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+# Implementation
+## Feasibility
+Our [Plan](Plan.md) mentions the following:
+> We consider a vector space where every possible search field represents a
+> binary parameter. A vector has `1` for the parameter if and only if it is
+> included in the search (excluded from the blacklist). We will then run a
+> hill-climbing algorithm through this higher-dimensional vector space in order
+> to find a vector (an index setting) for which the ranking results are best.
+Soon after we began trying to implement this feature using a locally run
+version of Nordlys, we encountered some issues, the most notable being that
+our machines were unable to index the full DBPedia set in a reasonable amount
+of time, using a reasonable amount of resources. When we encountered this
+issue, we decided that the best option was to use a subset of the DBPedia
+The subset that we settled on is the subset that has relevance scores assigned
+to them for any query. We then only consider the result of a given query in our
+The above has the additional benefit that the relevance judgements (both the
+human assessment and the score) need not be computed. This meant that simply
+parsing the files that are provided by Nordlys is enough to implement any kind
+of field selected assessment.
+Unfortunately, it turned out that we also did not have resources to implement a
+hill-climbing algorithm. Having only 2 programmers made the task slightly too
+much work. Instead, we decided to take a different approach and statically
+analyse the importance of all fields. The measure that we use takes the form
+![Field Relevance Measure](http://mathurl.com/yc2ptq63.png "Field Relevance
+Where *relevance* is the BM25 relevance that is stored by Nordlys, *D* is the
+set of documents, *Q* the set of queries, *tf* the function that counts the
+amount of times any of the query terms was found in that field and |*f*| the
+size of the field.
+The formula assumes that relevance is more or less linear. The logarithm is
+used because more occurrences of the same term are not as important as the
+first occurrence.
+## Code
+We use three Python programs that:
+1. Get DBPedia entities from the Nordlys API (`scrape.py`)
+2. For each entry in a BM25 run, list DBPedia ID, relevance score and for each
+ field in the entity how many of the values match with at least one of the
+ query terms. This information is what BM25 uses to compute the relevance.
+ This file is `run.py`.
+3. Use that information to investigate how important each field is
+ (`check.py`).
+We will now discuss the implementation of each of these files.
+### `scrape.py`
+- In this file we read lines from `stdin`. These lines are supposed to come
+ from a BM25 run. That way, we only download DBPedia entities that we
+ actually need.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for line in fileinput.input():
+ scrape(line)
+- We split the lines from the run file. Only the DBPedia ID is relevant.
+def scrape(line):
+ index, query, dbpediaid, relevance = line.split('\t')
+ try:
+ get(dbpediaid)
+ except Exception as e:
+ with open(ERRORFILE, 'a') as f:
+ f.write(dbpediaid + '\t' + e + '\n')
+- We store the entities one per file in the original JSON format. We use the ID
+ as filename, but have to prevent special characters so URL-encode it and
+ remove slashes.
+ Normally, Nordlys will refuse queries from a Python user-agent. So we adapt
+ the user-agent to `Radboud University` and Nordlys accepts it happily. We did
+ not hit rate limiting.
+def get(dbpediaid):
+ outfile = os.path.join(OUTDIR, quote_plus(dbpediaid) + '.json')
+ if os.path.isfile(outfile):
+ return
+ url = 'http://api.nordlys.cc/ec/lookup_id/{}'.format(quote_plus(dbpediaid))
+ print(url)
+ result = urlopen(Request(url,
+ headers={'User-Agent': 'Radboud University'})).read()
+ with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(result.decode(encoding='UTF-8'))
+### `run.py`
+- `queries_stopped.json` lists all query terms. We load this file once, then
+ process a run from `stdin`.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ with open('queries_stopped.json') as f:
+ queries = json.load(f)
+ for line in fileinput.input():
+ run(queries, line)
+- We split the line in the run file. For each field we check (1) how many
+ values there are and (2) how many values match a query term.
+def run(queries, line):
+ query, _, dbpediaid, _, relevance, method = line.split('\t')
+ terms = queries[query].split()
+ try:
+ result = get(dbpediaid)
+ if result is None:
+ return
+ for field, values in result.items():
+ matches = 0
+ for value in values:
+ if match(value, terms):
+ matches += 1
+ print('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(
+ query, dbpediaid, relevance, field, len(values), matches))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(dbpediaid)
+ print(e)
+ with open(ERRORFILE, 'a') as f:
+ f.write(dbpediaid + '\t' + e + '\n')
+- For simplicity, we do not use lemmatisation or synonym resolution here, which
+ could be an improvement in a next version.
