar]
	,	sd_field_nr		:: !Int
	,	sd_type_index	:: !Int
	,	sd_type_ptr		:: !VarInfoPtr
	,	sd_pos			:: !Position

::	SymbolType =
	{	st_vars			:: ![TypeVar]
	,	st_args			:: ![AType]
	,	st_args_strictness :: !StrictnessList
	,	st_arity		:: !Int
	,	st_result		:: !AType
	,	st_context		:: ![TypeContext]
	,	st_attr_vars	:: ![AttributeVar]
	,	st_attr_env		:: ![AttrInequality]

::	TypeContext =
	{	tc_class	:: !TCClass
	,	tc_types	:: ![Type]
	,	tc_var		:: !VarInfoPtr

:: TCClass 	= TCClass 		!(Global DefinedSymbol) // Normal class
			| TCGeneric 	!GenericTypeContext		// Generic class
			| TCQualifiedIdent !Ident !String

:: GenericTypeContext =
	{ gtc_generic 	:: !Global DefinedSymbol
	, gtc_kind		:: !TypeKind 
	, gtc_class		:: !Global DefinedSymbol	// generated class
	, gtc_generic_dict :: !GlobalIndex			// HACK: dictionary different from the one contained in the class

::	AType =
	{	at_attribute	:: !TypeAttribute
	,	at_type			:: !Type
::	TempAttrId		:== Int
::	TempVarId		:== Int

::	Type	=	TA !TypeSymbIdent ![AType]
			|	TAS !TypeSymbIdent ![AType] !StrictnessList
			|	(-->) infixr 9 !AType !AType
			| 	TArrow							/* (->) */
			| 	TArrow1	!AType					/* ((->) a) */
			|	(:@:) infixl 9 !ConsVariable ![AType]
			|	TB !BasicType

			|	TFA ![ATypeVar] !Type			/* Universally quantified types */

			| 	GTV !TypeVar
			| 	TV !TypeVar

			|	TFAC ![ATypeVar] !Type ![TypeContext]	// Universally quantified function argument type with contexts

			|	TempV !TempVarId				/* Auxiliary, used during type checking */
			|	TQV	TypeVar
			|	TempQV !TempVarId				/* Auxiliary, used during type checking */
			|	TempQDV !TempVarId				// Auxiliary, used during type checking, existential type variable in dynamic pattern

			|	TLifted !TypeVar				/* Auxiliary, used during type checking of lifted arguments */
			|	TQualifiedIdent !Ident !String ![AType]

			|	TGenericFunctionInDictionary !(Global DefinedSymbol) !TypeKind !GlobalIndex /*GenericDict*/

			|	TLiftedSubst !Type				// Auxiliary, used during fusion when generating a new function type

			|	TE

::	ConsVariable = CV 		!TypeVar
				 | TempCV 	!TempVarId
				 | TempQCV 	!TempVarId
				 | TempQCDV !TempVarId	// existential type variable in dynamic pattern

::	DynamicType =
	{	dt_uni_vars 	:: ![ATypeVar]
	,	dt_global_vars	:: ![TypeVar]
	,	dt_type			:: !AType
	,	dt_contexts		:: ![TypeContext]

::	KindHeap	:== Heap KindInfo
::	KindInfoPtr	:== Ptr KindInfo

::	KindInfo	= KI_Var !KindInfoPtr
				| KI_Arrow !KindInfo !KindInfo
				| KI_Const
				| KI_ConsVar
				| KI_VarBind !KindInfoPtr
				| KI_NormVar !Int

