path: root/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/unix_io.c
blob: 199fa84e2390ef4282ef3bd85f57a560e13c30a4 (plain) (tree)







 *     Concurrent Clean Simulator: simple_sun_io.c                             *
 *     ===========================================                             *
 *     At: Department of Computer Science                                      *
 *         University of Nijmegen                                              *
 *     Version: 1.1                                                            *
#include "system.h"

#if !defined (applec) || defined (__MWERKS__)
#	include <sys/types.h>
#	include <sys/file.h>
#	include <sys/param.h>

#if !(defined (applec) || defined (_PC_))
#	include <unistd.h>

char *GetFileExtension (FileKind kind)
	switch (kind){
		case abcFile:		return ".abc";
		case obj00File:		return ".obj0";
		case obj20File:		return ".obj1";
		case obj81File:		return ".obj2";
		case iclFile:		return ".icl";
		case dclFile:		return ".dcl";
		case assFile:		return ".a";
		case sunAssFile:	return ".s";
		case applFile:
		case otherFile:
		default:			return "";


#ifdef SOLARIS
char clean_lib_directory[145] = "#$@CLEANLIB  %*&.";
# define clean_lib_directory (&clean_lib_directory[16])
char clean_lib_directory[129] = ".";

#define CLEANLIB	clean_lib_directory

static int use_clean_system_files_folder=1;


static Bool file_exists (char *path)
	return access (path, F_OK) == 0;

extern char *path_parameter;

static Bool findfilepath (char *fname,FileKind kind,char *mode,char *path)
    char *s,*path_elem,c,*pathlist,*ext;
	int in_clean_system_files_folder;

	if (path_parameter==NULL)
	    pathlist=getenv ("CLEANPATH");

    if (pathlist==NULL)

	ext = GetFileExtension (kind);


	if (use_clean_system_files_folder)
		switch (kind){
			case abcFile:
			case obj00File:
			case obj20File:
			case obj81File:

	if (! (fname[0]=='/')){
		path_elem = pathlist;

		for (;;){
			c = *s;
			if (c == ':' || c == '\0'){
				char *from_p,*dest_p;
				while (from_p<s)
					*dest_p++ = *from_p++;
				*dest_p = '\0';

				if (in_clean_system_files_folder)
					strcat (path,"/Clean System Files/");
				    strcat (path,"/");
			    strcat (path,fname);
			    strcat (path,ext);
				if (file_exists (path))
					return True;
			    if (c == '\0')
				path_elem = ++s;
			} else

	if (in_clean_system_files_folder){
		strcpy (path,"Clean System Files/");
		strcat (path,fname);
	} else
		strcpy (path,fname);
	strcat (path,ext);

 	return file_exists (path);
#if 0
static Bool findfilepath (char *fname, FileKind kind, char *mode, char *path)
	int accmode;
    char *s, *pathelem,c;
    char *getenv ();
    char *pathlist;
    char pathbuf[MAXPATHLEN];			/* buffer for tmp file name */
	char *ext;

	accmode = F_OK;		      		/* required file access mode */
    pathlist = getenv (SEARCHPATH);
	ext = GetFileExtension (kind);
    /* only scan current directory if path nonexistent */
    if (pathlist == (char *) 0)
		pathlist = ".";

    /* interpret file mode */
    for (s = mode; *s; s++)
    {	switch (*s)
		case 'r':
		    accmode |= R_OK;
		case 'w':
		case 'a':
		    accmode |= W_OK;
		case '+':
		    accmode |= (R_OK | W_OK);
    /* no searching on absolute paths or if not read only */
    if (fname[0] == '/' || (accmode & W_OK) == W_OK)
	{	(void) strcpy (path, fname);
		(void) strcat (path, ext);
		if ((accmode & W_OK) == W_OK || access (path, accmode) == 0)
			return True;
			return False;

    /* start scanning path list */
    s        = strcpy (pathbuf, pathlist);
    pathelem = s;
    for (c = *s;;c = *s){
#if defined (OS2) || defined (DOS)
		if (c == ';' || c == '\0'){
		if (c == ':' || c == '\0'){
			*s = '\0';
		    (void) strcpy (path, pathelem);
		    (void) strcat (path, "/");
		    (void) strcat (path, fname);
		    (void) strcat (path, ext);
		    if (access (path, accmode) == 0)
				return True;
		    *s = c;
		    if (c == '\0')
		    pathelem = ++s;

	/* try CLEANLIB */
 	strcpy (path, CLEANLIB);
	strcat (path, "/");
	strcat (path, fname);
	strcat (path, ext);
	if (access (path, accmode) == 0)
		return True;

	/* try . */
	(void) strcpy (path, fname);
	(void) strcat (path, ext);

 	return ((Bool) (access (path, accmode) == 0));

