\begin{solution}{2} \begin{enumerate} \item \begin{align*} & q_0BabcabB \vdash Bq_1abcabB \\\vdash& Baq_1bcabB \vdash Babq_1cabB \\\vdash& Baq_2bcabB \vdash Bq_2aacabB \\\vdash& q_2BbacabB. \end{align*} \item \begin{align*} & q_0BababB \vdash Bq_1ababB \\\vdash& Baq_1babB \vdash Babq_1abB \\\vdash& Babaq_1bB \vdash Bababq_1B \\\vdash& BababBq_1B \dots \end{align*} \item See figure \ref{fig:9.2c}. \begin{figure*}[p] \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[->, node distance=2cm] \node[state,initial] (q0) {$q_0$}; \node[state] (q1) [right=of q0] {$q_1$}; \node[state] (q2) [right=of q1] {$q_2$}; \draw (q0) -- node[above] {$B/B,R$} ++ (q1); \draw (q1) edge[loop above] node[above,align=left] {$b/b,R$\\$a/a,R$\\$B/B,R$} (q1); \draw (q1) -- node[above] {$c/c,L$} ++ (q2); \draw (q2) edge[loop above] node[above,align=left] {$b/a,L$\\$a/b,L$} (q2); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{The state machine of exercise 9.2c.} \label{fig:9.2c} \end{figure*} \item Replace all $a$s with $b$s and vice versa on the left of the first $c$, if it exists. If it does not exist, the string is not modified but the machine never terminates. \end{enumerate} \end{solution}