path: root/Brainfuck.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Brainfuck.icl')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/Brainfuck.icl b/Brainfuck.icl
index 89f8407..af7a942 100644
--- a/Brainfuck.icl
+++ b/Brainfuck.icl
@@ -37,29 +37,30 @@ instance == Command where
// Run a program
run :: Program *env -> *env | FileSystem env
-run p world = run` p 0 0 [0,0..] world
+run p world = run` p 0 0 (createArray 10000 0) world
run` :: Program InstrPointer DataPointer Tape *env -> *env | FileSystem env
run` p iptr dptr t world
- | iptr >= length p = world
- | p!!iptr == INC || p!!iptr == DEC
- = run` p (iptr + 1) dptr (apply (p!!iptr) dptr t) world
- | p!!iptr == INCP = run` p (iptr + 1) (dptr + 1) t world
- | p!!iptr == DECP = run` p (iptr + 1) (dptr - 1) t world
- | p!!iptr == IFZ && t!!dptr <> 0 = run` p (iptr + 1) dptr t world
- | p!!iptr == IFZ = run` p (forward p iptr) dptr t world
- | p!!iptr == IFNZ && t!!dptr == 0 = run` p (iptr + 1) dptr t world
- | p!!iptr == IFNZ = run` p (backward p iptr) dptr t world
+ | iptr >= size p = world
+ | p.[iptr] == INC || p.[iptr] == DEC
+ = run` p (iptr + 1) dptr (apply (p.[iptr]) dptr t) world
+ | p.[iptr] == INCP = run` p (iptr + 1) (dptr + 1) t world
+ | p.[iptr] == DECP = run` p (iptr + 1) (dptr - 1) t world
+ | p.[iptr] == IFZ && t.[dptr] <> 0 = run` p (iptr + 1) dptr t world
+ | p.[iptr] == IFZ = run` p (forward p iptr) dptr t world
+ | p.[iptr] == IFNZ && t.[dptr] == 0 = run` p (iptr + 1) dptr t world
+ | p.[iptr] == IFNZ = run` p (backward p iptr) dptr t world
// must be IN / OUT now
# (io,world) = stdio world
- | p!!iptr == IN
+ | p.[iptr] == IN
# (ok,c,io) = freadc io
| not ok = abort "Couldn't read input"
# (ok,world) = fclose io world
| not ok = abort "Couldn't close stdio"
- = run` p (iptr + 1) dptr (update t dptr c) world
+ = run` p (iptr + 1) dptr {t & [dptr] = toInt c} world
// must be OUT now
- # io = io <<< toChar (t!!dptr)
+ # (d,t) = t![dptr]
+ # io = io <<< toChar d
# (ok,world) = fclose io world
| not ok = abort "Couldn't close stdio"
= run` p (iptr + 1) dptr t world
@@ -68,24 +69,25 @@ where
convert n = max 0 (min 255 n)
apply :: Command DataPointer Tape -> Tape
- apply INC dptr t = update t dptr (t!!dptr + 1)
- apply DEC dptr t = update t dptr (t!!dptr - 1)
- update :: Tape DataPointer a -> Tape | toInt a
- update t ptr c = (take ptr t) ++ [convert (toInt c) : drop (ptr + 1) t]
+ apply INC dptr t
+ # (d,t) = t![dptr]
+ = {t & [dptr] = d + 1}
+ apply DEC dptr t
+ # (d,t) = t![dptr]
+ = {t & [dptr] = d - 1}
forward` :: Program InstrPointer Int -> InstrPointer
forward` _ ptr 0 = ptr
forward` p ptr i
- | p!!ptr == IFZ = forward` p (ptr+1) (i+1)
- | p!!ptr == IFNZ = forward` p (ptr+1) (i-1)
+ | p.[ptr] == IFZ = forward` p (ptr+1) (i+1)
+ | p.[ptr] == IFNZ = forward` p (ptr+1) (i-1)
= forward` p (ptr+1) i
backward` :: Program InstrPointer Int -> InstrPointer
backward` _ ptr 0 = ptr + 1
backward` p ptr i
- | p!!ptr == IFZ = backward` p (ptr-1) (i-1)
- | p!!ptr == IFNZ = backward` p (ptr-1) (i+1)
+ | p.[ptr] == IFZ = backward` p (ptr-1) (i-1)
+ | p.[ptr] == IFNZ = backward` p (ptr-1) (i+1)
= backward` p (ptr-1) i
forward :: Program InstrPointer -> InstrPointer
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ where
// Read a string into a program
read :: String -> Program
-read s = [readC c \\ c <- fromString s | isMember c ['><+-.,[]']]
+read s = {readC c \\ c <- fromString s | isMember c ['><+-.,[]']}
readC :: Char -> Command
readC '>' = INCP