From b267b1eb754e1203cff894724772adbcfb233e71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Camil Staps
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:09:19 +0100
Subject: working on w3

 week3/camil/.gitignore       |  1 +
 week3/camil/StdStack.dcl     | 13 ++++++++++
 week3/camil/StdStack.icl     | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 week3/camil/StdStackTest.icl | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 106 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 week3/camil/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 week3/camil/StdStack.dcl
 create mode 100644 week3/camil/StdStack.icl
 create mode 100644 week3/camil/StdStackTest.icl

(limited to 'week3/camil')

diff --git a/week3/camil/.gitignore b/week3/camil/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d25840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week3/camil/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/Clean System Files/
diff --git a/week3/camil/StdStack.dcl b/week3/camil/StdStack.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c861a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week3/camil/StdStack.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+definition module StdStack
+:: Stack a
+newStack :: Stack a                        // lege stack
+push     ::  a  (Stack a) -> Stack a       // plaats nieuw element bovenop de stack
+pushes   :: [a] (Stack a) -> Stack a       // plaats elementen achtereenvolgens bovenop stack
+pop      ::     (Stack a) -> Stack a       // haal top element van stack
+popn     :: Int (Stack a) -> Stack a       // haal bovenste $n$ top elementen van stack
+top      ::     (Stack a) -> a             // geef top element van stack
+topn     :: Int (Stack a) -> [a]           // geef bovenste $n$ top elementen van stack
+elements ::     (Stack a) -> [a]           // geef alle elementen van stack
+count    ::     (Stack a) -> Int           // tel aantal elementen in stack
diff --git a/week3/camil/StdStack.icl b/week3/camil/StdStack.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ff265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week3/camil/StdStack.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+implementation module StdStack
+import StdEnv
+:: Stack a :== [a]
+newStack :: (Stack a)
+newStack = []
+push :: a (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
+push a s = s ++ [a]
+Start  = ( "s0 = newStack = ",        s0,'\n'
+         , "s1 = push 1 s0 = ",       s1,'\n'
+         , "s2 = pushes [2..5] s1 = ",s2,'\n'
+         , "s3 = pop s2 = ",          s3,'\n'
+         , "s4 = popn 3 s3 = ",       s4,'\n'
+         , "s5 = top s4 = ",          s5,'\n'
+         , "s6 = topn 3 s2 = ",       s6,'\n'
+         , "s7 = elements s2 = ",     s7,'\n'
+         )
+	s0 = newStack
+	s1 = push 1 s0
+	s2 = pushes [2..5] s1
+	s3 = pop s2
+	s4 = popn 3 s3
+	s5 = top s4
+	s6 = topn 3 s2
+	s7 = elements s2
diff --git a/week3/camil/StdStackTest.icl b/week3/camil/StdStackTest.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8127f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week3/camil/StdStackTest.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+module StdStackTest
+/*	Test module StdStack
+	Voor werken met Gast: 
+		(*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
+		(*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '2M' Maximum Heap Size
+import gast
+import StdStack
+							= testn 1000
+								(\x n ->
+								   newStack_is_empty               /\
+								   stack_is_reverse        n       /\
+								   pop_empty_is_ok                 /\
+								   top_na_push             n x     /\
+								   pop_na_push               x     /\
+								   count_counts            n x     /\
+								   pop_maakt_stack_korter  n       /\
+								   True
+								)
+newStack_is_empty			:: Property
+newStack_is_empty			= name "newStack_is_empty" (isEmpty (elements empty))
+stack_is_reverse			:: Int -> Property
+stack_is_reverse n			= name "stack_is_reverse"
+							  (elements (pushes [1..n`] newStack) == reverse [1..n`])
+where            n`			= min (abs n) 100
+pop_empty_is_ok				:: Property
+pop_empty_is_ok				= name "pop_empty_is_ok" (count (pop empty) == 0)
+top_na_push					:: Int Int -> Property
+top_na_push x n				= name "top_na_push"
+							  (top (push x (pushes [1..n`] newStack)) == x)
+where         n`			= min (abs n) 100
+pop_na_push					:: Int -> Property
+pop_na_push a				= name "pop_na_push"
+                              (top (pop (pop (pushes [a,b,c] newStack))) == a)
+where b						= a + a + one
+      c						= b + a + one
+count_counts				:: Int Int -> Property
+count_counts n x			= name "count_counts"
+							  (length (elements stack) == count stack)
+where stack					= pushes [1..n`] newStack
+      n`					= min (abs n) 100
+pop_maakt_stack_korter		:: Int -> Property
+pop_maakt_stack_korter n	= name "pop_maakt_stack_korter"
+							  (count stack == 0 || count (pop stack) == count stack - 1)
+where stack					= pushes [1..n`] newStack
+	  n`					= min (abs n) 100
+empty						:: Stack Int
+empty						= newStack
cgit v1.2.3

