implementation module containers
// compile using "reuse unique nodes" option
import StdEnv, utilities, syntax
:: NumberSet = Numbers !Int !NumberSet | EndNumbers
inNumberSet :: !Int !NumberSet -> Bool
inNumberSet n EndNumbers
= False;
inNumberSet n (Numbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers)
| n<32
= (module_numbers bitand (1<<n))<>0
= inNumberSet (n-32) rest_module_numbers
nsFromTo :: !Int -> NumberSet
// all numbers from 0 to (i-1)
nsFromTo i
| i<=0
= EndNumbers
| i<=31
= Numbers (bitnot ((-1)<<i)) EndNumbers
= Numbers (-1) (nsFromTo (i-32))
addNr :: !Int !NumberSet -> NumberSet
addNr n EndNumbers
| n<32
= Numbers (1<<n) EndNumbers
= Numbers 0 (addNr (n-32) EndNumbers)
addNr n (Numbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers)
| n<32
= Numbers (module_numbers bitor (1<<n)) rest_module_numbers
= Numbers module_numbers (addNr (n-32) rest_module_numbers)
numberSetUnion :: !NumberSet !NumberSet -> NumberSet
numberSetUnion EndNumbers x
= x
numberSetUnion x EndNumbers
= x
numberSetUnion (Numbers i1 tail1) (Numbers i2 tail2)
= Numbers (i1 bitor i2) (numberSetUnion tail1 tail2)
is_empty_module_n_set EndNumbers
= True;
is_empty_module_n_set (Numbers 0 module_numbers)
= is_empty_module_n_set module_numbers
is_empty_module_n_set _
= False;
remove_first_module_number (Numbers 0 rest_module_numbers)
# (bit_n,rest_module_numbers) = remove_first_module_number rest_module_numbers
= (bit_n+32,Numbers 0 rest_module_numbers)
remove_first_module_number (Numbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers)
# bit_n = first_one_bit module_numbers
= (bit_n,Numbers (module_numbers bitand (bitnot (1<<bit_n))) rest_module_numbers)
numberSetToList :: !NumberSet -> [Int]
numberSetToList ns
= numberset_to_list ns 0
numberset_to_list :: !NumberSet !Int -> [Int]
numberset_to_list EndNumbers i
= []
numberset_to_list (Numbers n rest_ns) i
# rest_l
= numberset_to_list rest_ns (i+32)
= add_numbers_in_word n i rest_l
add_numbers_in_word :: !Int !Int [Int] -> [Int]
add_numbers_in_word n i rest_l
| n==0
= rest_l
# (last_i, mask)
= last_one_bit n
= add_numbers_in_word (n bitand (bitnot mask)) i [last_i+i:rest_l]
last_one_bit :: !.Int -> (!Int, !Int)
last_one_bit n
| n bitand 0xff000000<>0
= last_one_bit_in_byte 31 n
| n bitand 0xff0000<>0
= last_one_bit_in_byte 23 n
| n bitand 0xff00<>0
= last_one_bit_in_byte 15 n
= last_one_bit_in_byte 7 n
last_one_bit_in_byte :: !Int !Int -> (!Int, !Int)
last_one_bit_in_byte i n
# mask
= 1<<i
| n bitand mask<>0
= (i, mask)
= last_one_bit_in_byte (i-1) n
first_one_bit module_numbers
| module_numbers bitand 0xff<>0
= first_one_bit_in_byte 0 module_numbers
| module_numbers bitand 0xff00<>0
= first_one_bit_in_byte 8 module_numbers
| module_numbers bitand 0xff0000<>0
= first_one_bit_in_byte 16 module_numbers
= first_one_bit_in_byte 24 module_numbers
first_one_bit_in_byte n module_numbers
| module_numbers bitand (1<<n)<>0
= n
= first_one_bit_in_byte (n+1) module_numbers
bitvectToNumberSet :: !LargeBitvect -> .NumberSet
bitvectToNumberSet a
= loop a (size a - 1)
loop a (-1)
= EndNumbers
loop a i
| a.[i]==0
= loop a (i-1)
= loop2 a i EndNumbers
loop2 a (-1) accu
