module main
import scanner, parse, postparse, check, type, trans, convertcases, utilities, convertDynamics
import StdEnv
// XXX
import RWSDebug
Start world
# (std_io, world) = stdio world
(_, ms_out, world) = fopen "out" FWriteText world
(ms_out,world) = accFiles (
\files ->
(ms_paths, ms_files, ms_error) = converFileToListOfStrings "mainPrefs" files stderr
ms = CommandLoop No { ms_io = std_io, ms_out = ms_out, ms_error = ms_error, ms_files = ms_files, ms_paths = ms_paths }
(ms.ms_out, ms.ms_files))) world
= fclose ms_out world
CommandLoop proj ms=:{ms_io}
# (answer, ms_io) = freadline (ms_io <<< "> ")
(command, argument) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace (fromString answer))
| command == []
= CommandLoop proj { ms & ms_io = ms_io}
# (ready, proj, ms) = DoCommand command argument proj { ms & ms_io = ms_io}
| ready
= ms
= CommandLoop proj ms
:: MainStateDefs funs funtypes types conses classes instances members selectors =
{ msd_funs :: !funs
, msd_funtypes :: !funtypes
, msd_types :: !types
, msd_conses :: !conses
, msd_classes :: !classes
, msd_instances :: !instances
, msd_members :: !members
, msd_selectors :: !selectors
, msd_genfuns :: ![FunDef]
:: *MainState funs funtypes types conses classes instances members selectors =
{ ms_io :: !*File
, ms_error :: !*File
, ms_out :: !*File
, ms_paths :: !SearchPaths
, ms_files :: !*Files
:: ModuleTree = ModuleNode !InterMod !ModuleTree !ModuleTree | NoModules
containsModule name (ModuleNode {inter_name = {id_name}} left right)
# cmp = id_name =< name
| cmp == Equal
= True
| cmp == Smaller
= containsModule name right
= containsModule name left
containsModule name NoModules
= False
addModule name mod tree=:(ModuleNode this_mod=:{inter_name = {id_name}} left right)
# cmp = id_name =< name
| cmp == Equal
= tree
| cmp == Smaller
= ModuleNode this_mod left (addModule name mod right)
= ModuleNode this_mod (addModule name mod left) right
addModule _ mod NoModules
= ModuleNode mod NoModules NoModules
:: Project =
{ proj_main_module :: !Ident
, proj_hash_table :: !.HashTable
, proj_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols
, proj_modules :: !ModuleTree
:: InterMod =
{ inter_name :: Ident
, inter_modules :: !{# Ident}
, inter_fun_defs :: !{# FunDef}
, inter_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Optional {# Index}
, inter_dcl_icl_conversions :: !Optional {# Index}
DoCommand ['c':_] argument proj ms
# (file_name, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace argument)
(opt_mod, ms) = compileModule (toString file_name) ms
= (False, proj, ms)
DoCommand ['s':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_io, ms_files}
# (file_name, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace argument)
file_name = toString (file_name++['.icl'])
(ok,file,files) = fopen file_name FReadText ms_files
(lines,file) = freadlines file
(ok,files) = fclose file files
= (False, proj, {ms & ms_io = ms_io <<< ("file "+++file_name+++" "+++toString (length lines)+++" lines\n") <<< lines <<< "\n", ms_files = files})
DoCommand ['t':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_files, ms_io}
# (file_names, ms_files, ms_io) = converFileToListOfStrings "testfiles" ms_files ms_io
= (False, proj, foldSt check_module file_names { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_io = ms_io })
check_module file_name ms
# (opt_mod, ms) = compileModule file_name (ms ---> file_name)
= case opt_mod of
-> { ms & ms_io = ms.ms_io <<< file_name <<< " is not OK\n" }
-> ms
DoCommand ['p':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_io, ms_files}
# (file_name, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace argument)
(predef_symbols, hash_table) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable
(mod_ident, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable (toString file_name) IC_Module hash_table
= (False, Yes { proj_main_module = mod_ident, proj_hash_table = hash_table, proj_predef_symbols = predef_symbols, proj_modules = NoModules }, ms)
DoCommand ['q':_] argument proj ms
= (True, proj, ms)
DoCommand ['h':_] argument proj ms=:{ms_io}
= (False, proj, {ms & ms_io = ms_io <<< "No help available. Sorry.\n"})
DoCommand command argument proj ms=:{ms_io}
= (False, proj, {ms & ms_io = ms_io <<< toString command <<< "?\n"})
freadlines file
| sfend file
= ([],file)
# (line, file) = freadline file
# (lines,file) = freadlines file
= ([line:lines],file)
SplitAtLayoutChar [] = ([], [])
SplitAtLayoutChar [x:xs]
| x == ' ' || x == '\t' || x == '\n'
= ([], xs)
| otherwise
= ([x:word], rest_input)
(word, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar xs
compileModule mod_name ms
# (predef_symbols, hash_table) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable
(mod_ident, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable mod_name IC_Module hash_table