::	TypeVarInfo  	= TVI_Empty
					| TVI_Type !Type
					| TVI_TypeVar !TypeVarInfoPtr // Sjaak: to collect and check universally quantified type variables
					| TVI_Forward !TempVarId | TVI_TypeKind !KindInfoPtr
					| TVI_SignClass !Index !SignClassification !TypeVarInfo | TVI_PropClass !Index !PropClassification !TypeVarInfo
					| TVI_AttrAndRefCount !TypeAttribute !Int
					| TVI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int /* auxiliary used in module comparedefimp */
					| TVI_AType !AType /* auxiliary used in module comparedefimp */
					| TVI_Reify !Int
					| TVI_Used /* to administer that this variable is encountered (in checkOpenTypes) */
					| TVI_TypeCode !TypeCodeExpression
					| TVI_CPSLocalTypeVar !Int /* MdM - the index of the variable as generated by the theorem prover */
					| TVI_Kinds ![TypeKind] // AA: used to collect kinds during checking 
					| TVI_Kind !TypeKind
					| TVI_ConsInstance !DefinedSymbol //AA: generic cons instance function 
					| TVI_Normalized !Int /* MV - position of type variable in its definition */
					| TVI_Expr !Bool !Expression	/* AA: Expression corresponding to the type var during generic specialization */
					| TVI_Exprs ![(GlobalIndex, Expression)] /* List of expressions corresponding to the type var during generic specialization */
					| TVI_Iso !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol
					| TVI_GenTypeVarNumber !Int
					| TVI_CPSTypeVar !CheatCompiler /* MdM: a pointer to a variable in CleanProverSystem is stored here, using a cast */
					| TVI_Attr !TypeAttribute

::	TypeVarInfoPtr	:== Ptr TypeVarInfo
::	TypeVarHeap 	:== Heap TypeVarInfo

::	AttrVarInfo  	= AVI_Empty
					| AVI_Attr !TypeAttribute
					| AVI_AttrVar !AttrVarInfoPtr // Sjaak: to collect universally quantified attribute variables
					| AVI_Forward !TempAttrId 
					| AVI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int /* auxiliary used in module comparedefimp */
					| AVI_Used
					/* auxiliary constructors used in anonymizeAttrVars in module typesupport: */
					| AVI_CountZero
					| AVI_CountOne
					| AVI_CountMany
					| AVI_CountVar !TypeVarInfoPtr
					/* */
					| AVI_SequenceNumber !Int // RWS
					| AVI_Collected // RWS

::	AttrVarInfoPtr	:== Ptr AttrVarInfo
::	AttrVarHeap 	:== Heap AttrVarInfo

::	TypeHeaps =
	{	th_vars		:: ! .TypeVarHeap
	,	th_attrs	:: ! .AttrVarHeap

::	TypeVar =
	{	tv_ident				:: !Ident
	,	tv_info_ptr			:: !TypeVarInfoPtr

::	ATypeVar =
	{	atv_attribute		:: !TypeAttribute
	,	atv_variable		:: !TypeVar

::	TypeAttribute = TA_Unique | TA_Multi | TA_Var !AttributeVar | TA_RootVar AttributeVar | TA_TempVar !Int // | TA_TempExVar !Int
					| TA_Anonymous | TA_None
					| TA_List !Int !TypeAttribute | TA_Locked !TypeAttribute
					| TA_MultiOfPropagatingConsVar // only filled in after type checking, semantically equal to TA_Multi

::	AttributeVar =
	{	av_ident			:: !Ident
	,	av_info_ptr		:: !AttrVarInfoPtr

::	Annotation	=  AN_Strict | AN_None

::	BasicType	= BT_Int | BT_Char | BT_Real | BT_Bool | BT_Dynamic
				| BT_File | BT_World
				| BT_String !Type /* the internal string type synonym only used to type string denotations */

::	BasicValue	= BVI !String | BVInt !Int |BVC !String | BVB !Bool | BVR !String | BVS !String

::	TypeKind = KindVar !KindInfoPtr | KindConst | KindArrow ![TypeKind] | KindCycle | KindError

instance toString 	TypeKind
instance <<< 		TypeKind
instance == 		TypeKind
instance toString 	KindInfo

/* A few obscure type definitions */

::	PatternVar =
	{	pv_var		:: !FreeVar
	,	pv_arg_nr	:: !Int

::	Occurrence =
	{	occ_ref_count		:: !ReferenceCount
	,	occ_bind			:: !OccurrenceBinding
	,	occ_pattern_vars	:: ![[PatternVar]]
	,	occ_observing		:: (Bool, Ptr ExprInfo)
	,	occ_previous 		:: ![ReferenceCount]

::	ReferenceCount = RC_Used !RC_Used | RC_Unused 

::	SelectiveUse =
	{	su_field	:: !Int
	,	su_multiply :: ![ExprInfoPtr]
	,	su_uniquely :: ![ExprInfoPtr]

::	RC_Used =
	{ 	rcu_multiply	:: ![ExprInfoPtr]
	,	rcu_selectively :: ![SelectiveUse]
	,	rcu_uniquely	:: ![ExprInfoPtr]

