Usage: ./ | nc 2288 You start with control over input. Send EOF (ctrl+D) to send the exploit. Input control is then returned to you. Note that the shell will not echo a prompt. Just try some commands. If the exploit does not function out of the box, use the initial control to send format string (50 times %p). Get the desired return address from this (it's the 8 bytes before the stored frame pointer, 16 bytes before the current return address, in "int ret", right behind the buffer now recognizable by the run of 0x7025702570257025). Change the return address in Run to generate the new exploit. Note that the return address tends to drift, even with ASLR turned off. See for details. If the shellcode must be altered, do so in If this also means the padding must be altered, change the number of NOPs in (the first loop). If necessary, also alter the number of copies of the return address in (the second loop). If you need more than a single try in one session (e.g. when ASLR is turned on), change to use the commented loop instead of `cat - exploit -`.