diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-02-07 17:28:08 +0100
committerCamil Staps2018-02-07 17:28:08 +0100
commitb6cc44bda69bf7ce1bf35927272877cb93d540eb (patch)
parentFix example program (diff)
Correctly parsing the example
2 files changed, 124 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/src/SPL/Parse.hs b/src/SPL/Parse.hs
index 4331ccb..28230f8 100644
--- a/src/SPL/Parse.hs
+++ b/src/SPL/Parse.hs
@@ -10,29 +10,26 @@ import Data.Functor
import Text.Parsec (sepBy, (<?>))
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
-import SPL.Syntax hiding (TInt,TBool,TChar,TArrow)
+import SPL.Syntax hiding (TInt,TBool,TChar,TArrow,TVar)
import qualified SPL.Syntax
import SPL.Lex
type Parser t = P.Parsec [Token] () t
-satisfy :: (Token -> Bool) -> Parser Token
-satisfy p = P.tokenPrim
- show
- (const . const)
- (\t -> if p t then Just t else Nothing)
+parse :: [Token] -> Either P.ParseError Program
+parse = P.parse spl "Not a valid program" . filter (not . isCommentToken)
+check :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
+check f = P.tokenPrim show (const . const) f
token :: Token -> Parser Token
-token t = satisfy (== t) <?> show t
+token t = check (\u -> if t == u then Just t else Nothing)
-check :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
-check f = P.tokenPrim
- show
- (const . const)
- f
+choice :: [Parser a] -> Parser a
+choice = P.choice . map P.try
-parse :: [Token] -> Either P.ParseError Program
-parse = P.parse spl "Not a valid program" . filter (not . isCommentToken)
+trans :: Token -> a -> Parser a
+trans t x = token t $> x
spl :: Parser Program
spl = collect <$> (many toplevel <* P.eof)
@@ -41,19 +38,25 @@ spl = collect <$> (many toplevel <* P.eof)
collect vfs = Program [f | Right f <- vfs] [v | Left v <- vfs]
toplevel :: Parser (Either Variable Function)
-toplevel = Left <$> var <|> Right <$> fun
+toplevel = choice
+ [ Left <$> var
+ , Right <$> fun
+ ]
comment :: Parser String
-comment = toString <$> satisfy isCommentToken
- where
- toString (TSingleComment s) = s
- toString (TBlockComment s) = s
+comment = check $ \case
+ TSingleComment s -> Just s
+ TBlockComment s -> Just s
+ _ -> Nothing
parenthesised :: Parser a -> Parser a
-parenthesised p = token TParenOpen *> p <* token TParenClose
+parenthesised = P.between (token TParenOpen) (token TParenClose)
braced :: Parser a -> Parser a
-braced p = token TBraceOpen *> p <* token TBraceClose
+braced = P.between (token TBraceOpen) (token TBraceClose)
+bracked :: Parser a -> Parser a
+bracked = P.between (token TBrackOpen) (token TBrackClose)
var :: Parser Variable
var = do
@@ -67,16 +70,18 @@ var = do
fun :: Parser Function
fun = do
id <- ident
- args <- parenthesised $ ident `sepBy` token TComma
- ftype <- optional (token TColonColon *> funType)
+ args <- parenthesised (ident `sepBy` token TComma) <?> "arguments"
+ ftype <- optional (token TColonColon *> funType) <?> "optional function type"
token TBraceOpen
- vars <- many var
- stmt <- statements
+ vars <- many (P.try var) <?> "local variables"
+ stmt <- statements <?> "function body"
token TBraceClose
return $ Function id ftype args vars stmt
ident :: Parser Name
-ident = (\(TIdent id) -> id) <$> satisfy isIdentToken
+ident = check $ \case
+ TIdent id -> Just id
+ _ -> Nothing
funType :: Parser Type
funType = do
@@ -86,34 +91,102 @@ funType = do
return $ SPL.Syntax.TArrow argtypes rettype
plainType :: Parser Type
-plainType = -- TODO
- token TIntType $> SPL.Syntax.TInt <|>
- token TBoolType $> SPL.Syntax.TBool <|>
- token TCharType $> SPL.Syntax.TChar
+plainType = choice
+ [ trans TIntType SPL.Syntax.TInt
+ , trans TBoolType SPL.Syntax.TBool
+ , trans TCharType SPL.Syntax.TChar
+ , trans TVoidType SPL.Syntax.TVoid