::	CountedFreeVar =
	{	cfv_var		:: !FreeVar
	,	cfv_is_let	:: !Bool
	,	cfv_count	:: !ReferenceCount

::	OccurrenceBinding	= OB_Empty 
						| OB_OpenLet	!FreeVar !(Optional RefMarkResult)
						| OB_LockedLet	!OccurrenceBinding
						| OB_MarkedLet	!OccurrenceBinding

::	RefMarkResult :== ([CountedFreeVar], [FreeVar])

::	OptGuardedAlts	= GuardedAlts ![GuardedExpr] !(Optional ExprWithLocalDefs)
				 	| UnGuardedExpr !ExprWithLocalDefs

::	GuardedExpr =
	{	alt_nodes	:: ![NodeDefWithLocals]
	,	alt_guard	:: !ParsedExpr
	,	alt_expr	:: !OptGuardedAlts
	,	alt_ident	:: !Ident
	,	alt_position:: !Position

::	ExprWithLocalDefs = 
	{	ewl_nodes	:: ![NodeDefWithLocals]
	,	ewl_expr	:: !ParsedExpr
	,	ewl_locals	:: !LocalDefs
	,	ewl_position:: !Position

::	NodeDefWithLocals =
	{	ndwl_strict		:: !Bool
	,	ndwl_def		:: !Bind ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
	,	ndwl_locals		:: !LocalDefs
	,	ndwl_position	:: !Position

::	CaseAlt =
	{	calt_pattern	:: !ParsedExpr
	,	calt_rhs		:: !Rhs
	,	calt_position	:: !Position
:: LocalDef		:== ParsedDefinition

::	ParsedSelectorKind
		=	ParsedNormalSelector	// .
		|	ParsedUniqueSelector	// !
				!Bool					// 	is result element unique?

::	ParsedExpr	= PE_List ![ParsedExpr]
				| PE_Ident !Ident
				| PE_Basic !BasicValue
				| PE_Bound !BoundExpr
				| PE_Lambda !Ident ![ParsedExpr] !ParsedExpr !Position
				| PE_Tuple ![ParsedExpr]
				| PE_Record !ParsedExpr !OptionalRecordName ![FieldAssignment]
				| PE_ArrayPattern ![ElemAssignment]
				| PE_UpdateComprehension !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier]
				| PE_ArrayDenot !ArrayKind ![ParsedExpr]
				| PE_Selection !ParsedSelectorKind !ParsedExpr ![ParsedSelection]
				| PE_Update !ParsedExpr [ParsedSelection] ParsedExpr
				| PE_Case !Ident !ParsedExpr [CaseAlt]
				| PE_If !Ident !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr
				| PE_Let !LocalDefs !ParsedExpr
				| PE_ListCompr /*predef_cons_index:*/ !Int /*predef_nil_index:*/ !Int !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier]
				| PE_ArrayCompr !ArrayKind !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier]
				| PE_Sequ Sequence
				| PE_WildCard
				| PE_Matches !Ident /*expr*/!ParsedExpr /*pattern*/!ParsedExpr !Position

				| PE_QualifiedIdent !Ident !String

				| PE_ABC_Code ![String] !Bool
				| PE_Any_Code !(CodeBinding Ident) !(CodeBinding Ident) ![String]

				| PE_DynamicPattern !ParsedExpr !DynamicType
				| PE_Dynamic !ParsedExpr !(Optional DynamicType)
				| PE_Generic !Ident !TypeKind	/* AA: For generics, kind indexed identifier */

				| PE_TypeSignature !ArrayKind !ParsedExpr
				| PE_Empty

::	ParsedSelection	= PS_Record !Ident !OptionalRecordName
					| PS_QualifiedRecord !ModuleIdent !String !OptionalRecordName
					| PS_Array  !ParsedExpr
					| PS_Erroneous

::	OptionalRecordName
	= NoRecordName
	| RecordNameIdent !Ident
	| RecordNameQualifiedIdent !ModuleIdent !String
::	ModuleIdent:==Ident

::	ArrayKind = OverloadedArray | StrictArray | UnboxedArray;

::	GeneratorKind = IsListGenerator | IsOverloadedListGenerator | IsArrayGenerator
:: LineAndColumn = {lc_line :: !Int, lc_column :: !Int}