= accu
loop2 a i accu
= loop2 a (i-1) (Numbers a.[i] accu)
BITINDEX index :== index >> 5
BITNUMBER index :== index bitand 31
:: LargeBitvect :== {#Int}
bitvectCreate :: !Int -> .LargeBitvect
bitvectCreate 0 = {}
bitvectCreate n_elements = createArray ((BITINDEX (n_elements-1)+1)) 0
bitvectSelect :: !Int !LargeBitvect -> Bool
bitvectSelect index a
= a.[BITINDEX index] bitand (1 << BITNUMBER index) <> 0
bitvectTestAndSet :: !Int !*LargeBitvect -> (!Bool,!.LargeBitvect)
bitvectTestAndSet index a
# bit_index = BITINDEX index
#! a_bit_index = a.[bit_index]
# mask = 1 << BITNUMBER index
# new_a_bit_index = a_bit_index bitor mask
= (new_a_bit_index==a_bit_index,{ a & [bit_index] = new_a_bit_index})
bitvectSet :: !Int !*LargeBitvect -> .LargeBitvect
bitvectSet index a
#! bit_index = BITINDEX index
a_bit_index = a.[bit_index]
= { a & [bit_index] = a_bit_index bitor (1 << BITNUMBER index)}
bitvectReset :: !Int !*LargeBitvect -> .LargeBitvect
bitvectReset index a
#! bit_index = BITINDEX index
a_bit_index = a.[bit_index]
= { a & [bit_index] = a_bit_index bitand (bitnot (1 << BITNUMBER index))}
bitvectSetFirstN :: !Int !*LargeBitvect -> .LargeBitvect
bitvectSetFirstN n_bits a
= set_bits 0 n_bits a
set_bits index n_bits a
| n_bits<=0
= a
| n_bits<32
# (a_index,a) = a![index]
= {a & [index]=a_index bitor (bitnot ((-1)<<n_bits))}
= set_bits (index+1) (n_bits-32) {a & [index]= -1}
bitvectResetAll :: !*LargeBitvect -> .LargeBitvect
bitvectResetAll arr
#! size = size arr
= { arr & [i] = 0 \\ i<-[0..size-1] } // list should be optimized away
bitvectOr :: !u:LargeBitvect !*LargeBitvect -> (!Bool, !u:LargeBitvect, !*LargeBitvect)
// Boolean result: whether the unique bitvect has changed
bitvectOr op1 op2
#! size
= size op1
= iFoldSt word_or 0 size (False, op1, op2)
word_or i (has_changed, op1=:{[i]=op1_i}, op2=:{[i]=op2_i})
# or = op1_i bitor op2_i
| or==op2_i
= (has_changed, op1, op2)
= (True, op1, { op2 & [i] = or })
add_strictness :: !Int !StrictnessList -> StrictnessList
add_strictness index NotStrict
| index<32
= Strict (1<<index);
= StrictList 0 (add_strictness (index-32) NotStrict)
add_strictness index (Strict s)
| index<32
= Strict (s bitor (1<<index));
= StrictList s (add_strictness (index-32) NotStrict)
add_strictness index (StrictList s l)
| index<32
= StrictList (s bitor (1<<index)) l;
= StrictList s (add_strictness (index-32) l)
first_n_strict :: !Int -> StrictnessList
first_n_strict 0
= NotStrict
first_n_strict n
| n<32
= Strict (bitnot ((-1)<<n))
= StrictList (-1) (first_n_strict (n-32))
insert_n_strictness_values_at_beginning :: !Int !StrictnessList -> StrictnessList
insert_n_strictness_values_at_beginning 0 s
= s
insert_n_strictness_values_at_beginning n NotStrict
| n<32
= Strict (bitnot ((-1)<<n))
= StrictList (-1) (first_n_strict (n-32))
insert_n_strictness_values_at_beginning n (Strict s)
| n<32
# s2=((s>>1) bitand 0x7fffffff)>>(31-n)
# s=(bitnot ((-1)<<n)) bitor (s<<n)
| s2==0
= Strict s
= StrictList s (Strict s2)
= StrictList (-1) (first_n_strict (n-32))
insert_n_strictness_values_at_beginning n (StrictList s l)
| n<32
# s2=((s>>1) bitand 0x7fffffff)>>(31-n)
# s=(bitnot ((-1)<<n)) bitor (s<<n)
= StrictList s (shift_or l n s2)