From 56a5e0f968fc99cd1dc4731b0d1cc572f07d6f89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Camil Staps
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 22:54:02 +0100
Subject: 6.5 working

 week3/camil/.gitignore   |  1 +
 week3/camil/StdStack.icl | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'week3/camil')

diff --git a/week3/camil/.gitignore b/week3/camil/.gitignore
index 3d25840..341d5f8 100644
--- a/week3/camil/.gitignore
+++ b/week3/camil/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 /Clean System Files/
diff --git a/week3/camil/StdStack.icl b/week3/camil/StdStack.icl
index 25ff265..dd51a94 100644
--- a/week3/camil/StdStack.icl
+++ b/week3/camil/StdStack.icl
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 implementation module StdStack
 import StdEnv
+import StdList
 :: Stack a :== [a]
@@ -8,9 +9,34 @@ newStack :: (Stack a)
 newStack = []
 push :: a (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-push a s = s ++ [a]
+push a s = [a] ++ s
+pop :: (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
+pop [a:s] = s
+pop [] = []
+popn :: Int (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
+popn 0 s = s
+popn n s = popn (n-1) (pop s)
+pushes :: [a] (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
+pushes [] s = s
+pushes a s = pushes (tl a) (push (hd a) s)
+top :: (Stack a) -> a
+top [] = abort "`top s` with s = []"
+top s = hd s
+topn :: Int (Stack a) -> [a]
+topn n s
+	| n > length s = abort "`topn n s` with n > length s"
+	| otherwise = take n s
+count :: (Stack a) -> Int
+count s = length s
+elements :: (Stack a) -> [a]
+elements s = s
 Start  = ( "s0 = newStack = ",        s0,'\n'
          , "s1 = push 1 s0 = ",       s1,'\n'
@@ -20,6 +46,10 @@ Start  = ( "s0 = newStack = ",        s0,'\n'
          , "s5 = top s4 = ",          s5,'\n'
          , "s6 = topn 3 s2 = ",       s6,'\n'
          , "s7 = elements s2 = ",     s7,'\n'
+//	 , "s8 = push 10 s1 = ",      s8,'\n'
+//	 , "s9 = popn 10 s8 = ",      s9,'\n'
+//	 , "sa = topn 5 s4 = ",       sa,'\n'
+//	 , "sb = top s0 = ",          sb,'\n'
 	s0 = newStack
@@ -30,3 +60,7 @@ where
 	s5 = top s4
 	s6 = topn 3 s2
 	s7 = elements s2
+//	s8 = push 10 s1
+//	s9 = popn 10 s8
+//	sa = topn 5 s4
+//	sb = top s0
cgit v1.2.3

From 7c2b6a59cda7801fcf142bd1a7d4627595f8e5bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Camil Staps
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 18:25:02 +0100
Subject: Added sorted list

 week3/camil/StdSortList.dcl     |  18 +++++++
 week3/camil/StdSortList.icl     |  60 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 week3/camil/StdSortListTest.icl | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 185 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 week3/camil/StdSortList.dcl
 create mode 100644 week3/camil/StdSortList.icl
 create mode 100644 week3/camil/StdSortListTest.icl

(limited to 'week3/camil')

