implementation module scanner
import StdEnv, compare_constructor, StdCompare, general, compilerSwitches
from utilities import revCharListToString, isSpecialChar
Known bug:
functions names starting with '->' require a ';' after the type. Solutions:
1) Make '->' an ordinary token. This implies that we have to write 'a-> .b' instead
of 'a->.b'.
2) re-scan token in new context. Requires substantial changes.
3) Determine offsides before token is generated. Tricky since we do not know the
actual context of the new token or/and have to take care of generating the right
amount of offsides.
// RWS Proof ... :: SearchPaths :== [String]
:: SearchPaths =
{ sp_locations :: [(String, String)] // (module, path)
, sp_paths :: [String]
// ... RWS
:: *ScanState = ScanState !RScanState
instance getFilename ScanState
getFilename (ScanState scan_state)
# (file_name,scan_state) = getFilename scan_state
= (file_name,ScanState scan_state)
instance tokenBack ScanState
tokenBack (ScanState scan_state) = ScanState (tokenBack scan_state)
instance nextToken ScanState
nextToken context (ScanState scan_state)
# (token,scan_state) = nextToken context scan_state
= (token,ScanState scan_state)
instance currentToken ScanState
currentToken (ScanState scan_state)
# (token,scan_state) = currentToken scan_state
= (token,ScanState scan_state)
instance insertToken ScanState
insertToken token context (ScanState scan_state) = ScanState (insertToken token context scan_state)
instance replaceToken ScanState
replaceToken token (ScanState scan_state) = ScanState (replaceToken token scan_state)
instance getPosition ScanState
getPosition (ScanState scan_state)
# (position,scan_state) = getPosition scan_state
= (position,ScanState scan_state)
:: * RScanState =
{ ss_input :: ScanInput
, ss_offsides :: ! [(Int, Bool) ] // (column, defines newDefinition)
, ss_useLayout :: ! Bool
, ss_tokenBuffer :: ! Buffer LongToken
:: * ScanInput
= Input Input
| PushedToken LongToken ScanInput
:: * Input =
{ inp_stream :: ! * InputStream
, inp_filename :: !String
, inp_pos :: ! FilePosition
, inp_tabsize :: ! Int
:: * InputStream
= InFile * File
| OldLine !Int !{#Char} !InputStream
// | OldChar ! Char ! FilePosition ! InputStream
// | OldChars ! *[Char] ! InputStream
:: FilePosition =
{ fp_line :: ! Int
, fp_col :: ! Int
:: LongToken =
{ lt_position :: ! FilePosition // Start position of this token
, lt_token :: ! Token // The token itself
// , lt_chars :: ! [Char] // The chars in this token
// , lt_context :: ! Context // The context of the scanning of this token
:: Buffer x
= Buffer0
| Buffer1 x
| Buffer2 x x
| Buffer3 x x x // buffer size is 3.
:: Token
= IdentToken ! .String // an identifier
| IntToken !.String // an integer
| RealToken !.String // a real
| StringToken !.String // a string
| CharToken !.String // a character
| CharListToken !.String // a character list '{char}*'
| BoolToken !Bool // a boolean
| OpenToken // (
| CloseToken // )
| CurlyOpenToken // {
| CurlyCloseToken // }
| SquareOpenToken // [
| SquareCloseToken // ]
| DotToken // .
| SemicolonToken // ;
| ColonToken // :
| DoubleColonToken // ::
| CommaToken // ,
| ExclamationToken // !
| BarToken // |
| ArrowToken // ->
| DoubleArrowToken // =>
| EqualToken // =
| DefinesColonToken // =:
| ColonDefinesToken // :==
| WildCardToken // _
| BackSlashToken // \
| DoubleBackSlashToken // \\
| LeftArrowToken // <-
| LeftArrowColonToken // <-:
| DotDotToken // ..
| AndToken // &
| HashToken // #
| AsteriskToken // *
| LessThanOrEqualToken // <=
| ModuleToken // module
| ImpModuleToken // implementation
| DefModuleToken // definition
| SysModuleToken // system
| ImportToken // import
| FromToken // from
| SpecialToken // special
| IntTypeToken // Int
| CharTypeToken // Char
| RealTypeToken // Real
| BoolTypeToken // Bool
| StringTypeToken // String
| FileTypeToken // File
| WorldTypeToken // World
| VoidTypeToken // Void
| LeftAssocToken // left
| RightAssocToken // right
| ClassToken // class
| InstanceToken // instance
| OtherwiseToken // otherwise
| IfToken // if
| WhereToken // where
| WithToken // with
| CaseToken // case
| OfToken // of
| LetToken Bool // let!, let
| SeqLetToken Bool // #!, #
| InToken // in
| DynamicToken // dynamic
| DynamicTypeToken // Dynamic
| PriorityToken Priority // infixX N
| CodeToken // code
| InlineToken // inline
| CodeBlockToken [String] // {...}
| NewDefinitionToken // generated automatically, OffsideToken.
| EndGroupToken // generated automatically
| EndOfFileToken // end of file
| ErrorToken String // an error has occured
| GenericToken // generic
| GenericOpenToken // {|
| GenericCloseToken // |}
:: Context
= GeneralContext
| TypeContext
| FunctionContext
| CodeContext
instance == Context
(==) co1 co2 = equal_constructor co1 co2
:: Assoc
= LeftAssoc
| RightAssoc
| NoAssoc
:: Priority
= Prio Assoc Int
| NoPrio
// Macros for error messages
ScanErrIllegal :== "illegal char in input"
ScanErrCharErr :== "wrong character denotation"
ScanErrNLString :== "new line in string denotation"
ScanErrWild :== "ident should not start with _"
class getFilename state :: !*state -> (!String,!*state)
instance getFilename ScanInput
getFilename (Input input)
# (filename,input) = input!inp_filename
= (filename,Input input)
getFilename (PushedToken tok input)
# (filename,input) = getFilename input
= (filename,PushedToken tok input)
instance getFilename RScanState
getFilename scanState=:{ss_input}
# (filename,ss_input) = getFilename ss_input
= (filename,{scanState & ss_input = ss_input })
class getPosition state :: !*state -> (!FilePosition,!*state) // Position of current Token (or Char)
instance getPosition RScanState
getPosition scanState=:{ss_tokenBuffer}
| isEmptyBuffer ss_tokenBuffer
= getCharPosition scanState
# (ltok,_) = get ss_tokenBuffer
= (ltok.lt_position, scanState)
instance getPosition Input
getPosition input=:{inp_pos} = (inp_pos, input)
class getCharPosition state :: !*state -> (FilePosition,!*state)
instance getCharPosition RScanState
getCharPosition scanState=:{ss_input=Input input}
# (pos,input) = getPosition input
= (pos,{ scanState & ss_input = Input input })
getCharPosition scanState=:{ss_input=PushedToken longToken _}
= (longToken.lt_position,scanState)
instance getCharPosition Input
where getCharPosition input=:{inp_pos} = (inp_pos, input)
class nextToken state :: !Context !*state -> (!Token, !*state)
instance nextToken RScanState
// nextToken newContext {ss_input=PushedToken token=:{lt_position,lt_token} rest,ss_tokenBuffer,ss_offsides,ss_useLayout}
nextToken newContext scanState=:{ss_input=input=:PushedToken token=:{lt_position,lt_token/*,lt_context*/} rest,ss_tokenBuffer}
// | lt_context == newContext || ~ (contextDependent lt_token) || isGeneratedToken lt_token
= ( lt_token
, { scanState & ss_input = rest , ss_tokenBuffer = store token ss_tokenBuffer }
// , { ss_input = rest , ss_tokenBuffer = store token ss_tokenBuffer,ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout, ss_offsides=ss_offsides }
) //-->> ("nextToken: pushed token", lt_token)
= nextToken newContext { scanState & ss_input = pushTokensBack input}
pushTokensBack input=:(Input _) = input
pushTokensBack (PushedToken token input)
# (Input input=:{inp_stream}) = pushTokensBack input
= Input
{ input
& inp_stream = OldToken token inp_stream
} //-->> ("pushTokensBack",token)
nextToken context {ss_input=Input inp,ss_tokenBuffer,ss_offsides,ss_useLayout}
# (error, c, inp) = SkipWhites inp
= case error of
Yes string
#! (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
-> ( ErrorToken string
, { ss_tokenBuffer = store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = ErrorToken string
// , lt_chars = []
// , lt_context = context
ss_input=Input inp,
ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout
) -->> ("Error token generated",string)
# (eof, inp) = EndOfInput inp
#! (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
| eof && c == NewLineChar
# newToken = EndOfFileToken
-> checkOffside pos newToken