+ , TList <$> bracked plainType
+ , parenthesised $ liftM2 TTuple plainType (token TComma *> plainType)
+ , SPL.Syntax.TVar <$> ident
+ ]
expr :: Parser Expression
-expr = literal -- TODO
+expr =
+ rightAssoc (trans TPipePipe Or) $
+ rightAssoc (trans TAmpAmp And) $
+ rightAssoc (trans TEqEq Eq
+ <|> trans TExclamEq Ne
+ <|> trans TLtEq Le
+ <|> trans TGtEq Ge
+ <|> trans TLt Lt
+ <|> trans TGt Gt) $
+ rightAssoc (trans TColon Cons) $
+ leftAssoc (trans TPlus Add
+ <|> trans TMinus Sub) $
+ leftAssoc (trans TAsterisk Mul
+ <|> trans TSlash Div) $
+ leftAssoc (trans TPercent Mod) $
+ fields $
+ simpleExpr
+ rightAssoc :: Parser Op2 -> Parser Expression -> Parser Expression
+ rightAssoc op e = do
+ e1 <- e
+ rest <- optional (liftM2 (,) op (rightAssoc op e))
+ return $ case rest of
+ Nothing -> e1
+ Just (op,e2) -> Op2 e1 op e2
+ leftAssoc :: Parser Op2 -> Parser Expression -> Parser Expression
+ leftAssoc op e = do
+ e1 <- e
+ rest <- many (liftM2 (,) op e)
+ foldM (\e1 (op,e2) -> pure $ Op2 e1 op e2) e1 rest
+ fields :: Parser Expression -> Parser Expression
+ fields p = liftM2 (foldl Field) p (many field)
+ simpleExpr = choice
+ [ liftM2 Op1 (trans TExclam Not <|> trans TMinus Neg) simpleExpr
+ , literal
+ , tuple
+ , funcall
+ , var
+ , parenthesised expr
+ ]
literal :: Parser Expression
- literal = fmap Literal $ check $ \case
+ literal = fmap Literal $ nil <|> (check $ \case
TInt i -> Just (LInt i)
TBool b -> Just (LBool b)
- _ -> Nothing
+ TChar c -> Just (LChar c)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+ where nil = pure LNil <* token TBrackOpen <* token TBrackClose
+ tuple = parenthesised (liftM2 Tuple expr (token TComma *> expr))
+ funcall = liftM2 FunCall ident (parenthesised $ expr `sepBy` token TComma)
+ var = Var <$> ident
statements :: Parser Statement
statements = foldr1 Seq <$> some statement <|> pure Nop
+-- NOTE: we here assume that if/while blocks need not be braced, as in the
+-- example function `abs`. The alternative is using `braced statements`.
statement :: Parser Statement
-statement =
- liftM3 If
- (token TIf *> parenthesised expr)
- (braced statements)
- (optional (token TElse *> braced statements)) <|>
- liftM2 While
- (token TWhile *> parenthesised expr)
- (braced statements) <|>
- liftM2 Assign
- ident
- (token TEquals *> expr <* token TSemicolon) <|>
- Eval <$> (expr <* token TSemicolon) <|>
- Return <$> (token TReturn *> optional expr <* token TSemicolon)
+statement = choice
+ [ liftM3 If
+ (token TIf *> parenthesised expr)
+ statement
+ (optional (token TElse *> statement))
+ , liftM2 While
+ (token TWhile *> parenthesised expr)
+ statement
+ , Eval <$> (expr <* token TSemicolon)
+ , liftM3 Assign
+ ident
+ (many field)
+ (token TEquals *> expr <* token TSemicolon)
+ , Return <$> (token TReturn *> optional expr <* token TSemicolon)
+ , braced statements
+ ]
+field :: Parser Field
+field = token TDot *> check (\case
+ TIdent "hd" -> Just Hd
+ TIdent "tl" -> Just Tl
+ TIdent "fst" -> Just Fst
+ TIdent "snd" -> Just Snd
+ _ -> Nothing)
diff --git a/src/SPL/Syntax.hs b/src/SPL/Syntax.hs
index e40d47c..f52b866 100644
--- a/src/SPL/Syntax.hs
+++ b/src/SPL/Syntax.hs
@@ -30,15 +30,17 @@ data Type
= TInt
| TBool
| TChar
+ | TVoid
| TList Type
| TTuple Type Type
| TArrow [Type] Type
+ | TVar Name
deriving (Show)
data Statement
= If Expression Statement (Maybe Statement)
| While Expression Statement
- | Assign Name Expression
+ | Assign Name [Field] Expression
| Eval Expression
| Return (Maybe Expression)
| Seq Statement Statement
@@ -46,7 +48,8 @@ data Statement
deriving (Show)
data Expression
- = Field Name Field
+ = Var Name
+ | Field Expression Field
| Op2 Expression Op2 Expression
| Op1 Op1 Expression
| Literal Literal