diff --git a/week3/camil/StdSortList.dcl b/week3/camil/StdSortList.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46bd238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week3/camil/StdSortList.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+definition module StdSortList
+import StdClass
+::  SortList a
+newSortList   :: SortList a                                    // lege gesorteerde lijst
+memberSort    :: a (SortList a) -> Bool       | Eq, Ord a      // is element van
+insertSort    :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Ord a          // voeg element toe
+removeFirst   :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a      // verwijder eerste voorkomen
+removeAll     :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a      // verwijder alle voorkomens
+elements      ::   (SortList a) -> [a]                         // geef alle elementen
+count         ::   (SortList a) -> Int                         // aantal elementen
+minimum       ::   (SortList a) -> a                           // huidige minimum waarde
+maximum       ::   (SortList a) -> a                           // huidige maximum waarde
+mergeSortList :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a // meng gesorteerde lijsten
diff --git a/week3/camil/StdSortList.icl b/week3/camil/StdSortList.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..759e915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week3/camil/StdSortList.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+implementation module StdSortList
+import StdEnv
+::  SortList a :== [a]
+newSortList   :: (SortList a)
+newSortList = []
+memberSort    :: a (SortList a) -> Bool       | Eq, Ord a      // is element van
+memberSort _ [] = False
+memberSort m l
+    | hd l == m = True
+    | hd l > m = False
+    | otherwise = memberSort m (tl l)
+insertSort    :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Ord a          // voeg element toe
+insertSort m l = insertSort` newSortList m l 
+    insertSort` :: (SortList a) a (SortList a) -> (SortList a) | Ord a
+    insertSort` l1 m l2
+        | count l2 == 0 = l1 ++ [m]
+        | minimum l2 >= m = l1 ++ [m] ++ l2
+        | otherwise = insertSort` (l1 ++ [hd l2]) m (tl l2)
+removeFirst   :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a      // verwijder eerste voorkomen
+removeFirst m l = removeFirst` newSortList m l
+    removeFirst` :: (SortList a) a (SortList a) -> (SortList a) | Eq, Ord a
+    removeFirst` l1 m l2
+        | count l2 == 0 = l1
+        | minimum l2 > m = l1 ++ l2
+        | minimum l2 == m = l1 ++ tl l2
+        | otherwise = removeFirst` (l1 ++ [hd l2]) m (tl l2)
+removeAll     :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a      // verwijder alle voorkomens
+removeAll m l = removeAll` newSortList m l
+    removeAll` :: (SortList a) a (SortList a) -> (SortList a) | Eq, Ord a
+    removeAll` l1 m l2
+        | count l2 == 0 = l1
+        | minimum l2 > m = l1 ++ l2
+        | minimum l2 == m = removeAll` l1 m (tl l2)
+        | otherwise = removeAll` (l1 ++ [hd l2]) m (tl l2)
+elements      ::   (SortList a) -> [a]                         // geef alle elementen
+elements l = l
+count         ::   (SortList a) -> Int                         // aantal elementen
+count l = length l
+minimum       ::   (SortList a) -> a                           // huidige minimum waarde
+minimum l = hd l
+maximum       ::   (SortList a) -> a                           // huidige maximum waarde
+maximum l = last l
+mergeSortList :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a // meng gesorteerde lijsten
+mergeSortList l1 [] = l1
+mergeSortList l1 l2 = mergeSortList (insertSort (hd l2) l1) (tl l2)
diff --git a/week3/camil/StdSortListTest.icl b/week3/camil/StdSortListTest.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..411f7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week3/camil/StdSortListTest.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+module StdSortListTest
+/*	Test module StdSortList
+	Voor werken met Gast: 
+		(*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
+		(*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '16M' Maximum Heap Size.
+import gast
+import GenLexOrd
+import StdSortList
+Start = testn 10000 
+		(\n` n2` m -> let	n  = lst2slst (cast [A,B,C] n` )
+							n2 = lst2slst (cast [A,B,C] n2`) 
+			           in 
+							leeg_is_leeg                   /\
+							count_matches_elems     n      /\
+							is_sorted_elems         n      /\
+							member_is_member        n m    /\
+							member_na_insert        n m    /\
+							member_na_remove        n m    /\
+							insert_remove_invariant n m    /\
+							minimum_property        n      /\
+							maximum_property        n      /\
+							merge_additive          n n2   /\
+							merge_member            n n2 m /\
+							True
+		)
+:: Enum = A | B | C 
+derive bimap []
+derive ggen Enum
+derive genShow Enum
+derive gEq Enum
+derive gLexOrd Enum
+instance == Enum where (==) x y = gEq{|*|} x y
+instance <  Enum where  (<) x y = gEq{|*|} (gLexOrd{|*|} x y) LT
+// clean should have something like this!
+cast :: a a -> a
+cast _ x = x
+leeg_is_leeg :: Property
+ = name "leeg_is_leeg"
+    (count newSortList == 0)
+count_matches_elems :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq, Ord a
+count_matches_elems n 
+ = name "count_matches_elems" 
+    (length (elements n) == count n)
+is_sorted_elems :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq, Ord a
+is_sorted_elems n
+ = name "is_sorted_elems"
+    (isSorted (elements n))
+    where isSorted lst = and [ x<=y \\ x<-lst & y<-tl lst ]
+member_is_member :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
+member_is_member lst e
+ = name "member_is_member"
+    ((isMember e (elements lst)) <==> (memberSort e lst))
+member_na_insert :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
+member_na_insert lst e
+ = name "member_na_insert"
+    (memberSort e (insertSort e lst))
+member_na_remove :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
+member_na_remove lst e
+ = name "member_na_remove"
+    (not (memberSort e (removeAll e lst)))
+insert_remove_invariant :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
+insert_remove_invariant lst e
+ = name "insert_remove_invariant"
+    (memberSort e lst <==> memberSort e lst`)
+    where lst` = removeFirst e (insertSort e lst)
+minimum_property :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
+minimum_property n
+ = name "minimum_property"
+    (count n > 0 ==> (memberSort min n /\ all ((<=) min) (elements n)))
+    where min = minimum n
+maximum_property :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
+maximum_property n
+ = name "maximum_property"
+    (count n > 0 ==> (memberSort max n /\ all ((>=) max) (elements n)))
+    where max = maximum n
+merge_member :: (SortList a) (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq,Ord a
+merge_member n m e
+ = name "merge_member"
+	(memberSort e nm <==> (memberSort e n \/ memberSort e m))
+	where nm = mergeSortList n m
+merge_additive :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
+merge_additive n m 
+ = name "merge_additive"
+	(count n + count m == count nm)
+	where nm = mergeSortList n m
+lst2slst :: [a] -> SortList a | Eq,Ord a
+lst2slst xs = seq (map insertSort xs) newSortList
cgit v1.2.3