= StrictList (-1) (insert_n_strictness_values_at_beginning (n-32) l)
insert_n_lazy_values_at_beginning :: !Int !StrictnessList -> StrictnessList
insert_n_lazy_values_at_beginning 0 s
= s
insert_n_lazy_values_at_beginning n NotStrict
= NotStrict
insert_n_lazy_values_at_beginning n (Strict s)
| n<32
# s2=((s>>1) bitand 0x7fffffff)>>(31-n)
# s=s<<n
| s2==0
= Strict s
= StrictList s (Strict s2)
= StrictList (-1) (first_n_strict (n-32))
insert_n_lazy_values_at_beginning n (StrictList s l)
| n<32
# s2=((s>>1) bitand 0x7fffffff)>>(31-n)
# s=s<<n
= StrictList s (shift_or l n s2)
= StrictList (-1) (insert_n_lazy_values_at_beginning (n-32) l)
shift_or NotStrict n s2
| s2==0
= NotStrict
= Strict s2
shift_or (Strict s) n s2
# new_s=(s<<n) bitor s2
# new_s2=((s>>1) bitand 0x7fffffff)>>(31-n)
| new_s2==0
= Strict new_s
= StrictList new_s (Strict new_s2)
shift_or (StrictList s l) n s2
# new_s=(s<<n) bitor s2
# new_s2=((s>>1) bitand 0x7fffffff)>>(31-n)
= StrictList new_s (shift_or l n new_s2)
arg_strictness_annotation :: !Int !StrictnessList -> Annotation;
arg_strictness_annotation _ NotStrict
= AN_None
arg_strictness_annotation i (Strict s)
| i<32 && (s>>i) bitand 1>0
= AN_Strict
= AN_None
arg_strictness_annotation i (StrictList s l)
| i<32
| (s>>i) bitand 1>0
= AN_Strict
= AN_None
= arg_strictness_annotation (i-32) l
arg_is_strict :: !Int !StrictnessList -> Bool;
arg_is_strict _ NotStrict
= False
arg_is_strict i (Strict s)
= i<32 && (s>>i) bitand 1>0
arg_is_strict i (StrictList s l)
| i<32
= (s>>i) bitand 1>0
= arg_is_strict (i-32) l
is_not_strict :: !StrictnessList -> Bool
is_not_strict NotStrict = True
is_not_strict (Strict s) = s==0
is_not_strict (StrictList s l) = s==0 && is_not_strict l
equal_strictness_lists :: !StrictnessList !StrictnessList -> Bool
equal_strictness_lists NotStrict NotStrict
= True
equal_strictness_lists NotStrict (Strict s)
= s==0
equal_strictness_lists NotStrict (StrictList s l)
= s==0 && is_not_strict l
equal_strictness_lists (Strict s) NotStrict
= s==0
equal_strictness_lists (Strict s1) (Strict s2)
= s1==s2
equal_strictness_lists (Strict s1) (StrictList s2 l)
= s1==s2 && is_not_strict l
equal_strictness_lists (StrictList s l) NotStrict
= s==0 && is_not_strict l
equal_strictness_lists (StrictList s1 l) (Strict s2)
= s1==s2 && is_not_strict l
equal_strictness_lists (StrictList s1 l1) (StrictList s2 l2)
= s1==s2 && equal_strictness_lists l1 l2
add_next_strict :: !Int !Int !StrictnessList -> (!Int,!Int,!StrictnessList)
add_next_strict strictness_index strictness strictness_list
| strictness_index<32
= (strictness_index+1,strictness bitor (1<<strictness_index),strictness_list)
= (0,0x80000000,append_strictness strictness strictness_list)
add_next_not_strict :: !Int !Int !StrictnessList -> (!Int,!Int,!StrictnessList)
add_next_not_strict strictness_index strictness strictness_list
| strictness_index<32
= (strictness_index+1,strictness,strictness_list)
= (0,0,append_strictness strictness strictness_list)
append_strictness :: !Int !StrictnessList -> StrictnessList
append_strictness strictness NotStrict
= Strict strictness
append_strictness strictness (Strict s)
