module skeleton5 import iTasks import Data.Functor /* * Pieter Koopman, * Advanced Programming. Skeleton for assignment 5 * - use this a project with environment iTasks * - executable must be in Examples/iTasks or a subdirectory * You can also use the -sdk commandline flag to set the path * check Project Options -> Profiling -> Dynamics to prevent recompilation */ :: Student = { name :: String , snum :: Int , bama :: BaMa , year :: Int } :: BaMa = Bachelor | Master derive class iTask Student, BaMa //Start w = startEngine (task8 (hd students)) w Start w = startEngine (chooseTask >>= id) w chooseTask :: Task (Task ()) chooseTask = snd <$> enterChoice (Title "What do you want to see?") [ChooseFromDropdown fst] [ ("Enter a new student", () <$ task1) , ("Enter a list of students", () <$ task2) , ("Update the first student", () <$ task3 (hd students)) , ("Pick a favourite student", () <$ task4) , ("Pick a student (name only)", () <$ task5) , ("Pick a student (gToString)", () <$ task6) , ("Pick partners", () <$ task7) , ("Change the first student's name", () <$ task8 (hd students)) ] task1 :: Task Student task1 = enterInformation (Title "Enter a student") [] task2 :: Task [Student] task2 = enterInformation (Title "Enter some students") [] task3 :: (Student -> Task Student) task3 = updateInformation (Title "Update the student") [] task4 :: Task Student task4 = enterChoice (Title "Pick a student") [] students task5 :: Task Student task5 = enterChoice (Title "Pick a student") [ChooseFromDropdown \s ->] students task6 :: Task Student task6 = enterChoice (Title "Pick a student") [ChooseFromDropdown gToString{|*|}] students task7 :: Task [Student] task7 = enterMultipleChoice (Title "Pick some partners") [ChooseFromCheckGroup show] students where show s = + " (" + gToString{|*|} s.bama + ")" // I suppose there is a nicer way for this, perhaps using withEditMode? // But then how to select the fields for which the View mode applies? task8 :: Student -> Task Student task8 s = updateInformation (Title "Update the student") [UpdateAs (\s -> (\s n -> {Student | s & name=n})] s -|| viewInformation (Title "Current value") [] s students :: [Student] students = [ { name = "Alice" , snum = 1000 , bama = Master , year = 1 } , { name = "Bob" , snum = 1003 , bama = Master , year = 1 } , { name = "Carol" , snum = 1024 , bama = Master , year = 2 } , { name = "Dave" , snum = 2048 , bama = Master , year = 1 } , { name = "Eve" , snum = 4096 , bama = Master , year = 1 } , { name = "Frank" , snum = 1023 , bama = Master , year = 1 } ] generic gToString a :: a -> String gToString{|Int|} x = toString x gToString{|String|} x = x gToString{|UNIT|} UNIT = "" gToString{|PAIR|} fx fy (PAIR x y) = fx x + " " + fy y gToString{|EITHER|} fx fy (LEFT x) = fx x gToString{|EITHER|} fx fy (RIGHT y) = fy y gToString{|CONS of d|} fx (CONS x) | d.gcd_arity == 0 = d.gcd_name | otherwise = d.gcd_name + " " + fx x gToString{|OBJECT|} fx (OBJECT x) = fx x gToString{|FIELD of f|} fx (FIELD x) = f.gfd_name + ": " + fx x + next where next | f.gfd_index == f.gfd_cons.grd_arity - 1 = "" | otherwise = "; " gToString{|RECORD|} fx (RECORD x) = fx x derive gToString Student, BaMa instance + String where + s t = s +++ t