{ ss_tokenBuffer = store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = newToken
// , lt_chars = []
// , lt_context = context
, ss_input = Input inp,
ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout
} // -->> ("Token", EndOfFileToken,pos)
// otherwise // ~ (eof && c == NewLineChar)
# (token, inp) = Scan c inp /* {inp & inp_curToken = [c]}*/ context
// # (chars, inp) = inp!inp_curToken
-> checkOffside pos token
{ ss_input = Input inp
, ss_tokenBuffer = store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = token
// , lt_chars = reverse chars
// , lt_context = context
ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout
} //-->> (token,pos)
#! (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
#! scanState = {scanState & ss_input = Input inp }
// #! scanState = {ss_input=Input inp, ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_useLayout=ss_useLayout, ss_tokenBuffer=ss_tokenBuffer }
= case error of
Yes string
-> ( ErrorToken string
, { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer = store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = ErrorToken string
// , lt_chars = []
// , lt_context = context
) -->> ("Error token generated",string)
-> determineToken c pos scanState
determineToken c pos scanState=:{ss_input=Input inp}
# (eof, inp) = EndOfInput inp
// #! (pos, inp) = inp!inp_pos
| eof && c == NewLineChar
# newToken = EndOfFileToken
= checkOffside pos newToken
{ scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer = store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = newToken
// , lt_chars = []
// , lt_context = context
, ss_input = Input inp
} // -->> ("Token", EndOfFileToken,pos)
// otherwise // ~ (eof && c == NewLineChar)
# (token, inp) = Scan c inp /* {inp & inp_curToken = [c]}*/ context
// # (chars, inp) = inp!inp_curToken
= checkOffside pos token
{ scanState
& ss_input = Input inp
, ss_tokenBuffer = store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = token
// , lt_chars = reverse chars
// , lt_context = context
} //-->> (token,pos)
nextToken _ _ = abort "Scanner: Error in nextToken"
class tokenBack state :: !*state -> !*state
instance tokenBack RScanState
tokenBack scanState=:{ss_tokenBuffer, ss_input}
| isEmptyBuffer ss_tokenBuffer = abort "tokenBack with empty token buffer"
# (tok, buf) = get ss_tokenBuffer
= { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer = buf
, ss_input = PushedToken tok ss_input
} // -->> ("tokenBack", tok, buf)
class currentToken state :: !*state -> (!Token, !*state)
instance currentToken RScanState
where currentToken scanState=:{ss_tokenBuffer}
| isEmptyBuffer ss_tokenBuffer
= (ErrorToken "dummy", scanState)
= ((head ss_tokenBuffer).lt_token, scanState)
class insertToken state :: !Token !Context !*state -> *state
instance insertToken RScanState
insertToken t c scanState
/* # chars = if (isGeneratedToken t)
(fromString (toString t))
*/ # (pos, scanState=:{ss_input}) = getPosition scanState
= { scanState
& ss_input = PushedToken
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = t
// , lt_chars = chars
// , lt_context = c
isGeneratedToken :: !Token -> Bool
isGeneratedToken NewDefinitionToken = True
isGeneratedToken EndGroupToken = True
isGeneratedToken (CodeBlockToken _) = True
isGeneratedToken _ = False
class replaceToken state :: !Token !*state -> *state
instance replaceToken RScanState
replaceToken tok scanState=:{ss_tokenBuffer}
# (longToken,buffer) = get ss_tokenBuffer
= { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer = store { longToken & lt_token = tok } buffer
SkipWhites :: !Input -> (!Optional String, !Char, !Input)
SkipWhites {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col},inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
| i<size line
= skip_whites_in_line i fp_col fp_line line inp_tabsize stream inp_filename
SkipWhites input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| eof = (No, NewLineChar, input) // -->> "EOF in SkipWhites"
| IsWhiteSpace c = SkipWhites input
= TryScanComment c input
skip_whites_in_line :: !Int !Int !Int !{#Char} !Int !*InputStream !String -> *(!Optional String,!Char,!*Input);
skip_whites_in_line i fp_col fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
| i<size line
# c=line.[i]
| c==' ' || c == '\f' || c == '\v'
= skip_whites_in_line (i+1) (fp_col+1) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
| c=='\t'
= skip_whites_in_line (i+1) (tabsize * (fp_col / tabsize + 1)) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar
# pos = {fp_line = fp_line + 1, fp_col = 0}
// # (c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i tabsize line stream
= SkipWhites {
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = pos
# pos = {fp_line=fp_line,fp_col = fp_col + 1}
= TryScanComment c {
inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
, inp_pos = pos
# pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col}
= SkipWhites {
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = pos
TryScanComment :: !Char !Input -> (!Optional String, !Char, !Input)
TryScanComment c1=:'/' input
# (eof,c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (No, c1, input)
= case c2 of
'/' -> SkipWhites (SkipToEndOfLine input)
'*' -> case ScanComment input of
(No,input) -> SkipWhites input
(er,input) -> (er, c1, input)
_ -> (No, c1, charBack input)
TryScanComment c input
= (No, c, input)
ScanComment :: !Input -> (!Optional String, !Input)
ScanComment {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col},inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
| i<size line
= scan_comment_in_line i fp_col fp_line line inp_tabsize stream inp_filename
ScanComment input
# (eof1, c1, input) = ReadChar input
| eof1 = (Yes "end of file encountered inside comment", input)
= ScanComment2 c1 input;
ScanComment2 :: !Char !Input -> (!Optional String, !Input)
ScanComment2 c1 input
| c1 == '/'
# (eof2, c2, input) = ReadChar input
| eof2 = (Yes "end of file encountered inside comment", input)
= case c2 of
'/' -> ScanComment (SkipToEndOfLine input)
'*' -> case ScanComment input of
(No, input) -> ScanComment input
error -> error
_ -> ScanComment input
| c1 == '*'
# (eol2, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eol2
# (eof2, c2, input) = ReadChar input
| eof2
= (Yes "end of file encountered inside comment", input)
= ScanComment input
| c2 == '/' = (No, input)
| c2 == '*'
// = ScanComment (charBack input)
= ScanComment2 c2 input
= ScanComment input
| otherwise = ScanComment input
scan_comment_in_line :: !Int !Int !Int !{#Char} !Int !*InputStream !String -> (!Optional String, !Input)
scan_comment_in_line i fp_col fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
| i<size line
# c=line.[i]
| c=='\t'
= scan_comment_in_line (i+1) (tabsize * (fp_col / tabsize + 1)) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar
# pos = {fp_line = fp_line + 1, fp_col = 0}
// # (c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i tabsize line stream
= ScanComment {
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = pos
| c=='/' || c=='*'
= ScanComment2 c {
inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
, inp_pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col+1}
= scan_comment_in_line (i+1) (fp_col+1) fp_line line tabsize stream inp_filename
= ScanComment {
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = {fp_line=fp_line, fp_col = fp_col}
SkipToEndOfLine :: !Input -> !Input
SkipToEndOfLine input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos={fp_line,fp_col}}
| i<size line
= {input & inp_stream=stream,inp_pos={fp_line=fp_line+1,fp_col=0}}
SkipToEndOfLine input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| eof = input
| c==NewLineChar = input
= SkipToEndOfLine input
Scan :: !Char !Input !Context -> (!Token, !Input)
Scan '(' input co = (OpenToken, input)
Scan ')' input co = (CloseToken, input)
Scan '{' input CodeContext = ScanCodeBlock input
//Scan '{' input co = (CurlyOpenToken, input)
// AA ...
