module skeleton8 // Camil Staps, s4498062 /** * Advanved Progrmming 2017, Assignment 8 * Pieter Koopman, */ import StdBool import StdEnum from StdFunc import const, flip, id, o import StdList import StdString import StdTuple import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad from Control.Monad.State import :: StateT(StateT), gets, modify, runStateT, instance Functor (StateT s m), instance Applicative (StateT s m), instance Monad (StateT s m) import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Error from Data.Func import $, on, `on` import Data.Functor import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Tuple from Text import <+, class Text(concat), instance Text String from iTasks import class iTask, class toPrompt, class Publishable, instance Publishable (Task a), instance toPrompt String, instance Functor Task, class TApplicative, instance TApplicative Task, generic gEq, generic gDefault, generic JSONDecode, generic JSONEncode, generic gText, generic gEditor, :: JSONNode, :: TextFormat, :: Editor, :: Task, :: ViewOption(..), :: UpdateOption(..), :: EnterOption(..), :: Title(Title), instance toPrompt Title, class tune, <<@, :: UIAttributes, instance tune UIAttributes Editor, instance tune ArrangeHorizontal Task, :: ArrangeHorizontal(..), directionAttr, :: UIDirection(..), updateInformation, viewInformation, enterInformation, @, -||, startEngine import qualified iTasks (>>>=) :== 'iTasks'.tbind :: Expression = New [Int] | Elem Int | Variable Ident | Size Set | (+.) infixl 6 Expression Expression | (-.) infixl 6 Expression Expression | (*.) infixl 7 Expression Expression | (=.) infixl 2 Ident Expression :: Logical = TRUE | FALSE | (In) infix 4 Elem Set | (==.) infix 4 Expression Expression | (<=.) infix 4 Expression Expression | Not Logical | (||.) infixr 2 Logical Logical | (&&.) infixr 3 Logical Logical :: Stmt = Logical Logical | If Logical Stmt Stmt | For Ident Set Stmt | Expression Expression :: Set :== Expression :: Elem :== Expression :: Ident :== String // === State :: Val = VElem Int | VSet ('S'.Set Int) :: State :== 'M'.Map Ident Val :: Sem a :== StateT State (MaybeError String) a // Or define :: Sem a = Sem (s -> MaybeErrorString (a,s)) and copy the relevant // instances from Control.Monad.State // The types of store, read and fail are more general so that these functions // can be used with the Check monad below as well. store :: Ident v -> StateT ('M'.Map Ident v) m v | Monad m store i v = modify ('M'.put i v) $> v read :: Ident -> StateT ('M'.Map Ident v) (MaybeError String) v read i = gets ('M'.get i) >>= \v -> case v of Nothing -> fail $ "unknown variable '" <+ i <+ "'" Just v -> pure v fail :: String -> StateT s (MaybeError String) a fail e = StateT \_ -> Error e class eval f t :: f -> Sem t evalE :: (Expression -> Sem Val) evalE = eval instance eval Expression Val where eval :: Expression -> Sem Val eval (New xs) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.fromList xs eval (Elem x) = pure $ VElem x eval (Variable i) = read i eval (Size s) = eval s >>= \xs -> case xs of VSet xs -> pure $ VElem $ 'S'.size xs _ -> fail "Cannot apply Size to Elem" eval (a +. b) = (liftA2 valAdd `on` eval) a b where valAdd (VElem i) (VElem j) = VElem $ i + j valAdd (VElem i) (VSet xs) = VSet $ 'S'.insert i xs valAdd (VSet xs) (VElem i) = VSet $ 'S'.insert i xs valAdd (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = VSet $ 'S'.union xs ys eval (a -. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= uncurry valSub where valSub (VElem i) (VElem j) = pure $ VElem $ i - j valSub (VElem i) (VSet xs) = fail "Cannot subtract Set from Elem" valSub (VSet xs) (VElem i) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.delete i xs valSub (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.difference xs ys eval (a *. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= uncurry valMul where valMul (VElem i) (VElem j) = pure $ VElem $ i * j valMul (VElem i) (VSet xs) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.mapSet ((*) i) xs valMul (VSet xs) (VElem i) = fail "Cannot multiply Elem with Set" valMul (VSet xs) (VSet ys) = pure $ VSet $ 'S'.intersection xs ys eval (n =. e) = eval e >>= store n // === semantics evalB :: (Logical -> Sem Bool) evalB = eval instance eval Logical Bool where eval :: Logical -> Sem Bool eval TRUE = pure True eval FALSE = pure False eval (e In s) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) e s >>= \t -> case t of (VElem i, VSet xs) -> pure $ 'S'.member i xs _ -> fail "Can only apply In to Elem and Set" eval (a ==. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= \t -> case t of (VElem i, VElem j) -> pure $ i == j (VSet xs, VSet ys) -> pure $ 'S'.isSubsetOf xs ys && 'S'.size xs == 'S'.size ys // Cannot use == due to name clash _ -> fail "Cannot apply == to Elem and Set" eval (a <=. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` eval) a b >>= \t -> case t of (VElem i, VElem j) -> pure $ i <= j (VSet xs, VSet ys) -> pure $ 'S'.isSubsetOf xs ys _ -> fail "Cannot apply <= to Elem and Set" eval (Not b) = not <$> eval b eval (a ||. b) = (liftA2 (||) `on` eval) a b eval (a &&. b) = (liftA2 (&&) `on` eval) a b :: Result = RElem Int | RSet ('S'.Set Int) | RBool Bool evalS :: (Stmt -> Sem Result) evalS = eval /** * For `For`, I use the following semantics: * - `For x [e1,e2,...] body` * Consecutively assigns e1, e2, ... to x and evaluates body to an element. * The elements are placed in a set, which is the result. * - `For x n body` * Sugar for `For x [0..n-1] body`, or an error if n < 0. */ instance eval Stmt Result where eval :: Stmt -> Sem Result eval (If b t e) = eval b >>= \b -> eval $ if b t e eval (For v s e) = eval s >>= \s -> case s of VElem n -> if (n < 0) (fail "Cannot iterate until a negative value") (eval $ For v (New [0..n-1]) e) VSet xs -> sequence [store v (VElem x) >>| eval e \\ x <- xs`] >>= \xs -> if (all (\x -> x=:(RElem _)) xs) (pure $ RSet $ 'S'.fromList [x \\ RElem x <- xs]) (fail "Not all results of For loop were Elems") with xs` = 'S'.toList xs eval (Expression e) = vtor <$> eval e where vtor (VElem x) = RElem x vtor (VSet xs) = RSet xs eval (Logical l) = RBool <$> eval l // === printing class print a :: a [String] -> [String] printToString :: (a -> String) | print a printToString = concat o flip print [] instance print Int where print i st = [toString i:st] instance print String where print s st = [s:st] instance print Expression where print (New xs) st = ["[":intersperse "," (map toString xs)] ++ ["]":st] print (Elem x) st = print x st print (Variable i) st = print i st print (Size s) st = ["(Size ":"(":print s ["))":st]] print (a +. b) st = ["(":print a ["+":print b [")":st]]] print (a -. b) st = ["(":print a ["-":print b [")":st]]] print (a *. b) st = ["(":print a ["*":print b [")":st]]] print (v =. e) st = print v [" = ":print e st] instance print Logical where print TRUE st = ["TRUE":st] print FALSE st = ["FALSE":st] print (x In xs) st = ["(":print x [" In ":print xs [")":st]]] print (a ==. b) st = ["(":print a ["==":print b [")":st]]] print (a <=. b) st = ["(":print a ["<=":print b [")":st]]] print (Not b) st = ["~(":print b [")":st]] print (a ||. b) st = ["(":print a ["||":print b [")":st]]] print (a &&. b) st = ["(":print a ["&&":print b [")":st]]] instance print Stmt where print (If b t e) st = ["If ":print b [" {":print t ["} {":print e ["}":st]]]] print (For v s e) st = ["For ":print v [" {":print s ["} {":print e ["}":st]]]] print (Expression e) st = ["Expression (":print e [")":st]] print (Logical l) st = ["Logical (":print l [")":st]] // === simulation derive class iTask Expression, Logical, Stmt, Val, Result, 'S'.Set simulate :: Stmt -> Task Stmt simulate stmt = updateInformation (Title "Program") [UpdateUsing id (flip const) stmtEditor] stmt -|| 'iTasks'.allTasks [ viewInformation (Title "String representation") [ViewAs printToString] stmt , viewInformation (Title "Type") [ViewAs showtype] stmt , viewInformation (Title "Execution") [ViewAs execute] stmt ] <<@ ArrangeHorizontal where execute = fmap (bifmap showResult (map (appSnd showVal) o 'M'.toList)) o flip runStateT 'M'.newMap o evalS showtype = fmap fst o flip runStateT 'M'.newMap o type showVal :: Val -> String showVal (VElem i) = toString i showVal (VSet s) = concat (intersperse ", " [toString i \\ i <- 'S'.toList s]) showResult :: Result -> String showResult (RElem i) = toString i showResult (RSet s) = concat (intersperse ", " [toString i \\ i <- 'S'.toList s]) showResult (RBool b) = toString b // NB: I want the input fields to be put vertically but don't see how that is // possible; neither this nor this with Vertical nor // <<@ Arrange{Horizontal,Vertical} on the task works. stmtEditor :: Editor Stmt stmtEditor = gEditor{|*|} <<@ directionAttr Horizontal // === type checking :: Type = TElem | TSet | TBool :: Check a :== StateT ('M'.Map Ident Type) (MaybeError String) a derive class iTask Type class type a :: a -> Check Type instance type Expression where type (New _) = pure TSet type (Elem _) = pure TElem type (Variable i) = read i type (Size e) = type e >>= \e -> case e of TSet -> pure TElem _ -> fail "Can only apply Size to Set" type (a +. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply + to a boolean" (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply + to a boolean" _ -> pure TSet type (a -. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply - to a boolean" (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply - to a boolean" (TElem, TSet) -> fail "Cannot apply - to Elem and Set" _ -> pure TSet type (a *. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of (TElem, TElem) -> pure TElem (TBool, _) -> fail "Cannot apply * to a boolean" (_, TBool) -> fail "Cannot apply * to a boolean" (TSet, TElem) -> fail "Cannot apply * to Set and Elem" _ -> pure TSet type (v =. e) = type e >>= \t -> case t of TBool -> fail "Cannot assign a boolean to a variable" _ -> modify ('M'.put v t) $> t instance type Logical where type TRUE = pure TBool type FALSE = pure TBool type (x In xs) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) x xs >>= \ts -> case ts of (TElem, TSet) -> pure TBool _ -> fail "Can only apply In to Elem and Set" type (a ==. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of (TElem, TElem) -> pure TBool (TSet, TSet) -> pure TBool _ -> fail "Cannot apply == to Elem and Set" type (a <=. b) = (liftA2 tuple `on` type) a b >>= \ts -> case ts of (TElem, TElem) -> pure TBool (TSet, TSet) -> pure TBool _ -> fail "Cannot apply <= to Elem and Set" type (Not b) = type b type (a ||. b) = type a >>| type b type (a &&. b) = type a >>| type b /** * The cases for If and For are tricky. To type-check, we need the then and * else block to have the same type. To run, this is not necessary, as long as * the type of the used block is correct. * We require the For block to have type Elem here, but at runtime it's OK if * it has another type as long as the block is not used (the iterator is 0 or * empty). */ instance type Stmt where type (If b t e) = type b >>| type t >>= \t -> type e >>= \e -> if (t === e) (pure t) (fail "Types of then and else blocks must match") type (For v s e) = type s >>| store v TElem >>| type e >>= \e -> case e of TElem -> pure TSet _ -> fail "Results of For loop should be Elem" type (Expression e) = type e type (Logical l) = type l /* // === Testing the type checker // Because of the reason explained at the instance type Stmt, we cannot check // whether type-check-ok iff run-ok. So we check that every program that can be // type-checked correctly can be run correctly instead. from Gast import quietnm, aStream, generic ggen, generic genShow, class TestArg, class Testable, instance Testable (a -> Bool), instance Testable Bool, :: GenState, :: RandomStream derive ggen Stmt, Expression, Logical derive genShow Stmt, Expression, Logical derive bimap [] test :: Stmt -> (MaybeErrorString Result, MaybeErrorString Type) test stm = (fst <$> runStateT (evalS stm) 'M'.newMap, fst <$> runStateT (type stm) 'M'.newMap) check :: Stmt -> Bool check stm = isOk result || isError type where (result,type) = test stm Start _ = quietnm 100000 20 aStream check */ Start w = startEngine (enterInformation (Title "Program") [EnterUsing id stmtEditor] >>>= sim) w where sim :: Stmt -> Task Stmt sim st = simulate st >>>= sim