diff options
authorCamil Staps2015-03-11 11:03:44 +0100
committerCamil Staps2015-03-11 11:03:44 +0100
commitfa9d166f7e840d0e1a83809c5f58d85ee3b715a0 (patch)
parentPrices on active offers (diff)
Valuta icon in timeline is now an option
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/classes/constants.class.php b/classes/constants.class.php
index aa11ffb..bb9da03 100644
--- a/classes/constants.class.php
+++ b/classes/constants.class.php
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class constants {
* @const invoice_bic The BIC code of your bank
* @const invoice_tel_nr Your telephone number
* @const invoice_email Your email address
- * @var invoice_valuta The valuta symbol (will be placed in front of amounts). You can use a symbol like $ or a code like USD
+ * @const invoice_valuta The valuta symbol (will be placed in front of amounts). You can use a symbol like $ or a code like USD
const invoice_name = 'BusinessAdmin';
const invoice_address_1 = 'My Street 1';
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ class constants {
const invoice_email = 'my-email@domain.tld';
const invoice_valuta = '€';
+ /** @const fa_valuta see http://fontawesome.io/icons/#currency; the fa- postfix for valuta */
+ const fa_valuta = 'eur';
/** @const version Version of BusinessAdmin. Don't change this yourself! */
const version = '0.2.1';
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/home.php b/include/home.php
index 0f55ede..e0e7b69 100644
--- a/include/home.php
+++ b/include/home.php
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ require('header.php');
case 'start': echo "<div class='timeline-badge info' title='{$item['description']}'><i class='fa fa-circle-o-notch'></i></div>"; break;
case 'end': echo "<div class='timeline-badge primary' title='{$item['description']}'><i class='fa fa-circle-o'></i></div>"; break;
case 'invoice': echo "<div class='timeline-badge warning' title='{$item['description']}'><i class='fa fa-check-circle-o'></i></div>"; break;
- case 'payment_received': echo "<div class='timeline-badge success' title='{$item['description']}'><i class='fa fa-eur'></i></div>"; break;
+ case 'payment_received': echo "<div class='timeline-badge success' title='{$item['description']}'><i class='fa fa-".constants::fa_valuta."'></i></div>"; break;
echo "<div class='timeline-panel'>";
echo "<div class='timeline-heading'><h4 class='timeline-title'>#{$item['id']} to {$item['contact']}: {$item['description']}</h4><p><small class='text-muted'><i class='fa fa-clock-o fa-fw'></i> ".BusinessAdmin::formatDate($item['time'],false,true,true)."</small></p></div>";