blob: 48ba8f26e354aa86caeb7e43f193562db1e30274 (
plain) (
definition module predef
import syntax, hashtable
:: PredefinedSymbols :== {# PredefinedSymbol}
:: PredefinedSymbol =
{ pds_ident :: !Ident
, pds_module :: !Index
, pds_def :: !Index
/* identifiers not present the hastable */
PD_PredefinedModule :== 0
PD_StringType :== 1
PD_ListType :== 2
PD_Arity2TupleType :== 3
PD_Arity32TupleType :== 33
PD_LazyArrayType :== 34
PD_StrictArrayType :== 35
PD_UnboxedArrayType :== 36
PD_ConsSymbol :== 37
PD_NilSymbol :== 38
PD_Arity2TupleSymbol :== 39
PD_Arity32TupleSymbol :== 69
PD_TypeVar_a0 :== 70
PD_TypeVar_a31 :== 101
/* Dynamics */
PD_TypeCodeMember :== 102
// MV ...
PD_DynamicTemp :== 103
PD_DynamicValue :== 104
PD_DynamicType :== 105
// ... MV
/* identifiers present in the hastable */
PD_StdArray :== 106
PD_StdEnum :== 107
PD_StdBool :== 108
PD_AndOp :== 109
PD_OrOp :== 110
/* Array functions */
PD_ArrayClass :== 111
PD_CreateArrayFun :== 112
PD__CreateArrayFun :== 113
PD_ArraySelectFun :== 114
PD_UnqArraySelectFun :== 115
PD_ArrayUpdateFun :== 116
PD_ArrayReplaceFun :== 117
PD_ArraySizeFun :== 118
PD_UnqArraySizeFun :== 119
/* Enum/Comprehension functions */
PD_SmallerFun :== 120
PD_IncFun :== 121
PD_From :== 122
PD_FromThen :== 123
PD_FromTo :== 124
PD_FromThenTo :== 125
/* Dynamics */
PD_TypeCodeClass :== 126
PD_TypeObjectType :== 127
PD_TypeConsSymbol :== 128
PD_unify :== 129
// MV ..
PD_coerce :== 130
PD_variablePlaceholder :== 131
PD_StdDynamics :== 132
PD_undo_indirections :== 133
/* Generics */
PD_StdGeneric :== 134
PD_TypeISO :== 135
PD_ConsISO :== 136
PD_iso_to :== 137
PD_iso_from :== 138
PD_TypeUNIT :== 139
PD_ConsUNIT :== 140
PD_TypeEITHER :== 141
PD_ConsLEFT :== 142
PD_ConsRIGHT :== 143
PD_TypePAIR :== 144
PD_ConsPAIR :== 145
PD_TypeARROW :== 146
PD_ConsARROW :== 147
PD_TypeConsDefInfo :== 148
PD_ConsConsDefInfo :== 149
PD_TypeTypeDefInfo :== 150
PD_ConsTypeDefInfo :== 151
PD_cons_info :== 152
PD_TypeCONS :== 153
PD_ConsCONS :== 154
PD_isomap_ARROW_ :== 155
PD_isomap_ID :== 156
/* StdMisc */
PD_StdMisc :== 157
PD_abort :== 158
PD_undef :== 159
PD_Start :== 160
// MW..
PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 161
PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 162
// ..MW
GetTupleConsIndex tup_arity :== PD_Arity2TupleSymbol + tup_arity - 2
GetTupleTypeIndex tup_arity :== PD_Arity2TupleType + tup_arity - 2
buildPredefinedSymbols :: !*HashTable -> (!.PredefinedSymbols,!*HashTable)
buildPredefinedModule :: !*PredefinedSymbols -> (!ScannedModule, !.PredefinedSymbols)