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1 files changed, 19 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/assignments/assignment1.tex b/assignments/assignment1.tex
index 06b160d..e4453b2 100644
--- a/assignments/assignment1.tex
+++ b/assignments/assignment1.tex
@@ -245,11 +245,28 @@ Since Haskell, as most functional programming languages, is ``stable" in terms o
\section{Manual Testing}
-% TODO : Add the "results" of the exercises of section 2 of the assignment.
+Since the SUT is an Application Programming Interface all tests are constructed not as an sequence of interactions, but rather as something that can be fed to the wrapper.
+In turn, the wrapper uses the API of \texttt{chesshs} to construct the position sequence.
+This position sequence is then compared to a user defined expected output.
+In essence, this implies that the Manual Tests and Automated Tests are the same.
+If the wrapper were extended to support interactivity, manual testing would have a more prominent place.
\section{Automated Testing}
-% TODO : Add the "results" of the exercises of section 3 of the assignment.
+The input of the automated tests are stored in individual files.
+These files contain one or more PGN games that are fed to the wrapper.
+The wrapper then passes these PGN games to the chesshs library, and outputs the board state after every move.
+ \inputminted{bash}{../test/}
+ \caption{Automated Test script}
+ \label{L:ATS}
+A small bash script~\ref{L:ATS} is used to compare the output that is produced by the wrapper with a user defined expected output.
+If there is no difference between the two, the test is considered \enquote{Passed}.
+If there is a difference, this is output by the script.
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