Scan c0=:'{' input co
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (CurlyOpenToken, input)
| c1 == '|' = (GenericOpenToken, input)
= (CurlyOpenToken, charBack input)
// ... AA
Scan '}' input co = (CurlyCloseToken, input)
Scan '[' input co = (SquareOpenToken, input)
Scan ']' input co = (SquareCloseToken, input)
Scan c0=:'|' input co
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (BarToken, input)
| c1 == '}' = (GenericCloseToken, input) // AA
| isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (BarToken, charBack input)
Scan ',' input co = (CommaToken, input)
Scan ';' input co = (SemicolonToken, input)
Scan '#' input TypeContext = (HashToken, input)
Scan c0=:'#' input co
# (strict, input) = determineStrictness input
| strict
= (SeqLetToken strict, input)
# (eof,c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof
= (SeqLetToken False, input)
| isSpecialChar c1
= ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
// otherwise
= (SeqLetToken strict, charBack input)
Scan '*' input TypeContext = (AsteriskToken, input)
Scan c0=:'&' input co
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (AndToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (AndToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'.' input co
= case co of
-> (DotToken, input)
_ # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof -> (DotToken, input)
| c1 == '.'
# (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof -> (DotDotToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c2
-> ScanOperator 2 input [c2, c1, c0] co
-> (DotDotToken, charBack input)
| isSpecialChar c1
-> ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
-> (DotToken, charBack input)
Scan '!' input TypeContext = (ExclamationToken, input)
Scan '\\' input co
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (BackSlashToken, input)
| c == '\\' = (DoubleBackSlashToken, input)
= (BackSlashToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'_' input co
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (WildCardToken, input)
| IsIdentChar c1 co
// = ScanIdent 1 input [c1, c0] co
= ScanIdentFast 2 input co
// | isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (WildCardToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'<' input TypeContext
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "< just before end of file in TypeContext", input)
| c1 == '=' = (LessThanOrEqualToken, input)
= ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] TypeContext
Scan c0=:'<' input co
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "<", input)
| c1 <> '-' = ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] co
# (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (LeftArrowToken, input)
| c2 == ':'
# (eof, c3, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (LeftArrowColonToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c3 = ScanOperator 3 input [c3, c2, c1, c0] co
= (LeftArrowColonToken, charBack input)
| isSpecialChar c2 = ScanOperator 2 input [c2, c1, c0] co
= (LeftArrowToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'-' input co
# (previous_char,input) = GetPreviousChar input;
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "-", input)
// # new = newExp input.inp_charBuffer
// | IsDigit c1 && new = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
| IsDigit c1 && new_exp_char previous_char
= ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
| c1 <> '>' = ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] co
| co == TypeContext = (ArrowToken, input) // -> is a reserved symbol in a type context
// Can cause an error when token (like ->.) is read in wrong context
# (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ArrowToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c2 = ScanOperator 2 input [c2, c1, c0] co
= (ArrowToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'+' input co
# (previous_char,input) = GetPreviousChar input;
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "+", input)
// # new = newExp input.inp_charBuffer
// | IsDigit c1 && new = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
| IsDigit c1 && new_exp_char previous_char
= ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
= ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] co
Scan c0=:'=' input co
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (EqualToken, input)
| c == ':' = (DefinesColonToken, input)
| c == '>' = (DoubleArrowToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c = ScanOperator 1 input [c, c0] co
= (EqualToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:':' input co
# (eof,c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ColonToken, input)
| c1 == ':' = (DoubleColonToken, input)
| c1 <> '='
| isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
= (ColonToken, charBack input)
# (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
| c2 == '=' = (ColonDefinesToken, input)
= ScanOperator 1 (charBack input) [c1, c0] co
Scan c0=:'\'' input co = ScanChar input [c0]
Scan c0=:'\"' input co = ScanString 0 input [c0]
Scan c input co
| IsDigit c = ScanNumeral 0 input [c]
| IsIdentChar c co
= ScanIdentFast 1 input co
// = ScanIdent 0 input [c] co
| isSpecialChar c = ScanOperator 0 input [c] co
= (ErrorToken ScanErrIllegal, input)
newExp :: !(Buffer (Char,FilePosition)) -> Bool
newExp buffer
# (c, _) = case buffer of
Buffer3 _ _ cp -> cp
_ -> (' ',{fp_line=0,fp_col=0})
= new_exp_char c
new_exp_char ',' = True
new_exp_char '[' = True
new_exp_char '(' = True
new_exp_char '/' = True // to handle end of comment symbol: */
new_exp_char c = isSpace c
ScanIdentFast :: !Int !Input !Context -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanIdentFast n input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos} co
# end_i = ScanIdentCharsInString i line co
ScanIdentCharsInString :: !Int !{#Char} !Context -> Int
ScanIdentCharsInString i line co
| i<size line && IsIdentChar line.[i] co
= ScanIdentCharsInString (i+1) line co
= i
# pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + (end_i-i)}
# input = {input & inp_stream=OldLine end_i line stream,inp_pos=pos}
= CheckReserved co (line % (i-n,end_i-1)) input
ScanIdent :: !Int !Input ![Char] !Context -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanIdent n input token co
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = CheckReserved co (revCharListToString n token) input
| IsIdentChar c co = ScanIdent (n + 1) input [c:token] co
= CheckReserved co (revCharListToString n token) (charBack input)
ScanOperator :: !Int !Input ![Char] !Context -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanOperator n input token co
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken (revCharListToString n token), input)
| isSpecialChar c = ScanOperator (n + 1) input [c:token] co
= CheckReserved co (revCharListToString n token) (charBack input)
CheckReserved :: !Context !String !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
CheckReserved GeneralContext s i = CheckGeneralContext s i
CheckReserved TypeContext s i = CheckTypeContext s i
CheckReserved FunctionContext s i = CheckFunctContext s i
CheckReserved CodeContext s i = CheckCodeContext s i
CheckGeneralContext :: !String !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
CheckGeneralContext s input
= case s of
"module" -> (ModuleToken , input)
"definition" -> (DefModuleToken , input)
"implementation" -> (ImpModuleToken , input)
"system" -> (SysModuleToken , input)
"from" -> (FromToken , input)
"in" -> (InToken , input)
s -> CheckEveryContext s input
CheckEveryContext :: !String !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
CheckEveryContext s input
= case s of
"where" -> (WhereToken , input)
"with" -> (WithToken , input)
"class" -> (ClassToken , input)
"instance" -> (InstanceToken , input)
"generic" -> (GenericToken , input)
"otherwise" -> (OtherwiseToken , input)
"!" -> (ExclamationToken , input)
// "::" -> (DoubleColonToken , input)
"*/" -> (ErrorToken "Unexpected end of comment, */", input)
"infixr" # (error, n, input) = GetPrio input
-> case error of
Yes err -> (ErrorToken err , input) //-->> ("Error token generated: "+err)
No -> (PriorityToken (Prio RightAssoc n) , input)
"infixl" # (error, n, input) = GetPrio input
-> case error of
Yes err -> (ErrorToken err , input) //-->> ("Error token generated: "+err)
No -> (PriorityToken (Prio LeftAssoc n) , input)
"infix" # (error, n, input) = GetPrio input
-> case error of
Yes err -> (ErrorToken err , input) //-->> ("Error token generated: "+err)
No -> (PriorityToken (Prio NoAssoc n) , input)
"import" -> (ImportToken,input)
s -> (IdentToken s , input)
