path: root/Assignment1
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4 files changed, 55 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Assignment1/assignment1.tex b/Assignment1/assignment1.tex
index e859f41..c1e6a0d 100644
--- a/Assignment1/assignment1.tex
+++ b/Assignment1/assignment1.tex
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
+\tikzset{state/.append style={minimum size=15pt}}
@@ -111,14 +113,22 @@
+% The extra newlines are needed for correct changebars
diff --git a/Assignment1/conversion.tex b/Assignment1/conversion.tex
index 5b97530..e474f74 100644
--- a/Assignment1/conversion.tex
+++ b/Assignment1/conversion.tex
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ The syntactic algorithm as proposed by Gabbay has its foundation in the followin
For this paragraph we will use Gabbay's definitions.}
\item Every PLTL formula can be written using no other temporal operators than $\Sop$ and $\Uop$ operators.
- \item Every formula $\phi$ containing only the $\Sop$ and $\Uop$ operators can be written as a boolean combination of $\wfff \cup \wffp \cup \wffn$.
+ \item Every formula $\phi$ containing only the $\Sop$ and $\Uop$ operators can be written as a boolean combination of $\wfff \cup \wffp \cup \wffn$.%
+ \footnote{%
+ This is known as the Separation Theorem.
+ It was originally proven by \citet{Gabbay1980}.
+ Folklore has it that when Hans Kamp, a philosopher working on temporal logics, heard of the result, he went out and bought Gabbay a cake (\url{}, retrieved April 19, 2018).}
\item The same formula without past modalities $\psi$, a boolean combination of $\wfff \cup \wffn$, is initially equivalent to $\phi$.
When these facts are considered in sequence,
diff --git a/Assignment1/semantics.tex b/Assignment1/semantics.tex
index 055d66b..dcc8e6b 100644
--- a/Assignment1/semantics.tex
+++ b/Assignment1/semantics.tex
@@ -51,6 +51,23 @@ The information about $A_0$ is not lost, so whether $\bigcirc\phi$ holds for $\s
+\begin{example}[Satisfaction of PLTL Formulae by Words]
+ Let $\pi = aabcdcdcd\dots$ be an infinite path over $AP=\{a,b,c,d\}$, of which on every moment only one atomic proposition holds (i.e., at position 0, $a$ holds, at position 2, $b$ holds, etc.).
+ We have for instance:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item For all $i\in\mathbb N$, $\pi \vDash_i b \rightarrow \Xop^{-1}a$.
+ If $i \ne 2$, $b$ does not hold and the implication is trivially satisfied.
+ If $i = 2$, we have $\pi \vDash_{i-1} a$ and the formula is satisfied as well.
+ \item For all $i\ge 2$, $\pi \vDash_i (d \rightarrow \Xop^{-1} c) \Sop b$.
+ We need to give $0 \le j \le i$ with $\pi \vDash_j b$ and $\pi \vDash_k d \rightarrow \Xop^{-1} c$ for all $j < k \le i$.
+ Clearly, we can only give $j=2$.
+ Then for odd positions $k$, the implication $d \rightarrow \Xop^{-1} c$ holds trivially since $d$ does not hold.
+ For even positions $k$, it holds as well since $c$ holds at odd positions $n > 2$.
+ \qedhere
+ \end{itemize}
Given these definitions, it is possible to derive the formal semantics of the $\Fop^{-1}$ and $\Gop^{-1}$ operators as well:
@@ -59,6 +76,7 @@ Given these definitions, it is possible to derive the formal semantics of the $\
\sigma &\vDash_i &\Gop^{-1}\phi &\text{iff} &\forall_{0 \leq j \leq i}[\sigma \vDash_j \phi]
The first follows from the rule for $\Sop$ and the fact that $\sigma \vDash_i \top$ for all $i\in\mathbb N$.
The second follows from:
@@ -81,5 +99,25 @@ With this result we can also derive the semantics of the dual modalities $\lozen
This is done in \cref{ex:dual-modalities}.
The semantics over words extend to transition systems similar to the LTL case in Definition 5.7.
-The only difference is that $\vDash$ now is a ternary relation, and we use $\vDash$ as shorthand for $\vDash_0$.
+The only difference is that $\vDash$ now is a ternary relation, and we use $\pi\vDash\phi$ as a shorthand for $\pi\vDash_0\phi$.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[initial text={},node distance=3cm,->]
+ \node[state,label=below:{$\{a,b\}$},initial] (s1) {$s_1$};
+ \node[state,label=below:{$\{a,b\}$},right of=s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
+ \node[state,label=below:{$\{a\}$},right of=s2,initial right] (s3) {$s_3$};
+ \draw (s1) edge[bend left] (s2);
+ \draw (s2) edge[bend left] (s1);
+ \draw (s2) -- (s3);
+ \draw (s3) edge[loop above,looseness=8,in=60,out=120] (s3);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Example for semantics of PLTL.}
+ \label{fig:pltl:example-ts}
+\begin{example}[Satisfaction of PLTL Formulae by Transition Systems]
+ Consider again the transition system from Figure 5.3, reproduced as \cref{fig:pltl:example-ts}.
+ % TODO
diff --git a/Assignment1/syntax.tex b/Assignment1/syntax.tex
index 81a7d7f..5d2830a 100644
--- a/Assignment1/syntax.tex
+++ b/Assignment1/syntax.tex
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ we include an arrow that points to the state for which the formula holds.
\tikzset{intuitive semantics/.style={shorten >=1pt,node distance=16mm,on grid,initial text={},baseline=-0.5ex,->}}
- \tikzset{state/.append style={minimum size=15pt}}
@@ -200,6 +199,7 @@ Before turning to the formal semantics in the next subsection, we provide some e
\lozenge^{-1} (\phi_3 \land
\lozenge^{-1} (\phi_2 \land
\lozenge^{-1} \phi_1))\big)
+ \qedhere