import basiclearner.BasicLearner; import basiclearner.SocketSUL; import brpcompare.BRPCompare; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] arguments) throws Exception { test("Reference"); for (int index = 1; index <= 6; index++) test(Integer.toString(index)); System.out.println("###########"); } private static void test(String name) throws Exception { display("########### Testing '" + name + "' ###########"); display("Now it was " + + "."); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); learn(name); checkOutPutOfFinalModelOf(name); if (!name.equals("Reference")) checkFinalModelOf(name); display("==========="); stopWatch.stop(); display( "Now it was " + + ".\n" + "Testing '" + name + "' took " + stopWatch + "." ); } private static void learn(String name) throws Exception { display("=========== Learning '" + name + "' ==========="); File directory = new File( new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")) , "Bounded Retransmission Protocol Implementations" ); // Throws : IOException Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -jar " + name + ".jar", null, directory); display( "Started \"" + name + ".jar\" in \"" + directory + "\".\n" + "Waiting a while for it to get ready." ); // Throws : InterruptedException process.waitFor(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); display("Assuming \"" + name + ".jar\" is ready."); InetAddress internetProtocolAddress = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(); int port = parsePort(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()))); // Throws : UnknownHostException SocketSUL system = new SocketSUL( internetProtocolAddress , port , true , "reset" ); display("Created socket system @ " + internetProtocolAddress + " : " + port + "."); display("~~~~~~~~~~~"); // Default : BasicLearner.randomWalk_numberOfSymbols = 300; BasicLearner.randomWalk_numberOfSymbols = 1001; // Default : BasicLearner.randomWalk_chanceOfResetting = 0.1; BasicLearner.randomWalk_chanceOfResetting = 0.01; BasicLearner.INTERMEDIATE_HYPOTHESIS_FILENAME = "Hypothesis Model Of " + name + " "; BasicLearner.FINAL_MODEL_FILENAME = "Final Model Of " + name; Collection input = ImmutableSet.of( "IACK" , "IREQ_0_0_0" , "IREQ_0_0_1" , "IREQ_0_1_0" , "IREQ_0_1_1" , "IREQ_1_0_0" , "IREQ_1_0_1" , "IREQ_1_1_0" , "IREQ_1_1_1" , "ISENDFRAME" , "ITIMEOUT" ); // Throws : IOException BasicLearner.runControlledExperiment( system , BasicLearner.LearningMethod.LStar , BasicLearner.TestingMethod.RandomWalk , input ); System.out.println(); display("~~~~~~~~~~~"); // Throws : Exception system.close(); display("Closed socket system."); process.destroy(); display( "Stopped \"" + name + ".jar\" gracefully.\n" + "Waiting (a while) for it to stop gracefully." ); // Throws : InterruptedException if (process.waitFor(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) display("\"" + name + ".jar\" stopped gracefully."); else { display( "Assuming \"" + name + ".jar\" is not responding.\n" + "Stopping it forcibly." ); process.destroyForcibly(); display( "Stopped \"" + name + ".jar\" forcibly.\n" + "Waiting (a while) for it to stop forcibly." ); // Throws : InterruptedException if (process.waitFor(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) display("\"" + name + ".jar\" stopped forcibly."); else display("Assuming \"" + name + ".jar\" stopped forcibly."); } } private static int parsePort(BufferedReader outPut) throws Exception { String line = ""; for (int index = 1; index <= 4; index ++) // Throws : IOException line = outPut.readLine(); return new Scanner(line).useDelimiter("[^0-9]+").nextInt(); } private static void checkOutPutOfFinalModelOf(String name) throws Exception { display("=========== Checking The Out Put Of The Final Model Of '" + name + "' ==========="); // Throws : FileNotFoundException Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File( new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")) , "Final Model Of " + name + ".dot" )); boolean hasOCONF_0 = false, hasOCONF_1 = false, hasOCONF_2 = false; while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (!hasOCONF_0 && line.contains("OCONF_0")) hasOCONF_0 = true; if (!hasOCONF_1 && line.contains("OCONF_1")) hasOCONF_1 = true; if (!hasOCONF_2 && line.contains("OCONF_2")) hasOCONF_2 = true; if (hasOCONF_0 && hasOCONF_1 && hasOCONF_2) { display( "The final model of '" + name + "' contains OCONF_0, OCONF_1 & OCONF_2 as out puts." ); return; } } System.out.println("The final model of '" + name + "' does not contain ___ as out put."); if (!hasOCONF_0) System.out.println("OCONF_0"); if (!hasOCONF_1) System.out.println("OCONF_1"); if (!hasOCONF_2) System.out.println("OCONF_2"); System.out.println(); } private static void checkFinalModelOf(String name) throws Exception { display("=========== Checking The Final Model Of '" + name + "' ==========="); display("~~~~~~~~~~~"); String[] arguments = {name}; // Throws : IOException BRPCompare.main(arguments); System.out.println(); display("~~~~~~~~~~~"); } private static void display(String string) { System.out.println(string); System.out.println(); } }