(opt_module, predef_symbols, hash_table, ms) = loadModule mod_ident predef_symbols hash_table ms
= (opt_module, ms)
loadModule mod_ident predef_symbols hash_table ms=:{ms_files,ms_error,ms_io,ms_out,ms_paths}
# (ok, mod, hash_table, ms_error, predef_symbols, ms_files)
= wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident (hash_table ---> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)) ms_error ms_paths predef_symbols ms_files
| not ok
= (No, predef_symbols, hash_table, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_io = ms_io, ms_error = ms_error })
# (ok, mod, nr_of_global_funs, mod_functions, dcl_mod, predef_mod, modules, hash_table, ms_error, predef_symbols, ms_files)
= scanModule (mod ---> "Scanning") hash_table ms_error ms_paths predef_symbols ms_files
| not ok
= (No, predef_symbols, hash_table, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_io = ms_io, ms_error = ms_error })
# symbol_table = hash_table.hte_symbol_heap
(ok, icl_mod, dcl_mods, components, dcl_icl_conversions, heaps, predef_symbols, symbol_table, ms_error)
= checkModule mod nr_of_global_funs mod_functions dcl_mod predef_mod modules predef_symbols (symbol_table ---> "Checking") ms_error
| not ok
= (No, predef_symbols, { hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_error = ms_error, ms_io = ms_io })
# {icl_functions,icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_common,icl_declared={dcls_import}} = icl_mod
// (components, icl_functions, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True icl_functions ms_error
(ok, fun_defs, array_instances, type_code_instances, common_defs, imported_funs, heaps, predef_symbols, ms_error)
= typeProgram (components ---> "Typing") icl_functions icl_specials icl_common dcls_import dcl_mods heaps predef_symbols ms_error
| not ok
= (No, predef_symbols, { hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_error = ms_error, ms_io = ms_io, ms_out = ms_out })
# (components, fun_defs) = partitionateFunctions (fun_defs ---> "partitionateFunctions") [ { ir_from = 0, ir_to = nr_of_global_funs }, icl_instances, icl_specials]
// (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs ms_error
(components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_error
(cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
= analyseGroups common_defs (components ---> "Transform") fun_defs heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_expression_heap
#!(components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
= transformGroups cleanup_info components fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps expression_heap
(components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_error
// (components, fun_defs, ms_error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs ms_error
(dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertIclModule common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
(dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertDclModule dcl_mods common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
(components, fun_defs, predef_symbols, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
= convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs (components ---> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
// (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs ms_out
(used_funs, components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
= convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns components imported_funs common_defs fun_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
(dcl_types, var_heap, type_heaps)
= convertImportedTypeSpecifications dcl_mods imported_funs common_defs used_conses used_funs dcl_types type_heaps var_heap
// (components, fun_defs, ms_out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs ms_out
= (Yes (buildInterMod mod_ident dcl_mods fun_defs dcl_icl_conversions), predef_symbols,
{ hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}, { ms & ms_files = ms_files, ms_error = ms_error, ms_io = ms_io, ms_out = ms_out })
makeProject (Yes proj=:{proj_main_module,proj_hash_table,proj_predef_symbols}) ms
# (main_mod, proj_predef_symbols, proj_hash_table, ms) = loadModule proj_main_module proj_predef_symbols proj_hash_table ms
proj = { proj & proj_hash_table = proj_hash_table, proj_predef_symbols = proj_predef_symbols }
= case main_mod of
Yes main_mod=:{inter_modules}
# (proj_modules, ms) = collect_modules [ mod \\ mod <-: inter_modules ] (ModuleNode main_mod NoModules NoModules) ms
-> (Yes { proj & proj_modules = proj_modules }, ms)
-> (Yes proj, ms)
collect_modules [{id_name} : modules] collected_modules ms
| containsModule id_name collected_modules
= collect_modules modules collected_modules ms
# (this_mod, ms) = compileModule id_name ms
= case this_mod of
Yes new_mod
-> collect_modules (modules ++ [ mod \\ mod <-: new_mod.inter_modules ]) (addModule id_name new_mod collected_modules) ms
