You can run this tool in Docker. All you need to do is run: ./ die.prism Which repairs the model in die.prism for the properties in The first time, this will build the Docker image. This can take a while, and may seem to freeze your system, and no progress is reported (unless you remove the -q switch in The next time will be faster. The result is a Z3 model which contains instantiations for variables like v0x1. These are the values that should be added to the probabilities of transitions (here from state 0 to state 1) to make the model satisfy. Additionally, there is a variable cost which is the cost of the reparation. By default, this is the Sum of Squared Errors measure. To change to the Number of Modified Transitions measure, change line 328 of DTMC.icl to: # (config,dtmc) = repairConfig NumberModifiedTransitions dtmc To run Z3 with a minimisation goal, uncomment line 339 in the same line. Additionally, to approximate the cost as described in the discussion of the paper, add a line like this under line 338: # w = addAssert z3 "(> 0.3 cost)" w