# Installation instructions We use software by the [Nordlys][] group. The installation instructions are [here](http://nordlys.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html). For now, we don't work on the full dataset so we use step 3.1B, **not** 3.1A. Concretely, the following needs to be done: ```bash # Requirements apt install mongodb service mongodb start # Nordlys repo git clone https://github.com/iai-group/nordlys.git cd nordlys # Install python code pip install -r requirements.txt # Load data ./scripts/load_mongo_dumps.sh ``` If you get encoding errors, you may need to change `python` to `python3` in the scripts in `./scripts`. After this, the documentation claims that the following should work: ```bash ./scripts/build_dbpedia_index.sh ``` However, that currently yields connection errors as port 9002 is closed. [Nordlys]: http://nordlys.cc/