Solutions to assignments for the Object Orientation course, Radboud University Nijmegen, spring 2015, licensed under MIT (see LICENSE).
We use Netbeans IDE 8.0.2 and Visual Paradigm 12.0.
Overview of the projects
- Week 4: drawing loipes - Enum; switch; encapsulation; interfaces
- Week 5: quiz - subclasses; inheritance; Collections; (enhanced) for loops
- Week 6: sliding game solver - Lists; search algorithms; generic classes; hash method; PriorityQueues
- Week 7: polynomials - ArrayLists; Iterators; unit tests
- Week 8: quadtrees - recursive data structures; self-referring classes; abstract classes
- Week 9: webshop - object-oriented analysis, design and implementation; functional and technical design; UML; storing data; Serializable interface
- Week 10: weather widget - XML API (Buienradar); Java Swing
- Week 11: mandelbrot - more Java Swing; BufferedImage and WritableRaster
- Week 12: file finder - threads; file IO
- Week 12: fibonacci - threads
- Week 13: die - threads; thread-safety, race conditions, etc.
- Week 13: bar - sequential program to concurrent program
- Week 14: automated car drivers - threads;
- Week 15: mandelbrot with SwingWorkers
- Week 16: ice cream - decorator design pattern
- Week 16: webshop - strategy design pattern