::	Generator =
	{	gen_kind	:: !GeneratorKind
	,	gen_pattern :: !ParsedExpr
	,	gen_expr	:: !ParsedExpr
	,	gen_position :: !LineAndColumn

::	Qualifier	=
	{	qual_generators	:: ![Generator]
	,	qual_let_defs	:: !LocalDefs
	,	qual_filter		:: !Optional ParsedExpr
	,	qual_position	:: !LineAndColumn
	,	qual_filename	:: !FileName

::	Sequence	= SQ_FromThen !Int ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
				| SQ_FromThenTo !Int ParsedExpr ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
				| SQ_From !Int ParsedExpr
				| SQ_FromTo !Int ParsedExpr ParsedExpr

::	BoundExpr	:== Bind ParsedExpr Ident

::	FieldAssignment :== Bind ParsedExpr FieldNameOrQualifiedFieldName

::	FieldNameOrQualifiedFieldName = FieldName !Ident | QualifiedFieldName !Ident !String
::	ElemAssignment :== Bind ParsedExpr [ParsedExpr]

cIsStrict		:== True
cIsNotStrict	:== False

::	SelectorKind
		=	NormalSelector
		|	UniqueSelector			// !
		|	UniqueSelectorUniqueElementResult
		|	UniqueSingleArraySelector
		|	UniqueSingleArraySelectorUniqueElementResult

::	Expression	= Var !BoundVar 
				| App !App
				| (@) infixl 9  !Expression ![Expression]
				| Let !Let
				| Case !Case
				| Selection !SelectorKind !Expression ![Selection]
				| Update !Expression ![Selection] Expression
				| RecordUpdate !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression ![Bind Expression (Global FieldSymbol)]
				| TupleSelect !DefinedSymbol !Int !Expression
				| BasicExpr !BasicValue
				| Conditional !Conditional

				| AnyCodeExpr !(CodeBinding BoundVar) !(CodeBinding FreeVar) ![String]
				| ABCCodeExpr ![String] !Bool

				| MatchExpr !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression
				| IsConstructor !Expression !(Global DefinedSymbol) /*arity*/!Int !GlobalIndex !Ident !Position
				| FreeVar FreeVar 
				| DictionariesFunction ![(FreeVar,AType)] !Expression !AType

				| Constant !SymbIdent !Int !Priority		/* auxiliary clause used during checking */
				| ClassVariable !VarInfoPtr					/* auxiliary clause used during overloading */

				| DynamicExpr !DynamicExpr
				| TypeCodeExpression !TypeCodeExpression

				| TypeSignature !(Int Int -> (AType,Int,Int)) !Expression

				| EE
				| NoBind ExprInfoPtr /* auxiliary, to store fields that are not specified in a record expression */ 
				| FailExpr !Ident // only allowed on (case) root positions

::	CodeBinding	variable :== Env String variable

::	App =
	{	app_symb 		:: !SymbIdent
	,	app_args 		:: ![Expression]
	,	app_info_ptr	:: !ExprInfoPtr

::	Case =
	{	case_expr		:: !Expression
	,	case_guards		:: !CasePatterns
	,	case_default	:: !Optional Expression
	,	case_ident		:: !Optional Ident
	,	case_info_ptr	:: !ExprInfoPtr
	,	case_explicit	:: !Bool
	,	case_default_pos:: !Position

::	Let =
	{	let_strict_binds	:: ![LetBind]
	,	let_lazy_binds		:: ![LetBind]
	,	let_expr			:: !Expression
	,	let_info_ptr		:: !ExprInfoPtr
	,	let_expr_position	:: !Position

::	LetBind =
	{	lb_dst		:: !FreeVar
	,	lb_src		:: !Expression
	,	lb_position	:: !Position

::	Conditional =
	{	if_cond		:: !Expression
	,	if_then		:: !Expression
	,	if_else		:: !Optional Expression

::	DynamicExpr =
	{	dyn_expr		:: !Expression
	,	dyn_opt_type	:: !Optional DynamicType
	,	dyn_info_ptr	:: !ExprInfoPtr
	,	dyn_type_code	:: !TypeCodeExpression		/* filled after type checking */

