\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{listings} \title{Testing Techniques\\Assignment 1} \author{Ren\`e den Hertog - s1007823\\Camil Staps - s4498062\\Erin van der Veen - s4431200} \begin{document} \section{SUT Description} \begin{description} \item[Name] Chess.hs \item[Software Environment] Linux, and any other environment supported by Haskell \item[Hardware Platform] Desktop PC, and any other platform supported by Haskell \item[Latest Version Number] 0.2.1 \end{description} Starting the SUT requires being able to compile haskell, typically through the GHC, and having the Chess.hs dependency installed. Installing Chess.hs can be done through cabal, using the \lstinline|cabal install chesshs| command. Compiling and running is then done through \lstinline|make run|. \end{document}