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authorCamil Staps2017-11-27 21:24:57 +0100
committerCamil Staps2017-11-27 21:24:57 +0100
commit4e337a927a0e253aa17336e76921a82a6b69f00e (patch)
parentAdd editor integration slide (diff)
Minor fixes
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/cloogle.tex b/cloogle.tex
index f33c2a0..9cc29ac 100644
--- a/cloogle.tex
+++ b/cloogle.tex
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
\begin{frame}{Efficient unification search}
\item With $\pm15,000$ functions, brute force unification search takes too long
- \item Grouping types together still gives $\pm13,000$ unique types
+ \item Grouping types together still gives $\pm7,500$ unique types
\item If type $t$ generalises $u$, any $v$ that unifies with $u$ will also unify with $t$
\item Conversely, if $v$ does not unify with $t$ it will not unify with $u$
@@ -248,18 +248,16 @@
\item Unification search has some issues: you will never find
fopen :: String Int *f -> (Bool, *File, *f)
+ \item Hoogle uses an edit distance on types
\item But a unifier gives useful information, like required instances
- \item Unification allows for optimisations that a distance measure does not
+ \item In the future, we will probably combine both approaches
\item It's not just about search: indexing code has many use cases!
\item Jumping to definitions (tagfiles)
\item Automatic imports (vim-clean)
@@ -343,8 +341,8 @@
\begin{description}[Syntax constructs]
\item[Modules] 750
- \item[Functions] 15,297
- \item[Unique types] 13,571
+ \item[Functions] 15,299
+ \item[Unique types] 7,639
\item[Type tree depth] 8
\item[Type definitions] 2,195
\item[Classes] 262
diff --git a/clooglearch.sty b/clooglearch.sty
index c87c73b..b0498e4 100644
--- a/clooglearch.sty
+++ b/clooglearch.sty
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
\draw[color=\grayedout#1,->] (web) -- (vim);
\pic (tagfile) at (-5,-1.2) {doc};
+ \node[left=3pt of tagfile-west,draw=none] {\scriptsize Tagfile};
\draw[->] (tags) -- (tagfile-north);
\draw (tagfile-south) edge[bend right,->] (vim);