CheckTypeContext :: !String !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
CheckTypeContext s input
= case s of
"Int" -> (IntTypeToken , input)
"Char" -> (CharTypeToken , input)
"Real" -> (RealTypeToken , input)
"Bool" -> (BoolTypeToken , input)
"String" -> (StringTypeToken , input)
"File" -> (FileTypeToken , input)
"World" -> (WorldTypeToken , input)
"Dynamic" -> (DynamicTypeToken , input)
"special" -> (SpecialToken , input)
"from" -> (FromToken , input)
s -> CheckEveryContext s input
CheckFunctContext :: !String !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
CheckFunctContext s input
= case s of
"if" -> (IfToken , input)
"True" -> (BoolToken True , input)
"False" -> (BoolToken False , input)
"case" -> (CaseToken , input)
"of" -> (OfToken , input)
"system" -> (SysModuleToken , input)
"from" -> (FromToken , input)
"let" # (strict, input) = determineStrictness input
-> (LetToken strict, input)
// "Let" # (strict, input) = determineStrictness input
// -> (SeqLetToken strict , input)
"in" -> (InToken , input)
"dynamic" -> (DynamicToken , input)
"code" -> (CodeToken , input)
s -> CheckEveryContext s input
CheckCodeContext :: !String !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
CheckCodeContext s input
= case s of
"inline" -> (InlineToken , input)
s -> CheckEveryContext s input
GetPrio :: !Input -> (!Optional String, !Int, !Input)
GetPrio input
# (error, c, input) = SkipWhites input
| IsDigit c
= (error, digitToInt c, input)
= (error, defaultPrio , charBack input)
where defaultPrio = 9
determineStrictness :: !Input -> (!Bool, !Input)
determineStrictness input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (False, input)
| c == '!' = (True, input)
= (False, charBack input)
ScanCodeBlock :: !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanCodeBlock input
= scan_code_block [] input
scan_code_block :: ![String] !Input -> (!Token,!Input)
scan_code_block acc input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| c == '}'
= (CodeBlockToken (reverse acc), input)
| isNewLine c
| eof
= (ErrorToken "eof in code block", input)
= scan_code_block acc input
| IsWhiteSpace c
= scan_code_block acc input
# (line, input) = ReadLine input
= scan_code_block [toString c+stripNewline line:acc] input
stripNewline :: !String -> String
stripNewline string
# size = size string
= case size of
0 -> string
1 | isNewLine string.[0]
-> ""
-> string
_ | isNewLine string.[size-1]
| isNewLine string.[size-2]
-> string%(0,size-3)
-> string%(0,size-2)
-> string
ScanNumeral :: !Int !Input [Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanNumeral n input chars=:['0':r]
| isEmpty r || r == ['+']
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| c == 'x'
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken "0", charBack input)
| isHexDigit c1 = ScanHexNumeral (hexDigitToInt c1) input
= (IntToken "0", charBack (charBack input))
| isOctDigit c = ScanOctNumeral (digitToInt c) input
| c == '.' = TestFraction n input chars
= (IntToken "0", charBack input)
| r == ['-']
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| c == 'x'
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken "0", charBack input)
| isHexDigit c1 = ScanHexNumeral (~ (hexDigitToInt c1)) input
= (IntToken "0", charBack (charBack input))
| isOctDigit c = ScanOctNumeral (~ (digitToInt c)) input
| c == '.' = TestFraction n input chars
= (IntToken "0", charBack input)
ScanNumeral n input chars
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| IsDigit c = ScanNumeral (n + 1) input [c:chars]
| c == 'E' = ScanExponentSign (n + 1) input [c:chars]
| c == '.' = TestFraction n input chars
= (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), charBack input)
TestFraction :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
TestFraction n input chars
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken ("Incorrect Real at end of file: "+(revCharListToString (n+1) ['.':chars])), input)
| IsDigit c = ScanFraction (n + 2) input [c,'.':chars]
= (IntToken (revCharListToString n chars), charBack (charBack input))
ScanFraction :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanFraction n input chars
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (RealToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| c == 'E' = case chars of
[c:_] | IsDigit c -> ScanExponentSign (n + 1) input ['E':chars] /* Sjaak, was [c:chars] */
_ -> ScanExponentSign (n + 2) input ['E','0':chars] /* Sjaak, idem */
| IsDigit c = ScanFraction (n + 1) input [c:chars]
= case chars of
[c:_] | IsDigit c -> (RealToken (revCharListToString n chars), charBack input)
_ -> (RealToken (revCharListToString (n+1) ['0':chars]), charBack input)
ScanExponentSign :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanExponentSign n input chars
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (RealToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| c == '+' = ScanExponent n input chars
| c == '-' || IsDigit c = ScanExponent (n+1) input [c:chars]
| otherwise = (ErrorToken ("Digit or sign expected after "+revCharListToString n chars), charBack input)
ScanExponent :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanExponent n input chars
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (RealToken (revCharListToString n chars), input)
| IsDigit c = ScanExponent (n + 1) input [c:chars]
= case chars of
[c:_] | IsDigit c -> (RealToken (revCharListToString n chars), charBack input)
_ -> (ErrorToken ("Digit expected after "+revCharListToString n chars), charBack input)
ScanHexNumeral :: !Int !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanHexNumeral n input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (toString n), input)
| isHexDigit c = ScanHexNumeral (n*16+hexDigitToInt c) input
= (IntToken (toString n), charBack input)
ScanOctNumeral :: !Int !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanOctNumeral n input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IntToken (toString n), input)
| isOctDigit c = ScanOctNumeral (n*8+digitToInt c) input
= (IntToken (toString n), charBack input)
ScanChar :: !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanChar input chars
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "End of file inside Char denotation", input)
| '\\' <> c = ScanEndOfChar 1 [c: chars] input
# (chars, n, input) = ScanBSChar 0 chars input
= ScanEndOfChar n chars input
ScanBSChar :: !Int ![Char] !Input -> (![Char], !Int, !Input)
ScanBSChar n chars input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (chars, n, input)
= case c of
'n' -> (['n','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'r' -> (['r','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'f' -> (['f','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
// RWS ... 'b' -> (['b','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'b' -> to_chars '\b' n input
// ... RWS
't' -> (['t','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
// RWS ... 'v' -> (['v','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'v' -> to_chars '\v' n input
// ... RWS
'\\' -> (['\\','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'"' -> (['"' ,'\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'\'' -> (['\'','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'x' # (cc,input) = ScanNumChar Hex isHexDigit 2 0 input // max 2 characters
-> to_chars cc n input
'd' # (cc,input) = ScanNumChar Dec isDigit 3 0 input // max 3 characters
-> to_chars cc n input
c | IsOct c
# (cc,input) = ScanNumChar Oct IsOct 2 (digitToInt c) input // max 3 characters, including current
-> to_chars cc n input
-> ([c:chars], n + 1, input)
ScanNumChar base valid 0 acc input
= (acc, input)
ScanNumChar base valid n acc input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (acc, input)
// RWS ... | valid c = ScanNumChar base valid (n-1) (base*acc+digitToInt c) input
| valid c = ScanNumChar base valid (n-1) (base*acc+hexDigitToInt c) input
// ... RWS
= (acc, charBack input)
Hex = 16
Oct = 8
Dec = 10
to_chars cc n input
= case toChar cc of
'\n' -> (['n','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'\r' -> (['r','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'\f' -> (['f','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
// RWS \b not accepted in abc '\b' -> (['b','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'\t' -> (['t','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
// RWS \v not accepted in abc '\v' -> (['v','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'\\' -> (['\\','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'"' -> (['"' ,'\\':chars], n + 2, input)
'\'' -> (['\'','\\':chars], n + 2, input)
// RWS ...
