% vim: set spelllang=nl: \subsection{\texttt{Push}} \label{sec:rules:push} \begin{quote} "text" - Places the string on top of the stack (without the quotes). The string may include the following escape sequences: newline, the " - character and the $\backslash$ - character \end{quote} De string tussen de quotes word op de stack gezet. Eerst word er nog gecontroleerd op newlines, "-characters en $\backslash$ characters. Dit gaat doormiddel van de hulpfunctie unescape. Dit geeft de volgende regel: $$ \begin{prooftree} \trans {\pgm}{\ip}{(\push(\unescape(String)\stk), \str)} {\ip}{\op}{\st} \justifies \trans {\StmPush:\pgm}{\ip}{(\stk,\str)} {\ip}{\op}{\st} \using{\rpushns} \qquad \end{prooftree} $$