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

File FOpen (char *wname, FileKind kind, char *mode)
	char path[MAXPATHLEN];
	Bool res;
	if (mode[0]=='r')
		if (findfilepath (wname, kind, mode, path))
			return (File) fopen (path, mode);
			return (File) Null;
		res=findfilepath (wname,dclFile,mode,path);
		if (!res)
			res=findfilepath (wname,iclFile,mode,path);

		if (res){
			char *p,*after_last_slash;


			while (*p)
				if (*p++=='/')

			if (after_last_slash==NULL)

			if (use_clean_system_files_folder){
				strcpy (after_last_slash,"Clean System Files");

				if (access (path,F_OK)!=0){
					if (mkdir (path,0777)!=0)
						return NULL;

				strcat (after_last_slash,"/");
				strcat (after_last_slash,wname);
			} else
				strcpy (after_last_slash,wname);
			strcat (after_last_slash,GetFileExtension (kind));
			return fopen (path,mode);
		} else
			return NULL;

} /* FOpen */

int FClose (File f)
	return fclose ((FILE *) f);
} /* FClose */

int FDelete (char *fname, FileKind kind)
	char path[MAXPATHLEN];
	Bool res;
	res = findfilepath (fname, kind, "w", path);

	if (res)
		return remove (path);
		return -1;
} /* FDelete */

#ifndef FPutC
int FPutC (int c, File f)
	return fputc (c, (FILE *) f);

#ifndef FGetC
int FGetC (File f)
	return fgetc ((FILE *) f);

int FPrintF (File f, char *fmt, ...)
	int n;
	va_list args;
	va_start (args, fmt);

	n = vfprintf ((FILE*)f, fmt, args);

	va_end (args);
	return n;

size_t FWrite (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f)
	return fwrite (ptr, size, count, (FILE *) f);

size_t FRead  (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f)
	return fread (ptr, size, count, (FILE *) f);

#ifndef FGetS
char *FGetS (char *s, int n, File f)
	return fgets (s, n, (FILE *) f);

int FPutS (char *s, File f)
	return fputs (s, (FILE *) f);
} /* FPutS */

 *     Special for files                                                       *

int FSeek (File f, long offset, int origin)
	return fseek ((FILE *) f, offset, origin);
} /* FSeek */

long FTell (File f)
	return ftell ((FILE *) f);
} /* FTell */

 * Cursor movement                                                             *

void FGotoXY (File f, int x, int y)

void FGetXY (int *x, int *y, File f)
	*x = *y = 0;

 *     Time Handling                                                           *

#ifdef HP
#	include <unistd.h>
#	include <sys/times.h>

SysTime GetSysTime (unsigned scale)
#ifndef HP
# ifdef OS2
	unsigned long time;
	SysTime t;

# define INCL_DOS
# include <os2emx.h>

	DosQuerySysInfo (QSV_MS_COUNT,QSV_MS_COUNT,&time,sizeof (time));
	if (scale>=1000)
		t=(SysTime)(time * (unsigned long) (scale/1000));
		t=(SysTime)((time * (unsigned long) scale)/1000);
	return t;
# else
    struct rusage usage;
	SysTime t;

    (void) getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
    t = (SysTime) (usage.ru_utime.tv_sec * (unsigned long) scale +
    	usage.ru_utime.tv_usec / (unsigned long) (1000000L / scale));

    return t;
# endif
	double clock_ticks_per_second;
	struct tms time_buffer;
	clock_ticks_per_second=sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
	times (&time_buffer);
	return (SysTime) (((double)time_buffer.tms_utime * scale) / clock_ticks_per_second);
	return 0;
} /* GetSysTime */

void StopTimer (void)
} /* StopTimer */

void ResetTimer (void)
} /* ResetTimer */

FileTime FGetFileTime (char *fname, FileKind kind)
{	struct stat buf;
	char path[MAXPATHLEN];
	if (! findfilepath (fname, kind, "", path))
		return NoFile;
	stat (path, &buf);

	return (FileTime) buf.st_mtime;
} /* FGetFileTime */

 *                                                                             *
 *     Error Handling                                                          *
 *                                                                             *
void DoError (char *fmt, ...)
{	va_list args;
	va_start (args, fmt);

	(void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
	va_end (args);
} /* DoError */

void DoFatalError (char *fmt, ...)
{	va_list args;
	va_start (args, fmt);

	(void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
	va_end (args);

	exit (0);
} /* DoFatalError */

void CmdError (char *errormsg,...)
{	va_list args;
	va_start (args, errormsg);

	fputs ("Command line error: ", stdout);
	vfprintf (stdout, errormsg, args);
	fputc ('\n', stdout); 
	va_end (args);
} /* CmdError */

 *     Interrupt Handling                                                      *

#include <signal.h>

/* Special for the stand alone version of the Clean compiler:
   No interrupthandler should be installed

static void DoNothing (void)
} /* DoNothing */

void (*SetSignal (void (*f) (void))) (void)
	return DoNothing;
} /* SetSignal */

int CheckInterrupt (void)
	return 0;
} /* CheckInterrupt */

 *     Storage                                                                 *

void *Alloc (long unsigned count, SizeT size)
	if (size == 1)
	{	if (count >= MAXUNSIGNED)
			DoFatalError ("Allocate: severe memory allocation problem");
		return (void *) malloc ((size_t) count);
	else if (count >= (MAXUNSIGNED / size))
		DoFatalError ("Allocate: severe memory allocation problem");
	return (void *) malloc ((size_t) (count * size));
} /* Alloc */

void Free (void *p)
	(void) free (p);
} /* Free */