// escape non-printable characters
c | not (IsPrint c)
-> (more_chars, n+4, input)
more_chars =
[ toChar (48 + (toInt c bitand 7))
, toChar (48 + ((toInt c >> 3) bitand 7))
, toChar (48 + ((toInt c >> 6) bitand 7))
, '\\'
: chars
// ... RWS
c -> ([c:chars], n + 1, input)
ScanEndOfChar :: !Int ![Char] !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanEndOfChar n chars input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "End of file inside char denotation", input)
| '\'' == c = (CharToken (revCharListToString (n + 1) [c:chars]), input)
= ScanCharList (n+1) [c:chars] input
// = (ErrorToken ScanErrCharErr, input)
ScanCharList :: !Int ![Char] !Input -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanCharList n chars input
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "End of file inside char list denotation", input)
= case c of
'\'' # charList = revCharListToString n chars % (1,n) // without '\''
-> (CharListToken charList, input)
'\\' # (chars, n, input) = ScanBSChar n chars input
-> ScanCharList n chars input
NewLineChar -> (ErrorToken "newline in char list", input)
_ -> ScanCharList (n+1) [c:chars] input
ScanString :: !Int !Input ![Char] -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanString n input chars
# (eof, c, input) = ReadChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "End of file inside String denotation", input)
= case c of
'\\' # (chars, n, input) = ScanBSChar n chars input
-> ScanString n input chars
'\"' -> (StringToken (revCharListToString (n + 1) [c:chars]), input)
NewLineChar -> (ErrorToken ScanErrNLString, input)
_ -> ScanString (n + 1) input [c:chars]
some predicates on tokens
isLhsStartToken :: ! Token -> Bool
isLhsStartToken OpenToken = True
isLhsStartToken SquareOpenToken = True
isLhsStartToken CurlyOpenToken = True
isLhsStartToken (IdentToken id) = True
isLhsStartToken token = False
isOffsideToken :: ! Token -> Bool
isOffsideToken NewDefinitionToken = True
isOffsideToken EndGroupToken = True
isOffsideToken EndOfFileToken = True
isOffsideToken token = False
isEndGroupToken :: ! Token -> Bool
isEndGroupToken EndGroupToken = True
isEndGroupToken CurlyCloseToken = True
isEndGroupToken token = False
contextDependent :: !Token -> Bool
contextDependent HashToken = True
//contextDependent (SeqLetToken _) = True // Do not do this XXXXXX
contextDependent _ = False
character functions
//IsWhiteSpace :: Char -> Bool
IsWhiteSpace c :== isSpace c
//IsDigit :: Char -> Bool
IsDigit c :== isDigit c
IsOct c :== '0' <= c && c <= '7'
// RWS ...
//IsDigit :: Char -> Bool
// this assumes all 8 bit characters (>127) are not printable
IsPrint c
:== c >= ' ' && c <= '~'
// ... RWS
//IsHex c :== isDigit c || ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'f')
isHexDigit :: !Char -> Bool // Defined in StdChar
isHexDigit c
| isDigit c
= True
| c < 'g'
= c >= 'a'
| c < 'G'
= c >= 'A'
= False
//IsIdentChar :: !Char !Context -> Bool
//IsIdentChar c co
// :== isAlphanum c || c == '_' || c == '`' || (c == '^' && co == TypeContext)
hexDigitToInt :: !Char -> Int
hexDigitToInt 'a' = 10
hexDigitToInt 'A' = 10
hexDigitToInt 'b' = 11
hexDigitToInt 'B' = 11
hexDigitToInt 'c' = 12
hexDigitToInt 'C' = 12
hexDigitToInt 'd' = 13
hexDigitToInt 'D' = 13
hexDigitToInt 'e' = 14
hexDigitToInt 'E' = 14
hexDigitToInt 'f' = 15
hexDigitToInt 'F' = 15
hexDigitToInt c = digitToInt c
IsIdentChar :: !Char !Context -> Bool
IsIdentChar c _ | isAlphanum c = True
IsIdentChar '_' _ = True
IsIdentChar '`' _ = True
IsIdentChar '^' TypeContext = True
IsIdentChar _ _ = False
string_to_list ::!{#Char} -> .[Char]
string_to_list s = stolacc s (size s - 1) []
stolacc :: !String !Int u:[Char] -> u:[Char]
stolacc s i acc
| i >= 0
#! si=s.[i];
= stolacc s (dec i) [si : acc]
= acc
Input functions
EndOfInput :: !Input -> (!Bool, !Input)
EndOfInput input=:{inp_stream = InFile file}
# (endoffile, file) = fend file
= (endoffile, { input & inp_stream = InFile file })
EndOfInput input = (False, input)
ReadNormalChar :: !*Input -> (!Bool, !Char, !Input)
ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
| i<size line
# c=line.[i]
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
= ( True, NewLineChar
, {
inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,
inp_pos = inp_pos
# pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
= ( False, c
, {
inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream,
inp_pos = pos
= ReadNormalChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,inp_stream = stream}
ReadNormalChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
// MW8 was: #! (s, file) = freadline file
#! (s, file) = (SwitchPreprocessor freadPreprocessedLine freadline) file
| size s==0
# c = NewLineChar
// pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
= ( True
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_pos = inp_pos
= ReadNormalChar {
inp_stream = OldLine 0 s (InFile file)
ReadChar :: !*Input -> (!Bool, !Char, !Input) // Bool indicates end of file, we read always newlines in an empty file
ReadChar {inp_stream = OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
| i<size line
# c=line.[i]
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
# pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
(c,stream) = correctNewline_OldLine c i inp_tabsize line stream
= ( False, c
, {
inp_stream = stream
, inp_pos = pos
# pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
= ( False, c
, {
inp_stream = OldLine (i+1) line stream
, inp_pos = pos
= ReadChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,
inp_stream = stream}
//ReadChar input=:{inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize}
ReadChar {inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
// MW8 was: #! (s, file) = freadline file
#! (s, file) = (SwitchPreprocessor freadPreprocessedLine freadline) file
| size s==0
# c = NewLineChar
pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
= ( True
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_pos = pos
= ReadChar {
inp_stream = OldLine 0 s (InFile file)
// otherwise // s <> ""
// # chars = fromString s
# chars = string_to_list s
= ReadChar {
// input &
inp_stream = OldChars chars (InFile file)
#! (eof, file) = fend file // old, too slow
| eof
# c = NewLineChar
pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
= ( eof
, c
, { input
& inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_pos = pos
) // -->> ("EOF in " + input.inp_filename + " found in ReadChar")
#! (ok, c, file) = freadc file
| ok
# pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
(c,input`) = correctNewline c pos inp_tabsize (InFile file)
= ( False
, c
, { input
& inp_stream = input`
, inp_pos = pos
= abort "ReadChar failure"
ReadChar input=:{inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
#! (ok, c, file) = freadc file
| ok
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
# pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
(c,input`) = correctNewline c pos inp_tabsize (InFile file)
= ( False
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = input`
, inp_pos = pos
# pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
= ( False
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_pos = pos
# c = NewLineChar
pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
= ( True
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_pos = pos
//ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChars [c] stream, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, /*, inp_curToken*/}
ReadChar {inp_stream = OldChars [c] stream, inp_pos, inp_tabsize, inp_filename}
# pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
(c,input`) = correctNewline_OldChars c pos inp_tabsize[] stream
= ( False
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = input`
, inp_pos = pos
//ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChars [c:rest] stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize}
ReadChar {inp_stream = OldChars [c:rest] stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
| c==LFChar || c==CRChar || c=='\t'
# pos = NextPos c inp_pos inp_tabsize
(c,input`) = correctNewline_OldChars c pos inp_tabsize rest stream
= ( False
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = input`
, inp_pos = pos
# pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + 1}
= ( False
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = OldChars rest stream
, inp_pos = pos
// ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChars [] stream, inp_pos}
ReadChar {inp_stream = OldChars [] stream, inp_pos,inp_filename,inp_tabsize}
// = ReadChar {input & inp_stream = stream}
= ReadChar {inp_filename=inp_filename,inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize,inp_pos=inp_pos,
inp_stream = stream}
//ReadChar input =: {inp_stream = OldChar c pos oldfile}
ReadChar {inp_stream = OldChar c pos oldfile, inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
= ( False
, c
, {
// input &
inp_stream = oldfile
, inp_pos = pos
ReadLine :: !Input -> (!String, !Input)
ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = OldChars cs oldfile, inp_pos}
# input = {input & inp_stream = oldfile, inp_pos = NextPos CRChar inp_pos 0}
| isEmpty cs = ReadLine input
| otherwise = (toString cs, input)
ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = OldLine i line oldfile, inp_pos}
# input = {input & inp_stream = oldfile, inp_pos = NextPos CRChar inp_pos 0}
| i<size line
| i==0
= (line, input)
= (line % (i,size line-1),input)
= ReadLine input
ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = InFile infile,inp_pos}
# (eof, file) = fend infile
| eof = ("", {input & inp_stream = InFile file})
//MW8 was # (l, file ) = freadline file
# (l, file ) = (SwitchPreprocessor freadPreprocessedLine freadline) file
= (l, {input & inp_stream = InFile file, inp_pos = NextPos CRChar inp_pos 0})
ReadLine input=:{inp_stream = OldChar c p oldfile}
# input = {input & inp_stream = oldfile}
| c==NewLineChar= ("\n", input)
# (line, input) = ReadLine input
= (toString c + line, input)
ReadLine input = ("", input)
NextPos :: !Char !FilePosition !Int -> FilePosition
NextPos c pos=:{fp_line, fp_col} t
= case c of
LFChar -> NextPos CRChar pos t // -->> "LF in Nextpos"
CRChar -> {fp_line = fp_line + 1, fp_col = 0} // -->> ("line " +toString (fp_line + 1))
'\t' -> {pos & fp_col = t * (fp_col / t + 1)}
_ -> {pos & fp_col = fp_col + 1}
correctNewline :: !Char !FilePosition !Int !InputStream -> (!Char, !InputStream)
correctNewline c pos tab_size (InFile file) // Correct newline convention: Mac: CR, Unix: LF, DOS CR LF
= case c of
LFChar -> (NewLineChar,InFile file) //-->> "UNIX newline"
# (ok,c2,file) = freadc file
| ok
| c2 == LFChar -> (NewLineChar,InFile file) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
-> (NewLineChar,OldChar c2 (NextPos c2 pos tab_size) (InFile file))
-> (NewLineChar, InFile file)
_ -> (c, InFile file)
correctNewline c pos tab_size (OldChars [] input)
= correctNewline c pos tab_size input
correctNewline c pos tab_size (OldChars chars input)
= case c of
LFChar -> (NewLineChar,OldChars chars input) //-->> "UNIX newline"
# [c2:rest] = chars
| c2 == LFChar -> (NewLineChar,OldChars rest input) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
-> (NewLineChar,OldChars [c2:rest]/*chars*/ input)
_ -> (c,OldChars chars input)
correctNewline c _ _ input = (c, input)
correctNewline_OldChars :: !Char !FilePosition !Int ! *[Char] ! InputStream -> (!Char, !InputStream)
correctNewline_OldChars c pos tab_size [] input
= correctNewline c pos tab_size input
correctNewline_OldChars c pos tab_size chars input
= case c of
-> (NewLineChar,OldChars chars input) //-->> "UNIX newline"
# [c2:rest] = chars
| c2 == LFChar
-> (NewLineChar,OldChars rest input) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
-> (NewLineChar,OldChars [c2:rest]/*chars*/ input)
_ -> (c,OldChars chars input)
correctNewline_OldLine :: !Char !Int !Int !{#Char} ! InputStream -> (!Char, !InputStream)
correctNewline_OldLine c i tab_size line input
= case c of
-> (NewLineChar,OldLine (i+1) line input) //-->> "UNIX newline"
| i+1<size line && line.[i+1]==LFChar
-> (NewLineChar,OldLine (i+2) line input) // -->> "DOS newline corrected"
-> (NewLineChar,OldLine (i+1) line input)
_ -> (c,OldLine (i+1) line input)
charBack :: !Input -> Input
charBack {inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos,inp_tabsize,inp_filename}
= {
inp_stream = OldLine (i-1) line stream,
inp_pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col - 1},
charBack input=:{inp_stream,inp_charBuffer}
| isEmptyBuffer inp_charBuffer
= abort "charBack with empty character buffer"
# ((c,p),rest) = get inp_charBuffer
= { input
& inp_stream = OldChar c p inp_stream
, inp_charBuffer = rest
GetPreviousChar :: !Input -> (!Char,!Input)
GetPreviousChar input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream}
| i<=1
= (NewLineChar,input)
= (line.[i-2],input)
GetPreviousChar input
= (NewLineChar,input)
qw s :== "\"" + s + "\""
instance <<< Token
(<<<) f t = f <<< (toString t)
instance <<< LongToken
(<<<) f lt = f <<< lt.lt_token <<< " from " <<< lt.lt_position
instance <<< FilePosition
(<<<) f {fp_line,fp_col} = f <<< fp_line <<< ";" <<< fp_col
instance toString Token
toString (IdentToken id) = id // qw id
toString (IntToken id) = id
toString (RealToken id) = id
toString (StringToken id) = id
toString (CharToken id) = id
toString (CharListToken id) = "['"+id+"']"
toString (BoolToken id) = toString id
toString OpenToken = "("
toString CloseToken = ")"
toString CurlyOpenToken = "{"
toString CurlyCloseToken = "}"
toString SquareOpenToken = "["
toString SquareCloseToken = "]"
toString GenericOpenToken = "{|"
toString GenericCloseToken = "|}"
toString DotToken = "."
toString SemicolonToken = ";"
toString ColonToken = ": (ColonToken)"
toString DoubleColonToken = "::"
toString CommaToken = ","
toString ExclamationToken = "!"
toString BarToken = "|"
toString ArrowToken = "->"
toString DoubleArrowToken = "=>"
toString EqualToken = "="
toString DefinesColonToken = "=:"
toString ColonDefinesToken = ":=="
toString WildCardToken = "_"
toString BackSlashToken = "\\"
toString DoubleBackSlashToken = "\\\\"
toString LeftArrowToken = "<-"
toString LeftArrowColonToken = "<-:"
toString DotDotToken = ".."
toString AndToken = "&"
toString HashToken = "#"
toString AsteriskToken = "*"
toString LessThanOrEqualToken = "<="
toString ModuleToken = "module"
toString ImpModuleToken = "implementation"
toString DefModuleToken = "definition"
toString SysModuleToken = "system"
toString ImportToken = "import"
toString FromToken = "from"
toString SpecialToken = "special"
toString IntTypeToken = "Int"
toString CharTypeToken = "Char"
toString RealTypeToken = "Real"
toString BoolTypeToken = "Bool"
toString StringTypeToken = "String"
toString LeftAssocToken = "left"
toString RightAssocToken = "right"
toString ClassToken = "class"
toString InstanceToken = "instance"
toString OtherwiseToken = "otherwise"
toString IfToken = "if"
toString WhereToken = "where"
toString WithToken = "with"
toString CaseToken = "case"
toString OfToken = "of"
toString (LetToken strict)
| strict = "let!"
