| For each identifier stored in the symbol table a structure of |
| type 'Ident' is reserved. |
extern char *ConvertNextTokenToString (void);
IdentToken, IntToken, CharToken,
StringToken, RealToken, AnnotToken, InstructionToken,
errorsym, barsym, strictsym, opensym,
closesym, opensquaresym, closesquaresym, colonsym,
typesym, semicolonsym, commasym, dotsym, openbracesym,
closebracesym, arrowsym, abstypesym,
arraysym, strictarraysym, unboxedarraysym,
atsym,boolsym, codesym, charsym,defsym,
falsesym, filesym, fromsym, ifsym, impsym,
/* RWS */
importsym, intsym, macrosym, modulesym, procidsym, redidsym,
realsym, rulesym, stringsym,
systemsym, truesym, typedefsym, applysym,
uniquesym, worldsym,
NumberOfKeywords /* make sure that this constant is the last one */
} KeywordKind;
extern char **ReservedWords;
/* 0 .. 255 are reserved for single ascii characters */
kTokenImport = 256, kTokenFrom, kTokenDefinition, kTokenImplementation,
kTokenSystem, kTokenModule,
kTokenLet, kTokenIn, kTokenCase, kTokenOf,
kTokenWith, kTokenWhere, kTokenEquals, kTokenEqualColon,
kTokenColonDoubleEqual, kTokenDoubleBackSlash,
kTokenLeftArrow, kTokenLeftArrowColon, kTokenRightArrow,
kTokenInfix, kTokenInfixL, kTokenInfixR,
kTokenDotDot, kTokenDoubleColon,
kTokenProcessOpen, kTokenProcessClose,
kTokenChar, kTokenMultiChar, kTokenString, kTokenInt, kTokenReal,
kTokenLowerIdentifier, kTokenUpperIdentifier, kTokenUnderscoreIdentifier,
kTokenCode, kTokenInstruction,
kTokenFalse, kTokenTrue,
kTokenIf, kTokenAll,
kNoToken, kTokenEOF,
kTokenOverload, kTokenInstance, kTokenClass,
#ifdef H
kTokenData, kTokenType, kTokenAtSign, kTokenThen, kTokenElse, kTokenInterface,
kTokenDefault, kTokenResync
typedef unsigned int Token;
STRUCT (tokenValue, TokenValue)
Token token;
long lineNumber;
union {
char *literal;
IdentStringP identString;
} value;
typedef enum { kScanModeNormal,kScanModeTypes,kScanModeInstructions } ScanMode;
extern IdentP RetrieveFromSymbolTable (char *name);
extern IdentP PutStringInHashTable (char *string, TableKind tabkind);
extern IdentP PutIdentStringInTable (IdentStringP identString, TableKind tabkind);
extern void InitScanner (void);
extern void ScanInit (void);
extern void ScanSetMode (ScanMode scanMode);
enum {kOffsideOnHardBrace = True, kNoOffsideOnHardBrace = False};
extern void ScanSetOffside (Bool offsideOnHardBrace);
extern Bool ScanUnsetOffside (void);
extern void ScanSetLayoutOption (void);
extern Bool ScanOpenFile (char *fileName, FileKind fileKind);
extern Bool ScanOpenFileWithModificationTime (char *fileName, FileKind fileKind, FileTime *file_time_p);
extern void ScanCloseFile (void);
extern Bool ScanTokenToString (Token token, char *string);
ScanCleanToken fills the global structure gCurrentToken.
extern void ScanInitialise (void);
#ifdef CLEAN2
extern void ScanInitIdentStringTable (void);
extern void ScanCleanToken (void);
extern TokenValueS gCurrentToken;
extern void ScanInlineFile (char *fname);
extern Bool gApplyLayoutRule;