path: root/assignments
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+\title{Testing Techniques\\Assignment 1}
+\author{Ren\'e den Hertog - s1007823\\Camil Staps - s4498062\\Erin van der Veen - s4431200}
+\section{SUT Description}
+ \item
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[Name] Chess.hs
+ \item[Software Environment] Linux, and any other environment supported by Haskell
+ \item[Hardware Platform] Desktop PC, and any other platform supported by Haskell
+ \item[Latest Version Number] 0.2.1
+ \end{description}
+ \item
+ Starting the SUT requires being able to compile haskell, typically through the GHC, and having the Chess.hs dependency installed.
+ Installing Chess.hs can be done through cabal, using the \lstinline|cabal install chesshs| command.
+ Compiling and running is then done through \lstinline|make run|.
+ \item
+ \begin{enumerate}[a)]
+ \item The SUT needs to be provided with a PGN file via stdin.
+ \item Either the result of the game is output to stdout or the SUT outputs an error.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item
+ The SUT does have a decent chance of containing faults, but the risk is near zero due to the low impact of the of these faults.
+\section{Test goals}
+ \setcounter{enumi}{4}
+ \item
+ The documentation of the SUT is defined in two parts.
+ The first part, the chess part, is defined by the rules of the FIDE.\footnote{}
+ %TODO: Summary
+ The second part, the PGN notation, is defined by the PGN standard.\footnote{}
+ %TODO: Summary
+ \item
+ The parts of the SUT that will be tested will be the entire library and the individual components thereof.
+ This implies that PGN parsing will be tested, as well as the verification part of the library that determines if a move is legal.
+ The function that determines the checkmate position of the game will also be tested.
+ This means, explicitly, that the timing rules, and any other rules of the game of Chess, will not be tested.
+ %TODO: Manual/Automated testing
+ \item
+ Functionality and Reliability.
+\section{Test method}
+ \setcounter{enumi}{7}
+ \item
+ Unit, Integration. The scale and the number of sub-components of the project limits us to these types of tests.
+ \item
+ Mostly Black box testing, for the input/output of entire games in pgn notation.
+ %TODO: Fix sentence
+ The functions of the library will also be tested using a White box model.
+ \item
+ \begin{enumerate}[a)]
+ \item
+ For test generation of the black box testing, we will use a mixture of error guessing and the parsing of PGN files in a database.
+ White box testing will be done through statement coverage and branch/condition coverage.
+ \item
+ Equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis is hard to implement given our SUT, given that all possible chess games are nearly impossible to enumerate.
+ Use case testing is also very hard to test, given that Chess.hs is a library, no user will likely every interact with the library directly.
+ Path coverage and condition coverage are not implemented in Quickcheck, making it substantially harder to implement.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\section{Test Environment}
+ \setcounter{enumi}{10}
+ \item
+ A wrapper written by us will be used to interact with the SUT.
+ \item
+ Tests will be automatically performed using a combination of bash and Quickcheck.
+ \item
+ \begin{enumerate}[a)]
+ \item
+ The software environment GHC 8, Quickcheck 2.10, Linux Debian (derived).
+ The hardware environment is a set of three amd64 laptops.
+ \item
+ A Git repository, the results will be stored in individual files.
+ \end{enumerate}