-> (NoModules, ms)
collect_modules [{id_name} : modules] collected_modules ms
= (collected_modules, ms)
buildInterMod name dcl_modules fun_defs dcl_icl_conversions
= { inter_name = name
, inter_modules = { dcl_name \\ {dcl_name} <-: dcl_modules }
, inter_fun_defs = fun_defs
, inter_icl_dcl_conversions = build_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) dcl_icl_conversions
, inter_dcl_icl_conversions = dcl_icl_conversions
build_icl_dcl_conversions table_size (Yes conversion_table)
# dcl_table_size = size conversion_table
icl_dcl_conversions = update_conversion_array 0 dcl_table_size conversion_table (createArray table_size NoIndex)
= Yes (fill_empty_positions 0 table_size dcl_table_size icl_dcl_conversions)
build_icl_dcl_conversions table_size No
= No
update_conversion_array dcl_index dcl_table_size conversion_table icl_conversions
| dcl_index < dcl_table_size
# icl_index = conversion_table.[dcl_index]
= update_conversion_array (inc dcl_index) dcl_table_size conversion_table
{ icl_conversions & [icl_index] = dcl_index }
= icl_conversions
fill_empty_positions next_index table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
| next_index < table_size
| icl_conversions.[next_index] == NoIndex
= fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size (inc next_new_index) { icl_conversions & [next_index] = next_new_index }
= fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
= icl_conversions
showComponents :: !*{! Group} !Int !Bool !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
showComponents comps comp_index show_types fun_defs file
| comp_index >= size comps
= (comps, fun_defs, file)
# (comp, comps) = comps![comp_index]
# (fun_defs, file) = show_component comp.group_members show_types fun_defs (file <<< "component " <<< comp_index <<< '\n')
= showComponents comps (inc comp_index) show_types fun_defs file
show_component [] show_types fun_defs file
= (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
show_component [fun:funs] show_types fun_defs file
| fun>=size fun_defs
= abort ("YYY "+++toString fun+++" "+++toString (size fun_defs))
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
| show_types
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< '\n' <<< fun_def)
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def)
// = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb)
showComponents2 :: !{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !{! ConsClasses} !*File -> (!*{# FunDef},!*File)
showComponents2 comps comp_index fun_defs acc_args file
| comp_index >= (size comps)
= (fun_defs, file)
# (fun_defs, file) = show_component comps.[comp_index].group_members fun_defs acc_args file
= showComponents2 comps (inc comp_index) fun_defs acc_args file
show_component [] fun_defs _ file
= (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
show_component [fun:funs] fun_defs acc_args file
#! fd = fun_defs.[fun]
# file = show_accumulating_arguments acc_args.[fun].cc_args (file <<< fd.fun_symb <<< '.' <<< fun <<< " (")
= show_component funs fun_defs acc_args (file <<< ") ")
show_accumulating_arguments [ cc : ccs] file
| cc == cPassive
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'p')
| cc == cActive
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'c')
| cc == cAccumulating
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'a')
= show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< '?')
show_accumulating_arguments [] file
= file
show_components comps fun_defs = map (show_component fun_defs) comps
show_component fun_defs [] = []
show_component fun_defs [fun:funs] = [fun_defs.[fun ---> fun] : show_component fun_defs funs]
showTypes :: !*{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
showTypes comps comp_index fun_defs file
| comp_index >= size comps
= (comps, fun_defs, file)
# (comp, comps) = comps![comp_index]
# (fun_defs, file) = show_types comp.group_members fun_defs (file <<< "component " <<< comp_index <<< '\n')
= showTypes comps (inc comp_index) fun_defs file
show_types [] fun_defs file
= (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
show_types [fun:funs] fun_defs file
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
= show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< '\n' <<< fun_def.fun_type)
converFileToListOfStrings file_name files error
# (ok, file, files) = fopen file_name FReadText files
| ok
# (lines, file) = read_lines file
= (lines, snd (fclose file files), error)
= ([], files, error <<< "Could not open \"" <<< file_name <<< "\"\n")
read_lines file
# (line, file) = freadline file
last_char_index = size line - 1
| last_char_index < 0
= ([], file)
| line.[last_char_index] == '\n'
| last_char_index == 0 || line.[0] == '|'
= read_lines file
# (lines, file) = read_lines file
= ([line % (0, last_char_index - 1) : lines ], file)
// otherwise
= ([line], file)