= StrictList s (Strict strictness)
append_strictness strictness (StrictList s l)
= StrictList s (append_strictness strictness l)
first_n_are_strict :: !Int !StrictnessList -> Bool
first_n_are_strict 0 _
= True
first_n_are_strict n NotStrict
= False
first_n_are_strict n (Strict s)
| n>32
= False
| n==32
= s==0xffffffff
# m=(1<<n)-1
= s bitand m==m
first_n_are_strict n (StrictList s l)
| n>=32
= s==0xffffffff && first_n_are_strict (n-32) l
# m=(1<<n)-1
= s bitand m==m
remove_first_n :: !Int !StrictnessList -> StrictnessList
remove_first_n 0 s
= s
remove_first_n _ NotStrict
= NotStrict
remove_first_n n (Strict s)
| n<32
= Strict (((s>>1) bitand 0x7fffffff)>>(n-1))
= NotStrict
remove_first_n n (StrictList s l)
| n<32
# s2=case l of
Strict s -> s
StrictList s _ -> s
NotStrict -> 0
# s=(((s>>1) bitand 0x7fffffff)>>(n-1)) bitor (s2<<(32-n))
= StrictList s (remove_first_n n l)
= remove_first_n (n-32) l
screw :== 80
:: IntKey :== Int
:: IntKeyHashtable a = IntKeyHashtable !Int !Int !Int !.{!.IntKeyTree a}
// ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries
// it's not a record type to prevent it from being unboxed
:: IntKeyTree a = IKT_Leaf | IKT_Node !IntKey a !.(IntKeyTree a) !.(IntKeyTree a)
ikhEmpty :: .(IntKeyHashtable a)
ikhEmpty = IntKeyHashtable 0 0 0 {}
ikhInsert :: !Bool !IntKey a !*(IntKeyHashtable a) -> (!Bool, !.IntKeyHashtable a)
ikhInsert overide int_key value (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
| ikh_rehash_threshold<=ikh_nr_of_entries
= ikhInsert overide int_key value (grow ikh_entries)
#! hash_value
= int_key bitand ikh_bitmask
(tree, ikh_entries)
= replace ikh_entries hash_value IKT_Leaf
(is_new, tree)
= iktUInsert overide int_key value tree
= { ikh_entries & [hash_value] = tree }
| is_new
= (is_new, (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold (ikh_nr_of_entries+1) ikh_bitmask ikh_entries))
= (is_new, (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries))
grow :: !{!*(IntKeyTree a)} -> .(IntKeyHashtable a)
grow old_entries
#! size
= size old_entries
= if (size==0) 2 (2*size)
= { IKT_Leaf \\ i<-[1..new_size] }
= (IntKeyHashtable ((new_size*screw)/100) 0 (new_size-1) new_entries)
(_, ikh)
= iFoldSt rehashTree 0 size (old_entries, ikh)
= ikh
rehashTree :: !Int (!{!*IntKeyTree a}, !*IntKeyHashtable a)
-> (!{!*IntKeyTree a}, !*IntKeyHashtable a)
rehashTree index (old_entries, ikh)
#! (tree, old_entries)
= replace old_entries index IKT_Leaf
= iktFlatten tree
= foldSt (\(key, value) ikh -> snd (ikhInsert False key value ikh)) list ikh
= (old_entries, ikh)
ikhInsert` :: !Bool !IntKey a !*(IntKeyHashtable a) -> .IntKeyHashtable a
ikhInsert` overide int_key value ikh
= snd (ikhInsert overide int_key value ikh)
ikhSearch :: !IntKey !(IntKeyHashtable a) -> .Optional a
ikhSearch int_key (IntKeyHashtable _ _ ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
| size ikh_entries==0
= No
= iktSearch int_key ikh_entries.[int_key bitand ikh_bitmask]
ikhSearch` :: !IntKey !(IntKeyHashtable a) -> a
ikhSearch` int_key (IntKeyHashtable _ _ ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
| size ikh_entries==0
= abort "ikhSearch`: key not found"
