module Boid /* Dit raamwerk toont een verzameling boids. Zie voor achtergrondinformatie: Zet de 'Environment' op 'Object IO' en 'Project Options' op 'No Console'. */ import StdEnv, StdIO, support :: BoidSt = { boids :: ![Boid] , colours :: ![Colour] } :: Boid = { pos :: !Pos , vel :: !Vel , col :: !Colour } Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startIO SDI {boids=[],colours=flatten (repeat colours)} (openIds 2 `bind` initGUI) [ProcessClose closeProcess] world initGUI :: [Id] (PSt BoidSt) -> PSt BoidSt initGUI [windowId,timerId] pSt=:{ls} # (errors,pSt) = seqList [openWindow NilLS window,openTimer undef timer,openMenu undef menu] pSt | all ((==) NoError) errors = pSt | otherwise = abort "Could not create the entire GUI.\n" where window = Window "Boids" NilLS [ WindowClose (noLS closeProcess) , WindowViewSize windowsize , WindowLook True (look ls.boids) , WindowMouse onlyDown Able (noLS1 mouse) , WindowId windowId , WindowPen [PenBack background] ] timer = Timer (ticksPerSecond / 20) NilLS [TimerFunction (noLS1 (const lockstep)),TimerId timerId,TimerSelectState Unable] menu = Menu "&File" ( MenuItem "&Clear" [MenuShortKey 'c',MenuFunction (noLS clear)] :+: MenuSeparator [] :+: MenuItem "S&tep" [MenuShortKey 't',MenuFunction (noLS lockstep)] :+: MenuItem "&Go" [MenuShortKey 'g',MenuFunction (noLS (appPIO (enableTimer timerId)))] :+: MenuItem "&Halt" [MenuShortKey 'h',MenuFunction (noLS (appPIO (disableTimer timerId)))] :+: MenuSeparator [] :+: MenuItem "&Quit" [MenuShortKey 'q',MenuFunction (noLS closeProcess)] ) [] onlyDown mst = case mst of MouseDown _ _ _ = True _ = False /* look tekent de boids. */ look :: [Boid] SelectState UpdateState *Picture -> *Picture look boids _ {newFrame} picture = foldr (\{pos,col} -> appPicture (fillAt (toPoint2 wsize pos) boidbody o setPenColour col)) (unfill newFrame picture) boids where wsize = rectangleSize newFrame /* lockstep berekent de volgende toestand van alle boids. */ lockstep pSt=:{ls} = appPIO (setWindowLook windowId True (True,look new_boids)) {pSt & ls={ls & boids = new_boids}} where new_boids = simulatie ls.boids /* clear wist alle boids. */ clear pSt=:{ls} = appPIO (setWindowLook windowId True (True,look [])) ({pSt & ls={ls & boids=[]}}) /* mouse creeert een nieuwe boid met snelheid nul op de positie van de muis. */ mouse mSt pSt=:{ls=ls=:{boids,colours}} = case mSt of MouseDown pos _ _ # (wsize,pSt) = accPIO (getWindowViewFrame windowId) pSt # new = {pos=fromPoint2 (rectangleSize wsize) pos,vel=zero,col=hd colours} # boids = [new:boids] # pSt = {pSt & ls={ls & boids=boids,colours=tl colours}} # pSt = appPIO (setWindowLook windowId True (True,look boids)) pSt = pSt otherwise = pSt windowsize = {w=640,h=400} colours = [Red,Green,Blue,Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,LightGrey,Grey,DarkGrey] boidbody = circle 3 background = Black threshhold_dist = 0.02 threshhold_wall = 0.01 viewing_distance = 0.3 /** Dit is de functie die je zelf moet schrijven. Bereken de volgende toestand voor alle boids in de lijst. */ simulatie :: [Boid] -> [Boid] simulatie ...