::	CasePatterns= AlgebraicPatterns !GlobalIndex ![AlgebraicPattern]
				| BasicPatterns !BasicType [BasicPattern]
				| NewTypePatterns !GlobalIndex ![AlgebraicPattern]
				| DynamicPatterns [DynamicPattern]						/* auxiliary */
				| OverloadedListPatterns !OverloadedListType !Expression ![AlgebraicPattern]
				| NoPattern											/* auxiliary */

::	OverloadedListType	= UnboxedList !GlobalIndex !Index !Index !Index // list_type_symbol StdStrictLists module index, decons_u index, nil_u index
						| UnboxedTailStrictList !GlobalIndex !Index !Index !Index // list_type_symbol StdStrictLists module index, decons_uts index, nil_uts index
						| OverloadedList !GlobalIndex !Index !Index !Index // list_type_symbol StdStrictLists module index, decons index, nil index

instance == OverloadedListType

::	Selection	= RecordSelection !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Int
				| ArraySelection !(Global DefinedSymbol) !ExprInfoPtr !Expression
				| DictionarySelection !BoundVar ![Selection] !ExprInfoPtr !Expression

::	TypeCodeExpression	= TCE_Empty
						| TCE_Var 			!VarInfoPtr
						| TCE_TypeTerm		!VarInfoPtr
						| TCE_Constructor	!GlobalTCType		![TypeCodeExpression]
						| TCE_App			!TypeCodeExpression !TypeCodeExpression
						| TCE_Selector		![Selection]	!VarInfoPtr
						| TCE_UniType 		![VarInfoPtr] 	!TypeCodeExpression
						| TCE_UnqType		!TypeCodeExpression

::	GlobalTCType
	=	GTT_Basic !BasicType
	|	GTT_Constructor !SymbIdent
	|	GTT_PredefTypeConstructor !(Global Index)
	|	GTT_Function

::	AlgebraicPattern =
	{	ap_symbol	:: !(Global DefinedSymbol)
	,	ap_vars		:: ![FreeVar]
	,	ap_expr		:: !Expression
	,	ap_position	:: !Position
::	BasicPattern =
	{	bp_value	:: !BasicValue
	,	bp_expr		:: !Expression
	,	bp_position	:: !Position
::	DynamicPattern =
	{	dp_var					:: !FreeVar
	,	dp_type					:: !ExprInfoPtr
	,	dp_type_code			:: !TypeCodeExpression		/* filled after type checking */
	,	dp_rhs					:: !Expression
	,	dp_position				:: !Position
	error handling

:: Position			= FunPos  FileName LineNr FunctName
					| LinePos FileName LineNr
					| PreDefPos Ident
					| NoPos

::	CoercionPosition
	=	CP_Expression !Expression
	|	CP_FunArg !Ident !Int // Function or constructor ident, argument position (>=1)
	|	CP_SymbArg !SymbIdent !Int // Function or constructor symbol, argument position (>=1)
	|	CP_LiftedFunArg !Ident !Ident // Function symbol, lifted argument ident

::	IdentPos =
	{	ip_ident	:: !Ident
	,	ip_line		:: !Int
	,	ip_file		:: !FileName

::	StringPos =
	{	sp_name		:: !String
	,	sp_line		:: !Int
	,	sp_file		:: !FileName

:: FileName			:== String

:: FunctName		:== String

:: LineNr			:== Int

cNotALineNumber :== -1

/* Used for hashing identifiers */

instance == ModuleKind, Ident
instance <<< (Module a) | <<< a, ParsedDefinition, InstanceType, AttributeVar, TypeVar, SymbolType, Expression, Type, Ident, (Global object) | <<< object,
			 Position, CaseAlt, AType, FunDef, ParsedExpr, TypeAttribute, (Bind a b) | <<< a & <<< b,
			 FieldNameOrQualifiedFieldName, ParsedConstructor, (TypeDef a) | <<< a, TypeVarInfo, AttrVarInfo,
			 BasicValue, ATypeVar, TypeRhs, Import, ImportDeclaration, CasePatterns,
			 (Optional a) | <<< a, ConsVariable, BasicType, Annotation, SelectorKind, Selection, SelectorDef, ConsDef, LocalDefs, FreeVar, ClassInstance, SignClassification,
			 TypeCodeExpression, CoercionPosition, AttrInequality, LetBind, Declaration, STE_Kind, BoundVar,
			 TCClass, IdentOrQualifiedIdent

instance <<< FunctionBody

instance toString BasicType

instance == TypeAttribute
instance == Annotation
instance == GlobalIndex

instance toString TCClass

instance <<< FunCall

EmptySymbolTableEntry :== EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF.boxed_symbol_table_entry

