\documentclass[a4paper]{scrartcl} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{mathtools} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{definition}{Definition} \DeclareMathOperator{\defeq}{\overset{\text{def}}{=}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Uop}{\mathbf{U}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Wop}{\mathbf{W}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Xop}{\raisebox{1pt}{$\bigcirc$}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Fop}{\lozenge} \DeclareMathOperator{\Gop}{\square} \DeclareMathOperator{\Sop}{\mathbf{S}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Pop}{\raisebox{1pt}{$\bigcirc$}^{--1}} \title{PCTL} \subtitle{A Summary of 10.2 and 10.6.2} \author{Erin van der Veen} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Syntax} \begin{definition}[Syntax of PCTL State Formulas] PCTL state formulas over the set $AP$ of atomic propositions are formed according to the following grammar: \[ \Phi ::= \left.\raisebox{0pt}[5pt][5pt]{} \text{true} \enspace\middle|\enspace a \enspace\middle|\enspace \Phi_1 \land \Phi_2 \enspace\middle|\enspace \lnot \Phi \enspace\middle|\enspace \mathbb{P}_J(\Psi) \right. \] where $a \in AP$, $\phi$ is a path formula and $J \subseteq [0,1]$ is an interval with rational bounds. Where $\mathbb{P}_J(\phi)$ in state $s$ means that the probability for the set of paths satisfying $\phi$ and starting in $s$ meets the bounds given by $J$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Syntax of PCTL Path Formulas] PCTL Path formulas are formed according to the following grammar: \[ \Psi ::= \left.\raisebox{0pt}[5pt][5pt]{} \Xop\Psi \enspace\middle|\enspace \Phi_1 \Uop \Phi_2 \enspace\middle|\enspace \Phi_1 \Uop^{\leq n} \Phi_2 \right. \] \end{definition} PCTL does not incorporate the existential and universal quantifiers that are present in CTL. Reasoning for this difference is that the $P$-operator can be used to closely mimic\footnote{Consider, for example, an infinite path whose probability is 0} the behavior of these operators. \section{Semantics} \begin{definition}[Semantics of PCTL] \[ \begin{matrix*}[l] s \vDash & a &\text{iff} & a \in L(s)\\ s \vDash & \lnot\phi &\text{iff} & s \nvDash \phi\\ s \vDash & \phi \land \psi &\text{iff} & \text{$s \vDash \phi$ and $ s \vDash \psi$}\\ s \vDash & \mathbb{P}_J(\phi) &\text{iff} & Pr(s \vDash \phi) \in J\\ \end{matrix*} \] \end{definition} As mentioned above, PCTL can be seen as quantitative analogues of the $\forall$ and $\exists$ operators of CTL. \begin{itemize} \item Qualitative PCTL properties are those where $J$ in $\mathbb{P}_J(\phi)$ is 1 or 0. \item Quantitative PCTL properties are those where $J$ in $\mathbb{P}_J(\phi)$ is in the range $(0,1)$ \item $\mathbb{P}_{>0}(\Fop\phi) \Leftrightarrow \exists\Fop\phi$ \item $\mathbb{P}_1(\Fop\phi)$ is weaker than $\forall\Fop\phi$ \end{itemize} \section{Model Checking} Model Checking is done in the same way as with CTL modelchecking. The difference lies with the fact that probabilities must now be taken into account. \[ Sat(\mathbb{P}_J(\phi)) = \{s \in S \mid P(s \vDash \phi) \in J \} \] \section{PCTL*} A subsumption of LTL and PCTL that modifies the path formulas to be the following: \[ \Psi ::= \left.\raisebox{0pt}[5pt][5pt]{} \Phi \enspace\middle|\enspace \Psi_1 \land \Psi_2 \enspace\middle|\enspace \neg\Psi \enspace\middle|\enspace \Xop\Psi \enspace\middle|\enspace \Psi_1 \Uop \Psi_2 \right. \] The state formulas are not modified. \end{document}