module GuessWhat /* Instructions: (1) copy this main file (GuessWhat.icl), QA_shapes.(d/i)cl, and QA.(d/i)cl in the folder: {iTasks-SDK}\Experiments\SVG_tests\ (2) create a new project and set de environment to 'iTasks' (3) Bring-Up-To-Date and start generated application (4) Open a browser and navigate to localhost. The application creates a task that randomly selects a number of image-name pairs and asks the user to give the right name to the right image. Once this is done correctly, the task terminates, otherwise the user can try again. (5) Create a new set of QA-shapes. You can choose one of the following: (i) Dutch traffic signs. See attached document: Reglement-verkeersregels-en-verkeersteke.pdf, appendix 1, hoofdstuk A upto L. Implement **at least 15** traffic signs. In your solution, clearly indicate at each traffic sign which one you have implemented (use the numbers in the right-most column in the above document). (ii) European flags. See the following wikipedia page: Implement **at least 15** flags. In your solution, clearly indicate at each flag which one you have implemented by the name of the nation or organization. */ import iTasks // de algemene iTask API import iTasks.API.Extensions.SVG.SVGlet // specialiseer task editors from Data.List import zipWith import QA_shapes // the QA elements that have to be guessed nr_of_qas :== 10 Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine [publish "/" (WebApp []) (\_ -> play queries)] world play :: [QA] -> Task String play [] = viewInformation "missing queries" [] "No queries are available" play qas = sequence "throw dice" (repeatn (nr_of_qas + length qas) (get randomInt)) >>= \nrs -> let (nrs1,nrs2) = splitAt nr_of_qas nrs shuffled_qas = shuffle nrs2 qas (qs,as) = unzip (take nr_of_qas shuffled_qas) sas = shuffle nrs1 as in keep_guessing qs as sas keep_guessing :: [Image ()] [String] [String] -> Task String keep_guessing qs as sas = allTasks [guess i q sas \\ q <- qs & i <- [1 ..]] >>* [ OnAction (Action "Check" []) (hasValue (check_answers qs as sas)) , OnAction ActionQuit (always (return "Goodbye")) ] check_answers :: [Image ()] [String] [String] [String] -> Task String check_answers qs as sas nas | ok == nr_of_qas = viewInformation "Tada!" [] "Congratulations! All correct!" | otherwise = (viewInformation "Ouch!" [] ("Too bad: there are " <+++ nr_of_qas - ok <+++ " mistakes.") ||- allTasks [ ((show_image i q <<@ ArrangeHorizontal) ||- (viewInformation "isn't" [] a <<@ ArrangeHorizontal) ) <<@ ArrangeHorizontal \\ wrong <- zipWith (<>) as nas & q <- qs & a <- nas & i <- [1 ..] | wrong ] ) >>* [ OnAction (Action "Try again" []) (always (keep_guessing qs as sas)) , OnAction ActionQuit (always (return "Goodbye")) ] where ok = length [() \\ a <- as & b <- nas | a == b] show_image :: Int (Image ()) -> Task () show_image i q = viewInformation ("image " <+++ i) [imageView (\_ _ -> q) (\_ _ -> Nothing)] () guess :: Int (Image ()) [String] -> Task String guess i q sas = ( (show_image i q <<@ ArrangeHorizontal) ||- (enterChoice "is:" [ChooseWith (ChooseFromComboBox id)] sas <<@ ArrangeHorizontal) ) <<@ ArrangeHorizontal shuffle :: [Int] [a] -> [a] shuffle rnrs as = fst (unzip (sortBy (\(_,r1) (_,r2) -> r1 < r2) (zip2 as rnrs)))