::BoxedSymbolTableEntry = {boxed_symbol_table_entry::!SymbolTableEntry}

EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF :: BoxedSymbolTableEntry

cNotAGroupNumber :== -1

EmptyTypeDefInfo :== { tdi_kinds = [], tdi_properties = cAllBitsClear, tdi_group = [], tdi_group_vars = [], tdi_cons_vars = [],
					   tdi_classification = EmptyTypeClassification, tdi_group_nr = cNotAGroupNumber, tdi_index_in_group = NoIndex, tdi_gen_rep = No }

MakeTypeVar name	:== { tv_ident = name, tv_info_ptr = nilPtr }
MakeVar name		:== { var_ident = name, var_info_ptr = nilPtr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }

MakeAttributedType type :== { at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = type }
MakeAttributedTypeVar type_var :== { atv_attribute = TA_None, atv_variable = type_var }

EmptyFunInfo :== { fi_calls = [], fi_group_index = NoIndex, fi_def_level = NotALevel,
				   fi_free_vars = [], fi_local_vars = [], fi_dynamics = [], fi_properties=0 }

BottomSignClass		:== { sc_pos_vect = 0, sc_neg_vect = 0 }
PostiveSignClass	:== { sc_pos_vect = bitnot 0, sc_neg_vect = 0 }

NoPropClass			:== 0
PropClass			:== bitnot 0

newTypeSymbIdentCAF :: TypeSymbIdent;

MakeNewTypeSymbIdent name arity
	:== {newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_ident=name, type_arity=arity }

MakeTypeSymbIdent type_index name arity
	:== {	newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_ident = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index }

ParsedSelectorToSelectorDef sd_type_index ps :==
	{	sd_ident = ps.ps_selector_ident, sd_field_nr = NoIndex, sd_pos =  ps.ps_field_pos, sd_type_index = sd_type_index,
		sd_exi_vars = [], sd_type_ptr = nilPtr, sd_field = ps.ps_field_ident,
		sd_type	= { st_vars = [], st_args = [], st_args_strictness=NotStrict, st_result = ps.ps_field_type, st_arity = 0, st_context = [],
				    st_attr_env = [], st_attr_vars = [] }}

ParsedConstructorToConsDef pc :==
	{	cons_ident = pc.pc_cons_ident, cons_pos = pc.pc_cons_pos, cons_priority = pc.pc_cons_prio, cons_number = NoIndex, cons_type_index = NoIndex,
		cons_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = pc.pc_arg_types, st_args_strictness=pc.pc_args_strictness, st_result = MakeAttributedType TE, 
				  st_arity = pc.pc_cons_arity, st_context = pc.pc_context, st_attr_env = [], st_attr_vars = []},
		cons_exi_vars = pc.pc_exi_vars, cons_type_ptr = nilPtr }

ParsedInstanceToClassInstance pi members member_types :==
	{	ins_class_index = {gi_module=NoIndex, gi_index=NoIndex},
		ins_class_ident = {ci_ident=pi.pi_class, ci_arity=length pi.pi_types}, ins_ident = pi.pi_ident,
		ins_type = { it_vars = [], it_types = pi.pi_types, it_attr_vars = [],
					 it_context = pi.pi_context }, 
		ins_members = members, ins_member_types = member_types, ins_specials = pi.pi_specials, ins_pos = pi.pi_pos}

MakeTypeDef name lhs rhs attr pos  :== 
	{	td_ident = name, td_index = -1, td_arity = length lhs, td_args = lhs, td_attrs = [], td_attribute = attr,
		td_pos = pos, td_rhs = rhs, td_used_types = [], td_fun_index = NoIndex

MakeDefinedSymbol ident index arity :== { ds_ident = ident, ds_arity = arity, ds_index = index }

MakeNewFunctionType name arity prio type pos specials var_ptr
	:== { ft_ident = name, ft_arity = arity, ft_priority = prio, ft_type = type, ft_pos = pos, ft_specials = specials, ft_type_ptr = var_ptr  }

backslash :== '\\'