From 2781d85713485a0ec0960a9b900eceaf5da67f58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Camil Staps Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2016 10:43:43 +0200 Subject: Translated last image into tikz (tkz-orm) --- report.tex | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'report.tex') diff --git a/report.tex b/report.tex index b5a4f85..3446186 100644 --- a/report.tex +++ b/report.tex @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Dit geeft schema $\Sigma=\langle\mathcal I,\mathcal R\rangle$ in \autoref{fig:se \plays[mandatory] (aflevering-sequence) to (st.east); \binary[below right=1em of titel,xshift=2em, - label=below:at,unique=1,unique=2] (at) {}; + label=below:at,unique=1:-1,unique=2:-1] (at) {}; \node[role name,anchor=north east] at (at.west) {van$_a$}; \node[role name,anchor=north west] at (at.east) {heet$_a$}; @@ -315,7 +315,44 @@ Het bijbehorende schema $\Delta(G)$ is te zien in \autoref{fig:cfg-schema}. Hier \begin{figure}[b!] \centering - \includegraphics[width=\maxwidth{.5\linewidth}]{cfg-schema} + \catcode`\,=12 + \begin{tikzpicture}[orm-spacious] + \entity (cast) {Cast}; + \entity[below=4em of cast] (acteur) {Acteur}; + \entity[minimum size=4.5em] (r1-entity) at ($(cast)!0.5!(acteur)+(1.5,0)$) {}; + \value[right=of r1-entity] (komma) {Komma}; + + \draw[subtype,dashed] (cast) to (acteur); + \draw[subtype,dashed] (cast) to (r1-entity); + + \vternary[yshift=-.7em] (r1) at (r1-entity) {}; + \node[above right=-.3em of r1-entity] {$r_1$}; + \node[role name,anchor=east] at ( north) {\scriptsize$r_{1,a}$}; + \node[role name,anchor=east] at (r1.two north) {\scriptsize$r_{1,k}$}; + \node[role name,anchor=east] at (r1.three north) {\scriptsize$r_{1,c}$}; + + \plays (cast) edge[bend left] (r1.three east); + \plays (acteur) edge[bend right] ( west); + \plays (komma) to (r1.two south); + + \entity[minimum size=4.5em,below=2em of acteur] (r2-entity) {}; + \value[below=of r2-entity] (spatie) {Spatie}; + \value[left=of spatie] (voornaam) {Voornaam}; + \value[right=of spatie] (achternaam) {Achternaam}; + + \draw[subtype,dashed] (acteur) to (r2-entity); + + \ternary[yshift=.2em] (r2) at (r2-entity) {}; + \node[above right=-.3em of r2-entity] {$r_2$}; + \node[role name,anchor=north] at ( south) {\scriptsize$r_{2,v}$}; + \node[role name,anchor=south] at (r2.two north) {\scriptsize$r_{2,s}$}; + \node[role name,anchor=north] at (r2.three south) {\scriptsize$r_{2,a}$}; + + \plays (voornaam) edge[bend left] ( west); + \plays (spatie) to (r2.two south); + \plays (achternaam) edge[bend right] (r2.three east); + \end{tikzpicture} + \catcode`\,=13 \caption{De informatiestructuur als gegenereerd vanuit onze grammatica. Indien het onleesbaar is: de predicaten zijn $r_{1,c},r_{1,k},r_{1,a},r_{2,v},r_{2,s}$ en $r_{2,a}$. De naam komt telkens overeen met het bijbehorende feittype en de basis.} \label{fig:cfg-schema} \end{figure} -- cgit v1.2.3