+def match(value, terms):
+ for v in value.split():
+ if v in terms:
+ return True
+ return False
+- `get` simply gets the file that we stored with `scrape.py`:
+def get(dbpediaid):
+ outfile = os.path.join(DATADIR, quote_plus(dbpediaid) + '.json')
+ if not os.path.isfile(outfile):
+ return None
+ with open(outfile) as f:
+ return json.load(f)
+### `check.py`
+- We keep a dictionary of scores per field and simply compute our weight score:
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ scores = dict()
+ for line in fileinput.input():
+ query, dbpediaid, relevance, field, nvalues, nmatches = line.split('\t')
+ if field not in scores:
+ scores[field] = 0
+ scores[field] += float(relevance) * log(1 + int(nmatches)/int(nvalues))
+- Then we print all scores:
+ for field, score in scores.items():
+ print('{}\t{}'.format(field, score))
+### Usage
+All this allows for a fairly simple workflow:
+mkdir data
+./scrape.py < qrels-v2.txt
+./run.py < bm25.run > fields.txt
+./check.py < fields.txt | sort -k2 -n > scores.txt
+This assumes that you have the following files from Nordlys:
+- [`qrels-v2.txt`](https://github.com/iai-group/nordlys/blob/master/data/dbpedia-entity-v2/qrels-v2.txt) (entity list)
+- [`bm25.run`](https://github.com/iai-group/nordlys/blob/master/data/dbpedia-entity-v2/runs/bm25.run) (BM25 relevance judgements)
+- [`queries_stopped.json`](https://github.com/iai-group/nordlys/blob/master/data/dbpedia-entity-v2/queries_stopped.json) (query terms)
+The system is agnostic with regards to the ranking function (BM25 or another
+## Intermediate Results
+These are the thirty most important fields as found by our measure when used on
+the BM25 relevance scores:
+| Field | Score | Used by Nordlys |
+| `<dbp:imageFlag>` | 2205.50 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:office>` | 2246.90 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:pushpinMapCaption>` | 2357.07 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:description>` | 2357.35 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:placeOfBirth>` | 2384.14 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:fastTime>` | 2440.73 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:imageMap>` | 2485.96 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:writer>` | 2689.86 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:alt>` | 2691.94 | ![][n] |
+| `<foaf:givenName>` | 2694.41 | ![][y] |
+| `<dbp:poleTime>` | 2698.75 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:country>` | 2836.44 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:type>` | 3248.58 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbo:office>` | 3425.58 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:location>` | 3430.20 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:officialName>` | 4316.34 | ![][y] |
+| `<dbp:quote>` | 4470.38 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:imageCaption>` | 4480.06 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:producer>` | 4704.52 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:mapCaption>` | 8040.36 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:title>` | 10999.72 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:shortDescription>` | 22065.46 | ![][n] |
+| `<dc:description>` | 23442.34 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:caption>` | 24697.75 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:name>` | 25500.42 | ![][y] |
+| `<foaf:name>` | 32860.37 | ![][y] |
+| `<dbo:wikiPageWikiLinkTent>` | 86218.71 | ![][y] |
+| `<rdfs:label>` | 105358.89 | ![][y] |
+| `<rdfs:comment>` | 514446.08 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbo:abstract>` | 581355.57 | ![][n] |
+We see that many of the relevant fields are actually [not used by
+However, this is not yet an indication that these fields should be added to the
+index. After all, adding more fields means more computation time to build the
+index and to retrieve search results.
+In fact, we expect that many of the fields not used actually display
+similarities with fields that *are* indexed. For example, the `<dbo:abstract>`
+field will probably match because the title is repeated in the abstract.
+We can perform the same analysis on the human assessments. This gives a rather
+different list of fields:
+| Field | Score | Rank for BM25 | Used by Nordlys |
+| `<dbp:pushpinMapCaption>` | 133.77 | 28 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:foundation>` | 136.32 | 266 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:imageCaption>` | 139.85 | 13 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:bridgeName>` | 164.91 | 49 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:imageFlag>` | 166.35 | 30 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:mapCaption>` | 170.93 | 11 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbo:foundingYear>` | 173.92 | 299 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:producer>` | 186.37 | 12 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:ground>` | 297.25 | 802 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:title>` | 328.93 | 10 | ![][n] |
+| `<dc:description>` | 332.05 | 8 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:shortDescription>` | 334.79 | 9 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbp:caption>` | 648.73 | 7 | ![][n] |
+| `<foaf:givenName>` | 1436.74 | 21 | ![][y] |
+| `<dbp:name>` | 1961.98 | 6 | ![][y] |
+| `<foaf:name>` | 2086.67 | 5 | ![][y] |
+| `<dbo:wikiPageWikiLinkText>` | 2897.51 | 4 | ![][y] |
+| `<rdfs:label>` | 3483.06 | 3 | ![][y] |
+| `<rdfs:comment>` | 12323.46 | 2 | ![][n] |
+| `<dbo:abstract>` | 13002.74 | 1 | ![][n] |
+Based on this, one may want to try adding fields like `<dbp:caption>` to the
+Conversely, this information can also be used to improve the relevance measure.
+Apparently, `<dbp:ground>`, `<dbo:foundingYear>` and `<dbp:foundation>` are
+quite relevant according to human assessors, but not at all according to BM25.
+[y]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/iro5J.png
+[n]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/asAya.png