= "let"
toString (SeqLetToken strict)
| strict = "#!"
= "#"
toString InToken = "in"
toString DynamicToken = "dynamic"
toString DynamicTypeToken = "Dynamic"
toString (PriorityToken priority) = toString priority
toString NewDefinitionToken = "offside token (new def)"
toString EndGroupToken = "offside token (end group)"
toString EndOfFileToken = "end of file"
toString (ErrorToken id) = "Scanner error: " + id
toString CodeToken = "code"
toString InlineToken = "inline"
toString (CodeBlockToken the_code) = "<code block>"
toString token = "toString (Token) does not know this token"
instance == Token
(==) token1 token2
= equal_constructor token1 token2 && equal_args_of_tokens token1 token2
equal_args_of_tokens :: !Token !Token -> Bool
equal_args_of_tokens (IdentToken id1) (IdentToken id2) = id1 == id2
equal_args_of_tokens (RealToken real1) (RealToken real2) = real1 == real2
equal_args_of_tokens (StringToken string1) (StringToken string2) = string1 == string2
equal_args_of_tokens (CharToken char1) (CharToken char2) = char1 == char2
equal_args_of_tokens (CharListToken chars1) (CharListToken chars2) = chars1 == chars2
equal_args_of_tokens (BoolToken bool1) (BoolToken bool2) = bool1 == bool2
equal_args_of_tokens (IntToken int1) (IntToken int2) = int1 == int2
equal_args_of_tokens (LetToken l1) (LetToken l2) = l1 == l2
equal_args_of_tokens (SeqLetToken l1) (SeqLetToken l2) = l1 == l2
equal_args_of_tokens (ErrorToken id1) (ErrorToken id2) = id1 == id2
equal_args_of_tokens _ _ = True
/* Sjaak ... */
instance < Priority
(<) (Prio assoc1 prio1) (Prio assoc2 prio2)
= prio1 < prio2 || prio1 == prio2 && assoc1 < assoc2
(<) _ _ = abort "< of these Priorities (NoPrio) is undefined"
instance < Assoc
(<) _ LeftAssoc = True
(<) LeftAssoc _ = False
(<) _ _ = True
determinePriority :: !Priority !Priority -> Optional Bool
determinePriority (Prio assoc_left prio_left) (Prio assoc_right prio_right)
| prio_left == prio_right
= has_priority_over assoc_left assoc_right
= Yes (prio_left > prio_right)
has_priority_over LeftAssoc LeftAssoc = Yes True
has_priority_over RightAssoc RightAssoc = Yes False
has_priority_over _ _ = No
/* Sjaak ... */
instance toString Priority
toString (Prio assoc prio) = toString assoc + toString prio
toString NoPrio = "infix"
instance toString Assoc
toString LeftAssoc = "infixl "
toString RightAssoc = "infixr "
toString NoAssoc = "infix "
openScanner :: !String !SearchPaths !*Files -> (!Optional ScanState, !*Files)
openScanner file_name searchPaths files
= case fopenInSearchPaths file_name searchPaths FReadData files of
(No, files)
-> (No, files)
(Yes file, files)
-> (Yes (ScanState { ss_input = Input
{ inp_stream = InFile file
, inp_filename = file_name
, inp_pos = {fp_line = 1, fp_col = 0}
, inp_tabsize = 4
// , inp_charBuffer = Buffer0
// , inp_curToken = []
, ss_offsides = [(1,False)] // to generate offsides between global definitions
, ss_useLayout = False
, ss_tokenBuffer = Buffer0
, files
/* RWS Proof ...
fopenInSearchPaths :: !{#Char} [!{#Char}] !Int !*f -> (Optional *File,!*f) | FileSystem f
fopenInSearchPaths fileName [] mode f
= (No, f)
fopenInSearchPaths fileName [path : paths] mode f
# (opened, file, f)
= fopen (path + fileName) mode f
| opened
= (Yes file, f)
// otherwise
= fopenInSearchPaths fileName paths mode f
fopenInSearchPaths :: !{#Char} SearchPaths !Int !*f -> (Optional *File,!*f) | FileSystem f
fopenInSearchPaths fileName searchPaths mode f
# filtered_locations
= filter (\(moduleName,path) -> moduleName == fileName) searchPaths.sp_locations
| isEmpty filtered_locations
= fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths fileName searchPaths.sp_paths mode f
# (_, path)
= hd filtered_locations
# (opened, file, f)
= fopen (path + fileName) mode f
| opened
= (Yes file, f)
| otherwise
= (No, f)
fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths :: !{#Char} ![{#Char}] !Int *f -> (Optional *File, !*f) | FileSystem f
fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths fileName [] mode f
= (No, f)
fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths fileName [path : paths] mode f
# (opened, file, f)
= fopen (path + fileName) mode f
| opened
= (Yes file, f)
// otherwise
= fopenAnywhereInSearchPaths fileName paths mode f
// ... RWS
closeScanner :: !ScanState !*Files -> *Files
closeScanner (ScanState scan_state) files = closeScanner_ scan_state files
closeScanner_ :: !RScanState !*Files -> *Files
closeScanner_ scanState=:{ss_input=PushedToken _ input} files
= closeScanner_ {scanState & ss_input = input} files
closeScanner_ {ss_input=Input {inp_stream}} files
= case get_file inp_stream of
Yes file # (_,files) = fclose file files
-> files
No -> files
get_file (InFile file) = Yes file
// get_file (OldChar _ _ stream) = get_file stream
// get_file (OldChars _ stream) = get_file stream
get_file (OldLine _ _ stream) = get_file stream
NewLineChar :== '\n'
LFChar :== '\xA'
CRChar :== '\xD'
//isNewLine c :== c == LFChar || c == CRChar
isNewLine :: !Char -> Bool
isNewLine LFChar = True
isNewLine CRChar = True
isNewLine _ = False
//--- Offside handling ---//
UseLayout_ :: !RScanState -> (!Bool, !RScanState)
UseLayout_ scanState = scanState!ss_useLayout
UseLayout :: !ScanState -> (!Bool, !ScanState)
UseLayout (ScanState scanState)
# (ss_useLayout,scanState) = scanState!ss_useLayout
= (ss_useLayout,ScanState scanState)
setUseLayout :: !Bool !ScanState -> ScanState
setUseLayout b (ScanState ss) = ScanState { ss & ss_useLayout = b }
setUseLayout_ :: !Bool !RScanState -> RScanState
setUseLayout_ b ss = { ss & ss_useLayout = b } // -->> ("uselayout set to ",b)
checkOffside :: !FilePosition !Token !RScanState -> (Token,RScanState)
checkOffside pos token scanState=:{ss_offsides,ss_useLayout,ss_input}
| ~ ss_useLayout
= (token, scanState) //-->> (token,pos,"No layout rule applied")
| isEmpty ss_offsides
= newOffside token scanState //-->> "Empty offside stack"
# (os_col, new_def) = hd ss_offsides
col = pos.fp_col
| col == os_col && canBeOffside token
# scanState = tokenBack scanState
newToken = NewDefinitionToken
= ( newToken
, { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer
= store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = newToken
// , lt_chars = []
// , lt_context = FunctionContext
) -->> (token,"NewDefinitionToken generated col==os && canBeOffside",pos,ss_offsides)
| col < os_col && token <> InToken
# (n,os_col,new_def,offsides) = scan_offsides 0 col os_col new_def ss_offsides
scanState = { scanState & ss_offsides = offsides } //-->> (n,"end groups",offsides,new_def)
