\section{Complexity analysis} \label{sec:analysis} Robson provides us with a very detailed analysis proving that the $\ms$ algorithm runs in $\pazocal O(\mathrm{polynomial}(n)\cdot2^{cn})$, where $c<0.296$ and with $n$ the number of vertices of the input graph \cite{robson}. However, the argument is over my head, so I will provide my own, simpler, less exact analysis here. We write $T_{\ms}(n)$ for the running time of $\ms$ on a graph $G$ with $|G|=n$. For $\ms^n$ we write $T_{\ms^n}(p,q)$ for the appliance of $\ms^n$ on a graph $G$ with $|G|=p$ and a set $S$ to pick $n$ vertices from with $|S|=q$. In the case of $n=1$, we write $T_{\ms^1}(p)$ instead of $T_{\ms^1}(p,2)$, because we only use the case of $q=2$. \subsection{$\ms^1$: \autoref{alg:ms1}} \label{sec:analysis:ms1} This function is a simple case distinction. Let's therefore consider the complexities of all the cases one by one. The results, along with their line numbers in \autoref{alg:ms1}, may be found in \autoref{tab:analysis-ms1}. \begin{table}[h] \centering \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \begin{tabular}{l | p{29mm} | p{19mm} | p{50mm}} Ln. & Case & Complexity & Argumentation \\\hline\hline \ref{alg:ms1:case-d1} & $d(s_1)\leq 1$ & $T_{\ms}(n-1)$ & Simple recurrence \\\hline \ref{alg:ms1:case-edge-d4} & $e(s_1,s_2), d(s_1)>3$ & $2T_{\ms}(n-5)$ & Both vertices have degree four, so we run $\ms$ twice on a graph with five vertices less\\\hline \ref{alg:ms1:case-edge-d3} & $e(s_1,s_2), d(s_1)\leq3$ & $T_{\ms}(n)$ & Simple recurrence \\\hline \ref{alg:ms1:intersection} & $N(s_1)\cap N(s_2)\neq\emptyset$ & $T_{\ms^1}(n-1)$ & At least one vertex removed \\\hline \ref{alg:ms1:case-2-2-edge} & $d(s_1)=d(s_2)=2$, $e(w_1,w_2)$ & $T_{\ms}(n-3)$ & Simple recurrence \\\hline \ref{alg:ms1:case-2-2-dominance} & $d(s_1)=d(s_2)=2$, $N^2(s_1)\subset N(s_2)$ & $T_{\ms}(n-6)$ & Exactly six vertices removed \\\hline \ref{alg:ms1:case-2-2-else} & $d(s_1)=d(s_2)=2$, otherwise & $T_{\ms}(n-3) + T_{\ms}(n-7)$ & In the first case three vertices removed, in the second case seven \\\hline \ref{alg:ms1:case-general} & Otherwise & $T_{\ms}(n-3) + T_{\ms^2}(n-4,4)$ & In the first case at least three vertices removed, in the second case four, and at most four to choose two from \end{tabular} \caption{Worst-case time complexity analysis of the different cases in \autoref{alg:ms1}} \label{tab:analysis-ms1} \end{table} \subsection{$\ms^2$: \autoref{alg:ms2}} \label{sec:analysis:ms2} Also this is a simple case distinction. Let's again put the different cases in a table, along with their line numbers. See \autoref{tab:analysis-ms2}. \begin{table}[h] \centering \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \begin{tabular}{l | p{29mm} | p{19mm} | p{50mm}} Ln. & Case & Complexity & Argumentation \\\hline\hline \end{tabular} \caption{Worst-case time complexity analysis of the different cases in \autoref{alg:ms2}} \label{tab:analysis-ms2} \end{table} %todo \subsection{$\ms$: \autoref{alg:ms}} \label{sec:analysis:ms} %todo