

% See http://www.ams.org/faq?faq_id=212 for the trick to add qed at the end of
% definitions and examples.
	{2em}{2em}% Space above and below
	{}% Body font
	{}% Indent
	{\bfseries}% Theorem head font
	{}% Punctuation after theorem head
	{0pt}% Space after theorem head
	{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}.\quad #3\\[4pt]}% Theorem head spec
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	{}% Body font
	{}% Indent
	{\itshape}% Theorem head font
	{}% Punctuation after theorem head
	{0pt}% Space after theorem head
	{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}.\quad #3\\[4pt]}% Theorem head spec



\title{Model Checking}
\subtitle{Assignment 1}
\author{Camil Staps \and Erin van der Veen}




%TODO: (Section?) Assess if PLTL is actually more succinct using the examples from the SSH Paper



%TODO: Like we are some immature group of children, we have to provide proof of contribution
Erin has started writing the text.
This text was then copy-edited, slightly corrected where needed and expanded by Camil.
(The result was then copy-edited, slightly corrected where needed and expanded by Erin.
The result was then copy-edited, slightly corrected where needed and expanded by Camil.)$^\omega$
In the above, yellow bars indicate content primarily contributed by Erin, whereas red bars indicate content primarily contributed by Camil.
Unfortunately, disabilities of the \textsf{changebar} package make it impossible to indicate the fine-grainedness of our redaction process.