scanState = snd (newOffside token scanState)
scanState = case new_def && col == os_col && canBeOffside token of
# scanState = tokenBack scanState
newToken = NewDefinitionToken
-> { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer
= store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = newToken
// , lt_chars = []
// , lt_context = FunctionContext
} -->> ("new definition generated",token)
-> scanState
= gen_end_groups n scanState
newToken = EndGroupToken
scan_offsides n col os_col new_def []
= (n, os_col, new_def, [])
scan_offsides n col _ new_def offsides=:[(os_col,b):r]
| col < os_col
= scan_offsides (inc n) col os_col b r
= (n, os_col, new_def, offsides)
gen_end_groups n scanState
# scanState = tokenBack scanState // push current token back
scanState = { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer
= store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = newToken
// , lt_chars = []
// , lt_context = FunctionContext
} -->> ("end group generated",pos) // insert EndGroupToken
| n == 1
// # (new_offsides, scanState) = scanState!ss_offsides // for tracing XXX
= (newToken, scanState) // -->> ("new offsides",new_offsides)
= gen_end_groups (dec n) scanState
| token == InToken
= (token, { scanState & ss_offsides = tl ss_offsides })
/* # scanState = tokenBack { scanState & ss_offsides = tl ss_offsides }
newToken = EndGroupToken
= ( newToken
, { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer
= store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = newToken
// , lt_chars = []
// , lt_context = FunctionContext
) -->> (token,"EndGroupToken generated: in",pos,ss_offsides)
*/ // otherwise
= newOffside token scanState
newOffside token scanState=:{ss_offsides}
| definesOffside token
# ( _, scanState ) = nextToken FunctionContext scanState
( os_pos, scanState ) = getPosition scanState // next token defines offside position
scanState = tokenBack scanState
os = os_pos.fp_col
| os == 1
# scanState = tokenBack scanState
newToken = ErrorToken "groups should not start in column 1"
= ( newToken
, { scanState
& ss_tokenBuffer
= store
{ lt_position = pos
, lt_token = newToken
// , lt_chars = ['groups should not start in column 1']
// , lt_context = FunctionContext
// otherwise // os <> 1
= ( token
, { scanState
& ss_offsides = [ (os, needsNewDefinitionToken token) : ss_offsides ]
) -->> (token,pos,"New offside defined at ",os_pos,[ (os, token == CaseToken) : ss_offsides ])
// otherwise // ~ (definesOffside token)
= (token, scanState) -->> (token,pos," not offside")
definesOffside :: !Token -> Bool
definesOffside (LetToken _) = True
definesOffside (SeqLetToken _) = True
definesOffside WhereToken = True
definesOffside WithToken = True
definesOffside SpecialToken = True
definesOffside OfToken = True
//definesOffside BarToken = True // There are too many BarTokens in Clean
definesOffside _ = False
needsNewDefinitionToken :: !Token -> Bool
needsNewDefinitionToken OfToken = True
//needsNewDefinitionToken WithToken = True
needsNewDefinitionToken SpecialToken = True
needsNewDefinitionToken _ = False
repeatedOffside :: !Token -> Bool
repeatedOffside BarToken = True
repeatedOffside EqualToken = True
repeatedOffside (SeqLetToken _) = True
repeatedOffside _ = False
canBeOffside :: !Token -> Bool
canBeOffside EqualToken = False
canBeOffside ColonDefinesToken = False
canBeOffside DefinesColonToken = False
canBeOffside (SeqLetToken _) = False
canBeOffside WhereToken = False
canBeOffside SpecialToken = False
canBeOffside WithToken = False
canBeOffside BarToken = False
//canBeOffside CurlyOpenToken = False // not allowed for record patterns
canBeOffside (CodeBlockToken _) = False
canBeOffside _ = True
dropOffsidePosition :: !ScanState -> ScanState
dropOffsidePosition (ScanState s) = ScanState (dropOffsidePosition_ s)
dropOffsidePosition_ :: !RScanState -> RScanState
dropOffsidePosition_ scanState=:{ss_offsides} = { scanState & ss_offsides = drop 1 ss_offsides }
addOffsidePosition :: !RScanState -> (Int, RScanState)
addOffsidePosition scanState=:{ss_useLayout}
| ss_useLayout
# (position,scanState=:{ss_offsides}) = getPosition scanState
new_offside = position.fp_col
= (new_offside, { scanState & ss_offsides = [(new_offside,False): ss_offsides] })
| otherwise
= (1, scanState)
atOffsidePosition :: !RScanState -> (!Bool, !RScanState)
atOffsidePosition scanState=:{ss_offsides=[(col,_):_]}
# (position, scanState) = getPosition scanState
= (position.fp_col == col, scanState) -->> ("atOffsidePosition",position.fp_col,col)
atOffsidePosition scanState
= (False, scanState)
//--- Buffer handling ---//
store :: !x !(Buffer x) -> Buffer x
store x Buffer0 = Buffer1 x
store x (Buffer1 y) = Buffer2 x y
store x (Buffer2 y z) = Buffer3 x y z
store x (Buffer3 y z _) = Buffer3 x y z
isEmptyBuffer :: !(Buffer x) -> Bool
isEmptyBuffer Buffer0 = True
isEmptyBuffer _ = False
get :: !(Buffer x) -> (x,Buffer x)
get Buffer0 = abort "get from empty buffer"
get (Buffer1 x) = (x, Buffer0)
get (Buffer2 x y) = (x, Buffer1 y)
get (Buffer3 x y z) = (x, Buffer2 y z)
head :: !(Buffer x) -> x
head Buffer0 = abort "head of empty buffer"
head (Buffer1 x) = x
head (Buffer2 x _) = x
head (Buffer3 x _ _) = x
instance <<< (Buffer a) | <<< a
(<<<) file Buffer0 = file <<< "Empty buffer"
(<<<) file (Buffer1 x) = file <<< "Buffer1 (" <<< x <<< ")"
(<<<) file (Buffer2 x y) = file <<< "Buffer2 (" <<< x <<< ") (" <<< y <<< ")"
(<<<) file (Buffer3 x y z) = file <<< "Buffer3 (" <<< x <<< ") (" <<< y <<< ") (" <<< z <<< ")"
//--- Tracing ---//
(-->>) val _ :== val
//(-->>) val message :== val ---> ("Scanner",message)
// MW8..
//--- Preprocessor ---//
freadPreprocessedLine :: !*File -> (!.{#Char},!*File)
freadPreprocessedLine file
#! (line, file) = freadline file
| begins_with "/*2.0" line
= (replace_beginning_with "/***/" line, file)
| begins_with "0.2*/" line
= (replace_beginning_with "/***/" line, file)
| begins_with "//1.3" line
= (replace_beginning_with "/*1.3" line, file)
| begins_with "//3.1" line
= (replace_beginning_with "3.1*/" line, file)
= (line, file)
begins_with :: !String !String -> Bool
begins_with pattern line
# size_pattern = size pattern
| size line<size_pattern
= False
= loop pattern line (size_pattern-1)
loop :: !String !String !Int -> Bool
loop pattern line i
| i<0
= True
| line.[i]<>pattern.[i]
= False
= loop pattern line (i-1)
replace_beginning_with :: !String !*String -> .String
replace_beginning_with replacement string
= { string & [i] = replacement.[i] \\ i<-[0..size replacement-1] }
// ..MW8