= iktSearch` int_key ikh_entries.[int_key bitand ikh_bitmask]
ikhUSearch :: !IntKey !*(IntKeyHashtable a) -> (!.Optional a, !*IntKeyHashtable a)
ikhUSearch int_key (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
| size ikh_entries==0
= (No, IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
# hash_value
= int_key bitand ikh_bitmask
(ikt, ikh_entries)
= replace ikh_entries hash_value IKT_Leaf
(opt_result, ikt)
= iktUSearch int_key ikt
= { ikh_entries & [hash_value] = ikt }
= (opt_result, (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries))
iktUInsert :: !Bool !IntKey a !*(IntKeyTree a) -> (!Bool, !.IntKeyTree a)
iktUInsert overide int_key value IKT_Leaf
= (True, IKT_Node int_key value IKT_Leaf IKT_Leaf)
iktUInsert overide int_key value (IKT_Node key2 value2 left right)
| int_key<key2
# (is_new, left`)
= iktUInsert overide int_key value left
= (is_new, IKT_Node key2 value2 left` right)
| int_key>key2
# (is_new, right`)
= iktUInsert overide int_key value right
= (is_new, IKT_Node key2 value2 left right`)
| overide
= (False, IKT_Node int_key value left right)
= (False, IKT_Node key2 value2 left right)
iktFlatten :: !(IntKeyTree a) -> [(IntKey, a)]
iktFlatten ikt
= flatten ikt []
flatten IKT_Leaf accu
= accu
flatten (IKT_Node int_key value left right) accu
= flatten left [(int_key, value) : flatten right accu]
iktUSearch :: !IntKey !*(IntKeyTree a) -> (!.Optional a,!.IntKeyTree a)
iktUSearch int_key IKT_Leaf
= (No, IKT_Leaf)
iktUSearch int_key (IKT_Node key2 value left right)
| int_key<key2
# (opt_result, left)
= iktUSearch int_key left
= (opt_result, IKT_Node key2 value left right)
| int_key>key2
# (opt_result, right)
= iktUSearch int_key right
= (opt_result, IKT_Node key2 value left right)
# (_, yes_value)
= yes value
= (yes_value, IKT_Node key2 value left right)
yes :: !x -> (!Bool, !.Optional x) // to minimize allocation
yes value = (True, Yes value)
iktSearch :: !IntKey !(IntKeyTree a) -> .Optional a
iktSearch int_key IKT_Leaf
= No
iktSearch int_key (IKT_Node key2 value left right)
| int_key<key2
= iktSearch int_key left
| int_key>key2
= iktSearch int_key right
= Yes value
iktSearch` :: !IntKey !(IntKeyTree a) -> a
iktSearch` int_key (IKT_Node key2 value left right)
| int_key<key2
= iktSearch` int_key left
| int_key>key2
= iktSearch` int_key right
= value
iktSearch` int_key IKT_Leaf
= abort "iktSearch`: key not found"
instance toString (IntKeyTree a) | toString a
toString ikt
# list
= iktFlatten ikt
= listToString "," list
listToString _ []
= "[]"
listToString del l
= "["+++lts l
lts [a]
= toString a+++"]"
lts [h:t]
= toString h+++del+++lts t
instance toString {!a} | toString a
toString arr
# list
= arrayToList arr
= listToString " , " list
arrayToList :: {!a} -> [a]
arrayToList arr = [el \\ el<-:arr]
instance toString (IntKeyHashtable a) |toString a
toString (IntKeyHashtable ikh_rehash_threshold ikh_nr_of_entries ikh_bitmask ikh_entries)
= "(IKH "+++toString ikh_rehash_threshold+++" "+++toString ikh_nr_of_entries
+++" "+++toString ikh_bitmask+++" "+++toString ikh_entries
instance toString (a, b) | toString a & toString b
toString (a, b)
= "("+++toString a+++","+++toString b+++")"